Writing a Research Proposal: Structure and Time Schedule

When you go to university, you will ace this assignment – write a research proposal. No matter if you are a full-time student, or you are doing distance learning.
Although the general demands of any research proposal are the same, the article is aimed to give you a basic research proposal pattern. Provide more detailed information about what you need to include in every part and emphasize on most important points.

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What should be Included in My Research Proposal?

Ordinarily, every proposal writing should consist of all the key elements of the research process and should also include relevant information to assess the proposed field of study. You will need to select the topic, define the critical problem, and questions you will be covering, choose methods to reach the result. You should take into account that writing a qualitative research paper will take time.
Below you can find a table of objectives that should be completed and approximate time you should try to follow while writing every section.

What is Your Research Proposal Used for?

The main goals of your research proposal are:
to highlight the importance of your research topic;
to show the readers that you have enough knowledge, experience, and plan to follow while completing it.

Writing a good research proposal will also open your potential as a researcher to your university teachers and colleagues.

How Long Should My Research Proposal Be?

The length of your paper should depend on your research problem and the type of proposal writing. While Ph.D. dissertations and proposals should be comprehensive and detailed, Master’s and bachelor’s thesis proposal can have just a few pages to meet the requirements.
We also should take into account that the proposal’s structure shortly rewords a dissertation thesis.
1) Purpose of a research proposal
As the primary goal of every project is to assure somebody that your proposed research question is worth for more detailed investigation. If you are a student, you have to write a research proposal to get your work plan approved by your teacher or committee. At the same time, academics mostly write research to receive funding for their research projects.
2) What should be included in my research proposal?
All research proposals differ according to the research question and degree level. But some general parts should be included in every research paper.

1. Title

Not taking into account the area of your research paper, the title should be both informative and concise. Readers have to understand the research question, and they also should be interested enough to read the whole thesis or dissertation. The proposal also should be simple enough to arise during web-search related to your research question.
For instance, instead of phrases “The analysis of” and “An examination of the…” you would better use brief, but the informative title as “The Negative Impact of Smoking on Body Functions.”

2. Summarize the Proposal in Your Abstract

The abstract summarizes the problem of your proposal and includes solutions, objectives, and planned funding requirements. As for the research design requirements, the word “Abstract” should be placed at the top of the page and write the text precisely below the word “Abstract” without making the paragraph. The length of your abstract has to be around 150-250 words, depending on the research topic.

3. Research Questions

An appropriate research question states the purpose and problem of your work and has the following features:
1) Relevant to the topic of your study.
2) Focused on important issues.
3) Researchable in all degrees.
4) Specific enough to answer accurately to the problem.

4. List Keywords that will Come Up in Your Proposal

Picking the right keywords will guarantee that readers can find your proposal in search of systems and benefit from that. That is why your keywords should be closely related to the topic, main points, and terms of your research topic. You can use both single words and phrases of 2-4 words as keywords.

5. Include a Table of Contents

A short master’s or bachelor’s degree proposal usually doesn’t need a table of contents because of its length. But longer research proposals should include it on the third page, stating every section of your plan. Deciding on leaving out content table, you should also check the requirements of the institution you’re applying to. Some very comprehensive proposals should also have figures, tables, and charts.

6. Move into Your Introduction

Writing the introduction, you have to answer the questions: why should we conduct this research, and what new problem does this work raise?
The introduction should have the next sections:
1) Statement of the Problem;
2) The goal of Research;
3) Significance of Research;
4) Importance and Background.

7. Background

To prove that your work should be continued you have to state the research problem. Give the evidence of your expertise in the area, and define the main ideas that will be used in the proposed research.

8. Write a Literature Review Section to Contextualize Your Research

Demonstrate awareness of past and current researches, which are the groundwork, and emphasize that your study research will make a significant and unique contribution to this research field. The literature review shouldn’t be involved in the list summary, but have to be written in a story-like format.

9. Research Design and Methods

This central section of a research proposal has to give the information about the methods and approaches you use in your study research and also can be called “Methodology”.
Give a full description of your proposed study and refer to the experts in this research field. It’s reasonable to have some specific subsections as
“Research Design”, “Analysis Methods”, “Instrumentation”, “Applicability” and so on. You should also offer alternative methods, underlining on high effectiveness of your approach. The main section also should include a realistic detailed timetable and material you need to complete the research.

10. List References

All the references you provide in stating the research problem and hypothesis should also be included in a separate section under the name “References” or “List of references”.

11. Identify the Personnel

This part is used only in detailed research proposals and contains information about the main contributors to the area of your research. Underline also biographical data and the expertise of each contributor.

12. Include Appendices, if Necessary

Appendices are used, like supporting documents that are important to understand the proposal better. Readers can switch and read them later.

13. Project a Budget

Use justifying information to indicate projected costs to meet funding sources and state the items being covered by other financial references.

14. Describe Relevant Institutional Resources

If your investigation is based on an institutional background, include an additional section about offers of your institution. It can be individual exploring facilities or services, contributions that can affect your research results.

15. Plan of Work & Schedule

Take Several Months to Prepare a Research Proposal

On average, the preparation of the paper can take around several months, don’t wait until a couple of days before the deadline.

Prewrite during Phase 1
This phase takes 14 to 26 weeks until the ending date.
Check the requirements of organizations you want to apply your proposal. Prepare a short version of your project, present it to colleagues, and receive feedback.
You have to research the background of the problem, define the research approach, research questions.

Perform Early Administrative Tasks in Phase 2

During 13-20 weeks before the deadline, you should find sources of information (experts, organization, and literature), begin forming budget, and request transcripts.

Focus Your Writing and Administration in Phase 3

8 and 13 weeks should be dedicated to the writing of framework, research question, and research design, completing the draft, connecting organizations, asking for feedback, and revising your draft.

Revisions and Proofreading Your Proposal during Phase 4

Once your project is completed, you need to carry out revisions and proofreading. 5 weeks to several days before the deadline, revise your plan to meet the requirements of incorporate adviser suggestions, collect materials, review and finalize your proposal. After revision with colleagues, print your final copy and submit it.
If you think that it is better when a professional check your paper, you can turn to online writing services for help. It is possible to check one or several sections, check the relevance of the context to the topic. Or if you need guidance, such service can be beneficial.

16. Implications and Contribution to Knowledge

To finalize your proposal, you should emphasize the contribution of your research study to existing works on the field. You can also give a list of applications.

17. Reference List or Bibliography

All the references and literature you give in your research proposal should also be included in a separate section under the name “References” or “Bibliography”.

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How To Restate A Thesis Statement

For your reader not to get bored, you need to rebuild and modify your thesis all the time and illustrate it with various examples. It also increases the chances that every reader will understand your point you were trying to deliver.
Just like in the example from the previous paragraph, we see the main point — the idea and the main plot of the story. It is how it works — your concept (thesis) has to be reflected by the scheme of your writing.

