Rhetorical Analysis Essay Examples

In educational institutions, students most often come across ordinary academic papers, and for such papers, experts have long compiled guides on how to write. However, a rhetorical analysis still raises many students’ questions since teachers do not give exact recommendations. Regular academic papers require the student to express their own opinion on a topic. However, in rhetorical analysis, the student must convince his statements’ audience, but this is not easy. The audience must believe you Based on specific examples, thesis, etc.

Before we start with examples, let’s look at the meaning of this concept. The rhetorical analysis is a technique through which the student can examine the text and understand its structure. The student can also find out what speech techniques the author used. Students can evaluate artistic techniques and linguistic tools that the author used and express their opinion in this type of assignment. If you don’t know where to start, we recommend that you pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the kind and genre of speech of the text, its addressee;
  • the purposefulness of the author (the author has achieved the set goal);
  • conditions for creating and pronouncing speech (place, time);
  • selection of the language of the text (taking into account the rhetorical strategy of a specific audience);
  • types of arguments: pros and cons, strong and weak;
  • types of argumentation: inductive / deductive, descending / ascending, refutes / supporting, one-sided / two-sided;
  • the effectiveness of argumentation;
  • composition of the text (the structure of the introduction and conclusion, how many parts are in the text, the words transitions between parts);
  • changing points of view (internal/external, own/alien, spatial, temporal, evaluative, etc.):
  • the use of various types of speech;
  • correctness, accuracy, relevance, expressiveness of the language (whether actual, logical, speech errors were made)
  • communication failures, their reasons;
  • the practicality of using tropes and rhetorical figures;
  • methods and means of dialogizing the language of the text;
  • means of expressing linguistic aggression (if it is permissible);
  • demagogic and manipulative techniques;
  • the general assessment of the language of the text (persuasiveness, originality).

Rhetorical analysis has a simple structure. Let’s look at examples of each bullet point in this essay.

Rhetorical Analysis – Introduction Example

Like any other written assignment, the rhetorical analysis also has an introduction. Writers created this part to:

  1. The reader will get acquainted with the selected topic and tell a little about the author of the text being analyzed.
  2. Indicate for whom this essay is intended.

Any conventional introduction contains a hook. Your task is to write an introductory sentence that will grab the reader’s attention. By writing a catchy sentence, you have a better chance of getting your article read. So that you don’t have any questions about creating an introduction, let’s look at a small example. Our essay topic will be an on “Romeo and Juliet” by Shakespeare:

The most famous English poet, writer, and playwright William Shakespeare could create an incredible story that is being studied around the world – “Romeo and Juliet.” According to one of the versions of “Romeo and Juliet,” the author created in 1595. But the second version of historians says that there was no exact date when the author wrote this work. However, it is known for sure that in the period from 1593 to 1596, William Shakespeare actively worked on the masterpiece. During the Renaissance, almost all plays ended tragically, so Romeo and Juliet was no exception. The main characters of this play died together. 

The performance itself is small and contains five acts. In the prologue, the author briefly tells the essence of the story. When analyzing this work, I noticed that the plot of the tragedy is built symmetrically. For Shakespeare, such feelings as noblemen and love were among the main ones, and therefore he applied two concepts in tragedy. The author focused his attention more on love. I read the tragedy to the end and noticed that the closer the finale moves, the brighter the author revealed the topic of high feelings. Many readers claim that love in this play looks very pretentious. I cannot disagree. In the monologues of the heroes, you can see how they convey love. Also, the heroes sing about love with all pride and triumph.

In this example, you can see that the author has provided short information about the analyzed text. Then the author wrote several sentences about rhetorical devices and what role they played in the text.

Thesis Statement And Body – Example

A thesis proposal is a short statement by the author of the article regarding the analyzed text. Accordingly, in the body, it is necessary to provide arguments regarding the thesis. In our example, you can do the following thesis:

According to history, tragic plots have existed in literature for a long time, so Shakespeare did not create something new, only added his view of the problem – so many believe. However, I can confidently say that the writer has made a tragedy, unlike any other work. After all, otherwise, the play would not have become famous. I believe that this is an original performance, which has a lot of meaning and is ready to prove it.

An in-depth and thorough analysis of the tragedy gives the right to believe that history is not fiction but reality. Essentially, Shakespeare created a legend in the form of a play. The author took as a basis only the tragic ending, but the stories that unfold before the final tell us about five days of lovers. When creating the tragedy, the author changed the season and, with the help of artistic techniques, added vivid scenes and touched upon that time’s problems.

The author was very conceived about the structure of the text and created the play in an asymmetrical opposition. In the first part, I read about how the masters’ servants meet. In the second part, I read about the Montagues and the Capulet. In the third part, I got acquainted with the warring clans. In all parts, I was surprised by the fact that the author frankly describes duels, quarrels, murders, and at the same time, they look very realistic due to metaphors, hyperboles, comparisons. The last part makes the author move away from this topic, and the enmity between the heroes stops. The author has dynamically written the exposition, beginning, climax and denouement. I could not tear myself away for one minute.

I concluded that the tragedy takes on a circular structure. That is, the author is so obsessed with conflicts that they are repeated parallelly. I paid special attention to the monologues of the main characters. Most often, characters talk about conscience, passion, love, honor, and nobility. All themes are the essence of the composition. Indeed, in other words, only one topic is raised. Shakespeare used the rhetorical exclamation “Romeo, what a pity you are Romeo!”; the metaphor “Extinguishing the fire of deadly strife with streams of red liquid from the veins”; personification of “feelings overpowered”; comparisons “like the stars of the night”; epithets “heavenly,” “light,” “winged,” “shining.”

For Shakespeare, the language was not an end in itself, but a means, and a means that could and should be renewed and expanded. Shakespeare used words from a wide variety of strata of the language – from purely literary, book vocabulary to vernacular, terms of science, medicine, military affairs, jurisprudence, commerce, etc. According to some estimates, Shakespeare’s dictionary has 18,000 words, of which he first used about 3,500. This is an extraordinary lexical wealth, considering that other major writers, such as Dickens, have a vocabulary of no more than 9,000.

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Rhetorical Analysis Conclusion – Example

The conclusion in the rhetorical analysis is intended to give the final verdict on the text. Also, in the final section, the student can summarize the main points. In conclusion, you are allowed to re-formulate the thesis to make sure you prove your idea. Let’s look at an example of a conclusion:

The wealth of Shakespeare’s language lies not so much in the number of words as in the sheer number of meanings and shades in which Shakespeare uses the word. Shakespeare’s language sharply in Romeo and Juliet stands out for its semantic richness. The root of this wealth lies in the fact that Shakespeare drew meanings and shades of meanings of words from the folk language of his era widely. Mastering the semantics of the language allowed Shakespeare to use “wordplay” or pun widely. Shakespeare often uses one word in two or more meanings at the same time. Although the play is based on tragedy, Romeo and Juliet’s rhetorical analysis helps to see the comic elements intertwined with a red thread in the storyline. Shakespeare drew attention to social issues, morals, raised issues of morality, and exalted high feelings.

AP Language Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

Anyone who wants to write a rhetorical analysis for the AP Language and Composition course will inevitably face text formulation problems. Depending on how correctly you compose the essay structure and how you approach the text’s writing correctly, the assessment will depend. To be successful, take a look at some of our tips.

Understand the Prompt

The topic of the article will certainly give you a hint. Accordingly, before writing an essay, find a hint and think about what it is for. If you understand what is required of you, you will have a better chance of putting together the article’s correct structure and content.

Stick To The Format

Yes, a rhetorical analysis is different from a regular academic essay. However, you must know the structure of the text and format it according to the rules. Make a plan, so you don’t miss out on essential points. An essay outline will help you divide your text into logical paragraphs. You should have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. If you’ve read the example, you already know that the introduction requires a properly written thesis. The central part may contain several paragraphs in which you argue the thesis and give examples. After conducting a rhetorical analysis, in conclusion, you can provide a verdict for the entire work.

Apply Rhetorical Elements to Form Argument

To choose the right arguments for the central part, we recommend analyzing the following points:

  • Language – what tone and words the author uses in work;
  • Structure – how the author lined up paragraphs and applied linguistic rules;
  • Rhetorical appeal – ethos, pathos, logos.

