Notion of Diagnostic Essay

When you begin a subject, you are usually required to compose a diagnostic composition or a diagnostic essay. This task means composing a paper in answer to an issue or prompt. It outlines your writing techniques and capabilities, which presents it simpler for your lecturer or educator to determine your powers and weak points.

Usually, educators and lecturers don’t put rates on such tasks, but it doesn’t suggest that there is no need to put your energy into composing it as great as you can. This is a possibility for you to present your logic, intelligence, creativity, and composing abilities, that’s why don’t miss it.

A diagnostic paper isn’t very distinct from the different kinds of essay tasks that you often receive. It possesses an identical essay structure composed of the introductory part, main paragraphs, and the summing-up section. It likewise needs to possess your thesis statement, expressing your viewpoint on the selected theme.

Often, when composing this paper, you have restrictions on time (you have approximately one hour). Therefore, you should plan a time in order to be as efficient as possible.

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Ways of Preparing a Diagnostic Paper

In a time when your educator or teacher specifies a theme of your paper, start considering your concept. In the beginning, compose a thesis statement, next form an outline on the basis of the main moments of a future paper. Moreover, be confident to control your time and have a minimum of 5 minutes for correcting and editing your paper in the end.

Therefore, how can a student compose a diagnostic essay? Are there any requirements that you should follow? Below, we prepared a full guide that will assist you in achieving this task without struggling.

Stride 1: Select a Theme

There are educators who prefer to allow learners to select the theme they desire to compose their paper on, while other groups of educators assign learners with concrete themes. They can put you questions which you need to respond to in the way of a paper.

For those students who can select the theme still are not aware of which interesting topic to choose, we have provided a small enumeration of diagnostic essay themes:

  •         The largest difficulties for current learners.
  •         Whose accomplishment event is a sample for you?
  •         Can we find a site for hunting in the current world?
  •         Can we see more problems of online studying rather than advantages?
  •         The issue of racial prejudice in learner hostels.
  •         Will distant jobs predominate over office jobs in the future?

Stride 2: Make Your Thesis Statement

Many learners meet challenges when it is time to form a thesis statement for their papers. Though they should prepare many statements for various papers which they compose during the education time, not every learner can think of a great idea for a thesis statement directly from the beginning.

Nevertheless, in a diagnostic paper, a thesis statement is an important moment that needs to be composed first because you don’t possess really sufficient time to consider it during a writing process because you are quite restricted in time. Therefore, keep in mind to prepare a thesis statement first; with the help of such a technique, it will be simpler to operate on your paper.

If, for instance, you possess a theme that titles such as “Positive and negative impact of social media on socialization,” your thesis statement can be: Although social media assists people to communicate and speak with each other despite great spacings as well as cultural differences, they can be the principal cause for social awkwardness development amongst different social groups.

You can likewise compose a thesis statement draft in the beginning in case you are not certain about final phrasing. And then, you can return to it following composing the main paragraphs.

Stride 3: Prepare an Outline

Some people can state that preparing an outline in a situation where you possess a short time is not necessary. However, it will really assist you in planning personal ideas. When you simply begin composing your paper, you can possess several interesting thoughts which you can misremember in the process. Therefore, in the beginning, note any thoughts or opinions, a minimum of one per paragraph. When you perform that, you can begin composing your paper.

Stride 4: Compose an Introductory Part

Your introductory part is what provides the initial impact on your target and influences the final thought on it. Many papers you write during your school times imply placing a thesis statement in the first section so that you can provide comprehension about what your essay is and provide a viewpoint on the issue. A diagnostic paper is not an exception.

Begin your paper with a memorable sentence. It should be a hook that draws your target audience’s attention and gives a motivation to continue reading. For instance, it can be a citation that is related to the theme.

Stride 5: Compose Main Paragraphs

Usually, brief essays consist of three main paragraphs. They can involve instances, facts, and citations to maintain your viewpoint, affirmations, and your thesis statement. The most reliable method to writing these paragraphs is to formulate your viewpoint with the assistance of pieces of evidence from trustworthy sources, beginning with the powerful argument first.

Begin paragraphs with theme sentences that present a target audience with a concept of what this paragraph is. Complete paragraphs with transition phrases because they can smooth the transitions from one topic or thing to another.

Stride 6: Compose the Summing-up Section

The summing-up is the section that sums all of your conclusions and repeats your statement. It likewise collects all of the facts and affirmations into one closing thought that describes your viewpoint on the problem or provides the concluding answer to the issue. You can restate your thesis statement to add it to your summing-up section and additionally enumerate all the main conclusions of your paper. Keep in memory not to repeat earlier sentences. Simply prepare an overall summary of a paper.

Stride 7: Don’t Forget about Editing and Proofreading

When you have composed all things, read your paper again, and do edits if needed. You probably have to do editing as it is hard to compose an essay without any mistakes; therefore, keep in mind to control your time and have extra time for this action.


A diagnostic essay is not as complicated as different kinds of papers, for instance, an analytical paper, because there is no need to carry any research. It will be useful to add several facts or data. However, there is no obligation to do this. Besides, there is no need to panic because diagnostic papers aren’t rated. Nevertheless, writing such a paper won’t hurt. You can also attempt pre-writing your paper to provide the best outcomes. Another way is to ask skilled writers from online paper services to write an essay for you. It will save your time and nerves.



Ways of Selecting Ideas for your Capstone Project

A graduation project, also known as a capstone experience, or project, enables you to tell about things you have learned in times of higher education. These projects have various formats and sizes; everything depends on the program, college rules, and requirements.

The purpose of this academic task for learners is:

  • to study to think critically
  • to plan beforehand;
  • to meet all deadlines;
  • to work in groups;
  • to socialize with partners about what is important for a fine education.

Choosing a theme is the initial action for composing a capstone project. You need to find a suitable capstone experience idea that you’re able to accomplish for some weeks. If you possess a capstone experience theme that is attractive, it can be simpler to compose, conduct research, and complete your assignment fine.

Ways of finding good ideas for capstone projects:

  • Your first step is to consider our list of interesting topics below. We prepared some ideas for your capstone project. All the necessary information is in this special article.
  • Also, question your educator about scholarly publications or magazines to use for a capstone experience theme.
  • Moreover, you can talk to learners who have finished capstone experiences in your coursework and help you develop a theme.

Discovering a great capstone theme can be challenging. Nevertheless, suppose you select an interesting theme where you are able to carry research. In that case, you are able to confirm things you have learned, additionally prove ways you are able to implement your knowledge, experience, and abilities in practice. An extra approach that can assist you in the development of your capstone project is to consider capstone projects prepared by different people to provide you a great idea about how to achieve your capstone project.

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The Top Ideas of Capstone Project Themes for Learners

Choosing a capstone theme mainly depends on the discipline you will be composing it about. If your subject is engineering, you will compose a capstone experience on describing software and building different types of structures. If your subject is economics, you will carry research on market tactics for a capstone experience. It is likewise advantageous to consider following interesting ideas for your capstone projects in various fields.


  1.   Practices on the basis of evidence.
  2.   Training program for healthcare institutions to provide a high quality of service.
  3.   The scarcity of nursing.
  4.   Innovative diagnostic analyses.
  5.   Investigation on people’s reception of the function of nurses in society.
  6.   The top practices for acute states and intensive therapy.
  7.   Stimulant adherence amongst ADHD patients.
  8.   Best methods to prevent ADHD amongst kids.
  9.   Point-of-care testing.

Generally speaking, you can discover various capstone project themes on the Internet. Learners who are not able to obtain some thoughts for a capstone experience can use online writing paper services to receive valuable writing assistance.

 Information Technology

  1.   The function of smart recognition of objects in wireless inspection technologies.
  2.   Valuable data regarding informational logistics, data mining, and data warehousing.
  3.   Text and voice identification systems.
  4.   Utilization of various CMSs in electronic commerce technologies.
  5.   Main practices to assure network, data, and computer security.
  6.   Car transportation system: main advantages.
  7.   Challenges of managing networks in state institutions that operate with private information.
  8.   The value and advantages of data mining.

Computer Science

  1.   Quick recovery of removed important commercial information.
  2.   Systems for noting and analyzing info about clients.
  3.   Ways of creating math placement tests.
  4.   Ways of making convex zipper folding.
  5.   Systems for online training with certificates after completion.
  6.   Stock forecast systems.
  7.   Visualization with the help of open-source WordNet.
  8.   Online survey system: main ways of creating.
  9.   Game theory functions in the analysis of various algorithms.


  1.   How media relationships vary after particular occasions.
  2.   Efficient management tactics for developing countries.
  3.   Cultural distinctions and their position in the management.
  4.   Integration and globalization in e-business.
  5.   Business outsourcing management matters.
  6.   The principal moments in HR management in our century.
  7.   Dispute management in big teams.


  1.   Study how famous brands vary consumer perception.
  2.   Methods to determine share price, taking into consideration interest rates.
  3.   Ways of creating an effective franchising system.
  4.   Supplier relationship administration and its value for a business.
  5.   An analysis of various business practices applicable in definite industries.


  1.   Ethical thinking position in the sphere of accounting.
  2.   How famous accounting theories have varied.
  3.   Forming innovative accounting theories.
  4.   Accounting function for income taxes.
  5.   Accounting and proprietorship.