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What is a Thesis, and How to Write It?

Let us begin by specifying the definition of the thesis to avoid further possible misunderstandings.
The thesis is the quintessence of your plot, the main point of your writing. When presenting your piece of writing to the broad audience, be it an essay, short story, or a novel, one should always mention the critical thesis.
For example, if we are presenting «Three Musketeers», one of the world`s most popular novels by Alexander Dumas, this is how the thesis of the story would look like: «This novel tells us about the great importance of pure friendship, true love, dignity, family, honesty, and loyalty. Just as the main characters, we should never forget about these things and never give up when things get hard…».

Working out the Restatement Basics

Before starting to write or even making the outline of the future text, try to formulate your main point in one sentence or phrase. If we try to develop the main point of «Three musketeers» so that it would be one short sentence. It could look like this: «No matter what happens to you or what the circumstances are — one must always stay loyal to friendship, love, and duty.
In other words, the original statement itself should be as short and straightforward as possible. In this case, it would be easier to blend the thesis in the plot in as many «shapes» as possible.
As we mentioned earlier, this method works for both fiction and research writing.

Decide on a Place for the Restatement

No matter what kind of writing you are working at, you should always remember about the vitality of the structure. The text with the weak structure is like a town with no proper planning, where the buildings are placed chaotically. It is easy to get lost, and it is almost impossible to understand.
If we are talking about the restatement (reconstructed thesis), it is even more important to plan all the restatements while outlining the text and working on the structure.
Usually, it is recommended to use from 3 to 5 different restatements and illustrate them with various examples. However, it is better not to keep any certain number in mind as it depends on the kind of writing and its length. We offer you some formula. We hope it will be helpful for you.
We all remember the introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion. Let`s begin by taking a closer look at the opening.
Introduction — it is the entry part of the text, which motivates the reader to keep reading the rest of the document. It should be intriguing and crystal clear all at the same time. As for the length, it should take around 10-20 % of the whole text. In the introduction, you put up your thesis firstly. There is no need to make the restatement yet.
Body paragraph — you reveal everything you were about to say on one particular subject. It means you have to make sure that the points you have are delivered clearly. And none of your readers are going to have a hard time understanding what exactly did you mean to say. So you need to make sure you have formulated your thesis to be understandable. But do not make the body paragraphs too long. Remember about the moderation.
Conclusion — is a summary of everything you were talking about in the text. It has to be very brief yet logical and understandable as some people save their time by reading the introduction and conclusion, ignoring the main body of the text.

Answer the «So What?» Question

Of course, we should mention one more obvious thing. The most important thing about the thesis is it should make a perfect sense and has to be formulated in the way everyone will understand what exactly are you talking about.
To make sure your thesis has got it, you can go back to that moment, when you have formulated the original thesis and give it a crush test, by trying to answer some tricky questions some people can have. You can either do it yourself or ask someone else. Do not forget about mentioning the «king» of all items — «So what?». If you menace to answer it, there is nothing at all to worry about.

Avoid Clichés

Try to deliver your thesis in a fresh and modern way.
We all remember there is nothing new under the sun, and we cannot do anything about the holly truth. You should always stay kind and helpful, and killing people is terrible. The meaning can hardly be changed.

Do Not Apologize

As we mentioned earlier, it is a good idea to give your thesis a proper crush test to make sure it makes total sense. Therefore, if you have already done it, do not let yourself doubt that your statement is worth it to talk about. It has to be open for discussion and criticizing, which you do not need to be afraid of. There will be something to say or to do — there is always going to be someone to criticize it. Real writers never apologize; they strongly believe that everything they do benefit humanity.

Use Substitute Synonyms

What is the best way to tell one story in several different ways without changing the plot, names of characters, etc.? The answer to this question is using synonyms.
Every restatement of your thesis should be based on using synonyms.
For example, you are writing an essay about global warming and the issue go glacier melting. In this case, your original statement can look like this:
«The melting of the glacier means the rising of the water level in the world, which will cause floods, heavy raining, and many other things. History has never known any more dangerous environmental situation, but now we still have the chance to save our planet…».
The restatement can look like this:
«As a result of global warming, we can now see how the icebergs are melting, which makes the water level in the world ocean rise. It can be a reason for the increasing amounts of floods, pouring rains, and many other things that can bring huge damage to the people. We have already broken the historical record of environmental damage, yet we can still save our home…»
As you see, we have two sentences with the same idea, yet they sound differently. However, all we did was using the synonyms, and we slightly changed the structure of the first sentence.


We hope this article gave you an understanding of what is the thesis and what are the best ways to create it. We hope to see you soon on our website to check out some other useful articles.

How to Write a Response Paper – A Step-by-Step Guide

You are likely to write a response paper each semester. For that, you will be asked by your professor to make a movie review or read a book. So you will need to be able to provide them with your reaction paper in detail and summarize the main ideas. Therefore, you are to be aware of how to write a reading response paperwork.
Writing a response paper, you will need to select a professional and impersonal voice. Note that there is a difference in writing reaction response essays and formal review. For instance, in response essays, you should use the 1st person. It might be rather challenging to write a response or reaction essay so you can use professional help.

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What Things Are Needed before You Start the Writing Response Process

First of all, you will have to read the text several times before completing the assignment. Prewriting, you will have to jot down the things you find essential. So you will have a basis out of your notes when reading. At this step, you do not have to worry about the way the ideas are organized.

1. Pick up a Topic

Find the things you think are interesting in your life experiences. Ask some questions to the text you have already read when you write a response report. For example, you may ask these questions:

  •  Did I understand the text well?
  •  What detail example do I remember?
  •  How do I react to certain things?
  • What is the most significant of the book?

Try to make your topic as informative as possible. Select something you find the most interesting.

2. Reading and Responding

At this step, you will have to reread the text for better understanding. Secondly, you will need to mark those things which impressed you in the version or which captured your attention. Thirdly, glance over the marked notes and formulate your reaction ideas. Fourthly, record your intentions. The fifth step will be formulating a strong thesis statement. The following thing you will have to do is compose a solid outline. The last but not least step is generating the reaction essay.

3. Writing The Initial Sentence Paragraph

Hook the readers with a capturing intro in a strong introductory paragraph sentence. Notify your readers about the book or article you are writing a reaction to. Include the name of the author and title of the work. Utilize an introduction to state the main idea of your response papers with a thesis statement.

4. Write the Essay’s Body Paragraphs

The body of the essay is placed directly after the introduction. It is a section where you should discuss the subject intensely. To divide ideas, you should utilize precise and short paragraphs. Begin each item with a topic sentence. There must be pieces of evidence and consistent arguments. Reaction essays are rather long. So you won’t need a heading everywhere unless your professor demands it.