If you analyze all three parameters, then you can create a successful thesis. It can be written both negatively and positively. The negative form is aimed at showing that the author used too weak artistic techniques. The positive form is aimed at showing that the author is rich in artistic techniques. It is on the thesis that the whole essence of the article will be based. So don’t miss this critical point.

FAQ About The Rhetorical Analysis 

How do I write a rhetorical analysis essay?

To successfully compose this type of paper, you need to choose a good topic. Analyze three aspects:

  1. The tone of work, structure, artistic techniques.
  2. Based on the data obtained, draw up a thesis.
  3. In the central part, provide arguments and an example in favor of the thesis.
  4. In conclusion, give a verdict to all work.

What is a rhetorical analysis?

Rhetorical analysis is a form of criticism or attentive reading that uses rhetoric principles to explore the interaction between text, author, and audience. The essay is intended to give an objective assessment of the work after analyzing artistic techniques, words, and work style.

How many paragraphs are in a rhetorical analysis essay?

This type of writing assignment has three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. However, the body can be 3-5 paragraphs long. Accordingly, it all depends on the length of your work. If you want to attach as much information as possible, then there will be many paragraphs. If you have a limited word limit, then there can be three paragraphs.

How do you write a rhetorical analysis essay for a commercial?

The ads we watch most often use rhetorical appeals. This is done to attract as many audiences as possible and encourage them to buy a product or use a service. To create a rhetorical analysis essay for a commercial, you must adhere to the same principle – to analyze all rhetorical techniques.

Guide: How to Start an Essay with a Quote

A quote is a specific text written in a written assignment with an accurate construction of words to argue your point of view or explain some theory. Most often, people use the statements of famous people – both past centuries and present. Such passages from authoritative people contain a lot of life experience, useful information, wisdom, and knowledge. All these statements can be applied to any written work, provided that you quote correctly. A quote is a powerful tool for writing essays because many readers believe such statements, and your text automatically becomes reliable. Therefore, every student should know how to start an essay with a quote.

Useful Tips for Starting Essay with Quotes

Have you thought about starting the text with a quote in an original way, but you don’t know what to start with first? Put the alarm aside and heed the advice of the experts:

  • Choose statements that support your goal. Once you start looking for quotes, decide what purpose you want to achieve. The goals can be as follows: to inspire the reader, to prove their point of view, to alert the reader not to share certain actions, to call for action, to tell how to solve a particular problem, to motivate, to amuse. Choose only those quotes that will successfully convey the meaning of the composition;
  • Get to know your target audience. When choosing a quote, you must understand who it is intended for. Therefore, find out who your readers are. For example, if you discuss some scientific topic, then, accordingly, only scientists who have been working in this field for a long time will understand it. Don’t choose too trivial or hard-to-read quotes. Look for the intriguing ones. We understand that not everyone knows how to define their target audience, so we will give you a few tips: find out the age of potential readers, find out the gender and make up the percentage, find out the interests, find out how readers understand the topic;
  • Choose a quote that will support your point. Having a quote, explain how it relates to the topic or how it supports the thesis, argument, problem, and situation. This stage is essential because if you write a statement that does not help your point in any way, then it will look ridiculous. The essay should unite one topic, and it is not worth taking individual phrases out of context;
  • Indicate the source. When writing an essay that contains quotations, be sure to add a link or note where the quote was taken from. If you don’t tag the author, you could be accused of plagiarism. Regarding formatting, it all depends on the citation style. Sometimes you need to include the specific book pages, paragraphs, or even phrases you are quoting. Sometimes just the name of the source and the year of publication is enough. If you are writing an article for a large audience, then be sure to consider the concept of plagiarism. Academic institutions take this very seriously, so you have no margin for error.

Key Points to Consider When Choosing a Quote

If you have decided that you want to write a text and insert a quote initially, we recommend that you pay attention not to the person who wrote the phrase but to the essence of the statement. We want to convey to you that it is not necessary to turn to famous personalities to quote them. Your goal is to convey your thoughts using other statements successfully. If you use a not very well-known quote, you do not risk being unoriginal and repeating the text’s structure after previous writers.

Sometimes readers want to see the story behind the writing of sayings. That is, to find out under what circumstances such a thought occurred to a person. By writing a little background story, you can help readers find out what obstacles people faced when formulating statements or how they felt the statements. Describing the story behind the creation of a quote should be dynamic and effective. This is especially true of those statements related to life and vivid events, extraordinary disputes, strange phenomena. No one will remember a boring story.

Let us warn you right away that it can take a long time to find suitable quotes, so please be patient and strong. However, to simplify finding quotes, we have prepared some good methods that you can put into practice. We recommend starting your search for a quote in the relevant books. Certain editions have been publishing books for a long time that contain quotations in various directions, starting from scientists and ending with art critics. The list of quotes is arranged in alphabetical order. You do not need to study the statements for a long time since experts have already done this before you and have divided the topics into categories. The experts did it for you. We also recommend using Internet search engines. However, you must be clear about your search terms. You can adjust the publication date yourself and keywords – it is the most flexible tool. The last method, which is particularly effective, is selecting appropriate sources that contain known passages.

Pros And Cons Start Essay With Quote

If you want to start your text with a quote, you should know both the positives and the disadvantages.


  • With a quote, you can create your own writing style. Sometimes quotes contain a lot of meaning. After reading the statements, people will have different emotions, and from the first words, your text will respond in the reader’s memory. We believe that this is the most successful hook for which the reader will remember you;
  • With a quote, you will grab attention. Strong and meaningful quotes are an excellent technique to grab the reader’s attention. We recommend writing quotes that are shocking, humorous, controversial, or revealing deep truths for maximum impact. We assure you that you can smoothly redirect the reader to the article’s primary content with this technique, where you will continue the topic. Also, by applying a quote, there is a chance that people will read your text to the end;
  • Thanks to the quote, your text will become more authoritative. If your essays include Newton, Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci’s statements, people will respect your text. That is, no one will challenge your words, which are also confirmed by other authoritative people.


  • Quotations are often perceived as cliché. Usually, if the quote is strong, meaningful, then it will only benefit the writer. However, if you use quotes, you will not add some shocking data or numbers because your introduction will be filled with difficult information. That is, if you use a quotation, then you need to develop your thought further and not grab onto other data that is well known;
  • Finding compelling and containing quotes can be time-consuming. When composing a quote, the student is forbidden to change its words since it is already inaccurate. Accordingly, if some words do not suit you, you need to look for other quotes, leading to a loss of time.
  • Quotes are very often similar to culmination. If you find a fascinating quote that fits perfectly into the article’s context, then it’s better to keep it to the end. At the beginning of the article, you will provide the owl with an opinion on the topic. Then in the central part, you will prove your beliefs based on the statements of scientists, historians, art historians, etc. If you understand that quotation is best suited as an element of argumentation, then it is best to leave it for the climax, but you cannot insert a quotation at the beginning of the text.

FAQ About How To Start An Essay With A Quote

Is it okay to start an essay with a quote?

You can, of course, start your essay with a quote. A persuasive and robust quote can grab the reader’s attention.

How do you write a quote at the beginning of an essay?

To correctly quote the beginning of the text, you must adhere to the citation rules. The main citation styles are MLA, APA, ASA. All the citation rules are described in detail in the manuals.

How do you start a college essay with a quote?

If you’re writing an essay for college, we recommend that you pick a quote that fits your direction. If you are a future doctor, then find the statements of a doctor who is known throughout the world.

How do you start an essay with a quote in MLA format?

MLA is excellent for the humanities. In the MLA format, the reference to the author of the quotation in the document itself is brief and clear so that the reader can easily find him in the bibliography. The source of information is indicated in parentheses in the “author-page” format.

A Selection Of Synthesis Essay Topics From Experts

In high school or college, teachers are often asked to synthesize information and correctly organize the essay’s structure. To successfully write a synthesis essay, you need to have many skills, such as creativity and organization, but the topic’s choice is also essential. Sometimes teachers provide a list of ideas themselves, which makes searching easier. However, if you were given complete freedom in choosing a topic, we suggest using our ideas, which are popular in 2021.

