College Essay Format: Effective Tips For Creating Awesome Paper

A young person who wants to enter some establishment for getting a higher education is supposed to write an essay for the commission board. But the admission professionals do not expect to see an ordinary paper; they want candidates to show their real personality. In this case, all your previous grades, school reputation, and other stuff like this do not play any role at all. The essay is your only chance to set the right impression on the board and prove that you are the best candidate for their institution. It must demonstrate how previous experiences, goals, vision, and achievements made you the person who you are right now. Consider these efficient recommendations for formatting your college application essay.

Creating a paper that will grab the board’s attention is not as easy as it may seem to be at first glance. The admission professionals receive dozens of nicely-composed documents, so your main task is to stand out from the crowd. You will not have another chance to appeal to the commission, so do not miss this one and do your best to get the invitation to the institution.

Tips on writing college application essay

Once you understand how properly to craft the paper, which reveals your personality, you will be able to impress the admission board. Look through the efficient tips and practice at making your essay shine like a diamond.

Keep structure in the mind

Each great story has a clear structure that you need to use for the application essay as well. It must have an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. The first paragraph should welcome readers and give them the general idea of the paper. The conclusion must wrap up all details that you have discussed in the entire essay. The most significant content lies between these two parts. It is essential to go from one part to another one naturally.

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Focus on one topic

A 650-word essay is not enough for telling your whole life, so you need to choose only one story. This story must show what route you have come through to be the person who you are right now.

Craft an outline

After choosing the story, you can write an outline. It will help you see how one paragraph naturally flows into the next one. Having a great outline, you will not lose any important idea and keep your essay on point.

Be creative and true at the same time

It may be rather difficult to write a creative essay and remain honest. But this is your main task to do. Avoid a dull style and choose a creative side, remembering to be true about who you are.

Use examples

A good essay always contains examples from real life to make it sound more convincing. Think of the most important events from your life that contributed to making who you are now. These may be some obstacles, stories of success, etc. Do not forget to back to the main point naturally.

Ask somebody to read your essay

Let somebody else read your essay once you feel that it is ready. Ask the person to check the overall readability, content quality, general flow, and keep an eye on possible grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Overall, you will understand whether the paper has some weak points or not, and how to improve them.

Use a computer

Do not start writing essays directly on the online application box. It is better to use Google Docs or Microsoft Word first. In this case, you can use different tools for checking spelling and grammar. Copy the text and then insert it into a specially designed online box after making sure your essay is ready to be introduced to the college board.

Avoid including a prompt

Essay prompts are created to get some ideas for future content. Hence they can’t be used as a part of the future header in your paper.

Presenting online application: how you can do it

It is high time to prepare for presenting your paper to the submission board. Do not worry and follow a simple step-by-step guide, considering such basic but so essential details.

Send an essay via the Internet

There are education establishments that still allow students to hand the application essay on the paper, but why waste time? The online format surely has more benefits. Submitting a paper online helps you ensure that a file is delivered on time.

Do not experiment with fonts

It is recommended to use basic fonts for crafting a document like Times New Roman, Calibri, etc. Avoid adding underlines, emoji, or hashtags. Do not even consider to apply extra formatting like bold or italic one.

Check the formatting

Since you need to place the paper into an online box, you should carefully check its every piece. Be careful and check whether every single sentence is pasted to the box.

How to submit a separate document application

Submitting an essay on paper has its peculiarities. Look at them and do everything properly.

Format the document

Focus your attention on how the application on the paper looks; consider font style, paragraph alignment, page field, etc.

  • Fonts: Use basic, simple-to-read fonts like Arial or similar to it fonts in 12-pt type.
  • Page field: a 1″ margin must be used on all sides
  • Paragraphs: A tab must be presented in each paragraph
  • Alignment: it is not allowed to use any other alignment instead of the left one.
  • Line spacing: the recommended spacing is 1.5, but you also can use a bigger one for better readability.

Follow all instructions

Every university and college has its definite requirements for the format of the paper. You need to find them out and follow. Some establishments may ask you to number every page, while others want you to display an ID number on the cover page. Check the word count with the help of MS Word or Google Docs toolbar, and do not mention your name until you are asked to do this.

Check the file format

The instruction for formatting your essay application will also contain the types of accepted files. Make sure that you are using the appropriate MS Word version, or save the document in PDF format for keeping it safe.

What Is 10 Years From Now Essay?

College life is not only full of fun and excitement but numerous projects and papers that a young person is supposed to write. 10 years from now, an essay is one of the works that hardly somebody likes to craft. It requires a great outline and ideas to place in one piece of content and make the readers willing to keep reading. You need to work well to present a gripping story instead of a boring sequence of events. If you are stuck with this task, then the following ideas may help you understand where you are right now and how to move on. Here you will find some prompts for creating top-rate content that will win the hearts of the readers and make you feel more confident about your own future plans.

Every person has certain desires and goals. It is difficult to imagine one who actually doesn’t. What is the sense to get up in the morning and do plenty of other casual things if there is no destination in your head that you are moving towards? Everybody has goals even if they are not similar to those which your friend or partner has. This is what 10 years from now essay is supposed to tell the readers: all those plans you have and the goals you strive to achieve. Of course, some goals are common for all people and can be referred to as such main groups as devotional, financial, and social. Working out the plan for the next 10 years will become a powerful force that may help you to go through all life events and cope with different obstacles that you come across.

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Goal 1: The best job

Perhaps this is goal number one of all ambitious young people who are getting a higher education at the moment. Despite that most students have a part-time job, not everybody can boast that this is a dream job. Often, young people are doing something just to survive and pay bills. It is not surprising since the best positions are taken by professionals who already have a degree in a particular area.  Students can’t compete with them as they require skills, experience, knowledge, and lots of other things that they simply can’t get until graduating.

For example, personally, I have always been dreaming of working at a modern company engaging in some kind of business. Actually, I do not care what industry it is. The most important thing for me is corporate culture. I would like to become a member of a team that has comfortable and, what are more crucial flexible conditions. I do not understand those entrepreneurs that make staff focus on the processes rather than a final result. The working place should be suitable for revealing the employee’s talents and abilities. That’s why I strongly believe in working exactly at such a company in 10 years.

Goal 2: Owning a business

Although I want to be related to some company, I still look forward to the opportunity to start my own business. I do not want to spend all my life realizing the dreams and goals of another person. Instead, I want to build my team and find people to be its part with the same life principles as I have. I don’t want to have another boss than me. I will run a business that fully meets my vision. I want to have financial freedom. Of course, business requires lots of time, passion, and funds before it starts to function as a separate independent organism. That’s why it is better to start everything right now when I am young and full of ambitions. In case of failure, I will have enough time to start all over again or change my plans.

Goal 3: Starting a family

After all, what is the sense of building a great career or starting your own business if there is nobody to share good and bad moments with? That’s why my main goal is to build a family in the next five years. I hope to have at least three children who will bring me a lot of joy and pleasure. I want my family to differ from the rest of the boring unions. I would be happy if it has unique traditions and customs. For example, watching old films every Saturday on a big screen is a great idea, I believe.

