How To Put A Quote In An Essay: Golden Rules

Every essay must not only include unique and interesting ideas, but it must be crafted and formatted properly as well. Do you want to make the content sound more convincing and solid? Then consider placing quotes. Quotes also assist in supporting grounds and may be applied to develop a thesis statement or theme opinions. Still, if you do not incorporate citations in the necessary context properly, they may harm the essay. What is more, the teacher may suspect you of plagiarism. That’s why it is essential to know the peculiarities of how to put a quote in an essay and make it look winning. 


It doesn’t matter at all what style to write an essay you select and apply; you need to be careful with mentioning the words of another person. If you dare to neglect the golden rules on putting a quote in an essay, the plagiarism issue will appear and make your college life full of problems. Going to high school or attending grade establishment, you will be likely recognized as an inexperienced author. But if you study at college or another higher education establishment, you may have more serious problems. To avoid them, learn how to put a quote in an essay and follow the rules every time.

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Quote at the beginning of an essay

Crafting an awesome introduction takes a lot of time and effort since every student wants his/her paper to grab the readers’ attention with the first line. Placing a quote at the beginning of an essay is an excellent idea because it has all the chances to make the overall document look gripping and interesting. So, you just need to learn how to start the text with a quote correctly, not to face any plagiarism issues.

First of all, choose the relevant quote but avoid using well-known phrases. The readers will hardly be impressed with the quote they constantly see in social networks or other online resources. Instead, think of some unexpected comments:

  • The phrase that a person who is not a very popular celebrity said. This person may be well-known in a definite niche;
  • Someone’s quote which was surprising for you to hear from a particular person;
  • A popular phrase presented like a question. Widen the meaning it has by arranging detailed discussion; mention completely opposite standpoint, or analyze the words for coming up with a more crucial meaning.

Always keep in mind a contest as a primary point while crafting a text. Study it well to understand in what environment the cite was mentioned. Otherwise, a chosen quote may not suit the context of the essay you are writing, hence spoil its quality. Your target reader is also important. Find out who will read your essay and whether he/she:

  • Knows the person whose cite you intend to include to the document;
  • May accept the phrase as offensive in some way.

Mentioning phrases and cites of other people is a great way to make the readers interested in your essay and willing to keep reading. It doesn’t matter whom you are going to quote; the main thing here is to be sure that the phrase is related to a chosen topic. It must contribute to the overall text instead of distracting the readers from the main idea. Using the wrong quote will not only act as a distraction but also make the readers feel confused.

Citing a quote

Mentioning a cite in any type of college essay is not difficult at all. However, when you decide to include citation of a quote, perhaps things are becoming more complicated. First of all, you should realize which part of the subordinate source it is better to take for your paper. Cut the idea into several parts and choose the most applicable for your definite context. Specialists recommend using an indirect cite prior to the main one. For instance, you can organize a sentence like this: According to Andreas Schmitt, a creator of Dense matter in compact stars.

You must write a secondary quotation in “double marks”, and use ‘single marks’ to mention the main quote. Some establishments require a parenthetical citation to follow the author’s name.

  • APA citation guidelines state that you need to mention a writer’s name and year of publication after it. After the quote, you must write the number of the page.
  • MLA citation guide says that you must put the writer’s name and then a page number.

Remember to prepare a reference list with all used resources in your essay. If you have some indirect quotes, make sure you mention only secondary resources.

Tips on how to cite a quote

You probably have heard that different citation styles are available, and you should learn all peculiarities of the format you are expected to use in your paper. One of the most common styles is APL. It requires placing the year when the quote was mentioned both in the body and then on the page with references. Another widely – used style is MLA. According to it, the student must include the page number and author’s name throughout the paper when the quote is appearing.

Brief cite: According to MLA’s standards, you consider a brief phrase that one which is no longer than 4- typed lines. Many authors prefer to include such cites since they deliver a quick idea and do not confuse readers. If you are going to place a brief phrase as well, make sure you do not forget to include double marks, the composer’s surname, along with a page number. You may also hear that creator’s name is allowed to be placed in the concluding part, but it must be mentioned at the end as well.

Other recommendations say that you are allowed to add the author’s name at the conclusion or earlier, and do not forget about placing it at the very end.

Why not practice presenting a short cite by incorporating a small paragraph? Some readers may not catch your idea, so it is better to help them with this. Think of telling about the writer at the final part of parentheses. One more way to present a quote is including the cite and toting remarks after it.

Long cite: A long cite consists of more than four lines according to MLA citation format. In case you deal with this type of quotation, you are expected to put the lines in a separate block with doubled line spacing and miss adding quotation marks. You are allowed to present the citation with a brief sentence and a colon. Finish quotation with correct punctuation, add writer’s name, and a page number stating in parentheses.