Tips on How to Choose the Perfect Synthesis Topics

As we have already mentioned, many teachers often designate a topic for each student themselves or give a limited list of ideas. Education does not stand still, and modern teachers give complete freedom in choosing a topic. But there is another side to this privilege. Students cannot focus on one topic without certain limitations and do not know which idea is better to choose. For this reason, the experts decided to help students who are tormented by choice and made a list of tips:

  • Choose a topic that interests you. As practice shows, topics of interest to students encourage them to devote more time to research. In this way, you will be passionate about writing, and you will be able to compose an interesting article. 
  • Don’t choose too general a topic. You’ve probably noticed that very often, and students consider such topics as global warming, the bad effects of drugs on health, social networks and society, corruption, technology in medicine, etc. These topics are too general and no longer of interest. Keep your synthesis essay short, so choose topics related to a specific idea and not cover many other issues and stories.
  • Choose a debatable theme. The best synthesis essay topic is those ideas that make the reader think about your words and perhaps even disagree with the statements. That is, you have to force the reader to discuss with you. If the topic is too simple and it’s ending is obvious, then such a topic cannot be found fault with, and it is not possible to argue.
  • Choose a topic that is the subject of negotiations. We recommend choosing topics that interest not only you but also those that are not easy to research. If you had already studied the topic a hundred times before and conducted a lot of research, there is no point in considering it as you can no longer change or influence the moments. Instead, look for topics that you can change and influence the course of events.

Trendy 2021 Synthesis Essay Topics

If you don’t have time to find the perfect topic, then we present to your attention the list of the best topics for synthesis essays. We divided all topics into categories to make it easier for you to choose.

Social Media Topics

  1. Does Facebook help you find classmates or make new friends?
  2. Does Instagram make girls look better, or do some feel uncomfortable?
  3. Are there applications that can affect student performance?
  4. Does Facebook protect users’ data?
  5. Does YouTube advertising affect people’s behavior?
  6. Has social media influenced standard dating?
  7. Why are all girls on Instagram alike?
  8. How much time do students spend on the Internet, and how much time is outdoors?
  9. Can online communities affect society’s worldview?
  10. Thanks to social media, the profession of a journalist began to flourish?

Education Topics

  1. Do students have to manage their education?
  2. Why do students fail to learn with age?
  3. Can technology positively impact education?
  4. Do all students have to adhere to a dress code in educational institutions?
  5. Why should teachers in schools, colleges, universities carry firearms for the safety of their students?
  6. Why is higher education expensive? What needs to be done so that all students can get a free higher education?
  7. Do you agree that all football players of schools, colleges, universities should receive money for competitions?
  8. Is it likely that due to distance learning, students will stop attending educational institutions altogether?
  9. Why do racial disputes and humiliation occur in schools and colleges?
  10. Why do some schools have hidden passageways to the prison? How does this affect the mental state of students?

Global Warming Topics

  1. Why are Monarch Butterflies disappearing due to global warming?
  2. Is air pollution driving global warming and icebreakers?
  3. Has global warming reduced human life expectancy to 50 years?
  4. Why is agriculture suffering from global warming?
  5. Why are marine animals becoming extinct due to global warming?
  6. Is environmental research moving global warming?
  7. Can the entire population of the continent stop global warming?
  8. Has the American way of life contributed to the emergence of global warming?
  9. Why can only the US stop global warming?
  10. Can environmentalists save animals from global warming?

Technology Topics

  1. Why are there video games with violence? Could this affect real life?
  2. How has the life of society changed due to the emergence of artificial intelligence?
  3. Why is personal privacy threatened with the advent of drones?
  4. Why, with the advent of technology, have people become increasingly divided into rich and poor?
  5. Why are cities not equipped for modern cars that need to be charged with electricity?
  6. Can professional athletes influence the development of sports technology?
  7. With the advent of artificial intelligence, the number of jobs has decreased?
  8. Can artificial intelligence replace all human skills?
  9. Can technology affect business productivity?
  10. With the advent of technology, entertainment for schoolchildren has changed?

Society Topics

  1. With the advent of new professions, has higher education become unnecessary?
  2. Should the death penalty be applied to people who rape children?
  3. Why is voting an ineffective method of choosing a president?
  4. Is it worth canceling the sale of tobacco as it spoils people’s health?
  5. Why does the US government monitor the population and restrict people’s rights?
  6. Why shouldn’t students with hard temper be sent to juvenile prisons?
  7. Should parents make sure their children do not play violent video games?
  8. Can such modern professions as a marketer, content maker, designer, copywriter, video maker last long?
  9. Why isn’t the government supporting women as actively as men?
  10. What should be done with people who violate the rules of ethics in public places?

Health and Medicine Topics

  1. Why should pharmaceutical companies legally sell marijuana for medical purposes?
  2. Why should all countries stop producing sugary sodas?
  3. From an ethical point of view, is it okay to test perfumes on animals or not?
  4. Why is it necessary to ensure plastic surgery?
  5. Why is there no free healthcare in the USA?
  6. Who runs health care in the United States – the people or the government?
  7. Why should everyone insure their lives?
  8. Why is the health care system too weak in the US, and people are forced to seek help in other countries?
  9. Can exercise and cold water hardening improve immunity and health?
  10. Why are many children dying due to poverty and unable to see a doctor?

Art and Literature Topics

  1. In the modern world, is graffiti an art form or not?
  2. In terms of art, are video games in this genre?
  3. Thanks to music, can you develop attentiveness, concentration, perseverance?
  4. In everyday life, how often do we see art?
  5. What caused the transformation of cinematography, and what consequences did it have?
  6. Is what we see in the paintings true or fiction?
  7. Why should TV advertising and radio advertising be classified as art?
  8. Why do students choose to listen to a book instead of reading it?
  9. What do you think – will it be necessary to remove the usual libraries and switch to electronic ones?
  10. Are environmental issues raised in modern books, or are writers prone to fantasy stories?

Ethics and Morality Topics

  1. Why do strong people choose not to share their problems?
  2. Why do people value those who create clothes, food, and jobs for us?
  3. Why should people raise themselves first of all a human, and not an animal?
  4. To become successful, do you need to develop talent or work in an unloved job?
  5. Why are people in prison denied the right to vote?
  6. Why do people mindlessly buy things they don’t need?
  7. What needs to be done so that circuses stop abusing animals?
  8. Do you support the production of genetically engineered animals?
  9. If a person is rich, can he be happy, or does this require other factors?
  10. Why can’t people control their future and harm nature?

The Us Law and the Justice System Topics

  1. Should all people in the United States be punished for breaking the law or given the right to change?
  2. The US suffers from mass shootings in schools, what should the justice officials do to avoid this?
  3. Why are prisons in the US overcrowded with criminals?
  4. Why does the US support the legalization of prostitution?
  5. Can the law affect the behavior of the African American community?
  6. Why do the authorities have more rights than ordinary people? Is this fair?
  7. Why don’t people take the US Constitution seriously? What is the government’s fault in front of the population?
  8. Why are African American men most likely to break the law in the United States?
  9. Why are poor people more likely to go to jail instead of rich people? Why does bribery rule the world?
  10. How to stop strikes peacefully?

Immigration, the American Dream, and Culture Topics

  1. Can every American make his dream come true? Who can help with this?
  2. How does immigration affect the US economy?
  3. Why do illegal immigrants come to the United States if they cannot find work here and live according to the law?
  4. Why isn’t the US stopping immigration?
  5. Why is gender inequality promoted in the United States, but the government is silent?
  6. Should educational institutions employ different people to keep students from racial violence?
  7. Why doesn’t US culture accept racially diverse communities?
  8. Why do people suffer from a disease called color blind?
  9. Why do boys and girls need to study separately to keep each other safe from teenage violence?
  10. Why doesn’t the US fight online sites that offer intimate services?

FAQ About Synthesis Essay

What Is a Synthesis Topic?

To write a synthesis essay, you need a topic that you can speak frankly about. These topics include medicine, technology, education, law, fashion, history, ethics, morality, literature, art.

What Should a Synthesis Essay Have?

The synthesis essay, like any other academic writing, contains a specific structure. The synthesis essay must have an introduction and a thesis. In the synthesis essay’s main body, you will provide arguments for the thesis and provide examples. At the end of this essay, you can call people to take some action and influence the reader’s opinions and allow them to reflect.