  1.   How problems occur between learners from various social groups.
  2.   Which educational practices require to be reviewed.
  3.   How to combat plagiarism in college essays.
  4.   Ways of motivating learners.
  5.   Comparison of conventional and remote learning; benefits and drawbacks of both methods of education.
  6.   The value of regulating how to evaluate learner learning.
  7.   Methods to decrease the level of stress amongst learners.
  8.   The value of brain-based pedagogy and learning.
  9.   Ways of managing a virtual classroom.
  10.   The function of classroom management in making learner behavior better.


  1.   Solar panel management technique.
  2.   Main principles of schedule administration in construction.
  3.   Utilization of stop light detectors in vehicles.
  4.   The advantages of utilizing an interactive computer model to estimate and make a project better.
  5.   Efficient methods of governing on-site construction.
  6.   Implementation of CPM to manage and shun time pauses in engineering projects.
  7.   The utilization of an interactive system to manage and control expenses on the construction site.


  1.   Ways of recognizing quality problems in e-commerce services.
  2.   Explain the work of accustomed buying behavior.
  3.   Explain how gender influences purchasing trends in families.
  4.   The meaning of geographical location in customers’ purchasing preferences.
  5.   Answers to marketing tactics that can insult other people.
  6.   Effective online marketing tactics.
  7.   Methods of balancing between online and offline shopping possibilities.
  8.   The meaning of visual supporters concerning product and website identity.
  9.   Worldwide marketing principles and their campaigns.
  10.   Ways of marketing a brand to a mobile surrounding.

Other Interesting Ideas

  1.  Ways of creating a detailed plan for your personal small business.
  2.  Ways of interviewing with the participants of your school administration. Propose to follow one of the participators for the entire day or even week to understand ways the school management operates from within.
  3.   AIDS/HIV and teens – develop and conduct a themed seminar.
  4.   Journalistic sphere – make your magazine.
  5.   Dentistry sphere – send an application for training in a stomatological hospital.
  6.   Role of women– organize a meeting with an actress.
  7.   Terrorism in contemporary society – organize a meeting with an FBI representative.
  8.   Poverty issue – prepare and arrange a toy drive for an area with low income.
  9.   Space tourism – schedule a space trip.
  10.   Legacy of Alfred Hitchcock – make a short movie utilizing Hitchcock’s techniques.

If you still have problems with choosing a powerful capstone project topic, we have another solution for you. You can always ask for assistance from an online writing company. Thanks to modern technologies and the development of the Internet, there are many such platforms online. All you need to have is a laptop or smartphone and a desire to receive a well-written paper. Just place your order and wait for the result. Writers are ready not just to pick up an interesting idea for your capstone project but also to write it instead of you.


Notion Of Visual Analysis

Let`s begin that visual analysis considers the visual art`s composition (film, photography, painting, etc.) and analyzes it for the painter’s proposed sense and ways of execution. Such pieces are also examined for historical importance and their influence on art, politics, and culture in some situations. The given article will guide you on how to prepare an art analysis.

A visual analysis paper is a kind of essay composed chiefly by learners studying Communications as well as Art History. The visual analysis process can be implemented in film, photography, photo-journalism, journalism, visual art, and painting. Such works are usually intended to be used for entertainment or informational goals. The visual analysis goes out of the frame, concentrating on topics, form, performance, and the compositional components that form the work.

Classical pictures are a conventional theme for a visual analysis paper for their deepness and historical importance. Let’s take the popular Raphael picture Transfiguration. At initial look, it is a beautiful painting displaying a well-known scene from the Bible. However, an in-depth sight shows practical painting methods, relations between figures, complex symbolism, and an exceptional selection of colors by the skilled Raphael. This deeper sight at a picture, a photo, written or visual art is the visual analysis process.

Definition of Art Analysis

The majority of people who need to prepare visual analysis papers are Art History, English, and Communication learners. Communications learners examine mediums: films, theater, media, news, photographs. Speaking shortly, everything. Communication is essentially a large, all-encompassing specialization.

Art History learners examine the environment of art to comprehend how it progressed. They prepare visual analysis with each picture they view and debate it in class.

English Literature learners prepare visual analysis likewise. Each author draws an image in the mind of readers. This image, similar to a picture, can be obvious or deliberately unclear. It can be inviting you to explore your emotions rather than realities and facts.

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Need to Pay Attention During Conducting Visual Analysis

No matter if you study art or journalism, composing a visual analysis paper can be a regular difficulty on your course. The basic principles can be studied and employed in any medium, no matter it is painting or photography.

For instance, we’ve decided to discuss painting as a widespread medium for art analysis. During analyzing a picture, there are several important moments that the author needs to know.

  1.   Who is the artist, and what period of art did they refer to?

Classical artists paint scenes from the literature, Bible, or historical happenings (for instance, Rome burning or Socrates death). On the other hand, modernists have a tendency to overturn classical topics and propose a distinctive approach to art.

  1.   Define the artist’s goal?

Classical artists such as Michelangelo were often employed by honorable families. He painted the Sistine Chapel not simply for entertainment; he received money to perform it.

  1.   Define the target audience.

Painters such as Andy Warhol attempted to appeal to the crowds. Other artists such as Marcel Duchamp created art for art people, trying to develop the art form.

  1.   Define the historical context.

Examine your painter/picture completely before you compose. The analysis points that can be employed to a Renaissance artist cannot be employed to a Surrealist artist.

Understanding these necessary moments will provide you all the info and context you require to compose an excellent visual analysis essay.

Still, visual analysis can move more further — particularly in cases of historic pieces of visual art. Learners examine various aspects of interpretation, the interaction of colors and topics, ways this piece was created, and different critiques and reactions. Let’s consider this deeper.

Analyzing Visual Art: Process with All Details

Preparing an art analysis is a necessary skill practiced in art history lessons. Learners who learn art or communications further improve this skill over the years. Not every type of analysis employs in every work of art; each art piece is uncommon. When preparing visual analysis, it’s necessary to hold in memory why this concrete work of art is significant in its way.

Stride 1: Common Information

To start, determine the next important info on the painter and work of art.

  • Topic— whom or what does a piece present?
  • Painter— who is the creator of this work? Mention them by the last name.
  • Epoch and Origin — when and where a piece of art was created. Is it characteristic of its historical epoch or geographical position
  • Previous and Contemporary Positions — places this piece was shown originally, and place it is nowadays.
  • Medium and Making Methods — define the medium this piece was created for and the reasons it is significant to this medium—mention which means were utilized in its performance and its size.

Stride 2: Describe the Picture

The following step is to define what the picture represents or symbolizes. This part will be similar to an abstract, reviewing all the work’s visible facets, drawing the image in the person’s consciousness. Below are the main peculiarities you need to search for in a picture:

  • Figures or Personalities: define what they symbolize.
  • In case it is a classical picture, determine the portrayed story or topic.
  • In case it is an abstract painting, concentrate on colors and shapes.
  • Illumination and general mood of the picture.
  • Determine the setting.

Stride 3: Analysis in Detail.

The biggest part of your essay will concentrate on visual analysis in detail of the piece. There you will pass by the basics as well as view the art components of the work. Art components are connected in general with the painter’s complex painting methods and basics of work.

  • Lines — artists utilize different kinds of lines varying from vertical and horizontal to thick, rounded lines.
  • Forms — forms can be clear or covered in clear view; pay attention to all the picture’s geometrical patterns.
  • Utilization of Light — determine the origin of light. The illumination is smooth or not; recognize whether the artist selects contrasting colors and describes the meaning of their selection concerning the picture.
  • Colors — determine how the artist utilizes color, which colors are basic, which are auxiliary, define the tone of the picture (is it warm or cold).
  • Traceries— are there recurring traceries in the picture? These can be characters as well as hidden textural traceries.
  • Utilization of Space — what type of perspective is utilized in the picture; if painters do, how do they display depth.
  • Motion and Time Passage.

Principles of design view the picture from a wider perspective; how the art components are utilized to form a rounded experience from a thematic and an artistic viewpoint.

  • Diversity and Oneness – examine how deep and diversified the painters’ methods are and whether they form a feeling of oneness or disorder.
  • Asymmetry/Symmetry- determine balance points in the picture, whether it’s traceries, forms, or utilization of colors.
  • Accent – determine the main moments from an artistic and thematic viewpoint. Does the artist highlight a concrete color or part of the building?
  • Proportions – tell how things, objects, and figures interact together to present a feeling of scope, volume, and size to the whole picture.
  • Utilization of Rhythm – determine how the painters imply a definite rhythm through their methods and figures.

As every art piece is uncommon, think about which art components you desire to present in your paper. It doesn’t mean that you can describe just painting in the visual analysis, and it can be employed in mediums, for example, photography.

Structure of Visual Analysis Essay

It’s reliable to utilize the structure of five-paragraph for your visual analysis paper. If you are viewing a picture, get the most significant facets of it that excel to you and consider them regarding your thesis. Utilize uncomplicated essay structure:

Introductory part: An introductory part of a visual analysis paper helps to provide the main info on the piece of art and shortly summarize the matters of consideration.

  • Provide a short description of the picture: painter`s name, epoch, movement of art (if required), and the painter’s goal in creating this piece.
  • Describe concisely what you can see in the picture.
  • Include interesting details about the painter, picture, or historical time to provide your target audience some context.
  • As in every introductory part, don’t misremember to add means to attract your readers’ attention to view your essay.

Thesis: In a thesis, provide the features of analysis on this piece of art that you will consider in your paper.