The weekends are created to be family days and those to spend with friends and beloved ones.  I want to spend time without distracting myself with other things. I want my kids to have all they want, including books and toys. The biggest achievement for me is their successful future. I will not interfere with their career choice and will do everything possible to help and support them all the time. I hope they will not face the same difficulties as I have. I want them to be happy and honorable society members.

Goal 4: Purchase a dream house

Another goal is buying my own house. It must be a two-storied house with three bedrooms for children and one more for guests. There is also a living room, a laundry room, a garden, a kitchen, etc.  I believe it will have all modern conveniences, including a swimming pool, a patio, etc. The house will be situated in the suburbs, with many trees around it. I want to sit in my favorite armchair and admire the flowers blooming in the pots.

Goal 5: Purchase a dream car

I am a big fan of exotic cars; I especially like vehicles produced in Germany. I want to have an expensive car like a Mercedes Maybach as it will define me as a successful and ambitious person. Some people may consider this dream too materialistic, but after all, we have only one life, and why not to want it to be full of the best things?

Goal 6: Travel a lot

When I think about traveling, plenty of destinations come to my mind. But one of the most desirable in Los Angeles. I want to visit this famous place and feel the taste of fame and success. How many great films were created there, and how many people are dreaming of becoming a part of the next one. Los Angeles attracts adventure-seekers from all over the world, and I will surely be one of them.

Another place that I would like to visit in Brazil. It is full of colors and festivals. I dream about becoming a part of all those impressive events, feeling the exotic atmosphere, dancing and singing with strangers, and forgetting what is going on far from there.

India is the last top place on my list. When I think about this charming country, the first association that appears in my head is the Taj Mahal. It is one of the best –known world wonders, and I want to see this magnificent place with my own eyes.

Goal 7: Have a healthy lifestyle

The next goal is to have a healthy lifestyle. For this, I plan to refuse fatty foods and fizzy drinks. I will try to decrease the number of consumed calories and even start a vegan diet since I do not want to suffer from diseases that are related to meat. Attending a local gym will be a great addition to all these plans.

Goal 8: Look for spiritual balance

I want to embark upon a spiritual path and move towards inner balance. I will read spiritual books and attend dedicated events hoping to find God and spend more time together. I don’t want to gain success, conquer the world while losing my soul. I am eager to dedicate more time to God during the day and before falling asleep.

Goal 9: Build an altruistic society

I want to make this world a better place. No, I am not going to start any great foundation similar to those which already exist. I will encourage volunteers, and together we will visit orphanages, help the poor and homeless, arrange fests for older people, etc.

Wrapping – up

While writing 10 years from now essay, you need to be honest first of all with yourself. It is useless to include goals that others expect you to add. The plans may vary from one person to another, and there is no right path to embark upon. The main idea here is to present all your intensions, looking at which you will better understand what you need to do to realize all stated goals within the next ten years. The main character of 10 years from now essay is you, and everything you include in it – is correct.

What’s The Difference Between An Article, A Paper, And An Essay?

The question is tricky in that it cannot be answered definitely once and forever. Although we all seem to realize that there is some difference between an article and a paper or an essay, the precise definitions seem elusive. Once we begin to describe an essay, we move close to the paper realm and sometimes venture into a visible circle of articles.

The Issues of Defining an Article, An Essay And A Paper 

The point is, in different situations of communication and in a different context, article, paper and essay can be interchangeable notions. For example, experimental sciences tend to use words ‘article’ and ‘paper’ for pieces of writing that non-experimental sciences would call exactly the opposite names. Yes, sometimes it may get that complex.

But fortunately, in your educational years, you will face simpler forms of this writing. So, for the purpose of clarifying the school meaning of each piece, we will rely on a few criteria that won’t let you down on your writing path.

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The article is basically any piece of writing that is prose (not a poem) and non-fiction, and that is posted in some kind of media, be it a school website, your Facebook page or New York Times. Articles are believed to be objective (they do not persuade, they inform), but often they do persuade, although they do it subtly. Articles do not have a rigorous structure and do not require a reference page (although if you want to recommend a particular source, you can do it in free form in the text or at the end of your article). Topics of articles can be anything, from the new NASA mission to a new dress of your fav celeb. Hence, articles inform but usually do it in an entertaining form, and sometimes they just entertain.


An essay is more of a scholarly assignment or opinion piece if it is requested by some newspaper from a popular writer or expert. An essay is also prose, but it has a clear structure that should be followed. An essay usually relies on your reasoning on some matter supported by the evidence you collect. Besides, you are often required to have a clear thesis – the idea you will present or defend. So, your text will revolve around this thesis and so will be more rigid and formal, than the article. Essays usually have some serious or debatable topics and urge readers to think over this topic and take some side in the debate.



Paper is often used as a synonym for an essay. A research paper is usually an essay that requires a lot of research, relates to some very scholarly topic and should have a very formalized and clear structure. In academic circles – in ‘real science’, we mean – a paper is a key document that presents findings and results of the work of scientists. All major scientific discoveries were first published as papers in academic journals or presented at conferences, reviewed (and criticized) by peer scholars and then accepted as scientific norms.


So, an academic paper will have a hypothesis, research questions, methodology, lots of numerical data, statistical analysis (or long explanation of biological minutes), findings, their discussion and conclusions. Most probably, your college research paper will not require such scope of efforts. Yet, you will be asked to come up with some original or at least interesting thesis on some scholarly topic that you will develop in your research. Definitely, this kind of writing will have a reference page (maybe even an annotated bibliography) and possibly an abstract.

Hence, in a nutshell, the article is the least formal piece, the essay is more formal and serious, and paper is the top rank of scholarly writing, formal, rigorously structured, and decorated with all kinds of academic stuff like references and abstract.

Basic Assignment Structure

If an article has the free form (although you should strive to give it clarity and logical order), paper and essay will be more formal in their construction. Both will have three major parts: introduction, body and conclusion.

The introduction will feature the keynote of your writing – a thesis. A thesis says what it is all about. When writing, look at the thesis, and so you will not wander far away from your topic. Introduction, in general, mentions the background of your thesis and gives some information (but not too much).

The body includes paragraphs. This is where you say all you want to say related to your topic. Each paragraph has its topic sentence that includes the main idea of this paragraph. Yes, one paragraph equal one idea, and mixing several ideas into one is a frequent mistake in writing. Please avoid it. String your paragraphs in proper order, so that one idea naturally led to another, thus supporting your thesis.

The conclusion is necessary. It will be brief, and you will repeat what you have already said, although in different words. But it reminds readers of your main points, and so they will remember them after they finished reading.

References. An article does not require articles, but essay and paper do. Carefully note down all sources you used and compile a list on the last page. Every book or article you used in the text should be credited in the references.

Essential Writing Tips

Clarify all details and requirements before you start working. As we have said at the beginning, what one university calls an essay, another may call an article, and yet another may call a paper. So, requirements may differ, and it is essential to know what exactly is required from you. Once you have a list of parts to include in your writing, you can start planning and researching information.

Outline and draft. This is important for any piece of writing. You organize your thoughts, information and potential arguments. You write them down and start rearranging. When you have enough material, you can start writing a draft. When you have this preliminary sketch, you can write faster, easier and with more confidence than when you just sit over an empty sheet without a single idea where to begin.