What Is an Example of a Synthesis?

Teachers ask students to write a synthesis essay to help people see connections between things. For example, when you read reviews of a music or movie, you immediately synthesize it and create an opinion. Therefore, when writing an essay, you can touch on examples from your own life.

How Do You Write an Introduction for a Synthesis Essay?

In the introduction to the synthesis essay, the first thing to do is introduce the topic to the reader and explain why it is essential. It is the introduction that sets the whole tone of the essay. If you are intrigued, then leave it a secret until the conclusion, or if you laugh, then observe a positive tone to the end. In the introduction, formulate a thesis that you will prove in the central part.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics – Ideas From Experts

Academic life is filled with bright colors, but teachers often ask students to write essays, which is the student’s unloved business. Throughout the course, each student is required to write five to ten essays per year. Sometimes the number of essays is overwhelming because papers may be part of an academic curriculum or required for a specific subject. Based on this, we can conclude that this essay is an essential part of student life. So our experts have worked hard to come up with creative ideas to help you compare and contrast.

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Compare and Contrast Essays – What is this?

Based on the essay’s title, it becomes clear that it is necessary to compare and contrast anything in this paper type. As a form of academic assignment, this essay requires that the topic be told at least two subjects. Such an essay aims to teach the student to compare two objects to find similar and different sides.

For a better understanding, let’s look at a small example. At school or college, you were asked to create an essay on a topic in which you need to compare two aspects: “Is it better to grow up in a nuclear family or grow up in a joint family?” Initially, this type of essay requires you to understand the similarities between the two types of families. Such similarities may be immediate relatives—for example, parents, brothers, and sisters. Next, your task is to find differences between the two types of families. Describe what these differences are and conclude which family is better.

Compare and Contrast Essay – How To Build?

If this is the first time you need to write such an essay, your task is to break the phrase into separate words. To compare two objects means to identify the similarities inherent in the two objects we describe. Regarding the differences, everything is simple here – you can find differences in character, scale, degree, size. But it is worth noting that you need to adhere to the main rule – to find similarities and differences. Two factors cannot exist separately. You can not compare items that have no common functions.

How to Choose Correctly Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For 2021?

Before starting the writing process, choosing a topic is a critical stage. When choosing a topic, you must remember the main rule – a common goal should unite two topics. For example, you decide you want to tell why dogs bark at cats and what life is like in space, you will build a ridiculous essay. The two themes are too different, and it is impossible to find anything in common here. You will look like an uneducated person who does not understand anything about this type of essay in the reader’s eyes.

So please do a detailed analysis of the topics you want to talk about. During the analysis, you should find out if the topics are not identical. If your themes have too much in common, then chances are it will be difficult for you to find different traits, especially if you describe a subject that performs the same functions. As you can see, the choice of theme is essential. After choosing too unrelated topics, you will not be able to define common functions and characteristics. By choosing themes that are too similar to each other, you will not find differences in functions and characteristics. Initially, you will not gain the victory but defeat because you will not achieve the main goal: to compare.

Create A Winning Essay

To be successful in writing this essay, we recommend that you divide the text into several sections. In the first section, you can write why the chosen topic is of interest to you and why it is worth comparing and contrasting two objects. Based on how you provide the theme, you will set the tone for the entire text. In the next two sections, you can compare and match two items. If you understand that you cannot fit common and different features in one paragraph, divide the text into the required number of paragraphs, but make logical transitions between them using word bundles.

We recommend adding numbers or exact facts to the text, as such information will give your essay a more convincing look. When you compose a comparison section, do not forget that all words need to be reasoned. You cannot write data in the text that cannot be confirmed by the statements of authoritative people or examples. Try to write convincing text because then you can win the reader’s trust. Look for objects that clearly show two positions: similarities and differences. It will be easier for you to focus on the text’s structure, and you will not have to puzzle over how to describe the topic.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2021

Once you understand the structure of this essay, you can start choosing a topic. To help you overcome your creative crisis, experts have compiled the most popular essay topics for 2021. When choosing a topic, do not forget about your interests and the requirements of the teacher. Concentrate on a topic in which you are well versed, and then a flight of fantasies is provided to you.

Compare and Contrast Topics on Healthcare

  1. Compare and contrast chemicals and traditional medicines.
  2. What are the similarities and differences between homeopathic and allopathic remedies?
  3. What are the characteristics of private clinics and state hospitals?
  4. Is there a difference and similarity between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
  5. Is it possible to be treated with natural medicines instead of pharmaceutical preparations?
  6. Is it possible to maintain beauty with exercise instead of plastic surgery?
  7. Where is the best help: in a private clinic or a public hospital?
  8. Who is better – women, doctors, or men?
  9. Does the city need mobile first aid stations, or are there enough local hospitals?
  10. Where is the best possible care for the sick – at home or in the hospital?

Compare and Contrast Topics on Technology

  1. In today’s world, is it better to use iOS or Android?
  2. How does a phone differ from a tablet?
  3. Where is the best place to watch TV shows and movies: Netflix or amazon prime?
  4. Which people use most often – Facebook or Twitter?
  5. What to spoil your eyesight: 3D films or 4D films?
  6. Do I need to use social networks for communication, or is it better to communicate live?
  7. Better to get help from a bot or a qualified expert?
  8. Which is better – e-learning or real-time learning?
  9. Are there any similarities and differences between Apple and One Plus?
  10. Should people study in online webinars or only in public educational institutions?

Compare and Contrast Topics on College

  1. Do you need to save money on dinners or not?
  2. Is it better to study in the evening or the afternoon?
  3. Are there any similarities or differences between college and high school?
  4. Is it better to get an education in a private educational institution or a public one?
  5. Is it better to read e-books or paper books?
  6. Is it better to be in online classes or real ones?
  7. Do I need to store information in my head or online notebooks?
  8. When choosing disciplines, you need to pay attention to your interests or career goals?
  9. Do I need to attend online classes or only classes on real premises?
  10. Does college need to be taken seriously, or can you relax?

Compare and Contrast Topics on Economy

  1. Should all students study economics, or are there more critical subjects?
  2. Do you need to study economics for a career in politics or not?
  3. Do I need to study economics? What is the correct allocation of expenses in the future or not?
  4. What is common and different between the two sciences: economics and sociology?
  5. What is common and different between economics and management?
  6. Do I need to study economics for business research or not?
  7. Is it necessary to raise the economy to improve life or not?
  8. Should more funding be allocated for the lives of the population, or should all people succeed themselves?
  9. What is common and different between poor people and rich people?
  10. Is economic growth in a country good or bad for violence?

Compare and Contrast Topics on Politics

  1. What is common and different between monarchy and democracy?
  2. Are there any similarities and differences between capitalism and communism?
  3. Which is better: socialism or communism?
  4. Which is better – free trade or certified trade?
  5. What is common and different between a presidential system and a parliamentary system?
  6. How is US policy different from UK policy? Are there any similarities?
  7. Which is better – the legislature or the executive?
  8. Should politicians take citizens’ opinions into account when making rules or not?
  9. Should politicians spend money on large-scale events or not?
  10. Should the country give more rights to the population or not?

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FAQ About Compare and Contrast Essay

What Are Some Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics?

You can compare and contrast any topic, for example, about health, technology, study, art, politics, economics, fashion, etc.

What Are Three Topics for a Compare and Contrast Essay?

Today, there are three most popular compare and contrast themes:

  1. Distance learning versus real-time learning.
  2. The folk medicine versus traditional medicine.
  3. Freedom of speech against human rights violations.

What Is a Comparison and Contrast Essay?

This type of paper aims to help students find common and different features of the analyzed objects, phenomena, people, etc. You can compare and contrast only those objects that are united by a common goal. For comparison, you need to take two or more objects.

How To Write A Comparative Essay: Easy Steps

What is a comparative essay? This is not something new in the academic circles. Though, students still have issues related to this essay type. If you have a task to write a comparative essay, you need to learn basic rules of dealing with the assignments. Like any other essay type, a comparative essay has its structure and rules to follow. Do you know how to tackle the essay easily? There are lots of means that a student may use to work with the task. You can use various approaches to find the one that fits you the most. Thus, let us shed light on the task and tell you in more detail how to work with the subject.
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Make sure to read thoroughly the topic

Before writing an essay, you need to read the initial. One of them is the topic of the essay. When you get started, you need to read it carefully. Make sure you take this step seriously. If you underestimate this step and overlook the topic, the results will be vague.