5. Conclusion

The last paragraph of the reaction essay is usually a conclusion. In this part, you will have to summarize the main ideas and draw some inference. Make sure your conclusion is informative and brief, writing a summary of the work. It should leave the reader aware of the answers to all the questions they might have. No new information should be present in this section.

6. Proofreading and Editing

Proofread and edit each sentence of your draft. For that, you may leave your paper for a day and then go back to it to find the possible mistakes. When editing, you should change formatting, structure, and contents. When proofreading, you should identify any spelling and punctuation errors and then correct them.

Additional Tips to Take into Consideration

  1. To help organize your thought, make a detailed outline. When you have an appropriate working plan, you won’t miss any detail.
  2. Begin to write an essay only when you have made an in-depth literary analysis and your personal experience. Google and brainstorm the ideas and ensure the intro is catchy.
  3. Notify your readers with the name and author of the book you are writing a response to, for example, quotation marks.
  4.  Find an example of a reading response to build your own based on the template. Tell the reader whether you agree or disagree. Deliver the reader with your reaction.
  5.  Make sure the conclusion is definite.

Sample Statements

Writing a reaction or response paper, use these statements:

  • In my opinion;
  • I felt that tattoo;
  •  The author seems to;
  •  The reader can conclude that life;
  •  This aspect didn’t work for me because;
  •  I did not like the material;
  •  The author was [was not] successful in making me feel;
  •  The images seemed to;
  •  I didn’t understand the connection between;
  •  I was especially moved by;
  •  The soundtrack seemed too;
  •  It was clear that the artist was trying to;
  •  My favorite part of the way was…because.

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How to Write an Autobiography: Step-by-Step Writing Guide

Probably, you might think that you are not Nelson Mandela or whoever to write an autobiography piece of writing. However, with this guide in the article, you will deliver the best paper ever. Let’s review how to write a proper memoir in this article.

  1.  Mind your audience when you start an autobiography. (Think what they might expect during the writing process).
  2.  Select your life story type. Choose a topic. (Brainstorm and jot down most important events).
  3.  Compose an essay outline. (Ensure there is an introduction, main body, and conclusion).
  4.  Make proofreading and editing. (Check the paper for mistakes and correct them).

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What Is An Autobiography Essay?

It is a type of paper that concentrates on your experience, life, and you. When essay writing, you should make a personal statement, giving personal details about yourself, and give the reader a community answer for their questions. You might include this data to your CV, resume, or part of the application.

What is the Best Autobiography Essay Format?

There are many various kinds of formatting in academic writing. First of all, you may write a paper describing your experience from birth until the present moment. Also, you may write a memoir, describing a specific part of your life. Besides, there is such a type of essay called personal narratives, which requires more details.

4 Steps In Writing An Autobiographical Essay

There are some necessary strategies and tips to follow when composing an autobiographical essay. Let’s review them.

Step 1: Planning

Always plan what you are going to write further. Define your topic and goals. Make a draft.

Select a story which you wish to tell or which you want to get out of the system

Select the real story from life, which describes your character the most. For example, you may define a significant accomplishment or challenge which you have faced.

Define Your Goal for Writing

Concentrate on purpose. It will help you to concentrate on the proper things.

Consider Your Audience

Mind the type of reader of your story. Try to fulfill his/her expectations.

Generate Ideas for Your Autobiography

Utilize different techniques for writing an autobiography. For example, you may list, write questions, or cluster to get some inspiration.

Make an Outline

Try to make a maximum detailed outline. If you do it this way, it will help you not to forget anything and write faster.

Step 2: Writing

Start your memo with a catchy sentence to draw the reader’s attention. This sentence is supposed to take the reader inside of your story. Here are the things you will have to do next:

Compose a Paper in the First Person

Utilize the 1st person perspective (mine, my, me, I).

Start with an Engaging Sentence

Start to tell your story directly in the introduction. The proper introduction should contain the main point when you write an autobiographical essay.

Describe the Setting

Utilize vivid details to describe your environment. Give background and context to your reader for a better understanding. Avoid beginnings, which are too broad or general.

Transition from Your Introduction into the Story

When you tell your memoir, you must make a stable transition. Make sure you finish the opening with a specific sentence that is engaging the audience to read further.

Tell Your Story

Tell the readers about further events step by step. Ensure you do not skip some essential details, looking in your outline. Proceed from the place you left in the introduction.

Conclude Your Story

The conclusion of your autobiography should include an exciting story that should be a memorable one too. Ensure you give some reflection on the experience and wrap up the loose ends. For example, you may tell why this story is so significant.

Step 3: Conclusion

Here you will have to set an individual lesson learned from your experience. In other words, you will have to mention the reason why your experience is so relevant. For example, you may tell the reader what came out of your experience that you have not expected.

4: Polishing Your Paper

Check out your paper for errors and correct them after your finishing of writing the essay. For instance, you may improve your punctuation and grammar. Also, this step includes making sure the right structure is followed.

Include Many Vivid Details and then Dialogue where It is Appropriate

Thanks to the abundance of more information and dialogues, your story will look fresher and more alive. For instance, you may describe the surroundings or people in in-depth detail.

Consider Organizing Your Story in a Non-Chronological Way

It is sufficient to hold the story in chronological order, but you may also try to do it another way. For example, you may begin your narrative in the middle of events and intrigue the reader.

Be Yourself

Try to represent the events in a way they describe who you are. Ensure the paper reflects your personality and experiences. For instance, you may show the readers your sense of humor.

Autobiography for College and High School

It is necessary to generate an autobiography for both high school and also college students. If you still doubt how to do it, writing your dissertation, you may ask experts from Essayup.com to help you do the research. Once you do it, you will get a high-quality paper with the most appropriate structure.

An Autobiography Template for Students

An excellent autobiography must include a theme. It is the main lesson you have learned from some experience. To create a topic, you should discuss some events by introducing a role model.