Proofread and edit your paper. It goes without saying, and it should become your habit for any written assignment. When in haste or deep in your thoughts, you can make silly mistakes or omit words or even phrases. Re-reading the paper with a fresh eye can help you find such slips and fix them. Poor grammar, careless mistakes and the like do spoil the impression, and even the best content will not help in this case.

Getting a good sample to follow can save you a day. When looking at a good sample, you create a good paper yourself. You see what goes where what words work better and what are boring or look unprofessional, and in general, you get the feeling of good writing. Just be careful to pick a worthy sample to follow, and match the type of paper you picked with the type of paper you need to write.

Possible Topics For Each Kind Of Writing

To give you a kickstart, we have compiled several lists of topics for each occasion. As you can see, they differ in complexity and level of flexibility and entertainment. Take it as a clue if you decide to come up with the topic of your own.


  1. Family and its role in the modern world
  2. Costs of raising children
  3. Your college experience and tips to freshmen
  4. On the importance of pets
  5. Jobs of the future
  6. Will AI replace humans in most occupations?
  7. Poetry in our life
  8. Are grades the real measure of your worth?
  9. Volunteers keep the world running.
  10. Home economy – should it be back on the curriculum?
  11. Revisiting the recipes of our grandmas


  1. Social work and its significance for the society
  2. The New Deal program of Roosevelt.
  3. Can wars of the future be waged by robots solely?
  4. Adoption of kids: pros and cons
  5. Foster programs and their impact on the well-being of children
  6. What is the latest data on changes in climate and populations of wild animals/insects?
  7. Can great fires like the catastrophic fires in Australia be prevented?
  8. What are the features of a country as a real global power/leader?
  9. When do humans lose their ability to learn?
  10. Students’ daily menus and their impact on academic achievements.


  1. Rene Descartes and his reasoning about proofs of self-existence.
  2. Deontology versus utilitarianism in philosophy.
  3. Machiavelli and his practical lessons in policy making.
  4. Impact of income inequality on academic success of students in college.
  5. Cultural diversity in the working environment.
  6. Work in office vs work from home: pros and cons.
  7. Conflict management – what it is?
  8. Outsourcing key manufacturing facilities to China: lessons and implications for the future.
  9. Medical system of Canada vs. medical system of the USA.
  10. Women in mathematics: names and contributions.

Examples of Writing 

Let’s imagine an informal but engaging article on the matter of the return of a species of butterfly to its previous living quarters.

On a sunny morning, I went out to my balcony with a cup of tea (yes, despite the coffee mania trends, I stick with my old trusted Darjeeling brew for the wake-up call). Here I stood in the sunlight, soaking in the warmth and spring mood when suddenly a movement on the balcony rails caught my attention. First, I thought it was some kind of a stray flower, torn from a bush and dropped carelessly by the wind. Yet there was no wind, and the delicate bright yellow thing still fluttered on the rails. I approached with caution and saw a butterfly. Its merry lemon wings slightly trembled, and antennas moved intact to its busy thoughts, I believe. I held my breath, and the creature sat there for a couple of minutes, resting before its departure for the nearby flower plot. Then it took off and flew away, maneuvering in the air like a crazy little aero plane. I was never much of a biologist, so it took me quite a while before Google provided me with the image that matched my morning guest. It was large orange Sulphur, a beautiful species with imposing scholarly name. I started googling details and discovered a striking thing. This butterfly was considered long gone from the city because of pollution and the disappearance of its habitat. Now, it turns out, and the Sulphur was back.

Now let’s consider an essay on the same butterfly and its return.

Butterflies once constituted an integral part of any landscape in warmer seasons, and both cities and villages were populated by local varieties of these pretty Lepidoptera. The presence or absence of butterflies served an indicator of the pollution level of air, and as industries developed and produced more and more pollutants, so the populations of butterflies dwindled. One of the species that was ousted by industrialization and urbanization was a large orange Sulphur, Phoebis algorithm in Latin. Its bright yellow wings have not been observed for more than 30 years in populated areas of Texas, and it was considered that the species is lost (Darwin, 2005). Yet recent reports of amateur entomologists give some hope on this matter: for the first time in three decades, a representative of the species was observed within the city borders.

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We hope that we clarified a bit the question about the difference between these written pieces. It is senseless to say that we defined everything once and forever, since definitions differ, and one piece can go under different names in different institutions. Yet we attempted to clarify how to create a good article, essay or paper in their essence. Learn carefully from guidelines what exactly you are required to write, and then write it according to structure and tips we have provided.

In case you are still unsure how to go about writing, and what you should write (because the task says ‘article’ and the structure says ‘paper’), let the weathered, experienced people deal with this complexity. We have a wonderful team that can tackle any written task, no matter its name. If we do it, you get a ready paper (or essay) that you can use as a template or submit as it is. It saves your times, nerves and efforts, and next time you can approach your task with more confidence and experience. Accepting our help is definitely worth it!

What Is The Purpose Of Academic Writing?

When you receive written assignments in colleges and universities, you are not to write an essay. You are to ‘produce a piece of academic writing that complies with scholarly standards of a given institution.’ Yep, the very formulation is already discouraging and confusing.

It sounds intimidating at first glance but fears not. Begin with the purpose. No matter what kind of academic paper you are required to produce, the main purpose of academic writing remains the same: to inform your reader about something.

Well, you may think, in college or university, the only reader is a professor or teaching assistant. Sometimes fellow students listen to it if you are required to present it in class. So, who cares? But no matter how many readers you have, and what they know about the topic you write on, your primary goal is to deliver information in a structured and understandable form. Keep it in mind as you write, and your path to creating a viable piece will be easier.

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Academic Assignment Structure

Now that we have defined that academic writing is about delivering accurate information, let us look at how it differs from other writing styles.

Specific Features Of This Style

  • Focus and planning – you decide first what exactly you will say and leave out unnecessary or unrelated details that nevertheless may seem ‘just interesting’ to you;
  • Structure – you organize your ideas in a logical order, they continue one another and make your argument evident and clear;
  • Rich in evidence – rarely will this style of writing be based on your feelings and beliefs only, you need to provide proofs and data to support anything you say;
  • Formal and proper language – this point does not mean that you need to use very long words only; you need to use words that are formal, proper English, non-colloquial, not slang, not Instagram abbreviations, and so on. Yes, this is that boring and accurate English that you were taught in school.

Requirements To Proper Writing 

When you have chosen the topic and planned what you would include in the text, it is time to consider how to present the information in the best possible – and accurate – light. Yes, to plan and organize is the first step, but maintaining the balance and consistent scholarly approach is another key component of successful academic text. When planning and drafting your texts, always mind the following:

  • The precision of thoughts and words;
  • Accuracy of information;
  • Objectivity and balance of opinions;
  • Credits to authors whose ideas you use.

What is meant here by each reminder?

If you do want to make your writing purpose academic and formal, then for you, the precision of thought means exactly what it says: you know exact facts, numbers, dates, rates, authorship and origin of every piece of evidence and thought you include into the paper. If you think in terms ‘everyone knows/ everyone says/it is a well-known fact’ – forget it. Academic writing is a scholarly affair, not just a piece of gossiping, and it does not forgive negligence in approach to data.