A comparative essay is all about comparing texts and analyzing them. If there is a broad topic, you will need to explore it carefully. There can be different aspects for consideration. As a writer, you need to be thoughtful about working with the material.

If you read the topic scrupulously, you can get the idea behind the words and move your research in the right direction. What’s more, you can get more about the genre and style of writing if you read the topic carefully.

In the main theme, there could be 1 or 2 quotes. These quotes are essential for your understanding. If you misuse them or don’t get the idea, you can spoil the whole writing. To work with the quotations, you have to grasp the context. Furthermore, your task is to define the paramount ideas rendered in the topic’s text.

Consider each text equally

As we’ve already said, writing a comparative essay means working with two issues, texts or phenomena. The process of research includes actual comparison. In the texts suggested in the paper, you will find both differences and similarities. Try to pay equal attention to every section. If you tell more about how the issues are different, you can ignore the important similarities.

For this reason, prepare ahead. Research the phenomena beforehand and write down the basic features of every text that you’ve noticed. This will save you time later and ensure great text organization. Give the same weight to each part of the text. This way, the text will look consistent and reader-oriented.

Structure the text properly

Like in any other essay type, here you need to follow a basic academic paper writing. This means that you need to use an introduction, then complement it all with several body paragraphs and finish it up with a conclusion. This is a basic task that every essay writer needs to know.

In the introduction, you alert the reader and give him a brief idea about the following context. In the first opening part, the reader has to understand what is your attitude to the problem. Here you should give the main idea about the text and give a transition to the next paragraphs.

Now you have to come up with comprehensive body paragraphs. This is the part of the paper where you have to be extremely careful with what you write. This part is aimed at informing the reader. Here you should place all your suggestions and assumptions. What was the comparison like? What findings have you come up with? What was different, and what was similar in the two cases? All these questions should be answered in the body paragraphs.

The final part is the conclusion. Here one needs to resume the writing and sum up the information. It is important to work out the settings and organize the material properly. Never put new or redundant information here.

There are 2 basic approaches that you can use:

  1. Block approach. This way, you approach each issue separately. You devote paragraphs to each challenge and address the issues separately. In the final parts of the text, you need to come up with the conclusion and compare the results. At first sight, you can find this approach an easy one. But it could be a real challenge to keep the reader interested while considering the subjects in isolation.
  2. Woven approach. This is the contrastive method. It is the opposite of the previous one. Here you have to draw the relevant findings from both issues simultaneously. This is thought to be a more sophisticated method. If you aren’t used to it, you can get confused and lose the line. Beginning the story with a single idea or statement could help you stay oriented and keep the right direction. To make the text less considerate and easy to read, you can use transitive words. They will make the reading smoother.

Pay attention to differences

Similarities are usually easier to work with. You can simply put 2 texts together and find how they relate to each other. But if you stay away from the differences, you can lose a considerably big part of the research. It will be an interesting discussion if you derive your conclusions from the differences. This way, you can immerse yourself in exploring the contrasting points and involve interesting ideas from them.

Make use of linking words as well

Inspire of the method that you’ve chosen you to need to be fluent in the writing. You can’t simply put words and phrases together. There should be a coherent connection between the ideas in the text. These could be not only separate words or phrases. You can make use of linking constructions. These are the essential elements that will make your text read more easily. There are intertextual elements aimed at indicating similarities, contrast, or other things important for the reader.

But keep it in mind that these phrases have to be snorted for a particular purpose. You cannot use them just for no reason. If you redundantly put the phrases, you can spoil the text. These phrases can guide the reader and help him or her grasp the main idea behind the paper.

Find out appropriate textual elements

If you want your paper to be interesting and fascinating, try to use textual elements when possible. This way, the discussion will have depth and hook the reader. To impress the reader, you can use not only words and phrases. Try to be more creative and make use of intertextual elements. Shape the text, structure it differently, consider the style of the writing.

When dealing with comparative essay writing, you can research more the intertextual connections in the text. Do you know what style of writing to choose? There’s the only way to get the idea of the best writing style. It is to experiment and find the most appropriate option. Create various texts and see what feedback from the teacher you get. There’s no single format for comparative essays. The result can be different and can depend on different things. The way you deliver the material can change. But the ideas are what remain the same. And that’s basically what the examiners want to see in your comparative essay writing. They appreciate not mainly the form but the content. So, you should have no worries about experimenting with styles.

How To Write A History Essay And Get The Highest Score

The concept of history covers a huge variety of phenomena occurring in different eras and places. The basis for forming a history essay is specific data, together with the positions of other specialists in the selected area with regard to your topic. To create such an academic paper, the author must have a sufficient amount of materials about the events that will be disclosed.

The central stage in implementing the above is to conduct in-depth research, the reason for which is the past tense. The impossibility of being a direct witness to events flows into the need to trust paper sources written during the years of what is happening.

Before you start working on creating a paper, your task is to develop a clear statement of thoughts, which, among other things, requires a thorough knowledge of the language. In fact, narration can be considered synonymous with history, where the improvement of descriptions is mandatory.

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A Pinch of Fascinating Subtleties of How to Write a History Essay

Pay attention to the recommendations below. They may come in handy as you write.

  • Understanding the readers. This point is very important because its implementation can help switch to a tone that suits the audience’s needs and desires. There are several categories of readers, each with their unique traits. Among them, two key types can be distinguished: non-official and official platforms. Based on all that has been written, we can conclude that the first step in creating a historical essay is to familiarize ourselves with your readers’ tastes;
  • Simple but high-quality language. We talked about this earlier. The best friend for expressing thoughts is the simplicity and ease of English. Using the latter automatically minimizes the possible number of grammatical and spelling mistakes. Also, you should not overuse your vocabulary because an abundance of complex and long terms can significantly reduce the audience’s level of interest;
  • Persuasiveness. A knack for words is a very important component of the writing process of any academic paper. The distrust of readers while reading is directly proportional to getting a bad result. There is a huge range of guidelines that can help you learn persuasion:
    • Using your senses – this is a direct route to engaging the audience in reading your history essay;
    • Ethical aspect – if every argument is shrouded in ethics, readers will be doubly interested;
    • Logical thinking – arguments should be the result of logical thought processes due to which the number of asked questions will significantly decrease or disappear altogether. You should be utterly confident in the clarity of the arguments, as otherwise, it will create confusion, causing a misreading;
  • Try to make statements as strong as possible – the work should feature suitable and strong examples along with a bright illustration for each argument. Evidence plays a critical role in proving the existence of a specific incident;
  • Don’t trust every source you come across – today, many students tend to use materials from the first site on Google without even checking the relevance of it. The latter is a great way to familiarize yourself with a topic quickly, but writing a history essay requires more serious materials. In this case, your sources can be scientific articles and journals, as well as books on history that can be found in any library. You should be responsible for this task as appropriate sources will increase the credibility of the presented material.

Format of How to Write a History Essay

Before starting work, you should think over all the subsequent steps, which will greatly facilitate the workflow. Even the most commonplace details directly depend on the format of your essay story. Below we have offered a few guidelines that will help you create great work in the specified genre.

  • A great theme is the key to success – in fact, a theme is a very significant element that can influence events and even the final result. In some cases, the supervisor or professor may offer several options for topics from which you need to choose one. During the latter’s incarnation, you should be guided by the turning situations that appear in the selected period, since these moments can facilitate thoughts’ expression. An incredible theme is a great helper that will help you achieve great results;
  • Concretization – history is an all-encompassing phenomenon that excludes the possibility of covering absolutely each detail during the chosen topic’s disclosure. First of all, your task is to consult with a professor who will help you understand the requirements for the work and clarify all the incomprehensible points. The next stage is a deep study of the topic of your history essay. Try not to use generalizations as this can hinder the achievement of your goals. Focus on the more specific events of the chosen period;
  • Picking up materials – history essay belongs to those academic papers based on a variety of research. The necessary materials are scattered across different sources. In this case, you can refer to both primary and secondary resources. Nevertheless, the supremacy still belongs to the first category, since these sources contain the original data, while the latter plays the role of the background;
  • Creation of a draft – after completing all the preparatory actions, you need to start writing a plan for the future history essay. This project contributes to the organization and combination of all points, making the work much easier. Thanks to this, readers will be able to navigate the text easily.