Main part: Examine the art piece and all its facets in all details. Review the previous segment titled “Analyzing Visual Art: Process with All Details,” which will consist of most of your paper’s body.

Summing-up: After you’ve fully examined the picture and the painter’s methods, provide your views and viewpoints on the piece. Your surveillance needs to be based on the analysis points in your paper. Consider the painter’s way of art components, afford the picture value and maintain your surveillance with evidence from a paper.

Quote: Conventional citation requirements apply to these papers. Utilize in-text quotations when citing a publication, website, magazine, or film, and add sources quoted page enumerating your sources. There is no necessity to panic about considering a way to quote an art piece during the text. Determine completely what piece of art is under analyzing in your introductory part, and name it in the main part of your part.

Use Visual Analysis Sample

There are YouTube videos where you can find analyzes of well-known pictures, which can be an excellent art analysis sample to use. Still, the most reliable method to comprehend how to prepare an analysis essay is by studying an analysis paper sample prepared by a skilled author.

Many such authors have written various excellent visual analysis essays. Utilize them as a landmark for personal visual analysis paper, and you can’t be mistaken!


Visual analysis papers will emerge at the beginning of art history as well as communications studies. Skill how to analyze art correctly is necessary, no matter if you plan to study in further communications or art.

Before beginning your analysis, receive a strong historical background on the artist and their biography. Analyzing a drawing isn’t just fun; you need to consider complex details that the artist can have concealed from direct vision.

We exist in a world overfilled by digital media. By obtaining the ability of art analysis, you can not just increase your understanding of the art but can completely analyze the media messages you meet in your everyday life.

Yet, in case you do not understand the process of analyzing art, you can know various methods that painters utilize to build a feeling in the target audience. For example, doing the most important images bigger and brighter, and insignificant images are in the background or darker. You can likewise simply identify symbolic colors; for example, red refers to tension or blood or emergency; green refers to protection and closeness to nature, and blue refers to coolness and relaxation.

Begin by watching attentively. Most visual analysis essays will need a clear and definite description of the drawing together with visual composition analysis of the painting to reveal how the painter unites the drawing to generate sense. Simply describe the picture you view.

Still Have Troubles?

If you still have difficulties with a visual analysis paper, you do not need to worry. Not every person has art experience; that’s why many people can`t handle their visual analysis paper. You can`t write your paper assignment. Not just there is a lack of experience. Maybe you are simply too busy with other subjects or home duties and therefore don’t have time for your visual analysis essay. But what to do if you don’t want to fail in front of your educator’s eyes and upset your family relatives?

We have an answer for you. Your solution is online writing platforms. Nowadays, many such writing companies on the Internet are ready to assist you with your visual analysis essay and other different types of essays.

All you need to do is place your order, choose a suitable essay writer and enjoy the result. Such companies guarantee zero plagiarism in your essay. Still, we advise reading your essay several times to be ready for your defense in the class. And be sure you will get a high grade.


Significance Of Lab Report Abstract

Various college tasks often make learners worried and questioning how to write them properly and in a timely. A lab report is one of such tasks. It is precise and detailed writing that you should prepare at the educational institution. It creates various problems and is pretty difficult to cope with. Nevertheless, it is not that troublesome if you comprehend its essence.

In case you are planning to compose a lab report, there is a need to comprehend a way to compose an abstract for a lab report too. It is not a really challenging assignment. Still, it is likewise an easy task to compose it if you have never performed it earlier.

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Lab reports compose the abstract part and chapters. This chapter possesses a large impact on attracting the target audience in your writing. It assists you in defining the principal ideas of the paper. The central purpose is to attach great importance to the significant facets of your document. Begin with representing an experiment’s purposes as if a target audience doesn’t understand why you did this experiment. Therefore it will be difficult to be engaged in the process.

In this section, you need to define the main findings of your experiment too. There is no need to go into details as a section is not really long as well as there is not sufficient space for these things, instead of this prepare a brief description of the main findings. Don’t write it extremely large as you will prepare a bigger summing-up in your writing. You likewise need to define the importance of your document.

This section can likewise involve references to an experiment’s methodology and the well-known hypothesis stated in a document.

The abstract is the document`s brief description that enables your target audience to realize its goal, main results, and the reason it is deserving of reading. That is why you need to write this short section interesting, readable and enjoyable if you desire learners to read your document.

Length of Lab Report Abstracttips of Writing Lab Report Abstract

Before composing this section, you need to understand what size and volume it will be. The word number for a lab report abstract can be various; everything depends on rules and the size of the paper. The longer a paper, the longer a section will be.

If you possess rules for a paper, ask if there are some rules for this segment and size. Many sources advise composing an abstract of approximately 100-200 words for short lab reports, usually of 100 words if there are no these requirements. You can place the principal elements, results, and the purposes of research. If you understand that you require more words, simply write your section longer if required.

You need to put more extra info in your abstract for long papers, so you need to write a larger abstract here. The important point is to make this section interesting and readable. It likewise needs to provide an understanding of the central purpose of your document. If you aren’t aware of your paper’s size or want to get assistance with it, you can place an order in online writing service, and a lab report author will create such a paper for you. These authors are specialists, and they can write documents of the right size for you.

Lab Report Abstract: What Should be Included?

You need to begin a lab report abstract by adding the description of an issue you desired to resolve and explain the causes that motivated you to conduct this research. Display personal comprehension of the issue and gaps that are required to be researched. Next, you should specify what methods you used during your research. You need to name just the most important points, and there is no need to go into the details of the process because you will specify this in a methods part.

You need to likewise involve info on points you discovered throughout the experiment, and you shouldn’t explain the outcomes; simply inform about the central research results. The more difficult the assignment, the longer the list will be. If requirements need this, you likewise require to include extra details in a laboratory report abstract to deliver more info about research. If you consider that any element can attract the target audience’s attention, you need to involve it in your paper.

In case you are not ready to compose a laboratory report abstract for one reason or another, there are online writing services to help you. Authors of such services can compose a laboratory report, and next, they will transfer it to you. This is a quick method to receive what you require in a short period of time still in case you don’t possess the required knowledge.

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How To Put Commas In Dates In An Appropriate Way

A comma is a punctuation mark used when writing text to indicate a pause, various separate elements of a list, list homogeneous members of a sentence, etc. Such a sign denotes a comma – “,” There are many instructions on using commas when writing texts. However, teachers rarely explain how to use a comma when writing dates.

According to the education system standards, people should use date commas to divide the week from the month or year. For example – Week, January 15, 2020. Sometimes, the author needs to write a time interval in two parts or even longer. In this case, the writer must use a pause to separate them. Even if the time interval is written in numbers or words, you should use commas.

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In English, there are four types of punctuation:

  • Enumeration commas: I bought flowers, pots, a shovel at the fair;
  • Affixing comma: Justin is a stylish, trendy guy;
  • Gapping comma: Stephen heard the coronavirus vaccine’s news but still couldn’t believe it was effective;
  • Bracketing comma: similar punctuation marks are used to clarify information. For example, Mrs. Bridgertgs, Daphne’s mother, the wisest woman in town. Also, you can use this punctuation mark to separate multiple variables. However, remember that if you have written an interval of more than four digits long, you must use commas to separate the units. According to the rules, you must use this punctuation mark for every three numbers.

American students often use a simple format – divide the week from the month or year using a comma. For example – Tuesday, February 10, 1999. These are far from the only exceptions. To be educated and not make mistakes when using the comma in dates, we advise you to read the information below.

There Is Only A Month And A Year – How To Write A Date?

If your date consists of only a month and a year, you do not need to write a comma to separate them. The main thing is to build the sentence correctly.

Correct: We first visited the amusement park in August 2007.

Wrong: We first visited the amusement park in August 2007.

Have Month, Date, and Year – How Correctly to Write a Date?

If your date consists of these elements, you must put a punctuation mark after the day of the week and month. You cannot divide the month and the number – this is a gross mistake.

Correct: The day we first met my friend was May 20, 2005.

Wrong: The day we first met my friend was May, 20, 2005.

Have a Week, Date, and Year – Where to Write the Comma Correctly?

If your date consists of a week, you must write a comma between the day of the week and the date. Remember – you don’t need to put a comma after a month.

Correct: Our first hike in the mountains was on Tuesday, April 7, 2019.

Wrong: Our first hike in the mountains was on Tuesday, April 7, 2019.

Sentence Begins With Date – Where to Put the Comma?

All of the examples above are intended to show you how to write a comma if the sentence ends in dates. However, how do you write a comma in dates if the sentence starts with an interval? In such cases, the rules are similar, but there is an exception – you need to write a comma after the month and year.

Correct: September 4, 2016, marks our fifth wedding year.

Wrong: September 4, 2016, marks our fifth wedding year.

Dates In The Middle Of A Sentence – Where To Put A Comma?

You can write dates at the beginning, at the end of a sentence. However, you may find it challenging to place punctuation marks in the middle of a sentence. To correctly put a comma in the middle of a sentence, you need to understand what elements the date consists of clearly. For example, if your date is in the typical month-date-year format, remember always to write a comma after the month and year. If your proposal consists of a month and a day, then you don’t have to write a comma. Also, depending on the proposal’s content, the author can independently divide the date but adhere to the above rules.

Correct: Our trip to the sea in August 2018 was amazing.

Incorrect: Our trip to the sea in August 2018 was amazing.


Correct: Our trip to the sea on August 12, 2018, was amazing.