Even if you deal with cites that have less than four lines, and you are eager to cite several paragraphs, blockquotes are required—mind to mark the first line in each paragraph and place ellipses at the passage end.

Eliminating or toting words: if the quote contains words which are not important for context and you want to remove them; or on the opposite, you are eager to add a few words to make the quote better suit the content, a few steps are required:

  • Place ellipses for removing unnecessary words that do not fit the essay at all;
  • Place brackets for mentioning the data which you find significant to make things clear for the readers.

Including a quote with several writers: if the necessary quote comes from the recourse with more than one author, you should mention all of them. Simply put the names in one sentence, separate them using commas, and the conjunction “and”.

Including online phrases: using the phrases found on the Internet may be a little bit challenging compared to citations from the physical resources. Still, it is necessary to try to pick up more available details, including year, creator’s name, and title of the source where you found the phrase.

Examples of citation

Short quote example: David asked Amy whether the father liked goose:

“I don’t know, but he liked the Odd Job. Odd Job was crazy. Somebody cut his wings, and he couldn’t fly, but he didn’t understand that. He ran down this big hill behind the garage. He ran, and rand and ran and jumped into the sky, then fell down again. (P. Hermes 10)

Long quote: Jeff told Carmel his idea about Valerie’s upbringing:

“If you’d see all them young ones wearing next to nothing around the place, locked out of their minds, some of them… I’m telling you, Carmel, she had no business going without asking me permission. She’s getting notions about herself, and I’m going to put a stop to any wild behavior before it starts. She needn’t think she’s going to be doing what she likes in this house. I’m the boss, and she’d better realize it. While she’s living under my roof, she’ll obey my rules.” (P.Scanlan 99)

Eliminating or toting words:In the book composed about the history of oceans, D. Abulafia says such thing “by the beginning of the twenty-first century, the ocean world of the last four millennia had ceased to exist.” 45)

Encouraging quotes

Using inspiring quotes are very common at present. You may come across them on each step: billboards, posters, calendars, and of course, social media. Using inspirational quotes in your essay is a great idea, and several facts prove this. First of all, they can reinforce the provided argument, as well as make the reader accept your standpoint.

Basing on paper content or theme nature, a creator may use inspiring quotes as glue for taking all your ideas into one natural flow. For instance, imagine that you are composing an essay on a definite issue, and you have an awesome desire to encourage your readers to do something. Incorporating quotes relating to the thesis statement closely may be very detailed, which will turn an excellent conclusion into a stunning one.

Inspiring quotes act as a great force for readers. They encourage and motivate a lot. It is even possible to use such a quote as a topic of your essay. Let’s look closer; a famous quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Without ambition, one starts nothing. Without work, one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” This can be your paper’s base about starting to work, widening horizons, and getting rid of everything that keeps you away from achieving success.

Step-by-Step Guide On How To Write Diagnostic Essay

When learners are required to make up a diagnostic article, they are immediately panic by the title because they question in with way or what specifically they are asked to diagnosticate. The truth is that the diagnostic paper is not actually mean a standard study essay. It intends to examine or diagnosticate abilities that learners are deemed to possess in the educational institution. As a rule, provided at the start of the educational course by educators, it assists educational personnel in estimating the existing lore of a singular learner or the whole class. There are particular principles and ideas to review, which this article will provide to assist you like all tasks. Don’t forget that many specialists present expert guidance composing a paper of any variety and intricacy. Let’s view the following article to understand how to write diagnostic essay! Don’t worry and panic!

Notion and Goal of Diagnostic Essay

In many educational programs, diagnostic essays can be determined as assignments that now offer a distinguished theme selected or ask a question that should be responded to in an article manner. In many situations, you have no much time; consequently, short terms and no time for examining diagnostic paper can quickly appear complicated! That’s why you don’t require to make any analysis as of time limitations and short terms.

The diagnostic paper aims to assist educators in estimating abilities, composing techniques, and determining lore compared to every learner. It does not mean to prove that you have learned special publications or prepared a thorough analysis. Helping in finding powers and vulnerabilities, a diagnostic paper can be related to a creativity examination for the short term. When an essay is finished, teachers of educational institutions examine it to provide their extra remarks, composing advice, and explanations on significant mistakes. From morphology to format principles, these ideas are really necessary to view! Besides, educators organize their tasks and homework under the abilities of every learner.