‘Everyone says’ is another name for ‘fake news’ or ‘alternative facts’, so if you do not plan to become a goof of the class, never write/say it. You need to check every piece of evidence you use, and as you check its credibility, you by default find its author, a person or institution that formulated and posted it. Hence, you are bound to mention who exactly says it, and if credibility is not proven / author not found, you have no right to use it in scholarly writing. This is the requirement you will find in guidelines of practically all reputable schools, so the sooner you remember it, the better.

This is also called the accuracy of information – compliance with official statistics, news, confirmed and tested scholarly theories and data. You present information just as you have found it, and you cannot tamper with facts and numbers to fit them into your personal opinion. This is how science works – if facts oppose the initial assumption, the assumption is changed to reflect the facts, not vice versa.

Objectivity – in professional writing, you present what facts are, not what you personally think of the matter. To present the material objectively, without biases, you have to provide two (or more) differing opinions on the matter. In such a way, each party to the argument will have its say, and readers will be able to take sides independently. Of course, some sensitive or appalling issues should not be presented in ‘balanced’ manner because it means giving credibility to criminals or outward deceivers. But most topics you will write on requiring such a balanced approach, so comply with this rule.

Crediting the sources, you used to be the basis for academic integrity. Every fact and piece of data you include needs referencing both in the text and on the references page. Without it, your carefully crafted paper will be considered plagiarized stuff and given a corresponding low mark.

With this knowledge in hand, you are ready to start drafting your first academic writing task.

Structure Of Texts

The soothing thing about this genre is that structure is usual for any essay. You have an introduction, body and conclusion. And the references page, of course. How to draft them?

The introduction lays background, provide some general info about your topic and ends in a thesis. The thesis is a must, and it is the narrow and specific topic and point for discussion in your paper. Once you created a good thesis, you may consider that a third of the work has been done.

The body includes paragraphs. Usually, it will be more than 5 paragraphs you used to write in high school. 2 paragraphs are intro and conclusion, and the rest is given to ideas you want to express. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence, then provide evidence, then explain the evidence (obligatory step), and then move to another paragraph.

Conclusion winds up everything that you have said in the whole paper, but says it very concisely, 3-5 sentences for most papers.

References provide credits to people whose works you used. So, when you scout for information note down the sources just as you found them. Otherwise, you may miss them and not give due to the authors.

Writing Tips For Academic Success

To complete everything successfully, you need materials and plan, so there are essential steps not to omit.

Research is necessary even if you believe that you know the topic from A to Z. First, you need sources to confirm your claims, and second, you need to refresh your knowledge since science does not stand still. What you knew yesterday might be disproved today. That’s the fact.

Outlining and drafting. This is important for a scholar and writer of any level of expertise, especially if you are completing your first or second task of the types of academic community recognizes as scholarly. Outlining means lining your benchmark ideas and arguments in a logical order, and matching the most impressive evidence to them. It may take a form of a bullet point list, or a scheme, or mind map, but it really helps to structure your thinking.

So one more tip is: when you look for information, copy and paste to a blank text processor sheet the important data that you have found. It will save your time significantly and will help to see the line of argumentation even if you yourself have not started formulating it.

Drafting is writing the first version of your document. Yes, you will have to revise the text and edit it till it sounds really smooth, clear and persuasive. Half-baked paper is not an option in this case.

Main Types Of Assignment’s topics

With the main purpose of being informing readers, more specific different purposes of writing relate to what kind of information you plan to deliver. You may want to describe something, criticize, analyze or persuade readers. Each smaller purpose will require the right selection of topics so that your work was easier and more efficient.

For example, you cannot persuade people in something that is not debatable (like the fact that chicken reproduces by laying eggs). Or else, you cannot criticize something that is taken as an epitome of excellence in some domain (like Mona Lisa by Da Vinci). Well, technically you can, of course, but it will cost you lots of efforts and will have no desired effect on your readers. So to make your life a bit easier, we have selected some interesting topics that match different text types of academic writing comprises.

Description Topics

  1. Presidential election process in the USA.
  2. Different theories of motivation.
  3. Styles of leadership.
  4. Evolution of jobs market in the USA.
  5. History of globalization.
  6. Lean production: what it is.
  7. Select a theory of social work and describe it.
  8. The timeline of the Standing Rock protests.
  9. Large epidemics and human reaction to them.
  10. Neoliberalism and its premises.
  11. What is populism and what its strong and weak sides are?


  1. College costs should be lowered.
  2. Renewable energy sources can only partially replace traditional fossil fuels.
  3. What is more important in launching a business – starting capital or connections?
  4. Are startups viable enterprises or money-laundering con art?
  5. Is it normal to market non-medical stuff to consumers as medical or ‘treatment’?
  6. Gun control: what actions are required?
  7. Is there a universal understanding of beauty?
  8. Should media develop a new set of moral standards?
  9. Too much stress is detrimental to human health.
  10. Racial discrimination is still rampant in the USA.


  1. The American foreign policy and its negative impact on domestic and international affairs.
  2. Veganism – is it really healthy for the child’s organism?
  3. Animal farms malpractices and ways to fix them.
  4. Pick an article on the topic you know well and criticize it objectively.
  5. Criticize a movie you do not like, provide arguments and support with outside evidence.
  6. Pick a popular and a scholarly article on the same topic, compare them and criticize a popular one (if you see any drawbacks in the presentation).
  7. Pick an example of contemporary art and try to criticize it.
  8. Agricultural practices as harmful to wild flora and fauna.
  9. Pick a recent piece of legislation and criticize it.
  10. Pick some highly popular modern book and criticize it.


  1. How to make a small business flourish and develop.
  2. Role of globalization in climate change.
  3. Is it possible to create a truly inclusive working environment?
  4.  American Dream – its origin and plausibility.
  5. Physical vs spiritual in the Renaissance epoch.
  6. Religion and its role in shaping attitudes towards women.
  7. Competition between churches – how is it possible? (look up ‘Who stole my church?’ as an example).
  8. What is the future of the European Union?
  9. Expressionism: why it is considered a valid style of painting?
  10. Why are monopolies bad for the economy?


Let’s try and create an introduction to some piece of academic writing, with thesis and background to interest the readers.

The suggested topic is ‘How to Counter Deforestation’.

Deforestation is one of the biggest problems plaguing the planet since a decrease in a number of trees leads to an increase in temperatures on the soil surface and to frequent sand storms. Deforestation is also one of the main causes of prolonged drafts, which in turn leads to a decrease in supplies of fresh water. Thus, trees are essential in maintaining the ecological balance and in ensuring that the planet is suitable for the life of many species that inhabit it. Lack of trees automatically renders the Earth unfavorable for life, and so people seriously risk losing the common home dues to uncontrolled tree cutting. Measures to counter this problem included planting new forests, repopulating existing ones with almost extinct species and attempts to introduce new plants that are more resilient to drafts. Yet amidst urgent steps taken to prevent the ecological disaster, the voices of scholars should be heard on the matter of what and where to plant – and what not to plant. Uncontrolled and unplanned panting of first best trees available may lead to a further decrease invaluable trees species and lead to the spread of pest plants that only aggravate the situation. Thus, deforestation should be countered and slowed down, yet scholarly approach and careful review of all conditions should be exercised before another million trees are planted to the flashlight of cameras.