Incorrect: Our trip to the sea on August 12, 2018, was amazing.


Correct: After the end of the holiday on September 3, we went home.

Incorrect: After the end of the holiday on September 3, we went home.

Sentence Ends With Date – Should You Put a Comma?

The rules for commas in dates, which linguists have added and approved by the education system, are rather confusing. Therefore, many students put too many extra commas if the sentence ends with a date. You cannot divide the date at the end of a sentence – this is a gross mistake.

Correct: Our first daughter was born in November 2012.

Wrong: Our first daughter was born in November 2012.

Reversed Style – How to Write a Date?

In America, students most often use the month-date-year format. The examples above are aimed exactly at this format. Other countries use reversed style. For example, if you want to write an introductory essay for an overseas educational institution, you must understand how to use this style. The style’s very name tells us that you should first write the date and then the month and year. That is, the opposite is true. It is necessary to approach this format correctly. Otherwise, you will be misunderstood.

Date, Month, and Year – How to Write Inverted Dates?

If you are using the reversed style, you do not need to write a comma between months and years. This is unusual and difficult for typical American students.

Correct (reversed style): The date of birth of our second daughter is 15 December 2001.

Wrong (reversed style): Our second daughter’s date of birth is 15 December, 2001.

Reversed Dates and Weekdays

You can write a comma on the reserved dates if you can recalculate the days of the week further. That is, you need to divide the week from the date.

Correct (reversed style): The day I first saw my cousin was Monday, 5 March 2006.

Wrong (reversed style): The day I first saw my cousin was Monday, 5 March, 2006.

Write Correctly – This is Your Key to Success

When writing texts that contain dates, you must adhere to the rules. We also recommend practicing a lot. For any assignment, train your memory on the write of commas in dates. With a lot of practice, you will learn how to write good English texts. Good articles are those that do not contain punctuation, spelling, and lexical errors.

If you write academic articles, then using the correct punctuation can successfully support your point of view. Teachers will take your text seriously, not finding punctuation errors, and possibly you get an A+. Thanks to punctuation marks, we separate the sentence and make it more structured. Apply our tips, and you will be close to success!

Here you can buy essay, coursework or custom term papers.

A Definition Essay As An Academic Assignment

An academic assignment that gives a concise explanation of an idea, a concept, or a term is called a definition essay. But there is a difference between a simple definition and a definition paper: the latter includes all denotative connotative definitions, and the former includes only a definition. Terms may have an abstract or concrete meaning.

Such a paper should consist of both the legitimate meaning and the writer’s explanation with relevant examples. You may choose any topic for such writing, but they shouldn’t exceed 500 words or be less than 250.

Definitions in an official dictionary are typically shorter, and your purpose is to broaden the comprehension of how the word is used, mentioning diverse notions of the item under analysis. It’s preferable to use illustrations to back the explanations. For instance, some terms have a few meanings; some of them are literary, others are real-life. It’s not defined from what angle you should scrutinize the word, and you are required to write the legitimate description in the introductory part.

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Select a Proper Topic

To make up a correct topic for your writing is significant but, in many cases, not easy either. If you are not provided with a topic, select your own. All terms fall into a few groups (with plenty of meanings, common, abstract, without a common interpretation, disputed). It’s essential to pick the term correctly, and you ought to understand it well, then you will manage to clarify its meaning to others.

Important tips:

  1. If you choose a term that has only one interpretation, it will not be possible to present your writing skills and understanding of the subject.
  2. Select words, the meaning of which can be debated in various contexts.
  3. If your teacher doesn’t provide certain subjects to write about in the essay, make a list of definition essay words.
  4. Select items with several meanings.

New Compelling Topics for Your Paper

To help you write a compelling paper, we offer a list of new prompts and topics. We’ve studied a large number of high-quality works to create it. Our list includes the most trendy topics that can inspire any student to write impressively.


  1. The value of targeted traffic for internet marketing.
  2. What is social media marketing?
  3.  The influence of crisis upon a financial system of a state.
  4. The role and types of advertising.
  5. Main social security measures.
  6. The price and its components.
  7. What is a small business, and what are its main peculiarities?
  8. How a corporation differs from other legal entities.
  9. What are social networking companies?
  10. Factors contributing to high motivation of a hired employee.
  11. How is a salary formed?
  12. What is outsourcing, and why is it used?
  13. Main peculiarities of a free market.
  14. The description of international competition.
  15. The bankruptcy and its functions for a business.
  16. What are long-term and short-term objectives for business?
  17. How does a cashless economy function?
  18. How does the stock market function?
  19. The use of cryptocurrencies in business.
  20. What is creative marketing?
  21. The impact of globalization on business processes.
  22. International trade and its role in the modern economy.
  23. What is a business plan, and how to use it?
  24. The use of business grants.
  25. Productivity and the influence of motivation upon it.
  26. The analysis of the document of financial information.
  27. A case study to determine what companies actively use electronic document management.
  28. An analysis of the increasing trend of home offices in the modern business era
  29. The challenges of setting priorities in office management.
  30. The main tools and software used in office automation.
  31. Four different market structures are found in the U.S. market system.
  32. The functions of marketing and the marketing environment.
  33. Marketing plan and the segmentation of the target market.
  34. Innovations in behavioral marketing and benefits of electronic marketing.
  35. Marketing nature and role of marketing in companies and in society.


  1. The importance of freedom for the development of human society.
  2. Fight for freedom and human rights in developing countries.
  3. Financial vs. spiritual freedom.
  4. Spiritual freedom as a conscious choice.
  5. What is personal freedom?
  6. Religious freedom as a sign of modern times.
  7. Freedom and responsibility.
  8. The importance of freedom of thought in modern society.
  9. How do violations of personal freedom influence our lives?
  10. Fighting for liberty as a privilege.


  1. Does happiness play an important role in the life of an average person?
  2. How to achieve happiness.
  3. Is success necessary for happiness?
  4. Universal understanding of happiness.
  5. What is necessary for a person to be happy?
  6. Is material success necessary for happiness?
  7. Spiritual growth is a necessary condition of happiness.
  8. Realistic expectations as a necessary factor of happiness.
  9. The role of perseverance in achieving happiness.
  10. Does strong help to reach happiness?
  11. Being happy is a choice.
  12. Happy relationship is the way to a more fulfilling life.
  13. Your personal understanding of happiness.
  14. Helping those in need as a way to feel happy.
  15. Being content with what you possess.


  1. Understanding of a tsunami and its cause.
  2. The main features of tsunamis and their effects.
  3. The causes and effects of the tsunami.
  4. Gigantic waves and the characteristics of the tsunami.
  5. Major causes of the massive waves of tsunami.
  6. The tsunamis’ myth.
  7. Tsunami in South-East Asia.
  8. Tsunami waves and the measures for reducing tsunami damage.
  9. Natural disasters and the terrible effect of a tsunami in Japan.
  10. Tsunami earthquake in Southeast Asia in 2004.


  1. The history of NATO.
  2. International relations and NATO.
  3. The analysis of NATO intervention in Kosovo.
  4. How NATO survived the cold war.
  5. The United States policy towards NATO.
  6. The introduction to the history of NATO and Yugoslavia.
  7. NATO’s enlargement is the key to stability.
  8. The history of the NATO alliance.
  9. NATO and its changing role after the Cold War.
  10. Analysis of NATO on a pact for peace or power.


  1. Love and marriage.
  2. An introduction to marriage.
  3. A comparison of arranged marriages and love marriages.
  4. Marriage in the Middle Ages.
  5. How to have a joyous marriage.
  6. An analysis of tribal marriage tradition.
  7. How to have a joyous marriage.
  8. Marriage, family, and death in the Lebanese culture.
  9. Marriage as a social institution.
  10. The difficulties in marriage.

Social Media

  1. The deprivation of human contact caused by social media.
  2. Hate and bullying on social media.
  3. Personal privacy in social media.
  4. The advantages of corporate use of social media.
  5. Social media and teens.
  6. Businesses and social media.
  7. The importance of being careful with the use of social media.
  8. Social media and teens.
  9. The history of the evolution of social media.
  10. Social media as a platform for speaking out.


  1. A brief overview of Buddhism.
  2. The dominant concept in Buddhism.
  3. The ten vows of Buddhism.
  4. A short analysis of Buddhism.
  5. Buddhism and its ten vows.
  6. The goal of Buddhism.
  7. Buddhism and its historical transformations.
  8. Facts about Buddhism.
  9. The origin of Buddhism.
  10. Buddhism as one of the world religions.


  1. The history of communism in Cuba.
  2. Understanding communism.
  3. The analysis of communism in Russia.
  4. The history of American communism.
  5. Communism and freedom.
  6. Communism in China.
  7. The effects of communism in Vietnam.
  8. The history and description of communism.
  9. Communism and socialism.
  10. The advantages and disadvantages of communism.


  1. The analysis of the art of surrealism.
  2. By Salvatore Dali and the introduction of surrealism.
  3. The peculiarities of surrealism.
  4. Salvador Dali, the greatest painter of surrealism.
  5. Surrealism in Europe.
  6. Main peculiarities of surrealism.
  7. The most famous surrealist artists.
  8. Surrealism in films.
  9. The aspects of surrealism in the works of Salvador Dali.
  10. The surrealist movement of the 1920s.