Clear Scheme of How to Write a History Essay

In this context, a history paper does not differ from other varieties of academic essays and consists of three key paragraphs, including an introductory part, main body, and concluding paragraph.

The introductory part – the formation of your text’s formation is the starting point of the entire workflow. Important theoretical materials need to appear here that can bring the audience up to date. The introductory part should combine such qualities as brevity and accuracy, correlating with the need to instill interest in readers, which directly depends on the initial impression.

The end of your introduction is a thesis statement presented in the form of a small phrase that, despite its size, is capable of providing information about everything that will be disclosed below.

Body paragraphs – this part is a kind of skeleton of your historical essay, while its top is a topic sentence whose role is to help present the idea to the audience. Remember the importance of testimony that was emphasized earlier. For this reason, all arguments have to be shrouded in concrete historical facts. In addition, you should not forget about the smooth organization of the paper, which is necessary for both the reader and the author. The strong aspects come into play first, while the confinement can be saturated with materials from recycled resources.

The concluding part – this element is the final stage of the essay. However, despite the location, the conclusions are directly related to the result. The final paragraph’s function is to psychologically prepare the audience to complete the story, which is embodied by the introduction of transitions. The last part is a kind of synthesis of the previous sections. In addition, you should focus on the restating thesis statement. A brief demonstration of the information presented earlier will allow the audience to be convinced that the goal you set is being achieved.

Of course, creating an outline and filling each of these points can be a very long process. However, a good result is definitely worth any investment, including time. Following the recommendations of people who are versed in the field of writing will allow you to have certain baggage that will help not only during the creation of one paper but also in the implementation of many other academic assignments.

A Pinch of Specific Examples of History Paper

There is a wide variety of events that can form the core of your future work. For this reason, you should do some research before starting work. Check out the ready-made texts that will give an idea of ​​the structure and specifics and expand the range of knowledge about the event being described. You should be aware of the immutability of history for any place of origin and for any time frame.

Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of topics that you can disclose in your work. Read, and perhaps some of them will suit your taste.

  • Relations between the media and the US government during the Vietnam War;
  • The specificity of the armies of the states of the ancient world;
  • Informational globalization of society and the humanitarian revolution;
  • Italian Renaissance humanism;
  • French romanticism and the idea of culture;
  • Leninist principles of communist propaganda;
  • The transformation of Roman law;
  • Sexual revolution;
  • Key Counter-Terrorism Measures in the United States after September 11, 2001;
  • Features of the life of intellectuals in the Middle Ages;
  • Antony and Cleopatra (Rome and Egypt: Meeting of Civilizations).

Familiarization with each of the above options will be useful for both student and everyday life. You should study these phenomena as well as research the indirect events of the stories as these may all figure in future assignments. A variety of books, academic articles, online websites, scientific journals, statistics, reports, and more can be trusted sources of information you need. In addition to an in-depth analysis of the features of a particular historical event, you can also improve your language skills and, accordingly, write an excellent history essay. Do not forget that an excellent result may require training, as a result of which you will improve and forever say goodbye to any kind of mistake.

How To Write A DBQ Essay In A Correct Manner

If we decipher the name of the essay, we will come up with the Document-Based Question. If you are engaged in working with AP history exams, you probably know what a DBQ essay is. The task is aimed at assessing the knowledge of a student. Writing this type of essay requires you to prove your sufficient knowledge about a specific issue or phenomenon related to history. This essay can also include the analysis of the current events, which you argue with the documents or official papers.

There are students who are familiar with the task. They start writing immediately without any fear. However, lots of students don’t know what a DBQ essay is and how to cope with it. In most cases, the problem is that there are so many documents to work simultaneously. Thus, the students get confused and lose the direction of thought.

If you feel the same when working on a DBQ essay, our guide will help you. We have prepared you with several useful tips to make the writing easier. These tips and tricks have been tested by many students to ensure successful results. Look carefully at the guide and read it through. The information will definitely help you with DBQ.

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Tips to handle the task at ease

Before you take a pen and start writing, you need to prepare for it. If you let these preparations go, you can come up with a frustrating result. The preparatory stage is crucial for a well-written paper. Furthermore, if you feel uncomfortable with writing a DBQ preparation will make you feel more advanced. Adequate preparation is the key to a well-organized, coherent paper.

We’ve gathered essential tips for every student. These are the instructions to be followed. If you take them into account when writing, you will cope with the task easily.

Read thoroughly the requirements

With the task, there are always several requirements concerning different paper writing aspects. To ensure the correctness go your paper, you have to research the requirements meticulously.

  • Look at the question and try to get the main idea behind it.
  • Define the main keywords to understand what period, place, and culture are to be described.
  • Think of the main challenges touched upon in the requirements, whether it be an economic, political, or cultural issue.
  • What is the evidence to be found in the document? Identify them.

At this stage, you have to think little about the documents. Here your task is to research the initial data to know what you deal with. Initial data will give you their understanding of what epoch and situation you will work with. It will also give you a hint on what questions to address. Documents are a source of important material. You will need them to provide evidence. But for starters, your task is to gather all the relevant info to continue working on the subject matter.

What is your stand?

When you are done with the preparation, you can go further. Now you need to define your stand. This isn’t a harsh part. After working with the initial data, you can already know what the task is about. Choose one of the topics that came up to your mind and start developing this perspective. You will have to adjust your thoughts to the paper.

Work on a thesis

Having researched the initial instructions and prompts, you need to create a thesis. This is what will serve you as a guideline for writing. Think of the main idea and make up a thesis that will help you support the idea.

Read the document

You will have to work with some historical documents. To research them carefully, you will need some time. Take your time and read through the papers. This will help you get the theme discussed in the document. When reading, you will be able to relate the document to your particular topic. Figure out whether your issue and the theme in the document are related. Consider the prompts and see how you can apply the information when researching the document. Making notes will help you stay organized and get more information about each source of information.

Don’t forget to categorize the documents

You will be working on several documents. If you don’t categorize them, you can mess up in the end. Take your time and do the task. Relate each paper to the prompt or issue that you’re going to address.

What is the point of view of the author?

When you start providing the reader with the evidence, you need to define the author’s stand. Different authors have written different documents. Your task is to get it clear what the author of a particular document wanted to convey. Try also to understand why the author thought this way. This will be beneficial for the paper.

Group the document

To ensure clarity, you need to create groups for the documents. These groups have to go hand in hand with the thesis of your paper. Furthermore, the groups are to show the study from different points of view.

Use of additional sources

Nevertheless, you have already received several essential documents for writing, and you need to take one more step ahead. Your task is to make use of another documented example. Make sure that this one surely relates to the topic of your paper.

Enhance the thesis section

Remember you’ve already written the paper? Now you can come back to the very beginning and see if you’re satisfied with the result. If you think that your thesis lacks some important details add them. You have to make sure that your thesis part covers every aspect of the writing and has all the important information.

Time to work on a DBQ outline

Like every other essay type, a DBQ paper has a regular structure but with a few deviations from the norm.


First and foremost, you have to start with the historical context. Your task is to immerse the reader in those times and remind them of the subject’s basic events. Tell in a few words about the period that you will describe in the following parts.

In the introduction, you also need to present a thesis. This is usually a sentence or two to explain the main idea of the paper and the research.

Body paragraphs

When working on the massive part of the paper, you need to ensure fluency. If there is no logical information flow, you will suck with the paper. Here you can work with 2-3 body paragraphs. But each of them needs to have a particular structure. Start with an opening sentence and then develop the idea. Don’t make your paragraphs too short. They need to be informative enough to answer the questions.

In this part, you need to work with citations. You can use ones that you find somewhere else. But the best way is to use the citations from the documents provided. A correct citation will not only show your writing skills. It will also show that you’re an expert in the period of the subject.


Now it is time to finish the writing correctly. Restate the thesis and sum up the information. This should be a brief summary of the paper. Don’t do too much in detail. If you want to add something in the end, it’s better to come back to the body paragraphs and insert the information there.