Indeed, creating a really proper and polished piece of professional writing is a cumbersome task, but with practice and a bit of attention, you will master it. However, it may happen so that you just cannot do it right here right now. There are some moments when things are just beyond our capacity. We know it well; this is why we are offering you a helping hand at least in the complex matter of writing. You tell us details, and we create a perfect sample of scholarly writing. We can write on the given topic or pick a topic for you, write on a provided outline or create everything from scratch. Our essay writers are passionate and professional in their approach to texts and academic standard, and by trusting your task to us, you ensure yourself a great result and a bit of security in these uneasy times.


What Is The Difference Between Summary And Conclusion?

Both summary and conclusion are terms that relate to academic writing. Each of them is used to finish the paper or speech. Therefore, you are likely to be confused about what is the difference between those terms. Moreover, you can have questions such as “Why do we need a summary if there is a conclusion to be made?” Let’s find out what each term means.

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What Is A Conclusion And How Do We Use It?

A conclusion is the finishing part of the text. Sometimes it can be a chapter, but we can also use it as the last of the paragraphs. The thing is that you cannot miss the conclusion if you write an academic paper. It is a critical part of any essay or research paper because it reminds the reader what the paper was about. In other words, you have to summarize all the points that you discussed.

For example, if you write an argumentative essay, you should create a conclusion that contains the main idea of the text, a few arguments, and evidence. Also, keep in mind that a conclusion should be engaging and impressive. It has to provide the reader with all the necessary information in brief. Therefore, a person can start reading a paper from the end to decide whether the text is interesting for them.

A conclusion is a more comprehensive term than a summary. In fact, when you write a conclusion, it has to contain a summary. Remember that you have to remind the main points and ideas from the text. Also, you should make a conclusion comprehensible. Altogether, a conclusion is the logical ending of the essay or speech. Creating a conclusion, you seek to conclude all the points of the text.

What Is A Summary And What Is Its Purpose?

While a conclusion is used to revise every point of the text, a summary is used to remind the most important ones. It can be a small statement with the essential messages from the paper. A summary has to consist of the central thought and arguments the text cannot exist without. Therefore, you can simply omit the information that is not critical.

If you wonder what a summary looks like, imagine you are writing a thesis. While getting prepared for the process, you should create an outline to write down the main points. It also can be a synopsis of some large pieces of text. Furthermore, a summary can be placed at the beginning of the documents. In that case, it highlights the important data a reader should pay attention to.

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How To Decide Which Term To Use?

The most important thing is the purpose. Remember that a conclusion aims to revise the entire paper while a summary aims to highlight the main points. Also, keep in mind that a conclusion is used as the finishing part of the text. It has to be a concise version of the document that conveys its character.

On the other hand, a summary is used as synopsis to show central facts or ideas. It does not need to be attractive and engaging. A summary is often used in formal types of academic writing, so it has to be brief and informative.

What Admissions Essay Can Get You Into An Ivy League?

If you read this article, you probably seek to get into one of the Ivy League Universities. Whether you dream about studying at Harvard, Princeton, or Yale University, you have to write a great admissions essay. The thing is that the acceptance rates are as low as possible. They are between 4 and 7 percent, which means that you have to do your best to get there.

Writing an admissions essay is the most important part of the preparation for admission. You can have the best results for your exams and a lot of professional achievements. However, it is an academic essay that shows your strong suits and explains why you are the perfect candidate. You have to attract an admissions officer, make them want to read the essay from A to Z.

In this article, we will explain what steps you should take to create an outstanding admissions essay. You will understand how to stand out from other candidates and finally get into the Ivy League university.

What Is An Admissions Essay And Why Is It So Important?

An admissions essay is a personal statement that helps you express your personality and aspiration. You have to write an academic essay that explains why you are a great candidate for league schools. It sounds easy, but writing essay that decides your fate it extremely stressful. Not also should it show your benefits but also fit the college application pattern.

The complexity of that task lies in the low acceptance rates. Thousands of best US students seek to get to the Ivy League colleges. However, only a small part of them get that chance. A lot of people consider that you just try your luck when writing an admissions essay. And that is so not true.

Of course, you are going to write a great admissions essay. But is your essay a personal statement? Does it present you as the right candidate? Does it attract the attention and hook the reader from the first lines? Does it differentiate you from other applicants? If you cannot answer “yes” to all of those, let’s find out how to make your admissions essay perfect.

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Essential Tips For Creating A Great Admissions Essay?

There is no special type of academic essay that you have to write. The only requirement you should keep in mind is that your admissions essay must be within 650 words. Although you do not have to follow any special requirements, it is extremely important to make the essay bright and memorable. You have to attract the admissions officer and make them curious about you.

Keep in mind that it is not easy to surprise admissions professionals. As there are no special patterns that show candidates in the best light, you have to be creative. It only depends on you whether you can loosen up and show your true personality. However, we gathered some great tips that will help you improve your personal statement.

1. Learn the requirements

There is no special pattern for the admissions essay. Anyway, five prompts show how to start an essay. Before you start writing essay, you should get familiarized with those prompts and choose the one you like. It has to be suitable for your personal statement so that you can showcase your strong suits and interests.

However, we need to warn you that you should pick up the prompt that fits your statement, not vice versa. Do not try to fit any patterns because it makes your admissions essay dry and flat. The most important thing you should do is to show your creativity, not hide it.

2. Give yourself freedom

Do not set tight limits that do not allow you to go creative. Of course, writing a personal statement is an important task, and you have to be careful. However, thinking about standards is dangerous: you may lose your approach and blend in the whole flow of candidates. Keep in mind that your goal is to show your personality, stand out from the crowd.

Start with a draft and create an outline. Write down every idea that seems to be innovative. Make sure to write something from your personal experience. Do not focus on the way it sounds. Instead, focus on the way it feels. Imagine you are an admissions officer and evaluate the level of attractiveness of your text. If you do not know what personal things to write about, here are a few ideas:

  • Tell the reader about your passions
  • Discuss your achievements
  • Share the brightest moment of your life
  • Tell the officer about the person who is your role model

In other words, make your admissions essay sound like it is yours. There is no need to describe everything in general terms. Instead, describe an idea in detail so that it becomes obvious for a person who reads that.

3. Stay open and sincere

Let’s be honest: there is no need to be shy or hide something. If you are dreaming about the Ivy League university, be real. The admissions professionals want to know what type of person you are and why they should let you study there. Remember that the acceptance rates are too low, so you have to make the personal statement outstanding.

Do not focus only on your achievements and grades. Keep in mind that there are a lot of students who have higher grades and more professional accomplishments. But does that mean they more likely to get into the league schools? First of all, the admissions officer is willing to get familiarized with your personality.

Write about your features and character traits that make you special. Describe the moment or some person who changed your life. Nobody is perfect: do not try to praise yourself because it is repulsive. Discuss some funny story that shows what type of person you are. Be sincere, but take advantage of that. For example, you got C for your English test in 8th grade because you knew your mate was not prepared for that, and it would hurt him. It shows that you value friendship and close relationship.