Phrases as the First Sentence of Your Autobiography

To help you write an autobiographical essay, you may use these posted phrases, making research as an autobiography example:

  1.  I was born in…
  2.  My earliest memory is…
  3.  My lifetime dream is…
  4.  One phrase that I will never forget is…
  5.  The main lesson that my parents taught me was…
  6.  My motto in life is…
  7.  When I was growing up, I always dreamed of becoming a…
  8.  One easy event that influenced who I am today is…
  9.  I am driven by my desire/passion/wish to…
  10.  My favorite childhood picture is…

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How to Write a Speech: Step-by-Step Guide

Writing a speech is very similar to writing essays or some paper. You need to examine those who will listen to you, define the excellent length, identify your purpose, and choose the topic. It can apply to any speech, whether you need it for college purposes, conferences, or business meetings.
However, there is something fundamental about speeches. We know some famous speakers’ speeches changed the flow of history. The power of the word used correctly can change things, inspire, provoke, and many other positive things.
When you present your speech, you can get the feedback right away. During your talk you may see people losing interest, there are talks, somebody is playing on the phone, and it means something goes wrong. If your oration fails, it is unpleasant, but it is not the end of the world. It means there are things you can improve to perform better next time.
If you need help with this task – here it is. This guide is for those who feel scared of writing a speech. Hesitate no more! Follow our tips, and you will improve in your struggle.
First of all, you need to make sure you have enough time to write an effective speech. A sufficient amount of time and attention to details will let you produce a statement that will transmit your main ideas, persuade people, and inspire.

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Drafting an Effective Speech

Any type of writing would begin with making a draft. It gives you an idea of what your speech looks like, what kind of information you already included, and what is there to add, the volume, etc.

1. Research Your Topic Well

So, you will be writing a speech on any given topic. Whatever it is, you need to gather as much information about it as possible to study all the aspects and be able to operate facts. If this is an academic speech, you will probably need to keep specific requirements. It is better to ask your teacher about those.

2. Make an Outline that Includes Your Main Argument and Points

If you believe that speeches do not need outlines, you are wrong. Producing a good draft helps a lot in writing winning speeches. It is a starting point in the process.
Generally, your speech will consist of:

  • Introduction part;
  • 4-6 key points which you will need to support with persuasive evidence;
  • Ending or Conclusion.

If it is an informative or persuasive text you are composing, you might also add a problem and its solution points.
An outline is not something constant. If you come up with a better idea, you are free to change it to improve our speech.

3. Choose a Hook to Grab the Audience’s Attention

What you must do is remember about a good starting line as it is something that will guarantee our audience’s attention throughout the rest of the speech. Depending on the topic and purpose, you can begin with:

  • Something funny;
  • Something shocking;
  • Something frightening.

Remember to design a good thesis. It is the first serious information the people will hear, so it must be precise and linked to the topic of your speech.

4. Connect Your Topic to a More Significant Issue to Give Background Information

No matter the topic you are talking about, you have to explain the relevance of your theme to your listener. It may seem natural to you, but it is not always like that for people. If they don’t see the relevance, they lose interest quickly. Expand the narrow topic to the broader one to make yourself clear.
Example. You are talking about the effects of global warming on humans. You need to start by explaining what it is, its possible reasons and signs. And then, proceed to the narrow topic.

5. Address Each of Your Main Points in a Logical Order

When the topic is clear to the audience, proceed to make your points. Let them be clear and support each of them by any additional information – facts, statistics, and evidence. You should approximately make each point one paragraph long.

6. Introduce New Topics and Summarize the Material You Have Already Covered

To give your audience a better idea of what you talk about, give them some additional information before you start a new topic. And make sure you make a summary after each explanation. Let this information to be plain and clear.

7. Include Transitions to Guide Your Audience through Your Speech

Transitions are something that will help to make your projection smooth and logically linked. We do not even notice them in our speech in our everyday life, but if they are excluded, we will sound strange. Below you will find some of the most commonly used transitions:

  • First;
  • Second;
  • After;
  • Ext;
  • Before;
  • Then.

8. Conclude Your Speech with a Call-to-Action. End Strong

Of course, your speech should have a purpose. It’s not just blah-blah with a bunch of people. You should build it in such a way to provoke people for some action. It is what you are ending should aim at. In this part, you need to do our best to inspire and encourage people for more operation, more research, and more involvement in solving the problem.

Example. If you were talking about the effect of global warming on humans, provide information about an organization working on those problems and trying to eliminate the impact.

Making Your Speech More Engaging

So, you are almost done with your speech, and it seems perfect for you. Now try to look at it from your audience. Use the tips below to make your speech more interesting.

9. Keep Your Words and Sentences Short and Simple

If you are writing something for the audience, you should remember one rule – the simpler, the better. Avoid long, complex sentences, even if they sound to you more convincing. In this way, you may just puzzle the listener and kills their interest in your speech. Use simple words and shorter sentences.

10. Favor Nouns over Pronouns for Clarity

Pronounce is good to make your speech diverse. However, too many of them may not be in our favor. It is best to use nouns not to confuse the listener. But, if there is no way to avoid using pronouns, here are some you can use with no problem:

  • We;
  • He;
  • It;
  • They;
  • Those.

11. Repeat a Word or Phrase a Few Times during Your Speech

You don’t have to turn into a parrot to repeat the same words a hundred times. But you can choose a phrase or two to repeat several times during your speech for a better effect on the audience. This way, you will emphasize your arguments and keep the interest of your listeners.

12. Limit Statistics and Quotes to Avoid Overwhelming Your Audience

Your audience will not like if you stuff your speech with tons of citation or statistics. It will sound too dull. If you still want to add some of them to your text, make sure you selected the most relevant. And limit them to one per each point.

13. Maintain an Appropriate Tone throughout Your Speech

Remember that the tone, or else call it mood if your speech should be approximately the same during the entire performance. Whether you want to be funny or serious, you should strive to be like that all the time.

14. Provide Visual Aids if You are Allowed

For some topics, especially difficult ones, having a supportive visual presentation can be a good idea. It will allow your audience to follow you easily and see the main aspects of your speech. Listeners’ attention will be focused on you and your announcement. The presentation can include pictures, charts, tables, quotes, etc.

15. Include Theatrics

An excellent method to keep your audience engaged is using theatrics. It is some visual experiment you can do with our audience if it is relevant to our topic. You can ask your listeners to do something right on the spot using some items you prepare in advance.
If there is an example or explanation you feel might be unclear, it is best to show or act it.

Practice and Check for Weak Spots that You Can Improve

We recommend leaving your speech aside for a day or two once it is finished. Rest your mind from it, and then return with a fresh look. You will quickly see if there is anything you need to improve, maybe shorter or prolong, add some formation, etc.
Ask a family member or a friend to listen to your performance. Let it be a little rehearsal before the big speech. Practice as much as you need to make your production great.

1 – 13 Steps How to Write an Essay

Some people see no problem in writing an essay, and it doesn’t take too much time and effort to do this. But for most people writing an essay can be too complicated a task, they would better visit a doctor. For those who like challenges, it is an excellent way to test their abilities. If you want to improve your writing skills and reduce stress, try to follow 13 crucial steps to write an essay.

Five Parts of an Essay

Essays usually include 5 main sections:

  1. The purpose or Main Idea;
  2. Title;
  3. Introduction;
  4. Body of Information;
  5. Conclusion.

Let’s analyze every part more detailed. The final version of your paper may also include examples and example illustrations.