Topics for IT and Science

  1. Main programming languages.
  2. The development of the internet.
  3. Advantages of a tablet.
  4. Linux operating system.
  5. Windows vs. Apple: principal advantages.
  6. The use of databases.
  7. Advantages of online sources of information.
  8. Mobile internet.
  9. The significance of artificial intelligence in education.
  10. Search engines.

A Typical Structure

A typical structure that you can use as a plan:

  • Reword or copy-paste the most cited definition from one of the dictionaries;
  • Write your personal understanding and explanation of the term;
  • Present an example of using this word from real life or from literary pieces;
  • Support your point with evidence;
  • Write a conclusion.

If you used any additional sources of information, mention them in your list of references. You should avoid plagiarism and thoroughly rephrase the information that you apply.

First of all, you need to write the introduction. In the beginning paragraph, you can mention a relevant quote, a rhetorical question, or an interesting fact to make the reader curious. You need to clarify the function of the picked word in the language. In the last sentence of the introductory section, write that you will name every probable interpretation of the term and every case of its application.

In the central part of your paper, give several examples from various sources or from your experience to present various usages of the selected word.
Use the meaning from a news source that you haven’t aforementioned. At the end of the body, summarize all probable explanations of the term.

Transition Words and Phrases to Write an Excellent Essay

Your paper’s text needs to adhere to a logical structure, and for that, you should apply special transition terms and phrases. They are typically dealt with to provide a smooth flow of text for various sections of the text. For that transition, words and phrases are applied at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph. They assist the reader in understanding your idea.

Valuable Tips That Will Help

If you want to pick an impeccable topic, pay attention to the essential tips that our experts selected for you. You can also find free examples on our website written by our specialists.

  • Select the word. Your purpose is to get the highest grade; that’s why you must pick words that denote processes. Don’t choose such words as running or watermelon;
  • Write your personal interpretation. Apart from the official definition from the dictionary, present your own thoughts of the analyzed terms. If you choose a term, your interpretation should be as objective as possible;
  • Give examples from real life. The reader should understand you well. That is why you need to apply relative examples to demonstrate how the term is applied in a real context;
  • Pay attention to multiple definitions. Apply terms that have more than one meaning (for example, current, watch, run, turn);
  • Don’t analyze universal words like room, hello, piano.

· Research is essential, although you are not writing a scientific paper. Try to identify every imaginable implication of the term and its origin and most typical application.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Definition Essay Example?

A definition essay example is a typical essay that displays major peculiarities of the assignment, such as its topic, structure, and the application of transition words, a reference list.

How Do You Write a Definition Essay?

A definition essay consists of the same parts as for any other essay. It includes: the introductory part, the body, and the conclusion are its parts.
In your essay writing, incorporate the official definition of the term, its interpretation, an illustration of how it may be used in the literary context or a real-life example, the evidence, the conclusion, a list of references (on the off chance you use external sources).

What Is a Definition Argument Essay?

An argument essay is usually one of the challenges among other types of tasks. In descriptive essays, we need to use creative and narrative skills; in argumentative essays, it’s necessary to conduct research, use reliable facts, and persuade the audience. The main goal of writing an argument essay is to convince the audience; for this reason, the arguments that have been used ought to be backed by credible facts.

Practical Guidelines Describing How To Write A Synthesis Essay

One of the most captivating assignments that a student may get is to write a synthesis essay. To exhibit your ability to conduct research, comprehend various theories, and to be able to present arguments is the primary goal of this type of essay.

If you compose an essay, you usually get ideas and information from using various sources, analyze and sum up the data and present it in your thesis statement. Your task is to write in synthesis essay format, and recognizing the synthesis statement will allow you to combine it with other postulations. To write academic papers is not always an easy thing, and if you don’t know how to write a synthesis essay, you can place an order with our online writing service.

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The Complete Definition of a Synthesis Essay

To write a synthesis paper is not different from writing any other thesis statement. In it, thoughts and ideas are discussed in the written form. It’s important to know the meaning of synthesizing a text. Creating a different view upon the subject when you combine data of various sources is called synthesizing texts.

A synthesis essay is an essay in which you combine information from several sources to develop a broad opinion upon the subject. A student can use various sources of information, such as radio tapes, videos, advertising, speeches. In plenty of cases, there are enough to use more than two pieces of writing.

How to Format Your Essay

There may be various requirements to a synthesis essay format. The way your paper is formatted usually depends on the requirements of the institution. If you have no instructions as far as the formatting is concerned, you should adhere to one of the widely used formats (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).

Using the MEAL

As a synthesis essay differs from other academic papers, you need to use a completely different approach to writing it that is called the MEAL. It is typically applied in the body of the paper and includes several important aspects:

  • Main thought (idea). In this paragraph of the body, you express your main opinion (thought) about the subject under discussion. The thought may be expressed in whatever form you want, but it ought to express your personal attitude;
  • Evidence that supports the main idea. In this part, you need to present reliable evidence that backs the main idea up. Use this evidence as a properly referenced quote;
  • Analyzing the evidence. To persuade the reader that you are correct, it’s not sufficient to only use a referenced quote. The evidence needs to be analyzed, and you also need to point out how it proves your argument;
  • Link back. When you write your essay, you need to adhere to the principal argument. You need to restate the principal thought one more time in the link back section of the body and point out why you think that you have proved everything correctly.

What Is an Argumentative Synthesis Essay?

You may think that an argumentative synthesis essay is the same as a synthesis essay, but these are two different academic tasks, although they do have several similar characteristics. Don’t confuse these assignments.
When your task is to write an argumentative synthesis essay, you will be provided with a list of sources that you should use. To find a great argumentative synthesis essay, the topic will be your first step, and then you will need to specify principal ideas and get down to write the paper.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay Outline

You may not understand how to write the synthesis essay structure if you don’t know what a synthesis essay is. Such essays have the same structure as any other essay: the introduction, three body paragraphs, and the conclusion.

The Introduction

The introduction of a synthesis essay, being a very significant part of the paper, is typically not more than one page. A student ought to know how to begin the essay to produce a favorable impression upon the audience.
The goal of the introduction is to make the reader interested enough to read further. For this reason, a hook is necessary. It may be a relevant quote, interesting fact, etc. At the end of this part, write a thesis with the principle idea of the paper that you are going to support by the arguments in the body.

The Body

When you are planning to write a synthesis essay, remember that the body is its biggest and informative part. It includes the results of your research and the analysis.
We have already mentioned the MEAL approach to be used in the body of a synthesis essay. There are a few other approaches that can help you to write an impressive essay (Occasion, Diction, Purpose, Imagery, etc.).

The Conclusion

The concluding part of the essay should be the most impressive. The main thing is not to offer any fresh information in this part. You need to summarize your principal points here. Include the thesis and sum up the supporting evidence. It’s appropriate to include a call to action to stimulate your reader to conduct extra research and start musing about the subject of the essay.

A List of Fresh Topics for a Synthesis Essay

  1. How reading affects the human brain?
  2. How do perseverance and hard work raise the chances of success?
  3. Does wealth contribute to the feeling of happiness?
  4. Can bullying in social media be dangerous for children?
  5. Does deforestation influence the climate?
  6. How does global warming influence harvests?
  7. Does the internet contribute to more effective international communication?
  8. How is business productivity affected by computers?
  9. Is experimenting on animals ethical?
  10. Are free medical services available in third-world countries?
  11. How do films influence real-life relationships?
  12. Does climate change affect the state of agriculture?
  13. How are ethnic minorities treated in the EU?
  14. Does ageism exist in the USA?
  15. Does yoga help people to lose weight?
  16. What harmful effects do cosmetic surgeries cause?
  17. Does singing improve cognitive skills?
  18. Why can complaining be harmful?
  19. How do books influence the development of society?
  20. What role does music play in everyday life?
  21. How does the dress code influence labor productivity?
  22. Should dentist services be free?
  23. Should school-children be allowed to take cell phones with them to school?
  24. What effect does high-quality food have upon people’s health?
  25. How is artificial intelligence used in education?
  26. Does the internet improve the communication skills of modern people?
  27. Does the amount of salary influence the motivation of employees?
  28. How do computer technologies help to make international trade more effective?
  29. How does the urban lifestyle contribute to global warming?
  30. How can the legalization of drugs influence future generations?

Here you can buy essay online, coursework or custom term papers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a synthesis essay?

It’s an essay where the information from several sources is combined to create a complete understanding of the subject.

What is an example of a synthesis?

In a synthesis, several pieces of information from various sources are combined into one to review a topic and write new ideas or recommendations. Example of a successful synthesis:
In many articles, it is claimed that longer sleep provokes asthma attacks.

How many paragraphs is a synthesis essay?

Usually, there are five paragraphs in a synthesis essay (the introduction, three paragraphs of the body, the conclusion).

Ideas From Top Writers For Exemplification Essay Topics

An exemplification essay is a particular type of document that allows authors to confirm their statements. If a student applies an exemplification paper in an article, its primary goal is to find a real example. Based on the arguments, the author can prove that his words are not empty and are valid in science. However, the main problem that haunts the students is the choice of a suitable theme. By choosing an irrelevant topic, the article becomes a failure and can alienate the potential reader.

Brainstorming is perhaps the most effective and popular method among students to generate ideas. Through this technique, students can find unique ideas that in turn raise significant questions.

There are other methods to help you choose an exciting topic. For example, students are looking for research in the science that interests them. Thus, the student can simultaneously select relevant topics and sources for the argumentation of their ideas. More experienced writers are also looking at peer reviews and opinions to find a good topic for exemplification essays. Are you interested in more secrets on how to create an exemplification essay topic? Then read our article to the end.

