Your First Day Of College: Outfit, Fears, Tips & Meme

The student has more independence than the pupils. Teachers will treat you like an adult, leaving you more rights and opportunities. There everything depends only on you. The student is given the right to control his actions and be responsible for them.
The atmosphere of a college or university favorably affects many of yesterday’s pupils. They become completely different people: more active, open and creative. You should not be afraid to show yourself.
The main difficulties arise for those students who have chosen a specialty at the behest of parents. This freshman can have problems with academic performance. The chosen profession becomes a burden.
However, remember that you are not trapped. You are free to choose where and what to learn. And if the specialty does not suit you, it can be changed.
Another difficulty is that there is no matter how remarkable success you have achieved in your former place of study; here you are a beginner. Do not immediately try to prove to everyone how “cool” you are on first day of class college and how easy it is for you. Education is not a sprint, but a marathon.
Do not panic if you feel uncomfortable! It is a classical situation in a new place. The main thing is to carefully perceive what is happening around, try to choose new connections correctly, because you will have to see these people for several years. It is also important not to succumb to the herd instinct. If you have to change your lifestyle due to study, this is not a reason to become the same as most people around you. Do not be afraid to maintain your personality and stand out from the crowd.
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Outfit: What To Wear On The First Day
If a dress code does not limit you to tight boundaries, you are free to experiment with your college outfit. Dress-shirts, mom-jeans, baggy sweaters, flannel plaid shirts, denim overalls, leather pants – you have a huge choice for your day class!
Here are some first day of high-school tips. First of all, put on something that you will feel confident in. Do not overestimate the importance of this day. After all, it is not a ruler in the first grade, but you need to feel comfortable and relaxed to smile, not be shy and get to know future classmates. A lot of acquaintances take place on this day. Often the guys go somewhere together for lunch after the official part.
For a girl, a business dress with elegant high-heeled shoes will look good. You can replace it with pants with a smart blouse or shirt if you feel better.
In general, it’s a good day to put on a thing that pleases your heart when you don’t have to put on sweaters and down jackets.
As for the guys, a suit, tie, and formal shoes are a win-win option if you intend to establish yourself as a diligent and purposeful student from the very first day (it can produce an incredible effect on the impressionable professor). Yes, it’s not necessary to wear such a college outfit every day, but on the first day of class, it is highly advisable to demonstrate the seriousness of your mood.
The shirt, chinos, and loafers also look quite solid, and you will feel more comfortable than in a suit.
Don’t Push The Panic Button: Common College Freshmen Fears
However, many people in the period of admission to college are afraid of various aspects associated with entering adulthood. Young students are afraid of exams, teachers, and a new team. It is completely normal.
Fear is just a defensive reaction of an organism to new conditions. So, fear performs a very important function – it protects us. But excess it can cause stress, which we don’t need at all.
What could be the causes of fear:
- Pressure from outside (teachers, parents, friends);
- Ignorance, uncertainty in their knowledge and strength;
- Uncertainty and low self-esteem;
- Low-stress resistance;
- Weak nervous system.
There are other different reasons, but these are common. They are distinguished by psychologists and educators. What to do? The first thing is to understand the reason for the fear.
It is necessary to understand what exactly needs to be done. And then you should proceed from the reason. If this is uncertainty, you can be treated with additional exercises and reading literature. You also need to correct your time management (sleep, food, rest).
If you are worried about pressure from the outside, try to find the support of your parents and friends. They will help you to overcome common fears.
But, much more serious is the situation with the characteristics of health and the nervous system. Then you should contact a psychologist, psychotherapist, and neurologist. Doctors will help you choose pills to strengthen the nervous system, as well as vitamins, and a psychologist will help to tune in and relieve stress.
Tips: 5 things to do in the first classes
- Do not start your college life with passes. At first time attendance is monitored especially strictly. Gather your will into a fist and attend all classes, both lectures, and practical or seminar.
- Check out the timetable and course syllabus. The first day at the university is not very different from the others, except that you do not know anyone. But you should not worry, in a month you will already know everything.
- Do not be constricted or arrogant. It is worth taking a closer look at your classmates, finding those with whom it is interesting to communicate and those who are most likely an intelligent person. It will not be superfluous to maintain contact with smart people.
- Try to learn something about your teachers. Someone loves almost the army order, while you can joke with another. Remember that teachers are the same people, they just have some power over you.
- Find out what are the directions of social life at the university, where you can apply your talents and abilities. Also, students can enroll in different interesting courses and programs. Participation in the public life of the university and speaking for the honor will have a very positive effect on your studies in general.
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Relax: night before first day of school
For some people, it is a period of joyful excitement. However, for others, this can be very stressful. Nevertheless, talking about first day of high school, we can give tips connected with the night before that will provide an excellent pastime and a cheerful mood.
Think about how you will get to college. Ensuring reliable transportation is a necessary step. There is nothing more important than the question of how you will get to school on the first day. It will be very busy, and you don’t want to just get lost along the way.
Clean your room in the evening. When you return from college, you will not want to waste time on cleaning. Tidy up your room. So, the next day when you get home everything will be clean and comfortable.
Choose what to wear and put your clothes near the bed. The right choice of your appearance on the first day of class in college can tickle your nerves, especially if you want to make a good first impression. Fortunately, you have plenty of time to choose your clothes the day before this event. Find your favorite outfit and lay them carefully next to your bed. Thus, you do not have to think about what to wear.
You need to sleep at least for eight hours. You may have heard similar advice before. While many people have difficulty stretching for 5 or 6 hours, you need to sleep 8 hours, especially if you need to make many different things the following day. A good dream is very important for success. Your body needs more time to relax while you develop.