Still, many of these tasks are rarely rated; they yet need to be finished in a manner that lets educators recognize learner’s capability to manage on lead-up, paper writing, logicality, necessary reasoning, and proofreading! Don’t forget that excellent editing abilities need to be too!

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Right Composition and Formatting

Remember, you have time-limited. Therefore, it is important to determine the right composition in the beginning! This strategy will assist you to reject extra proofreading or correcting mistakes. A common diagnostic essay needs to include an introductory part, 3 main sections, and summing-up if it was not told differently.

  • Introductory Part. Remember, in your mind, to begin a selected theme or issue. Next, determine 3 main items (reasons) that will be included in the main sections. The concluding phrase in an introductory part is a research argument, which needs to be one phrase and display a powerful thought or a request to act.
  • Three Main Sections. Memorize an age-old principle that states “1 opinion – 1 main section!”. It is very necessary! Present reasoning and describe how it correlates to your research. You can apply statistics, information, or individual knowledge to maintain various affirmations being performed, don’t skip to add them in your essay.
  • Summing-up. Summing every principal item of sections in a direction that makes complicated data understandable and more obvious. It is a bad idea to add fresh opinions to the summing-up section. Reword research argument so it can cause no difficulties for the readers. In your last phrase, talk about data or a matter that inspires to work surely or to study the presented paper theme further.

Don’t forget to stay as precise as you can express different views and thoughts.

Skip common phrases and provide samples that help educate personnel to recognize that you can handle the appointed assignment and present amazing necessary reasoning and examinational abilities.

Constantly attempt to write with precise and logical phrases as it will be simpler to edit and proofread in the future.

Here we continue and provide interesting themes for diagnostic paper. Let’s mention that many companies can regularly complete essays and get the best results!

Exciting Themes for your Diagnostic Paper

Although many educational institutions propose interesting themes, some teachers prefer to allow the learners to imagine, plan, and examine to recognize if learners can handle difficulties individually. Select something that applies to your subject course or write something that definitely excels and displays your abilities and awareness best. Consider some diagnosis paper themes to brainstorm already created views on diagnostic composing. Here are diagnostic paper ideas in some common subjects.

Culture and PCs:

  • Is SMM effective or offending to physical interactions between personalities?
  • Is it a good solution to lower the alcohol drinking age for young people?
  • Name the imperfections of remote education in comparison to conventional education practices?
  • What will be the purpose of social networks in several years from this time forward?

Public Health and Treating:

  • The influence of educational living on the sleeping of contemporary learners?
  • How is it possible to lower stress and pressure during accomplishing in the ER section?
  • Is it a good idea to apply for traditional medication methods?
  • Is it right for nursing employees to be totally sincere?

Business Development:

  • Reasons why many business companies prefer offshore resolutions;
  • Ways of prevention of gender problems in the work position;
  • Name the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing?
  • Do you support the opinion that a prosperous company is unmanageable with great hirers and without a powerful staff leader?


  • Do you agree that the occupation of the USA in Afghanistan is destroying the country’s international policy?
  • Is it possible to reach a political compromise due to the intervention means?
  • Name the political person that has impressed you the most?
  • Do you agree that religious disagreements and political disputes do not possess much jointly, and it is incorrect to connect them?

Education and Arts:

  • The time when computerized texts will substitute conventional printed publications?
  • Is it right to relate bloggers to reporters?
  • Is it possible to replace live educators with interactive machines?
  • Is it correct to unify the USA’s educational system, or do other tutoring techniques exist too?

Create an Outline

People can tell that formulating an outline when you don’t have additional time is not necessary; nevertheless, it will actually assist you in ordering and planning your ideas. When you only begin composing your paper, you can have several good thoughts in your brain that you can disremember in the process. Therefore, note some opinions or concepts; in the beginning, one idea is for one section. When you accomplish that, now you can begin composing your paper.

Still Have Difficulties?

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A diagnostic essay is not as complicated as other varieties of papers, for instance, an analytical paper, because you don’t need to carry any analysis. It will be useful to add several points or information; however, it is not compulsory. Besides, you don’t need to panic because this paper won’t be rated. Nevertheless, writing this paper is necessary too. You can also attempt to write your essay in advance in order to present the best outcomes.

Professional Essay: Tips To Cope With The Task

A professional essay is a complex task. No matter how long you procrastinate. One way or another, you will have to sit down and write your essay project. This is the day when you understand that there’s no time for postponing the task. Nevertheless, there is enough data on the internet about how to write an essay; you still get confused. You may have a topic and the requirements of a professor. But what’s next? Has anyone told you about the right way to compose a professional essay? For different purposes, professors ignore this question and leave students without the answer. Therefore, even with lots of resources available online, you cannot come up with at least a paragraph or two for your professional essay project.