Exemplification Essay Topics – General Tips

An exemplification essay is a common type of academic paper designed to show vivid examples from life or history and help students describe, persuade, and explain their ideas. The relevant examples arouse the reader’s interest in the article. They want to know how much their opinion is similar to yours or the idea of a reputable writer. With this essay, you can answer all the reader’s questions. You are starting from “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” and ending with “how.” Examples allow you to reveal the main idea of ​​the article better. You can not use examples that have little impact on the thesis or are superficial to the topic.

Exemplification Essay – Types

Students can create two types of exemplification essays. The first type aims to support the central argument. In this case, the writer can use several examples, but only related to the topic. These can be examples from life, books, stories – the main thing is to prove that your idea deserves attention and has a place in science. The second type of exemplification essay aims to apply one compelling example. That is, the example should be extensive and have many elements that can be used as arguments. Most often, this type is used by students who want to prove a theorem or their research. They choose a specific example and, based on it, establish their point of view.

Exemplification Essay – Trending Topics

For the exemplification essay, students can choose topics from any science. The main thing is that it is interesting to write, to argue, and for the reader to analyze. That you do not have a creative crisis, we have prepared a list of ideas. Use them correctly based on your interests or teacher’s requirements.

Narrow Topics for Exemplification Essays

  1. Do students need to pursue a master’s or doctoral degree?
  2. Should homeless people have free access to health care?
  3. How can health care help low-income families with a medical check-up?
  4. Should students be forced to wear uniforms?
  5. Should the country financially help students with education?

Extensive Topics for Exemplification Essays

  1. Students abuse drugs and psychoactive substances. Why does abuse of these substances lead to poor living standards?
  2. Why should the US impose strict rules on people carrying weapons?
  3. Why are parents irresponsible about parenting, relying on teachers for help?
  4. Why should animal testing be banned for cosmetic companies?
  5. Is social media helping to uncover talents, or will people have complexes?

Examples of Exemplification Essay Topics by Different Sciences

Students during their studies are faced with different subjects — consequently, essay topics vary in science. Students should select a topic and questions that relate to a specific subject. Below we have provided a list of topics for different disciplines. Each of you can find inspiration – choose and create masterpieces.

Art Topics

  1. Has art influenced the lives of different nationalities?
  2. Baroque painting is art for creative artists.
  3. Should galleries support modern artists?
  4. Is the artist profession profitable, or are there very few jobs?
  5. The government should create a decree banning paintings with naked people.

Technology Topics

  1. In educational institutions, it is necessary to prohibit computers, as they have a terrible effect on developing students’ creative skills.
  2. Why are there more cases of kidnapping and rape due to online dating sites?
  3. Most people are harassed on social media. Why doesn’t the government ban the use of social media?
  4. With the advent of artificial intelligence, employers stopped hiring real people.
  5. Smartphones give teens more freedom. How safe are they?

Religious Topics

  1. Why is religion the main cause of wars in the past centuries?
  2. Educational institutions should conduct religious lessons to develop spiritual strength in students.
  3. Religion badly affects the self-expression of people in society.
  4. Religion does not allow believers to diversify their leisure.
  5. Religion doesn’t support same-sex marriage – is it fair?

Business Topics

  1. Do people need to take business courses to improve their qualifications?
  2. Young people with creative ideas should work in the business.
  3. If women are given more rights and opportunities to manage the business, then economic performance will increase.
  4. Women help to sign necessary contracts and make good deals.
  5. Due to the coronavirus, many businesses have suffered. Why?

Music Topics

  1. Classical music allows you to develop stage skills.
  2. In the Roman Empire, the bone flute was the most popular musical instrument. Why did the Romans appreciate her?
  3. Shakespeare is considered the person who contributed to the development of classical music. Why?
  4. What role do women play in the development of music?
  5. Hip-hop – is music or a weird combination of words?

Languages Topics

  1. Should educational institutions teach students how to speak different languages?
  2. Why do overseas students learn English?
  3. From what age should parents teach their children to speak the state language?
  4. Students who are well versed in the English language do well in their studies. Do you agree with this opinion?
  5. People who know their native language feel more confident. Why?

Health Topics

  1. The state does not provide the population with free medical examinations. Why?
  2. Why does every American need health insurance?
  3. Why do some doctors not treat the patient but rather worsen his condition?
  4. Modern private hospitals are too expensive for the typical American.
  5. Why do older people begin to lead a healthy lifestyle only when they are very sick? Isn’t it possible to take care of health from a young age?

History Topics

  1. Many politicians supported fascism, but as soon as it gave terrible results, politicians turned away.
  2. Why did the Second World Won lead to technical progress?
  3. With the advent of democracy, many rulers have lost their political control.
  4. People in the third world don’t want to hear about democracy.
  5. Many African countries suffer from the laws imposed by politicians.

Media Topics

  1. The media is a platform that violates all laws.
  2. Mass media helps democracy develop.
  3. Mass media helps people to express their point of view freely.
  4. With the advent of mass media, new cultural entertainment has developed.
  5. How should journalists learn so as not to violate ethical and moral laws?

Science Topics

  1. Science develops thanks to technology. Why do many scientists think so?
  2. The most significant discoveries of science came in the twenty-first century. Why?
  3. The science that studies the evolution of life has provided a lot of knowledge for modern medicine.
  4. Scientific research is costly. What do you need to do to attract sponsors?
  5. Science is incapable of dealing with environmental problems. Why do people ignore this information and continue to harm nature?

Education Topics

  1. Why does early childhood education provide little information for future student brain development?
  2. Why shouldn’t teachers use corporal punishment?
  3. Lessons to learn foreign languages contribute to the development of cultural knowledge.
  4. There are too many written assignments for students. Because of this, students need to develop vocabulary. Is this approach effective or violent?
  5. Online learning is ineffective, and the student cannot achieve the required educational skills.

How to Construct an Exemplification Essay Topic: Step-by-Step Guide

Students should draw the attention of the reader from the very first lines. Therefore, you must compose the topic based on the interests of the target audience. When choosing a topic, students need to achieve the main goal – to find a convincing argument that will make the reader accept your point of view. Our step-by-step guide will explain how to do this. Apply the tips, and you will be able to find the perfect theme.

First step – Brainstorming

To create an engaging exemplification essay theme, you need to generate ideas. For example, in their research, scientists raise problems and find ways to solve them. So their idea of ​​writing an article is to provide solutions to problems. Brainstorming will help students generate ideas that they are interested in working with. Applying the method, many students find questions that are important for society and need to be discussed. Write on a piece of paper any ideas that come to mind. For example, you want to talk about how video games affect children or why the planet is dying from chemical emissions. Once you find interesting ideas, it will be easier for you to name an essay.

Second step – Researching

To collect arguments, evidence, and examples for an essay, students research the topic. Therefore, take the time to find reputable essay writers. The most reliable sources include journal articles, books, scientific research – start with them. If there is little data, analyze web resources, but very carefully, because authors do not always publish reliable information. All sources should logically support your theme. Therefore, choose only those information resources that are relevant to the topic. Simple quotes that entertain the reader will not work. Your task is to find evidence to support your opinion. So, take enough time to find the best sources. For an essay, 3-5 resources are enough.

Third step – Create A Title

As we noted, students need to create an attention-grabbing headline. If you already have proof and ideas for writing an essay, you can write a title. Without essential elements, you shouldn’t write a headline. After all, if you cannot collect authoritative sources to confirm ideas, then the title does not make sense. Choose a title that carries a semantic load, and in the text, you can prove its meaning. You can write multiple titles and pick the best one – practice as much as possible.

Fourth step – Revising A Topic

Before writing an essay, you should make sure you have collected convincing arguments, found ideas and examples that fit the topic. If your ideas are slightly different from the topic, then it is worth considering changing the title. Based on the topic, the audience should quickly grasp the meaning of the article. If the reader finds contradictions, he will think about whether you really 100% covered the topic. People love to read reliable information, and if you are distracted from the topic, they will hardly want to study your articles in the future.

The fifth step – Choosing The Best Themes

If you have compiled many topics at the previous stages and do not know which one to choose, we recommend containing the most relevant information. You can also read the headings to see which one sounds better. If this does not work for you, ask friends or colleagues to rate which topics you need most for discussion. Do not miss the selection process because how well you can build an article depends on it. We also note that there should be a controversial point in the topic. You can raise the issue and give your opinion if you disagree with the other author. Readers love to debate, and this is the primary purpose of the essay.

Exemplification Essay – Paper Template

There is a simple template for this essay:

  1. Topic. Your topic should be bright, short, understandable. Most often, the title contains 8-12 words. Headings over 12 words are hard to remember and read.
  2. Introduction. Find the hook that grabs the reader’s attention in the introduction. Provide a little background information about the topic. At the end of the introduction, write a statement that you can confirm in the body.
  3. Body – 1 paragraph. In the first paragraph of the main body, it is necessary to provide arguments in favor of the thesis statement. We also recommend starting a paragraph with a thematic sentence, which you can illustrate with an example. Remember to use connected words to move to the next paragraph.
  4. Body – 2 paragraph. In the second paragraph of the main body, write a counterargument refuting the thesis. Find real evidence to support the counterargument. If the counterargument is too hard to read, write an explanation to it.
  5. Body – 3 paragraph. In the third paragraph, you must refute the counterargument and write that the statement is correct. Find the main weakness of the counterargument and describe it. Thus, you will present the topic from two sides, but in the end, you will convince the reader of the integrity of your judgments.
  6. Conclusion. Finish your essay with a summative paragraph. Write a few sentences that will combine all the arguments into one picture. Write how this research influenced you and challenge the reader to action.