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Purpose/Main Idea Error

If you haven’t been given the idea you have to write about, find the topic you are interested in. The primary purpose of your essay should be put in one sentence, which is also your thesis statement.

Title Error

The best title should express the main idea of your essay and capture the attention of readers. As we can see in newspapers and use them in writing your articles, the brightest titles have verbs. The best ways to avoid title errors are:

  • Consulting by your teacher before you formulate the title;
  • Adding some key words therein;
  • Making it directly linked to your topic.

Introduction Error

The primary purposes of the introduction are:

  • Stating the main idea of the essay;
  • Capturing the attention of the reader.

Usually, it takes only 1-2 sentences or paragraphs at most to make a good introduction.

Body of Information Error

The main section of the essay includes 2-3 key points or statements, pulled out from your research and notes. Each key point should be sustained with supportive ideas and illustrations. Use information from your records and research sources.


The last section of your essay summarizes critical points and supports the reason for the research, stated in the introduction. In this part, you can use your statement, but bear in mind to paraphrase it.

13 Steps to Writing an Essay

Let’s switch to the main steps to write an effective essay.

1. Choose the Type of Essay

Depending on the purpose and structure of the essay, you are going to write. You have to define the essay type before you start writing. Researchers distinguish narrative, persuasive, expository, and descriptive essays based on purpose and argumentative, contrast, and problem-solution essay based on structure approach. But no matter which one to prefer, all of them have to contain argument points that will support your idea.

2. Brainstorm

You can’t start writing your essay without choosing its topic. So, during the phase of brainstorming, you should come up with a list of possible ideas and choose the one that solves stated in the essay problem. It shouldn’t be too narrow and too broad, also depending on the required volume of the essay.

3. Research the Topic

After defining the idea, you should do a little research on your topic. You can surf information on the Internet, refer to experts or past and current investigations. Try to make your work organized to refer back to it when you need it. Look through the materials to see if you will be able to gather enough arguments to support your idea. Also, see if there is enough info so you could include examples that catch attention and explain the main point.

4. Develop a Thesis

Usually, the thesis should be put in the introductory paragraph and explain the main idea of your essay. All the key points should support and expand the stated hypothesis.

5. Prepare an outline or diagram of your ideas

In this section, you should create an overview of your senses to structure them better and to underline the connections, which will help you to write a more organized essay.

6. Write Your Thesis Statement

The thesis statement includes two parts, one is the topic of the essay, and another is its point.

7. Begin with the Body, Not the Introduction

As the practice shows, it’s more efficient to start writing an essay from the main section, having structured main ideas and only after that integrate them into the appropriate introduction.

8. Begin Each Paragraph with a Topic Sentence

The first sentence of each paragraph should express its main idea. After that, you should put contextual information to support the topic.

9. Use Credible Sources

As all vital supportive points of your essay based on different sources, make sure to use only reliable ones like research articles, academic journals, textbooks, and so on.

10. Don’t Fake It

The information in the essay has to be qualitative and meaningful rather than meet length requirements. Don’t put too many unnecessary statements; make every sentence significant.

If you feel that you might not be doing it well, you can get support from professional writers online anytime.

11. Write the Conclusion

Summarize your key ideas and statements in conclusion. Usually, a valid conclusion consists of 3-5 active sentences, which provide final insight into your topic.

12. Add the Finishing Touches

Check the main key points, the connection between them, and the effectiveness of stated ideas in opening your topic. Review the whole essay for the desired format and structure.

13. Check Spelling and Grammar

Paying much attention to the semantic content of your essay, you could have some technical errors. Check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation to be sure that your educational job is perfect!

American Dream Essay: Secrets of Successful Writing

The idea of the American dream has been passed from generation to generation. Besides, this idea is different for each American. However, all American dreamers agree that this idea is all about prosperity and success. What about writing an American dream academic essay? Let’s find the answers.

  • Ensure your paper brings something new to the common understanding of the American dream phenomenon.
  • Write the American dream essay introduction at the final stage of your paper so that it will draw the reader’s attention.
  • Once the article is written, leave it for a day and go back to it to check the possible mistakes.

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What is the Essence of the American Dream Paper? The Concept

First of all, note that the American dream paper is a narrative essay that is supposed to answer the question, “What is the American dream?” The concept should be explained interestingly and profoundly. So you should clarify the American dream concept. So what is an American dream concept? It is a success and prosperity, and a perfect life that is gained through hard work.

How to Compose a Proper American Dream Essay

  1. Select the best American dream topic.
  2. Generate a solid thesis statement which must be brand new.
  3. Compose a section with terms and definitions.
  4. Choose the appropriate quotes to make the essay about the American dream alive.
  5. Restate the thesis and analyze the detail in a concluding paragraph.

How to Generate the Outline?

As long as all the parts of the American dream paper should serve various purposes, it will be better to list each section topic sentence. Sometimes the ideas might be repeated in the first draft. So when you revise the paper, you may analyze the outline of the essay to find strong and weak points of it.

How to Write an American Dream Paper Introduction?

A good introduction must prepare the reader for the thesis statement. So ideally, each presentation should include:

  • A hook for the American dream essay;
  • The thesis statement that is the last sentence in the introduction paragraph;
  • Stating the main idea of the paper explicitly.

Body Paragraphs

  • Each paragraph must begin with a topic sentence, representing the main idea of the section.
  • Pieces of evidence are required in the form of facts, statistics, and quotes.
  • Smooth transition and conclusion summarizing the main points are obligatory.

The American Dream Essay Conclusion

The conclusion should restate the thesis statement, giving food for thought. So you will have to comment on the thesis statement, offer the next study, and provide a call-to-action. All the main points of the American dream paper should be reevaluated.

Why Utilize a Hook for the American Dream Paper?

A catchy hook is obligatory in every American dream essay, revealing the ideas of the American. So it should draw the reader’s attention in the form of unknown facts, anecdotes, statistics, quotes, and so on.

How to Select Good American Dream Paper Topics?

It might be somewhat complicated to choose the topic among a variety of exciting topics. However, you should make up your mind and select the most appealing item for you. Here is a list of fascinating topics.

Common Topics When Writing About the American Dream

  • What is the ideal American dream?
  • What is your American Dream?
  • What is the American goal of the 1950s?
  • What is the American idea in your own words?
  • What does the American Dream encompass today?

Narrative and Descriptive Topics for Your American Dream Paper

  • How do you achieve the American dream?
  • What does the American Dream mean to your essay?
  • What does the phrase the American Dream mean to you, and how do you embody the American dream?
  • Describe a person who has achieved their American dream.

