What Is An Expository Essay: Tips To The Creation Of Fantastic Paper

An exposition is a kind of explanative communication that appears both orally and in writing. In the latter context, it is worth highlighting such a variety of papers as an expository essay, the key function of which is to explain a narrow topic or a package consisting of several concepts. The writing of this work can be included in the required assignments of several tests and exams, including the California Basic Educational Skills Test, SAT Reasoning Test, and many others can be distinguished. At the same time, the compilation of these tasks can occur outside the classes.
The main elements of expository papers are materials together with analysis. The key argument may not be pronounced, but this element contains several different views on a given topic. It is the arguments and level of analysis that distinguishes this type of essay from other academic works. Despite the fact that the paper’s main task is to reveal a certain phenomenon with further reinforcement with various examples, the arguments and analysis are not too deep as in the larger works. During the exam, only your knowledge is the basis for examples used to confirm the presented information.
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Key Components of Expository Essay
To better understand what an expository essay is, the first thing to pay attention to are requirements that do not have much difference with any other type of academic essay:
- A comprehensible thesis statement or running concept that contributes to establishing and sustaining the focus.
- The introductory part, which aims to present the thesis.
- The main body where it appears a chain of testimony that is necessary to illustrate aspects of analytics or information content.
- A number of transitions which are aimed at linking concepts of adjacent pieces of text that are implemented in unusual ways.
- The final part, where the text’s key intent is reiterated, but at the same time differs from the previous form.
The Writing Process of an Expository Essay
Actually, there are some different types of this paper and, accordingly, ways to create it. However, the first association with the question of an expository essay is a five-paragraph scheme. This method will be especially useful for beginners, as it is not difficult and incomprehensible. The five-paragraph text contains the components that were mentioned earlier, while the common structure is as follows:
- The first part introduces the audience to the perspicuous and concise thesis statement.
- The main body consists of three paragraphs containing specific testimony and research that creates a connection between the thesis and assertions.
- Conclusion that sums up the work, which is done by re-parse the thesis statement in the context of the main body’s arguments.
Despite the fact that the above formula gives a better understanding of an expository essay, you should remember that this structure is only one option among various other possible ones. The choice of the most suitable concept is based on many nuances that must be considered. The most important factors are volume and the level of complexity of the task. If you need to create a work that is about five or more pages long, a formula called 5-Paragraph Essay will not work. However, the structure of more bulky papers does not differ from the analyzed version, while the only difference is the number of paragraphs of the main body. The volume of the latter can also vary depending on the required length of the essay.
Stages of Creating an Excellent Expository Paper
First of all, you need to get busy reading the received assignment, focusing on each important point. The next step is to find a theme that meets all the requirements. Keep in mind that the topic should be narrow enough to create a direct link to the assignment. However, remember the meaning and do not overdo it with the previous paragraph.
Creating a plan and a draft thesis also plays an important role in the expository essay writing process. Here your task is to collect all sorts of ideas together and translate into a thesis statement that reflects each of them.
Collect examples in advance that fit your topic and will be used to support key points of the presentation. These tools can be both from the baggage of knowledge and your personal life. Each of them needs to be firmly associated with the main concept.
Don’t forget that the location of each example is one paragraph in the main body. For this reason, during the creation of the plan, you should consider writing topic sentences for each of the examples. A topic sentence’s function as a transition is to establish a link between a thesis statement and testimony.
The last part of the plan should contain information about the implementation of spectacular and fascinating paper completion. The latter’s task is not simply to repeat all the information presented in the previous paragraphs. The conclusion summarizes the work in parallel, demonstrating the changes in each of these statements. At the same time, this part may contain a completely different version of the development of events associated with the selected concepts. It can be realized by summing the investigated phenomena and the proposal of a forecast regarding the further state of affairs.
In the case of writing an expository essay, not on a time-limited exam, you can afford to experiment with structure and other aspects of writing the main body before working on the introduction. The main paragraphs as a starting point for work can help formulate a more accurate and concise thesis statement together with the way of its presence in the introductory part.
At the same time, your work plan should contain the implementation of certain assignments that can be intertwined:
- Definition of the main concepts and locutions.
- Description of concrete examples performing the evidence function.
- A cursory study of the specifics of each of the examples.
- Example comparison, identifying their role in expository essay and connection with a thesis statement.
- Exploring causality amidst examples.
- Establishing the relationship between examples and the key message of the paper.
- Editing the created essay in order to bring all sorts of parameters to perfection.