FAQ About Exemplification Essay

What should I write in my exemplification essay?

In an exemplification essay, you need to raise public interest issues and give your opinion on the topic. The statement must be supported by arguments so that the reader is convinced of the truth of your words. The topic can be different. It all depends on your discipline or science.

What are some good topics for an informative essay?

There are many good topics for an informative essay. However, most often, students write about religion, education, media, healthcare, technology.

What is the example of exemplification?

You can take examples from your own life, history, scientific research, magazines. Most importantly, do not forget that examples must support the thesis statement.

Ultimate List Of 100+ Descriptive Essay Topics

Impressions and feelings, imaginative situations, memories, composing a descriptive paper are fun for most university or college students. They get an opportunity to use their creativity, making this essay type be such fun!

You are not supposed to do a lot of reading or research writing descriptive essays because they are based on the writer’s personal explanation and description of the given or selected topic. This paper type is perfect for students in high school since they are not willing to conduct the research.

Nevertheless, most students’ biggest issues while composing a paper are picking and selecting the paper topic; descriptive paper is not an exception. So the process might be time consuming, confusing, and complicated.

The paper format is similar. It consists of the intro, body paragraphs, and conclusion. However, the descriptive essay topics are different and suppose high descriptive capability level.

Check out our list of the best descriptive essay topics. Here are only the examples for you, so you might customize them according to your task.

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Descriptive Paper Topics For the College Students

  1. New wedded couple first week.
  2. A crazy bungee jump.
  3. The necessity of college education.
  4. The day when all failed.
  5. Education before everything.
  6. How is it possible to make the world better?
  7. The universe’s magnificence.
  8. Why does everyone need love?
  9. What is the future of cloning on this planet?
  10. The perfect day for the college student.
  11. Describe your first time when you had tears of joy.
  12. Describe your first love.
  13. The awesome experience of being in the mountains.
  14. Does karma work, and how?
  15. The infinity of heaven.
  16. How does the astronaut view the Earth?
  17. The reality and superstitions.
  18. Why do women love flowers?
  19. Describe a day with a baby giraffe.
  20. The Socratic method implementation for people with cognitive disabilities.

Descriptive Paper Topics For the High School Students

  1. Describe the most terrible nightmare you have ever had.
  2.  What is the most favorite place for you to read? Describe it.
  3. Describe the specific painting.
  4. How does your best friend look?
  5. How does your favorite pet look? Describe it.
  6. What seemed to be the most embarrassing moment you have ever had?
  7. Describe the specific addiction.
  8. How does your favorite teacher look?
  9. How does your souvenir look?
  10. The moment of your first acting in a play.
  11. How does the visit of your old friend look?
  12. How did your life-changing moment look?
  13. Describe the first moment you moved to another city.
  14. What will your future be like?
  15. Describe your favorite play.
  16. Describe the best place you wish to visit.
  17. Describe the process of baking a cake.
  18. Describe your worst day.
  19. What are the four most important clothing items for you?

Descriptive Paper Topics For the Middle School

  1. Describe the way you look into your forthcoming future.
  2. Describe the happiest day in your family circle.
  3. Create your town’s tour.
  4. Describe the most extraordinary individual you have ever met.
  5. Describe the most favorite season you have ever had.
  6. Describe the most unusual zoo animal.
  7. How does your favorite meal look?
  8. Describe your trip to specific mountains.
  9. The benefits and drawbacks of co-ed sports?
  10. Must school be selling fast food?
  11. Is school uniform mandatory?
  12. Describe your school bullies?
  13. The pros of giving fewer homework.
  14. Describe the case to leave your child at home on their own.
  15. What are the pros of beginning the school newspaper?
  16. Necessary reasons why children must have chores.
  17. The advantages of summer school.

Descriptive Paper Topics For Various Grades

Composing a descriptive paper is a necessary assignment to complete. Check out some of the greatest descriptive paper topics for various grades.

Descriptive Paper Topics For the Grade 5

  1. Describe your favorite character of the cartoon.
  2. Describe your favorite song.
  3. Describe why a specific photo is your favorite.
  4. Describe a special place.
  5. The most necessary time in history.
  6. How to build a fort?
  7. Describe the creepiest things.
  8. Tell whether you wish to be famous.
  9. Describe the process of doing your homework.
  10. Describe the perfect fishing.
  11. Tell how to stop hiccups.
  12. How to help the animals?
  13. Describe the process of looking at the globe.
  14. What are your favorite clothes?
  15. Describe the day when you have been in the home of your friend.
  16. Describe how and why you utilize your computer.

Descriptive Paper Topics For the Grade 6

  1. What is the most favorite hobby?
  2. Why is a specific movie your favorite? Try to describe it.
  3. Describe your favorite game and tell why you love it so much.
  4. Do you like playing a sport and why?
  5. Describe your most unusual talent.
  6. Describe the most favorite subject and elaborate on why it is like that.

Descriptive Paper Topics For the Grade 7

  1. Describe your perfect place for the vacation and mention why.
  2. What is your best lesson that you had ever learned?
  3. Describe your best hero and mention why.
  4. Suppose you had a possibility to have a superpower, what might it be, and mention why?
  5. Describe your favorite band.
  6. Describe your ideal college.

Descriptive Paper Topics For the Grade 8

  1. Which is the closest game to your heart?
  2. Is mobile phone a curse or boon?
  3. Describe the most treasured item for you.
  4. Describe the most favorite restaurant.
  5. Describe your dream house.
  6. 7 features of a good roommate.
  7. The funniest note on the closet.
  8. Describe your favorite memory from childhood.
  9. The best subway train ride.
  10. Describe the street from your school to home.
  11. Describe the most beautiful flower vase.
  12. Describe your best food.
  13. Describe your favorite teacher and their habit.
  14. What is the best photo you have ever taken?

Descriptive Paper Topics For the Grade 9

  1. Describe the initial day in school after summer vacations.
  2. The link between productivity and music.
  3. Tell why we must learn to love insects?
  4. Causes and sources of water pollution.
  5. Describe the rule of law.
  6. Describe the number of solar systems in a galaxy.
  7. The necessity of confidence and self-esteem for kids.
  8. Nurture vs. Nature.
  9. Domestic violence affects kids.

Good Descriptive Essay Topics

Descriptive papers are only complicated if you have to make up your mind what to compose about. Check out some of the easy and good descriptive paper topics that one might explore to generate one of themselves.

  1. Describe your initial day at your first job and the way you felt about it.
  2. Describe the most suffocating workplace day and how you managed to survive it.
  3. Tell how to ignore the negativity at your workplace.
  4. How can one be much more positive with your strict employers?
  5. Describe the best method to resolve the specific conflict and the way to utilize it in your nearest future.
  6. Miracles of staying concentrated at the workplace.
  7. The necessity of having a healthy routine when you have a tough job.
  8. The most confusing moment in the office.
  9. The best method to deal with the pressure of the coming deadlines.
  10. 9 tips to move ahead and invoke creativity in your work.

Descriptive Essay Topics About Science

  1. Which are the particles that are inside the atom?
  2. How was the atom discovered?
  3. Who is the greatest scientist?
  4. Describe the key points of the theory of everything.
  5. The necessity of salt in the sea.
  6. Is it possible to refine seawater at a cheaper rate?
  7. What is the main difference between basic and acidic radicals?
  8. What are the main differences between the ionic and the covalent compounds?
  9. The impacts of acid rain.
  10. Describe the first time a human landed on the Moon.
  11. Which is the nearest star to our planet?
  12. Why does Sunburn?
  13. Describe the way astronauts are living in space.
  14. The way GPS works.
  15. Who is the greatest astronaut?
  16. Which are the best human achievements in history?
  17. How was space discovered?

Descriptive Paper Topics Concerning Entertainment

  1. What is the most favorite scene taken from the movie you have recently watched?
  2. What is the most favorite physical setting about the soft drink you like in ads?
  3. What are the emotions you felt when you saw Mona Lisa for the first time?
  4. Describe the most favorite film’s plot.
  5. Tell a few words about the favorite fictional characters and say why you do like them.
  6. Selecting one abstract painting, describe your emotions about it.
  7. Which of the religious books impacted the thoughts you had?
  8. Describe your favorite writer and tell why they are your favorite.
  9. Describe your favorite kind of dance and the emotions you feel when you dance it.
  10. Tell a few words about your favorite TV series and mention the reason why you love them so much.

Descriptive Paper Topics Concerning Emotions

  1. Describe the most necessary event that influenced the personality of you.
  2. What were the psychological events that created the greatest impact on your personality negatively?
  3. Which psychological events impacted you positively?
  4. What was your last or first day in college like?
  5. Describe the best bike ride you had.
  6. Describe your emotions when holding a baby firstly.
  7. What did you feel when you lost your family member?
  8. Use 900 words to describe the way you feel when you were without any hair on your head.
  9. Describe the way writing might impact your personality.
  10. Describe the way stars are related to human personalities in various poems.