10 Topics for High-school and College Students

Choose one essay topic for you:

  • What is the American dream, and why is it important?
  • Why the American Dream is worth pursuing in the country?
  • What are some examples of the American dream?
  • What are the prejudices that might ruin the American dream?
  • Is it possible to achieve the original American goal?
  • How did the American dream develop in America?
  • What are the benefits of the American dream?
  • Does the American dream still exist?
  • Is the American Dream possible to be reached by the immigrants?
  • How to achieve the American Dream?

What is the American Dream Paper

The American dream is an element of the culture of Americans. Firstly, it is all dreaming that dream about abundance. The American dream supposes the possibility to be filled with material resources in the United States. Secondly, it suggests that this ability is impossible without hard work. Also, this dream is a fuller for everyone with opportunity. Therefore, the American dream is achievable only via strong efforts.

The Great Gatsby American Dream Paper

F. Scott Fitzgerald in the novel “Great Gatsby” describes how the desire for wealth and prosperity might destroy a person. The main character is Jay Gatsby, who believes in his spare time that money will make him significant. However, he finds out that certain things in life are impossible to be bought, like love.

All in all, the American dream research paper is instead an ambiguous one. On the one hand, it is a positive phenomenon, but on the other hand, if people understand its concept in an improper way, it might lead to a disaster. Therefore, it is essential to take into account all the pros and cons. However, if you are unsure how to write such a paper, Essayup is always here to help you!

A Narrative Essay Outline

When you write a narrative essay, you should craft your own short story. So you should accurately present your feelings and emotions. In other words, a personal narrative essay is a representation of specific individual experiences. Hence, the presentable outline is a must to write such a paper.

A good personal narrative essays outline features the following elements:

  1. Introduction (hook, transition, and thesis statement);
  2. Body paragraphs (the main ideas supporting the thesis statement);
  3. Conclusion (lessons learned and summary of the main points).

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What is a Narrative Essay?

It is such a type of various types of essay writing where you are supposed to tell your own story from scratch. The story of the narrative essay deals with the personal development of the author so you can use the first person, writing your narrative paper.

How to Start and End a Narrative Essay

Before you compose an essay writing, it will be perfect for generating a solid outline where all the main ideas will be mentioned. The topic of the essay must sound significant to you. Begin your narrative essay by stating the importance of the problem and finish the paper with a paragraph summarizing the significance of the topic.

The Structure of the Narrative Essay Outline

A proper essay structure is like this:

  1. Introduction (catchy hook, the significance of the subject, thesis statement).
  2. Body paragraphs (setting, background, characters, examples, and verdict).
  3. Conclusion (summary, a restatement of the thesis, relevance, call to action).

Narrative Essay Outline Introduction

As long as the beginning and finishing points are essential, you should capture the reader’s attention with an exciting hook. Your potential readers have to understand one and will get interested in reading further. In other words, you should intrigue your professor, audience, or client in this part.

The Thesis Statement

In this section of the introduction, you should mention the goal of your entire paper. So your main idea is to be presented in a thesis statement. Meaning, you are going to back up this main point throughout the document.

Narrative Essay Outline Body

There should be about 3-4 body paragraphs in the body of the narrative essay outline. You will need to place here the central arguments supporting your thesis statement. The body is also a place to introduce your characters and set the plot of your story.

Body Paragraph 1

This section should start with a topic sentence, where one of your main ideas is to be mentioned. Then, there should be a few supporting sentences, which back up your topic sentence. A small transition sentence might follow the supporting sentences. Finally, the conclusion is to finish the paragraph.

The Conclusion of Your Narrative Essay Outline

The conclusion is a significant part of the outline. So it must be convincing. Make sure your judgment includes the following components:

  • Thesis statement restatement;
  • Significant lessons learned;
  • Don’t forget to give a clear and engaging call-to-action.


The perfect conclusion should give an analysis, reflection, and moral of the story. Also, it must make sure the readers feel and understand the significance of the event described in the paper. Here you need to add how this event changed your life and what lessons you have learned through it.

Some Additional Tips

  1. Make the topic of the essays meaningful.
  2. Utilize concise and clear language.
  3. Organize the details correctly so that they are represented in a logical chain.
  4. At the final step, you must revise, proofread, and edit the paper.

The Ideas On Writing

  1. Choose the extreme events. It may be extremely different, sad, or humorous, etc.
  2. Select the topic you feel the most passionate and emotional of all so that you will have many ideas to present.
  3. If you are unable to choose the subject out of given, go back to your childhood. Remember the experience that might come up to your mind.

Is it Better to Hire an Essay Writing Service?

If you doubt whether you can or not generate a solid outline template for a narrative essay, of course, it will be better to consult with professionals. Moreover, you may also ask them to help you do all the writing stuff for you. Essayup.com is one of the most reliable websites that employ only experienced writers to assist you in writing.

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12 Steps in Writing a Research Paper

Being a college student will sooner or later make you face the assignment of writing research papers. Many students get panic-stricken when they have to write it for the first time. Sadly, you will not be able to avoid this task since it is a part of the education process. What to do if you don’t know how to write a winning research paper? Keep reading this article, and you will find out how.

The research paper is a written task where its author conducts personal research on the given topic, analyzes the findings and their interpretation.

The research paper is something that shows the level of your knowledge. Besides, the grade you get for the research paper will influence the overall grade in the subject. This guide will give you exhaustive inquiries on how to write a persuasive essay.

You will find that the procedure of writing a research paper is rather standard. And the guidelines below will seem very similar to other types of essays. However, it is better to pay attention to all the details. And peculiarities to make your work perfect or close to that.

We have singled out 12 steps that will approach you to your winning research paper. Read each of them carefully and try to use the tips when you proceed to write your essay.

How does a research paper differ from a research proposal?

A research paper is not the only outstanding written assignment students get. There are many of them. And you should keep in mind the peculiarities of each.

When you begin working on your research paper, it is essential to remember how it differs from the research proposal. Generally, the ones are quite similar. But there is one thing that unites them – the somewhat same writing process.

When you write a research paper, you aim at demonstrating your knowledge in the given subject – engineering, psychology, medicine, administration, anything. Writing the research proposal, you will try to convince your readers about the importance of conducting the research and the findings it may give.

How to Write a Research Paper

You need to prepare before you start writing it. If this is your first time, you should find a useful guide, like this one, that will lead you through every stage of the process. You may find several examples online, consult your teacher or a friend who has experience in writing research papers.

The most important is that you should take your time to this, dig into the topic, and carry out quality research. In this case, only you will be able to produce a winning paper.

Step 1: Get Familiar with the Assignment

Make sure you don’t rush and take a close look at every detail. Before you start doing something, you must be confident you know precisely what your teacher wants from you. You should not ignore this step; otherwise, you’ll be wondering why the paper which took a lot of our time and effort, was evaluated with a low grade.