DBQ paper examples

  1. What was the reason for conservatism to rise in the US in the 20th century?
  2. What made women fight for their rights in 1940-1980?
  3. What can you sit about feminism in America in the 20th century?

What Is An Expository Essay: Tips To The Creation Of Fantastic Paper

An exposition is a kind of explanative communication that appears both orally and in writing. In the latter context, it is worth highlighting such a variety of papers as an expository essay, the key function of which is to explain a narrow topic or a package consisting of several concepts. The writing of this work can be included in the required assignments of several tests and exams, including the California Basic Educational Skills Test, SAT Reasoning Test, and many others can be distinguished. At the same time, the compilation of these tasks can occur outside the classes.

The main elements of expository papers are materials together with analysis. The key argument may not be pronounced, but this element contains several different views on a given topic. It is the arguments and level of analysis that distinguishes this type of essay from other academic works. Despite the fact that the paper’s main task is to reveal a certain phenomenon with further reinforcement with various examples, the arguments and analysis are not too deep as in the larger works. During the exam, only your knowledge is the basis for examples used to confirm the presented information.

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Key Components of Expository Essay

To better understand what an expository essay is, the first thing to pay attention to are requirements that do not have much difference with any other type of academic essay:

  • A comprehensible thesis statement or running concept that contributes to establishing and sustaining the focus.
  • The introductory part, which aims to present the thesis.
  • The main body where it appears a chain of testimony that is necessary to illustrate aspects of analytics or information content.
  • A number of transitions which are aimed at linking concepts of adjacent pieces of text that are implemented in unusual ways.
  • The final part, where the text’s key intent is reiterated, but at the same time differs from the previous form.

The Writing Process of an Expository Essay

Actually, there are some different types of this paper and, accordingly, ways to create it. However, the first association with the question of an expository essay is a five-paragraph scheme. This method will be especially useful for beginners, as it is not difficult and incomprehensible. The five-paragraph text contains the components that were mentioned earlier, while the common structure is as follows:

  1. The first part introduces the audience to the perspicuous and concise thesis statement.
  2. The main body consists of three paragraphs containing specific testimony and research that creates a connection between the thesis and assertions.
  3. Conclusion that sums up the work, which is done by re-parse the thesis statement in the context of the main body’s arguments.

Despite the fact that the above formula gives a better understanding of an expository essay, you should remember that this structure is only one option among various other possible ones. The choice of the most suitable concept is based on many nuances that must be considered. The most important factors are volume and the level of complexity of the task. If you need to create a work that is about five or more pages long, a formula called 5-Paragraph Essay will not work. However, the structure of more bulky papers does not differ from the analyzed version, while the only difference is the number of paragraphs of the main body. The volume of the latter can also vary depending on the required length of the essay.

Stages of Creating an Excellent Expository Paper

First of all, you need to get busy reading the received assignment, focusing on each important point. The next step is to find a theme that meets all the requirements. Keep in mind that the topic should be narrow enough to create a direct link to the assignment. However, remember the meaning and do not overdo it with the previous paragraph.

Creating a plan and a draft thesis also plays an important role in the expository essay writing process. Here your task is to collect all sorts of ideas together and translate into a thesis statement that reflects each of them.

Collect examples in advance that fit your topic and will be used to support key points of the presentation. These tools can be both from the baggage of knowledge and your personal life. Each of them needs to be firmly associated with the main concept.

Don’t forget that the location of each example is one paragraph in the main body. For this reason, during the creation of the plan, you should consider writing topic sentences for each of the examples. A topic sentence’s function as a transition is to establish a link between a thesis statement and testimony.

The last part of the plan should contain information about the implementation of spectacular and fascinating paper completion. The latter’s task is not simply to repeat all the information presented in the previous paragraphs. The conclusion summarizes the work in parallel, demonstrating the changes in each of these statements. At the same time, this part may contain a completely different version of the development of events associated with the selected concepts. It can be realized by summing the investigated phenomena and the proposal of a forecast regarding the further state of affairs.

In the case of writing an expository essay, not on a time-limited exam, you can afford to experiment with structure and other aspects of writing the main body before working on the introduction. The main paragraphs as a starting point for work can help formulate a more accurate and concise thesis statement together with the way of its presence in the introductory part.

At the same time, your work plan should contain the implementation of certain assignments that can be intertwined:

  • Definition of the main concepts and locutions.
  • Description of concrete examples performing the evidence function.
  • A cursory study of the specifics of each of the examples.
  • Example comparison, identifying their role in expository essay and connection with a thesis statement.
  • Exploring causality amidst examples.
  • Establishing the relationship between examples and the key message of the paper.
  • Editing the created essay in order to bring all sorts of parameters to perfection.

What Does It Mean To Be An American Essay

If you are a student at an American school, college, university, you will probably have to come across an essay where you need to write about baseball or Bob Dylan. Why do you ask? The answer is obvious – you are an American. After all, the best US hero, Bob Dylan, should be known to every student, and baseball is a real symbol of the United States and the national game. Here is the answer to the simple question of why write about these two characters.

Teachers who assign essays not only want you to know as much about America as possible, but they also help you develop your writing skills. After all, thanks to the composition, we learn to express thoughts in a free office. But the main goal of the essay is to teach you how to burn with the country.

The first goal of what does it mean to be an American essay is to develop writing skills is simple and does not create any problems for the student; it is only necessary to listen to the teacher well. Writing an American essay is not difficult. Your task is as simple as possible – to learn how to structure your essays using the introduction, body, and conclusion. Basing on the structure, you will build your thoughts correctly. Surely you already know who Bob Dylan is, and we think it is not meant to mention this replacement person again. What worries us most is the second part of the American essay.

Do you have enough strength and talent to present your thoughts in a patriotic way? If you feel that you cannot write in this direction, then the writing service will help you. There are no barriers for them, and they are ready to write on any topic. Moreover, all texts are unique and written from scratch, the likes of which you will not find anywhere else.

Of course, no one discourages you from creating essays yourself, and for this, we have advice for you. You can write essays on the topic, “I am proud to be an American.” This means that you need to write a few arguments in favor of America, why you will find yourself living here and what you think is the best in the country. The same should be done in the essay about American baseball or Bob Dylan.

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Arguments: What Does It Mean To Be An American

  1. For me, being an American means appreciating the laws of a country, democracy, sharing personal freedom, loving my nation more than any other.
  2. An American citizen will always watch American football more than any other.
  3. Playing baseball and appreciating the game as a national symbol of the United States is another argument for what it takes to be American.
  4. Being American is primarily about Bob Dylan’s creativity and listening to jazz, rock-n-roll.

An example of an American student essay

I am a native of the United States. During my life and study, I traveled through more than twenty-five states of the United States and saw many interesting people. Real-life and myths, community, and cultural differences. And I want to share this experience.

Ever since childhood, I have heard: “America is a country of freedom and democracy.” And indeed, it is. Without pathos and politics, at the household level, in everyday life. You can do whatever you want. There is only one condition – not to break the law and not interfere with others. This also applies to appearance. The choice of clothes is very free; the main thing is not complete without it. Although you can see topless girls in Times Square, this only emphasizes the right to freedom of expression. At the same time, you can walk with or without horns on your head, multi-colored hair (pink is now in vogue), make a new tattoo every day. Nobody will pay attention to it.

And I want to emphasize: if you dress elegantly and beautifully, everyone will see it. It’s customary in America to give compliments. Many compliments. Even just on the street, in a store, in the subway. Any stranger or stranger can easily say, “I love your scarf!” or “What beautiful shoes you have!” You answer, “thank you!” and everyone goes about their business in a good mood.

You can work, study, bum. What way of life to lead is exclusively your own business, because you are responsible for yourself? Again, the main thing is not to disturb others. In the States, they are used to doing everything on time and even a little in advance. If you are studying, you tend to wake up very early. Personally, New York taught me to get up at 6.30 and not be late.

Traveling around the States is comfortable, enjoyable, and affordable. The roads are perfect, even in settlements remote from the capital. Americans love their country. Domestic tourism is highly developed — national parks, natural and human-made wonders. Tourism in the United States is about super-comfortable information centers, hotels, restaurants, security, and hospitality. You have a choice: to hitchhike with a backpack behind you, to relax inexpensive hotels.