Descriptive Paper Topics Concerning Favorite Things and Activities

  1. Describe the most favorite film character.
  2. Describe the best movie of the 21st century.
  3. Describe your ideal house.
  4. What was your most touching poem, and why?
  5. Describe your meeting with the old friend you have not seen for a long time.
  6. Describe the most favorite book.
  7. Describe the most amazing thing you have ever experienced.
  8. Describe the initial time you fell in love.
  9. What was your first date like?
  10. Describe the first time you went shopping yourself.
  11. Describe the perfect dish that you cooked.
  12. Describe the weirdest food you have ever tasted.
  13. How is it possible to be connected with your friends and family?
  14. How is it possible to detect fake friends?
  15. How can one be socially more active?
  16. Why is cooking important in your life?
  17. The most necessary people in my life.
  18. Is love important for everyday life?
  19. Why it is a must to have a best friend.
  20. What was the hardest goodbye in my life?

Descriptive Essay Topics About Memories

  1. What is your life’s oldest memory?
  2. Describe the happiest minute in life.
  3. Describe the case when you did not expect something at all.
  4. Describe the most memorable event with the person that passed away.
  5. Describe the most confusing moment or day.
  6. Describe the coldest winter morning.
  7. Describe your day on the beach.
  8. Describe your preschool’s first day.
  9. What was the first concert you have ever visited like?
  10. Describe your most scary moment.

Descriptive Paper Topics Concerning Objects

  1. Describe the six objects in the kitchen.
  2. What was your prized possession like?
  3. Describe the most favorite room in the house.
  4. Describe your ideal outfit.
  5. Describe your smartphone to somebody from medieval times.
  6. The role of the computer in your life.
  7. Describe the objects you pass by on your way to school.
  8. What was your favorite toy?
  9. Describe the safety blanket.
  10. Describe the things you would like to forget.

These are perfect descriptive paper topics’ examples. Select the one you feel the most interested in, funny, and passionate about. Once you choose it, you should compose it. However, we might help you with it!

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If you are confused about choosing a topic, we are always here to assist you. You should not worry because we offer premium quality help for university, college, and high-school students at the most reasonable and affordable prices. So order the most original descriptive paper now!

How To Select A Proper Topic For Presentation?

PowerPoint presentation is such a common task for most students today. It seems to be a visual device that is simple to utilize. However, in case you need to create a presentation, you should define it within a few seconds how complicated it might be. Selecting the proper topic might be even more difficult. You should choose the one suiting you the most. It should also be able to reveal your data ideally. 

What are the best topics for your PowerPoint presentation? Having a wide choice of topics, it might get even more difficult. Some students battle via a process of picking because they do not have a clue which discipline to select in the aftermath. Your ideal theme should be the most powerful. As long as there is a wide variety of projects requiring presentations, you must be aware of how to create an outline of the most attention-drawing problems. Your main subject should be appealing and persuading. 

When you reveal your opinion and ideas, you must impact your audience in a great way with information that is showcased in the visual demonstration. Hence, you must select a great topic. Of course, it might be a complicated assignment to do. Choosing a proper subject matter is even more complicated if compared to the preparation of the presentation itself. However, not that the best topic might define your success, so be creative and attentive when choosing one. 

Still not enough topics? Our essay writing service will help you with any essay format.

What to Consider Before Choosing a Topic

Struggling to figure out how to compose a presentation speech, we are here to assist you with the complicated task. We are aware of all the secrets and tricks of a perfect academic piece of writing. You must always pay enough time, selecting a brilliant topic that will let you concentrate on your project’s most important points. 

         Your critical problem should suit you well. What is more, it must be engaging for your audience. Follow the next guidelines to make sure you have an appealing and perfect work:

  1. Select an engaging subject for the project. Demonstrate your perfect knowledge of the subject. You should always select the problem you might elaborate the most about, explaining it in detail. 
  2. Select a short and concise theme. As long as your presentation should be both informative and brief, you should choose a concise theme. Your assignment is to reveal data related to the analyzed problem with the assistance of visual aids. You should never reveal unimportant data. 
  3. Choose a theme that might be illustrated properly. You should outline the main opinion and ideas with the help of PowerPoint. Hence, your main subject should be simple to illustrate.
  4. Conduct your topic’s pre-research. Before you choose a subject, you should conduct a pre-research to make sure you might find enough data regarding the analyzed subject. 
  5. Always choose the attention-drawing problem. Your topic must be interesting and attention-drawing. This is the main method to persuade the reader to eventually check your entire project and claims. 

80 Brilliant Powerpoint Presentation Topics to Utilize

We are a professional online paper writing service that offers premium assistance for all students around the globe. We are aware of how complicated it might be to create a perfect project. What is more, it might get even more complicated if you need to choose a brilliant topic for your academic assignment. Therefore, you should know your priority targets very well. Note that presentation differs from an essay because it is a properly-organized visual demonstration of the necessary information. 

Therefore, we recommend you check out the next presentation topic ideas. They might assist you in coming up with your ideal problem to disclose. You should be very attentive when choosing a subject because it might impact the entire academic project’s success. So what speech topics are the best ones? Check out the answers to this question here. 

Interesting Topics for Presentations

  1. The contemporary Ancient Greek heroes’ interpretation.
  2. The antidepressants’ effect over the brain of humans.
  3. Bad nutrition affects an individual’s appearance.
  4. Popular English literature and Romanticism.
  5. The most shocking contemporary plays and books.
  6. The ways politics and religion are combined within a state.
  7. The most famous heroes and novels of Dystopian literature.
  8. The impact of music on our minds.

Social Media Topics

  1. The Disney films’ most well-known female representatives.
  2. The role of mass media in the portrayal of gender stereotypes.
  3. The devastating impact of beauty competitions on females’ self-esteem.
  4. The most crucial differences between cult and religion.
  5. The negative impact of gambling on people.
  6. What political parties are the most authoritative in the USA?
  7. Which ways are the most effective to improve your health system?
  8. Which are the ways to prevent the world from natural disasters?

Healthcare Topics

  1. The GMO’s terrible influence on life and health.
  2. The best ways of improvement of the health system.
  3.  What are the censorship’s most iconic examples on social media?
  4. Who are the most famous female political leaders of the contemporary era.
  5. The main Soviet Union collapse reasons.
  6. Globalization effects for a modern world population.
  7. Smiling therapy positive effects.
  8. Recent usage and advancement of 3D printing.

Short PowerPoint Presentation Topics

  1. The advantages of the world’s free Internet access.
  2. Video games & Cognitive skills improvement.
  3. The most necessary Hindy gods.
  4. Kids’ Internet safety insurance.
  5. Health care system advancements.
  6. The best methods to fight the world’s poverty.
  7. The top contemporary female world leaders.
  8. Contemporary data devices and tools.

Academic Topics for Presentation

  1. Great Britain & the Brexit outcomes.
  2. The Kashmir conflict reasons.
  3. The ways and reasons to fight racism.
  4. The future of the European Union.
  5.  The methods to treat Syria’s refugees.
  6. North Korean human rights.
  7. The Kindle devices advantages.
  8. Finland education features.

Cool Presentation Topics

  1.   The Rock and Roll origins.
  2. The exclusive coffee types.
  3. The advantages and disadvantages of CrossFit.
  4. The feminism phenomenon.
  5. The Art Therapy advantages.
  6. The main difference between bloggers and journalists.
  7. The language’s single origin.
  8. Evolution of data technologies.

PowerPoint Presentation Topics for High School Students

  1. The impact of social media on high school students.
  2. Binge-watching television phenomenon.  
  3. The method of the respiratory system operating.
  4. The outcomes of the greenhouse effect.
  5. The effect of the glass ceiling on the business.
  6. The benefits of volunteering.
  7. The virtual reality phenomenon.
  8. The contemporary TV commercials specifics.

Presentations Topics for College Students

  1. The advantages and disadvantages of online education.
  2. The negative impact of fast food on people.
  3. The most influential women in history.
  4. Is it possible to live on Mars?
  5. The industrial revolutions’ features.
  6. The main environmental issues and methods to fight them.
  7. The importance of workplace diversity.
  8. The methods to tackle groundwater contamination.

Business Presentation Topics

  1. The benefits of risk management for big companies.
  2. The advantages of the four-day working week for workers.
  3. The efficient methods to solve the working place conflicts.
  4. The main principles of strategic planning.
  5. The pros and cons of integrative bargaining.
  6. The methods to influence the attitude of the customer towards a product.
  7. The outcomes and reasons for the glass ceiling.
  8. The internationalization phenomenon in big corporations.

15 Minute Presentation Topics

  1. How to fight the world’s unemployment?
  2. The advantages of alternative energy sources.
  3. The Global Internet idea.
  4. The contemporary cinema evolution.
  5. How to make universities be free for each person?
  6. The gentrification phenomenon.
  7. The advantages of working process diversity.
  8. The main advertising ways on social media.

If you need to generate a great presentation, you should put in a lot of effort and time. What is more, it is necessary to answer the following question. How do you select the best topic for the presentation? It is essential because the entire project’s success depends greatly on the appropriately selected subject matter. Note that the best project is a result of combining both great visual aids and interesting motivating data. 

We are a company that is aware of how to create a perfect presentation. We are aware of how to choose the most appropriate topic and assist with the PowerPoint presentation. As a result, you will improve your ratings significantly. You will also reach your targets. We are very attentive to detail and can properly illustrate the data and figures concerning the subject. 

You will get awesome results with our paper writing help. So do not hesitate to place your order now!