4. Make a catchy introduction

Statistics say that you have around 7 seconds to interest the hr-manager when they read your CV. Well, there is no difference between applying for a job and sending a college application. The admissions officer is not going to read the whole academic essay unless you intrigue them. Your task is to impress them from the beginning.

Make sure to write a catchy introduction. It is the introduction where you should showcase your features and strong suits. Remember you browsing through the Internet and bumping into breaking news? The captions can be a clickbait, but something clicks inside of you, so you keep reading. Use this example to come up with a strong introduction.

Make the first lines full of emotions, but don’t forget about the content. It is worth mentioning that a bright introduction is already half of the success.

5. Proofread your admissions essay. A few times!

Even if you are 100% sure your essay is completed, don’t neglect to proofread. Keep in mind that the world-famous writers send the book for editing before publishing it. Furthermore, you should proofread the paper a few times to make sure it is perfect. A personal statement is the type of academic essay, too. Thus, do your best to exclude possible errors.

Check the logical sequence of the text to make sure your ideas flow sequentially. Otherwise, you are going to confuse the admissions officer, and they will put off your essay. Don’t let that happen. Imagine you need to assist the reader so that they read the paper from A to Z.

6. Define the main message

Don’t write about everything and anything at all. Define the main message of your essay and support it with other thoughts and ideas. Choose one main idea, one important story, and one moment that changed your life. If you write more than one thing, the admissions professionals can lose the main idea. Therefore, your admissions essay will turn into just a bunch of words.

Make sure you follow one general idea, not three small parts of that. Remember that it should be easy for the admissions officer to understand what is the message of your essay.

Make A Perfect Admissions Essay

The admissions essay is the most important part of your college application. You should write a personal statement that shows your features as a candidate. If you seek to get into an Ivy League university, you have to create an outstanding admissions essay. Your task is to impress the admissions professionals, make them continue reading your essay.

Our writing guide is to help you improve the admissions essay and make it sound natural. Keep in mind that you should stay comfortable while writing essay. Be honest and sincere because there is no need to hide your personality. Instead, show your way of thinking, personality traits, and willingness to fight for a place in the sun.

Choose A Suitable Optional Subject For The UPSC Mains

The UPSC Mains exam is a general state exam in India, which is conducted for admission to the civil service of India. Therefore, if you seek to work in the diplomatic, administrative, or law enforcement agencies of India, you must pass such an exam. Of course, you must carefully prepare for the main subjects. However, even having passed these few items perfectly, you will get only three-fourths of the maximum mark. You can get other points by choosing an optional subject.

The problem is that people cannot decide what subject they should choose. There are 25 additional subjects, and they can be divided into two categories. The first one is technical subjects and the second one is non-technical subjects. It is not surprising that the majority of candidates choose one of the non-technical subjects.

If you look at the statistics, most people decide to write Mains with Geography or Public Administration. It is important to choose the subject in which you can score the maximum number of points. And whatever the statistical data is, you should listen to yourself. Let’s figure out how to choose the right optional subject.

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The Most Scoring Subjects For The UPSC Exam

As we said, the most scoring subjects in the last few years were Geography and Public Administration. For example, the number of people who chose Geography was around 3400 in UPSC Mains 2015. The number is a bit smaller for those who wrote UPSC Mains with Public Administration. It is worth mentioning that the majority of people who chose a particular optional subject have not studied that before. Why is it so?

We can call it a herd mentality. It started when some civil services specialists told the candidates what the most scoring optional subjects are. Maybe they were profitable because of the large number of applicants who wrote Public Administration or Science Humanities. Anyway, it is so that candidates UPSC mostly choose one of the popular optional subjects.

However, is it the right strategy? Do you need to follow those people’s example and choose the popular subject in order to get the highest score? Does it mean that those subjects are easy?

Let’s take a look at five most scoring subjects and find out which one you should choose and why.

1. Geography

That is the most popular optional subject among the candidates UPSC. A large number of applicants score 350+ points, so that subject is considered to be easy. However, you should not choose to write UPSC in Geography if you have not studied it before. You are likely to fail the exam if you are not prepared enough.

2. Public Administration

That is the most popular optional subject among people who have not studied public sciences before. A lot of candidates UPSC claims that it is not so difficult to prepare for the Public Ad exam. Nevertheless, keep in mind that you should not choose a subject like that if you are not going to work in UPSC civil services related to interaction with the public.

3. Sociology

If you are looking for the easiest optional subject, it might be Sociology. The thing is that each of us is a part of society. Therefore, it should be not only easy but also interesting to write UPSC in Social Sciences. Also, we recommend you to choose Sociology if you don’t have enough time to prepare for another subject.

4. History

If you listened to a teacher during your History classes, consider choosing that one as an optional subject. However, there is no guarantee that you will score high. Not only should you have a solid knowledge base but also have critical thinking and analysis skills.

5. Science Humanities

Science Humanities is the most scoring optional subject for people who were good in Humanities at school or college. If you have a humanitarian mindset, write upsc in Humanities. Nonetheless, keep in mind that some civil services specialists may recommend Humanities exam even for those who are not good at it.

Useful Tips To Help You Choose An Optional UPSC Subject

When you choose the optional subject for the UPSC Mains, it is important to put off statistical data and remember about your experience. A lot of candidates UPSC pick up a popular subject because they think that is easy. However, that is a big mistake. Use our list of tips to find out what optional subject is right for you.

  • Analyze your interests and experience. Choose the subject you are interested in so that you are ready to learn a lot of information. Also, keep in mind that you should have enough experience in learning a particular subject.
  • Evaluate your knowledge base. In addition to experience, you should have a solid knowledge base. Review your notes and test results to make sure you are good in that subject.
  • Analyze the previous years’ tests. Try to pass the previous years’ test to find out whether you are capable of that.
  • Try to find enough study material. Browse through the Internet and books to find relevant study material. Make sure to use only credible sources for preparation.
  • Keep in mind your background. If you have not studied History before, it will be really hard to comprehend a large amount of data.
  • Choose the subject you have a penchant to which. For example, if you cannot live without communicating with people, choose Sociology or Public Administration.

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Final Thoughts

Choosing an optional subject for the UPSC mains, you should keep in mind your interests and knowledge base. Don’t make it about statistics. Instead, choose the subject you have studied before. Make sure there are enough material and credible sources that help you prepare for the exam.

Using our guide, you will decide what optional subject you should choose. However, make sure you like the subject, and you are ready to research it. Good luck!

What Are Some Good 7th Grade Essay Topics

The 7th grade is a kind of threshold between elementary and middle school, so passing it means a lot for the development of students. They enter adolescence, they feel like adult persons now (yes, parents do eye roll here J), and they are treated in school as almost adults with corresponding skills. This is why essays completed in this grade need to be of higher quality and more complex than those created before.
The basis for these essays is that very 5-paragraph essay that they have learned already. Yet on this level of education, the essay should be clear, focused on the main idea, and coherent (that is, ideas of the essay are interconnected, and one idea logically leads to another one).