When you receive the task, you should look through it carefully, and if there are questions or unclear issues or you need help with some interpretations, you should ask your teacher for an explanation.

Step 2. Choose a Topic

Usually, when you are given a written assignment, your teacher would give you a particular topic to cover. But there are also situations when students are free to choose the issues on their own.

How to choose a topic that will be interesting to work on and read? First of all, think of something that will be challenging to work with. Sure, it is easier to pick a boring common theme, but it will not bring you the satisfaction you may get once the paper is ready. It will also allow you are learning something new and make exciting findings in the process.

Try to choose a narrow topic. Why is the bread topic not too good for a research paper? Because your research paper will be generalized with no exact results. So, it is advisable to narrow down your topic to a specific aspect.

Example: if your topic is Global Warming, you can narrow it to 3 Top Reasons for Global Warming or How Global Warming Affects Human Health.

Step 3. Write a Working Thesis Statement

It is most likely that your paper will need to contain a thesis statement. If it is not indicated in your assignment, you should ask your teacher about it.

What is it? The thesis is the crucial point of your research. Why is it important? Because all the arguments that will prove your idea should be based on this head point.

The thesis is usually one sentence. It is placed at the beginning of your work. It is best to design this part after you check and analyze the materials you have found. Typically, you will formulate it in the end, once your paper is done because your ideas will develop and change in the writing process.

When you produce a thesis, be specific. Avoid general phrases and unclear ideas. It should reflect the primary sense of your research and its novelty, emphasize the key points. It is not the place for citations; you should express your own opinion.

Step 4. Do Research on Your Topic

It is the most significant part of your paper – doing research. There are no strict rules on how to carry out your research, and everyone will choose their approach to this process. However, there are several main aspects you should stick to:

  1. Skimming
  2. Working with reliable recourse only
  3. Consider all the information you have

Skim. You will probably find a lot of information on your topic, so you will not be able to read all of it. You need to look through materials quickly and define the main points you will use in your research paper.

Only work with reliable resources. Keep in mind that your paper must be based on reliable sources only. You may use such sources like Wikipedia as additional ones to know more about the topic, find keywords, etc. You should study and analyze the info you got from Google search and go deeper to find sources.

Consider all the materials you find. You will probably not be surprised to learn that you can find several different articles saying opposite things on the same topic. And all of them will have proves of the info correctness. You need to analyze and understand that different points of the same thing cannot be valid. Dig deeper and discover the truth information.

You will probably find different opinions of researchers on your theme. In this case, you should study all of them deeper and see which one is closer to you.

Step 5: Organize Your Research

Is your head spinning around from the information and the sources you found? It means that it is time to organize. Making a list of books and articles, you will be using is a good idea. It is called a bibliography.

If it is required to add a bibliography to your research paper, you should organize it by the requirements you were given. If you want to do it for your own good, you are free to arrange it any way comfortable for you.

Step 6: Form a Thesis

Once you’ve got your topic and you understand your task, all the details are settled, the materials are processed, analyzed and arranged, it is time to formulate the main idea of your work – thesis. It is a sentence in which you have to put the key feature you are trying to explain/prove in your work. If your paper is not about arguing some accepted points of view on the subject, it is better to add the thesis anyway.

If you don’t know what to begin with, here is a tip. In your thesis statement, you should answer the following question: What is my paper about?

However, there is one thing you should remember. Answering this question is just the beginning. A working thesis should not be vague or general. You should be more specific. Do not be afraid that your argument might seem too strong.

Example. Not good: My paper if about friendships between humans and gods.

Good: It is not only that dogs serve humans and are their best friends; this friendship has influenced the behavior and even anatomy of modern dogs.

If you still have doubts, or you need a professional opinion, you can show the thesis your teacher or another professional who will tell you if it is strong enough to serve the basis for the entire research paper.

Step 7. Make a Good Outline

If you think you don’t need an outline, you are wrong. It will help you manage the tons of materials you have studies and the ideas you came up with during writing.

Your outline will look like a plan that will be your roadmap when producing your paper. Single out the main points and make them subheadings for your article. Make sure each subtitle contains only relevant info. The structure of the outline should be as follows:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Introductory part
  • Body
  • Conclusion

You can modify the composition according to the volume and content of your work.

Step 8. Create the First Draft

Indeed, you will begin writing your paper with a drat that will be changed in the writing process. First, you will need to formulate your title, choose and arrange citation and reference page.

Title, of course, is significant. It creates the impression of your paper, catches the attention of the reader. The title should be relevant to the content of your essay and contain several keywords.

It is recommended to write your paper in a scientific style. However, you may feel free to keep it less strict.

How to Write an Introduction for a Research Paper

Your writing process will begin with composing an introductory part. It is another crucial part of the work since it has to grab your reader’s interest. This part may not include too much science. To make it catchy, you can add a joke, a short story, interesting facts or statistics, etc.

Here you should also provide your audience with some background info, explain your aims and expectations from the research. The thesis should be also included in the introduction. You may end this part with it.

How to Write Body Paragraphs

When you write the body part, you should follow the outline and stick to your thesis. An overview can be modified in the process.

You should begin each paragraph with the sentence related to your topic. Proceed with presenting arguments and evidence that support your point.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper

The conclusion is the rewording of your thesis. But remember, that copying your thesis word for word is not acceptable. You can be making a general overview of the critical moments. You may mark your findings, and emphasize the practical significance, give advice on how to apply them.

How to Make Your Paper Perfect

Relax, this is just the first draft. It will need to be changed, added, and revised. If you want everything to be great and get a high grade, you should make a thorough revision of your paper. Sometimes, it takes more than once.

Step 9. Revise, Edit and Proofread for Content

You should begin with checking the content – if everything sounds good, if all the sentences are complete, all ideas are expressed clearly. You need to see whether the material coincides with the outlines if you have provided enough support for your thoughts.

Step 10. Revise, Edit and Proofread for Grammar

Then, you should pay attention to grammar – having grammatical errors in your paper is not acceptable. Also, see if there are no lexical or morphological mistakes. If formatting is correct, let your writing be perfect in all aspects.

Step 11: Re-read and Submit your Research Paper

Now, when you are at the final stage before submitting your paper, we recommend taking a short break and put it away for a day or two. Then, re-read it carefully with a fresh look. If, until now, you saw your paper only on a computer screen, a good idea would be printing its hard copy and read it. It will let you notice mistakes or incorrectness you could not see before.

Always give yourself some time and do not do anything last minute. You ever know whether everything goes smooth or thee are sudden obstacles that may prevent you from submitting in time.

If, in the process of writing, you need help, do not hesitate to turn to your teacher. It is normal. Besides, your teacher will see that you are working on your project.