The higher the level of English, knowledge, skills, the higher the chances of a prestigious job and good pay. Note that in the United States, any work is respected. If you have a job, you can provide for yourself and not sit on the state’s neck. Students from different parts of the world work as waiters, wash dishes, take care of children, deliver groceries, and walk the dogs. This is an opportunity to rent housing (the most significant expense during your stay in the country), eat, buy clothes, get more expensive, so you feel like a human being.

A person with an education is a rich person — Americans value and respect smart people who are willing, able, and able to learn. Education is expensive. However, it cannot be said that it is not available. Everyone can make money on it, get significant discounts, a loan (mostly cheap), or a grant for training. The USA is truly a land of opportunity. You can get and achieve whatever you dream of; it all depends on your will and efforts.

The United States has tremendous opportunities for luxurious, nutritious, and varied dining. The most expensive are farm products. They are thoroughly tested – you cannot buy a test in the States – so they are organic. And the most popular lunchtime spot in Manhattan is the salad bar. A fast-food burger costs $ 6, and a salad costs about $ 10. New Yorkers love a healthy lifestyle in everything. And the issue of being overweight is really on the agenda. However, I would like to point out that sports clubs are extremely cheap, it would be desirable.

Frankly, I have not met so many representatives of different cultures, peoples, and nations as in the United States in my entire life. Africans, Japanese, Koreans, Indians. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists. I have a friend from the Congo. He is a voodoo supporter. At first, I was afraid of him. Now I’m used to it. He’s a great guy. And not at all evil, as it seemed to me at the beginning. This is what is most impressive in the States – an incredible opportunity to explore life and people in all their diversity. The world is wide and exciting; one has only to take a bold step beyond the usual. I am proud to be American and represent such an exciting culture!

How to get help writing an American essay

It is quite challenging to write an essay on your own because a lack of time, heavy workload, or insufficient amount of knowledge does not allow you to compose a competent and readable text. But in this situation, you can always order an essay in our service. Our company’s qualified specialists have special education, skills, and extensive experience writing scientific papers and original writing to order a given topic.

Why is it profitable to order an essay from us, and not write it yourself? An essay is a specific text and requires the unique skills of the author. In particular, to correctly express your thoughts, you need logical thinking and possession of information on a given question. Of course, the consistency of the narrative in the essay must be at the proper level. That is why it is worth trusting us, rather than writing such a difficult task yourself.

It is safe to use a service offer. To the teacher’s question: “Who wrote your article?” Feel free to answer – me! We think this is an excellent job because we write texts in an accessible student language. Every teacher or classmate will notice that you are an original writer and become an example for many.

The Notion Of Synthesis Essay

Before starting to write your synthesis essay, you should determine its notion. A synthesis essay is an arguable kind of writing that includes deliberation by investigating and reviewing various references. Following the varieties of a synthesis essay, gather opinions and details that maintain your theme and viewpoint.

Synthesis essays are based on references like reports, articles, studies, discussions, speeches, conferences, and conclusions as the learners use them to receive maintaining parts for their analysis theme.

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What is a Synthesis Essay?

We may conclude that a synthesis essay is where the author selects a standpoint, provides its affirmations and maintains thoughts to confirm it. According to the notion, it is a conjunction and various references that have a general standpoint and form a general affirmation from it.

The Definition of AP Lang Course

Advanced Placement Language (an AP Lang) is a writing and composition curriculum program for a college. Composing such articles aims to examine and investigate the learners’ skills to make up papers, speech, and comprehension abilities. In the analysis, the learners are provided six references to examine. And their task is to affirm the presented theme and form a powerful synthesis article on it.

Consider that for these articles, you should examine your references leastways three of the provided references, and apply them to maintain your argument or affirmation.

The next paragraphs are about the various types of synthesis essay that you can apply to complete your assignment.

The Explanatory Essay

According to its title, such an essay assists the readers in learning a particular theme. Opposite to the arguable kind of essay, an explanatory article involves accurate reading and showing the details and data.

The Argumentative Essay

Exactly as the explanatory article concentrates on giving and defining a theme from a fair standpoint. Arguable synthesis articles maintain a particular standpoint and argument and show it logically. The author includes related data and references to support its theme and show it coherently to keep the idea.

How to Make up a Strong Synthesis Paper

Don’t rush with your paper writing. It is a great solution to comprehend the rules and principles by which synthesis articles are considered.

The Rules of Synthesis Paper

Apply your references to confirm your affirmations and standpoint wisely. Showing unique views and opinions and explaining the affirmations with strong data is important. The essay should be rationally made. All the thoughts should create compatibility in a form that leads the reader.

Each body section should possess theme suggestions that are the principal items. When the thoughts are gathered, the essay should display central opinions completely. The essay should possess clear and definite information, and the usage of lexicon should be accurate and logical. Editing is a solution to an excellent synthesis paper. The essay should be readable and definite from any morphology and grammar mistakes.

The Principles of Synthesis Paper

As a synthesis essay is a specific type of paper, there are several principles due to which you can skip the standard failures and errors.

Summary. Apparently, it is the easiest principle. It includes gathering and revealing your most important references and compiling them. It does not cover your unique ideas or opinions and is only based on the references’ compiling.

More Samples. Samples fully reveal affirmations and standpoints. You can include quotations or citations from different references and your real personal occurrences. Samples like diagrams, tables can be included to form a permanent impression.

Providing Several Maintaining Ideas. In this principle, you establish your affirmation ahead and maintain it by providing appropriate ideas of why the narrative is right and various judgments and data.

Straw man Principle. Have you ever seen someone placing contrary opinions in conversation? This process is described as the straw man principle. You place the contrary opinions or data, and then explain why you do not maintain that affirmation. It displays your understanding of the opposite view of the narrative and ideas you are opposing it.

Concession Principle. It takes the opponent’s actual position but supports and shows that your standpoint possesses more accurate features than the opposite. The principle is especially effective when the public is of contradicting opinions.

Opposition and Difference Principle. Correlating and opposing both standpoints together and examining the connections and distinctions among them. By such a principle, you can consider the theme as a complex system that may not be achievable when accomplishing other principles.

Hints on How to Deal with AP Lang Paper

Making up a synthesis paper is a necessary element of the AP Lang examination, and learners have to demonstrate their abilities through it. The next stages are included in composing an AP Lang synthesis article:

  • Studying the topic fully;
  • Examining it completely;
  • Setting a standpoint based on it;
  • Inferring the complete article.

Synthesis Paper Sketch

The sketch of the synthesis paper usually contains three sections:

  • The introductory section. Begin your article with an exciting and winning introduction. The beginning is the most significant element of your paper. If you do not desire people to forget about your paper in the center, do everything that the introduction is powerful. Define and develop the principal theme and display the argument affirmation.
  • Central Part. You can include several maintaining items, but be confident that every section begins with an affirmation, supported with data. The sections should reflect your thoughts and opinions, not running around maintaining references.
  • Summing-up. Exactly as a powerful introduction, a great and interesting conclusion is necessary to resolve your article. Rather than simply attaching something indefinite and out of any relationship, it is more useful to include your article’s affirmation and your ideas for maintaining them.

Synthesis Paper Themes

There are several interesting samples of the synthesis themes:

  • SMM and its Influence on Future Generation;
  • Do you recognize that millennials are more enthusiastic about obtaining knowledge than balance?
  • Synthetic and its Part in Developing World Carbon Consequence;
  • World Warming and its Influence on Deluges.
  • What purpose does capital punishment play in strengthening or damaging the legality and regulation?
  • Sweet beverages and quick meals are the first cause of obesity among kids.
  • Owning higher education is more useful than drop a college. Consider the affirmation.
  • Fragrance and Body Sprayers are Principal Reasons for Developing World Warming
  • Video competitions are developing a severe reaction in kids. How valid is this affirmation?

Discovering excellent and interesting synthesis paper themes may be challenging and troublesome, and many brainstorming actions will help achieve the desired result.

Confidently, you understand everything about composing a synthesis paper. Nevertheless, if you are yet misunderstood and viewing expert advice, many companies can assist you in selecting a theme and making your paper, fortunately. Contact them now to receive high-quality content and the highest-grade good essay.