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Structure Of A Typical Mid Level Essay

Types of essay also become more diverse and sophisticated; they relate to different fields of study and to Different Ways People Communicate.

Types Of Mid Level Essays

Namely, essays assigned in the 7th grade can be:
• narrative (tell a story);
• persuasive or argumentative (persuade that some point of view is true);
• summarizing;
• evaluating a piece of writing by others;
• or delivering a report on some matter.

General structure of an essay

As you see, categories are numerous, and each will require their own approach. But the structure of every single essay will be the same, no matter what the essay topic is:
• Introduction;
• A thesis;
• Body of the paper with a number of paragraphs;
• Conclusion.
The introduction is a background for a thesis that is the main idea of the whole paper. In a thesis, you say what you will talk about and
In persuasive or argumentative essays, one of the body paragraphs will inevitably present the point of view of potential opponents and refutation of this point of view. Without this point, there is no persuasive essay. But in the rest of aspects, the structure is all the same – introduce the topic, say what you want to say, and conclude it.

Composition of a paragraph

It is easy to say ‘write nice body paragraphs’, but how, actually, does one write them?
A good paragraph has several important elements. Once you master them, you will create great paragraphs across your school, college and beyond.

The backbone of a paragraph is a topic sentence. It is a sentence that describes, in general words, the main ideas of the whole paragraph. Yes, one paragraph contains one main idea, and when you learn to stick to this rule, you will learn the proper writing style in general.
The topic sentence is expanded and clarified with the help of facts, evidence, examples, data, and your explanations and reasoning. All this material spins around the topic sentence and explains different aspects of this mini-topic. Once you have said everything you wanted to say, you transit to another paragraph and repeat all steps.

Writing tips for the 7th-grade essay

Writing is not only about knowing a structure. It is about knowing the key steps and tricks to create a really interesting piece, and now we will look at such tips for the middle school essay.


Research means that you look up accurate information on from reliable sources. Books and academic journals are all reliable sources. You may find them in the school library or search on the web. They will be published in journals of the kind ‘Social studies’, ‘Journal of environmental problems’, etc.

Websites can be different, and they don’t obligatory provide accurate and scholarly data. They may be opinion blogs or outwards fakes. How to tell if a website is reliable? It will represent a governmental or international organization (or famous non-governmental entity) or a branch of government, like the Department of Defense, for example, or Red Cross.
News websites can be used if they publish articles in which they say where the information comes from and who the authority behind it (a scholar, a university, etc.). If none of these requirements is met, don’t use the site for your essay.
So, you found a scholarly article that contains necessary information. What’s next?


Next, you do the draft. You jot down main ideas, put evidence next to them, and see if the text reads logically and clearly, ideas are convincing and up to a point. Most probably, you will have to add or remove something and repeat this step several times. Do it until people who you ask to read it can immediately and clearly see what you want to say, without clarifying questions.


Obligatory step, if you plan to submit a good 7th-grade paper. You may use online checking tools, like Grammarly, rely on the in-built spellchecker, but this is not enough. Such tools will not warn you about silly auto-corrections that make your paper intelligible and careless. You need to set the ready paper aside for a couple of hours, better for a day, and then read it with a fresh eye. Or ask someone to read it point out mistakes they see. It will help you find flaws that you may otherwise overlook.

Write on a topic you like, if possible

Writing is not the kind of activity everyone loves. It requires talent, practice and personal engagement in what you write about. If you are interested in the topic you write on, you will need to conduct less research, since you know a lot already, and it will make the activity appealing to you (at least, partially). So, if you have the right to choose prompts, do it, and choose the point for discussion that you would really like to talk about.

Prospective Topics

To facilitate your efforts and to push you lightly in the right direction, we offer a selection of topics, to begin with. They cover typical kinds of essays and are easy to write on while you or your teen is in middle school.


Tell about a thing that you did for a friend but did not like doing for some reason;
Tell about the trip that you will never forget or about a trip you would like to take;
Describe the most exotic food you have tried. Speak about its taste, look, smell, ways of serving, interiors where you had it, etc.;
Tell about a habit you would like to develop;
Tell about what makes you extremely angry and explain if you can do anything about it;
Tell how you did something for the first time if it was a success or a failure, and if you made a second try;
Tell if you plan to go to college and why;
Describe your strong sides of the character and how they are visible in your actions;
Tell of your favorite social network, why you like it, what makes it so cool;
Tell whether you have a person you look up to, who is he/she, what is so special about them.


Do wars waged abroad like in Iraq and Syria impact the USA domestically?
What are the flaws and strong sides of the election system in the US?
What are arguments for and against stricter gun control?
Homeschooling and its pros and cons.
Poverty and its effect on students and their ability to learn.
Healthy food and eating habits: how this idea changed through time.
Sports and exercises: are they necessary for everyone?
Are hobbies necessary for a happy life?
Has the idea of the family changed through time?
What are alternative ways of organizing a state along with democracy? What are their strong and weak sides?

Persuasive or argumentative

If you had a certain sum of money that you could donate to some cause, which charity or cause would you pick and why?
What subjects should be added or removed from the curriculum, and why?
Is it useful for students to take up a lot of extracurricular activities?
Do you think students in the middle school can contribute to their local community and if yes, in what way?
Is it possible to judge someone accurately by appearance? Prompt: what you can think about a person who follows the latest fashion trends and invests a lot into appearance?
What activity would you like to engage in more often and why? What is needed for it?
Did modern technology change the ways students think and behave now? Is this change very radical?
Should more technology and Internet be engaged in classroom activities?
Is climate change a true fact or imagined trouble? Why?
Should the USA change its foreign policies and if yes, in what way?
Can bullying be fully eradicated in schools and if yes, in what way?


Summarize a recent political/non-political event as described in the media;
Summarize a scholarly article of your choice;
Summarize a book you have read for the class;
Summarize your experience of giving a speech;
Summarize your experience of visiting some remote location;
Summarize the most interesting class you have attended;
Summarize the argument you had with a friend (and possibly spin it into a persuasive essay why you were right);
Summarize the TV show episode that impacted you very much;
Summarize the life story that you read or seen and that impressed you much;
Summarize the movie that inspired you with its message.

Evaluating a piece of writing or other creative work

Evaluate a book you have read recently;
Evaluate a movie you like;
Evaluate a movie/series you do not like and explain why;
Evaluate a newspaper article;
Evaluate a play you have seen;
Evaluate the live music performance of your favorite band;
Evaluate a painting;
Evaluate a building the style of which you like;
Evaluate one of the world’s famous buildings or historical sights;
Evaluate a piece of art that is famous but that you do not like/understand.

A Report

Report on a current political event.
Report on a piece of technology you find most amazing.
Report on the shops you have in your neighborhood. Can you make some conclusions about them?
Report on changes in shopping people did before and during the quarantine.
Report on health problems that are typical for the US population.
Report on a pay gap: what it is, how big (or small) it is, etc.
Make a report on startups: what are they, how they function, where they get found, etc.
Can you make a report on your schoolyear? What would you include into it?
Make a report on your grandparents. Describe them as you would describe celebs.
Make a report on pets, what are popular pets, how they impact the wellbeing of owners, etc.