Step 12. Rely on Our Academic Custom Writing Service

If there is no chance you can write your research paper yourself for any reason, you can always get expert help from a trustworthy writing service. You can entrust this vital assignment to professionals and let your mind rest from the stress connected in addition to that.

Checklist for Revising Your Research Paper Draft

Revising your first draft needs time, and it is much essential than correcting different types of mistakes. Use our checklist to see if your paper is going to be a winning one.

There are two kinds of edits: developmental and line one. Answer the question from each section to see if you are on the right path.


  • Is your paper logically connected from beginning to end?
  • Is your thesis clear?
  • Were you specific in using arguments to support your point?
  • Does your evidence support your thesis?
  • Did you cite your sources properly?
  • Did you check your papers for plagiarism?


  • Did you use a clear, understandable language?
  • Do you not hive filler words/phrases?
  • Did you revise your paper for any mistake?

As you can see, paper writing does not seem that scary. You just need to organize yourself and your materials, carry out a proper research and make a winning presentation. If you still feel that required help, you can always get support from professional writing services.

Your First Day Of College: Outfit, Fears, Tips & Meme

The student has more independence than the pupils. Teachers will treat you like an adult, leaving you more rights and opportunities. There everything depends only on you. The student is given the right to control his actions and be responsible for them.

The atmosphere of a college or university favorably affects many of yesterday’s pupils. They become completely different people: more active, open and creative. You should not be afraid to show yourself.

The main difficulties arise for those students who have chosen a specialty at the behest of parents. This freshman can have problems with academic performance. The chosen profession becomes a burden.

However, remember that you are not trapped. You are free to choose where and what to learn. And if the specialty does not suit you, it can be changed.

Another difficulty is that there is no matter how remarkable success you have achieved in your former place of study; here you are a beginner. Do not immediately try to prove to everyone how “cool” you are on first day of class college and how easy it is for you. Education is not a sprint, but a marathon.

Do not panic if you feel uncomfortable! It is a classical situation in a new place. The main thing is to carefully perceive what is happening around, try to choose new connections correctly, because you will have to see these people for several years. It is also important not to succumb to the herd instinct. If you have to change your lifestyle due to study, this is not a reason to become the same as most people around you. Do not be afraid to maintain your personality and stand out from the crowd.

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Outfit: What To Wear On The First Day

If a dress code does not limit you to tight boundaries, you are free to experiment with your college outfit. Dress-shirts, mom-jeans, baggy sweaters, flannel plaid shirts, denim overalls, leather pants – you have a huge choice for your day class!

Here are some first day of high-school tips. First of all, put on something that you will feel confident in. Do not overestimate the importance of this day. After all, it is not a ruler in the first grade, but you need to feel comfortable and relaxed to smile, not be shy and get to know future classmates. A lot of acquaintances take place on this day. Often the guys go somewhere together for lunch after the official part.

For a girl, a business dress with elegant high-heeled shoes will look good. You can replace it with pants with a smart blouse or shirt if you feel better.

In general, it’s a good day to put on a thing that pleases your heart when you don’t have to put on sweaters and down jackets.

As for the guys, a suit, tie, and formal shoes are a win-win option if you intend to establish yourself as a diligent and purposeful student from the very first day (it can produce an incredible effect on the impressionable professor). Yes, it’s not necessary to wear such a college outfit every day, but on the first day of class, it is highly advisable to demonstrate the seriousness of your mood.

The shirt, chinos, and loafers also look quite solid, and you will feel more comfortable than in a suit.

Don’t Push The Panic Button: Common College Freshmen Fears

However, many people in the period of admission to college are afraid of various aspects associated with entering adulthood. Young students are afraid of exams, teachers, and a new team. It is completely normal.

Fear is just a defensive reaction of an organism to new conditions. So, fear performs a very important function – it protects us. But excess it can cause stress, which we don’t need at all.

What could be the causes of fear:

  • Pressure from outside (teachers, parents, friends);
  • Ignorance, uncertainty in their knowledge and strength;
  • Uncertainty and low self-esteem;
  • Low-stress resistance;
  • Weak nervous system.

There are other different reasons, but these are common. They are distinguished by psychologists and educators. What to do? The first thing is to understand the reason for the fear.

It is necessary to understand what exactly needs to be done. And then you should proceed from the reason. If this is uncertainty, you can be treated with additional exercises and reading literature. You also need to correct your time management (sleep, food, rest).

If you are worried about pressure from the outside, try to find the support of your parents and friends. They will help you to overcome common fears.

But, much more serious is the situation with the characteristics of health and the nervous system. Then you should contact a psychologist, psychotherapist, and neurologist. Doctors will help you choose pills to strengthen the nervous system, as well as vitamins, and a psychologist will help to tune in and relieve stress.

Tips: 5 things to do in the first classes

  1. Do not start your college life with passes. At first time attendance is monitored especially strictly. Gather your will into a fist and attend all classes, both lectures, and practical or seminar.
  2. Check out the timetable and course syllabus. The first day at the university is not very different from the others, except that you do not know anyone. But you should not worry, in a month you will already know everything.
  3. Do not be constricted or arrogant. It is worth taking a closer look at your classmates, finding those with whom it is interesting to communicate and those who are most likely an intelligent person. It will not be superfluous to maintain contact with smart people.
  4. Try to learn something about your teachers. Someone loves almost the army order, while you can joke with another. Remember that teachers are the same people, they just have some power over you.
  5. Find out what are the directions of social life at the university, where you can apply your talents and abilities. Also, students can enroll in different interesting courses and programs. Participation in the public life of the university and speaking for the honor will have a very positive effect on your studies in general.

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Relax: night before first day of school

For some people, it is a period of joyful excitement. However, for others, this can be very stressful. Nevertheless, talking about first day of high school, we can give tips connected with the night before that will provide an excellent pastime and a cheerful mood.

Think about how you will get to college. Ensuring reliable transportation is a necessary step. There is nothing more important than the question of how you will get to school on the first day. It will be very busy, and you don’t want to just get lost along the way.

Clean your room in the evening. When you return from college, you will not want to waste time on cleaning. Tidy up your room. So, the next day when you get home everything will be clean and comfortable.

Choose what to wear and put your clothes near the bed. The right choice of your appearance on the first day of class in college can tickle your nerves, especially if you want to make a good first impression. Fortunately, you have plenty of time to choose your clothes the day before this event. Find your favorite outfit and lay them carefully next to your bed. Thus, you do not have to think about what to wear.

You need to sleep at least for eight hours. You may have heard similar advice before. While many people have difficulty stretching for 5 or 6 hours, you need to sleep 8 hours, especially if you need to make many different things the following day. A good dream is very important for success. Your body needs more time to relax while you develop.