Example Of The Paper

Let’s take the prompts related to sports, for example. We’ll talk about professional sport vs amateur sport. Consider the introduction.
Sport has become an integral part of the life of every American. From pre-school to retirement, sport is everywhere – on screen, on the nearby basketball ground, on huge stadiums during important semifinals and finals, and, for sure, in the spirit and body of everyone. Sport words have become common in every area of life, from business to friendly chats. Exercising is now almost like breathing, and in general, it is a positive trend, since it makes people healthier and happier. Yet not every kind of sport and not every activity do have a positive effect on the human body. Professional sports activity that gathers thousands of viewers is actually dangerous and has a detrimental impact on sportspersons’ health. This is why, instead of being healthy, famous athletes and football players have serious health issues and quit sports early. This paper will explore how professional sport can be dangerous for health, while moderate exercising is vital for maintaining a healthy body and mood.

Based on this thesis, you continue to talk about how professional sport drains resources of the human body, while light and regular exercise do the opposite, helping people stay fit and healthy longer. Do not forget about the brief conclusion.

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Yes, writing the first paper in middle school may seem challenging. But use our pieces of advice and go slowly but steadily, and you will create a good piece of writing. If you are still unsure if you can do it without a good sample, let us help you. We will create a perfect example of the 7th-grade essay, and by following it, you will create an equally cool piece. Our writers are very professional and careful to details, so your task will meet all the requirements and will impress everyone who reads it. Wait no more, order now and start your journey through a new school level with confidence!

General Grammar And Punctuation Rules You Should Know

Do you want your content to be high-quality? Then, you have to know the critical punctuation and grammar rules. Of course, it all starts with a great idea, and then you bring it into the text. It has to be original so that it does not contain any plagiarism. Also, you have to edit and proofread the paper to get rid of random errors. However, the thing is that you cannot format the text if you don’t know general text formatting rules.

In this article, we will discuss the most important spelling, grammar, and punctuation rules. If you have any gaps in knowledge, it will help you improve the quality of papers. Also, it is extremely important to know the text formatting guidelines if you are a journalist or a blogger. In such a case, you must get familiarized with those rules to make sure your posts do not contain any mistakes. Let’s get started!

Important Punctuation Rules You Have To Learn

Well, let’s start with critical punctuation rules. Punctuation is the use of conventional signs, spacing, and different typographical conventions. The punctuation guidelines help us understand the author’s intonation voice power. If we see a punctuation mark, it let us read the text correctly. Moreover, the quality text cannot exist without the correct punctuation.

If you work with compound-complex sentences, you have to be careful with punctuation. If you write a wrong punctuation mark, a sentence can lose its sense. Furthermore, if one sentence has another sense, then the whole paragraph becomes hard to understand. Not only should you learn general punctuation rules but also revise the guidelines from time to time.

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Full stop

A full stop is a punctuation mark that marks the end of the sentence. It is mostly used to separate one sentence from another. It means that you should put a full stop if you finish the idea. Of course, the following sentence has to continue the thought. Thus, you can also use a colon or a semi-colon to develop the idea. However, it is a full stop that you can use in all of the cases to end a sentence.

Let’s discuss the use of a full stop on the list. If you create a bulleted or numbered list, you can end each item with a full stop. Nevertheless, if each item of the list is short, you can put a semi-colon or leave it open. Also, there is no need to put full stops after the headers or captions.

When it comes to spacing after a full stop, you should put a one-character space. However, putting a two-space character is not a mistake. Nonetheless, it can make an impression, such as you are old-fashioned. Also, it is not necessary to put a full stop after each letter in the abbreviations and acronyms.


A comma is a punctuation mark that is used to separate the items from one the other. It sounds simple, but people often confuse the use of commas. That is because of the large number of cases that require different rules for using commas. For example, you should put a comma between two or more items in the sentence. Also, keep in mind that you have to separate not only words but also phrases.

One more advice is that you should put a comma before the “and” if it goes before the last item. However, there is an exception: if “and” separates two items, there is no need to put a comma before that.


The colon is mainly used to refine the data, deepening the idea. Also, put a colon to list items. It doesn’t matter whether it is a list or a regular sentence; a colon is used to indicate a certain number of similar items. For example, you can put a colon before starting a bulleted list.

In addition to it, a colon is used to explain a term or concept. In this case, you can choose between a dash or a colon.


A semicolon is usually used to separate one part of a sentence from another. It often happens that the sentence is too long, and it is difficult for the reader to follow the author’s thoughts. In this case, the semicolon plays the role of a separator. You can understand this if you put “and” instead of a semicolon, and the meaning does not change.

Besides, semicolons are used to list similar items. For example, you make a list and do not know how to put a sign at the end of each item. In this case, we recommend using a semicolon.


An apostrophe is used to display the omitted letters in the word. You must also use the apostrophe to display the belonging of an item to some person. Most often, people neglect the use of the apostrophe, believing that the meaning of the phrase does not change. However, in fact, the absence of an apostrophe can confuse the reader.

For example, you can use “I’d rather” instead of “I would rather”. Or you can say “it’s raining all day long” but not “its raining all day long”. Be careful when specifying the ownership. If the last letter of the word is “s” you have to put just an apostrophe after it. However, if the finishing letter is different, you have to add “’s”.


There are two types of brackets you should know: “round brackets” () “square brackets” []. You can use brackets if you want to specify the source of information, additional data, or the resources for deeper research. Also, you can use brackets to tell the reader what abbreviations you are going to use. For instance, you can write “Business Administration” and then add brackets (BA). It means that you are going to use “BA” abbreviation instead of writing the whole name.


A hyphen is a punctuation mark that is used to create a new word from two that already exist. It is extremely useful when you need to pick up the right adjective without doing a big explanation. For example, you can say that a person is “goal-oriented” or that a program is “multi-purpose”. Sometimes you can create a new word even if you are not sure it already exists.

You can also use a hyphen to indicate multiple words with the same ending. For instance, you can write “long- and short-term cooperation” instead of writing “long-term and short-term cooperation”.


You can use a slash to indicate an abbreviation. You can also put a slash if you offer a person to choose one of several options on their own. If it concerns a vacancy or resume, often related posts are indicated by a slash. Keep in mind that you should not put a space before or after the slash.


There are not many options for making spaces in the text. However, it is important to know the spacing guidelines when it comes to text formatting. Here are all the punctuation rules for spacing:

  • Put the spaces after the full stops to separate two sentences.
  • Avoid including spaces before a punctuation mark.
  • Put a full space to separate two paragraphs.
  • Don’t add spaces before and after a slash.

Sometimes you can add two spaces to highlight a sentence or paragraph; however, this is not necessary.

Learn Punctuation Rules To Improve Your Papers

You have to know the punctuation rules to let the readers understand your thoughts. When it comes to text formatting, keep in mind that a wrong punctuation mark can spoil the whole paper. Don’t neglect to make sure you use the correct punctuation even if you need to ask for professional advice. Remember that the correct text formatting is key to a high-quality text.

Also, keep in mind that you should regularly check the latest updates in the punctuation rules. It does not take a lot of time, but it is extremely useful if you write a lot of papers. Improving your punctuation, you improve the paper.

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