The professors are most likely reluctant to tell the details about good professional essay writing. Perhaps they expect students to cover each aspect on their own. So what should you do if you have little idea about the correct writing process? We are here for you. In the article, we have come up with useful tips for every student. These tips and the information, in general, will guide you and help write a well-organized paper at ease. We will show you the tips to work with the material, how to process it, and how to edit the final writings. This is a universal guide. It will help you not only with a professional essay. This applies to almost any type of essay.

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What to start with: initial writing process stages

For many students, writing a paper starts with basic writing. But that’s a wrong approach. There are several preparatory stages to do before you put the first word on a piece of paper. If you also start writing immediately, you can face a real challenge. You can stare at a blank paper and think about what to do next. If you have the same issue and get stuck at the very beginning, you need to consider the initial stages of professional essay writing. Let’s take a closer look at these stages.

Understand the topic

When you get the essay task, you receive additional information about it. Usually, there should be a topic and general requirements for the task. Before you start writing, you have to grasp the main idea behind the theme. First and foremost, look through the requirements one more time and see what the professor wants from you. Consider everything that’s written in the paper and think it over carefully.

If you miss this step, you will fail to write a good professional paper. To get an idea of the topic, ask yourself several questions:

  • Why do you write a paper? What is the purpose of writing?
  • Do you need to find relevant and up-to-the-point arguments?
  • Is there a need to prove your words with statistical data?
  • Do you need to describe a phenomenon or concept?
  • Is there a task to address a particular issue? What aspects should you mention during the research?

These questions aren’t the only example to work with. These are basic questions that can help you provide a detailed analysis of the professional essay project. When you get answers, you will have the minimum information to work with. This could serve you as a great starting point.

Time to brainstorm

When you are done with reading the requirements and getting closer to your essay’s topic, you need to move further. The next step would be to brainstorming the ideas for your essay.

  • What do you think about the topic?
  • How can you tackle the main challenge?
  • What are the most appropriate ideas for writing?
  • Who is your target reader? Whom should you address in writing? How can you hook the audience?
  • What are the most relevant resources for taking the material?

These are nice questions to help you with brainstorming. This is a necessary step. You can’t simply miss it or ignore it. The quality of the paper and its readability will mostly depend on this stage. If you underestimate the brainstorming process, you can lose important insights and ideas.

To make it easier, you should write everything down one a separate paper piece. Take a pen and write the resources, ideas, and arguments separately. This way, you will get the correct structure and will be able to operate these facts for the further writing process.

You can also rank the ideas and allocate the arguments correspondingly. This paper will also serve you as a guide or an outline. You won’t forget the necessary information and will be able to lookup certain ideas.

Time to research

To conduct research, you need basic information and points about the topic. If you manage the previous steps, you have everything required for in-depth analysis. When managing the research, pay special attention to the type of essay you work with. There are essays where you have to provide scrupulous data research with sound arguments. This way, you need to look for relevant material resources and choose only credible data.

If your task is to describe an issue or use your imagination, the research process will be less demanding. Though you still need to look for important information to complement your paper.

Despite the type of essay, you have to provide a comprehensive list of resources at the end of the paper. For this reason, the research stage is crucial. But where should you look for the resources?

  • First of all, take a look at your papers and see if there’s something mentioned by the professor. You should probably insert scientific data or some statistical information related to the topic. Not to lose the points, make sure to look up the requirements for the task.
  • Use authoritative websites. Try to learn if there are certain sites that your professor dislikes or considers inadequate.

There is no need to read the research paper until the end. If you see that the document is huge, you can read only separate excerpts. This is not a research paper. This is a simple essay. You don’t necessarily have to study every page given in the resources thoroughly.

What is the outline?

Do you know how to structure the essay? If you are a college or university student, writing an essay is a common thing for you. Thus, you should know what structure to follow. But this section would be a simple reminder for you.

  • Start your essay with an introduction. This part is aimed at introducing the topic to the reader. Here you shouldn’t expand on the subject too much. Give a slight idea about the topic and hint to the theme. The introduction can’t also be long or complex. If you write a complicated introduction, the reader may lose motivation or continue reading.
  • Body paragraphs. This is the part where you include the major data and facts. Here you should elaborate on the topic and include all the relevant arguments. Don’t be afraid to reveal the material. This is the only correct place to insert the information in the paper. But don’t confuse this section. Make sure to give appropriate arguments and expand on them correctly. Use transitive words and word constructions. This will make reading easier.
  • Finish everything up with a conclusion. This is the final part of the paper, where you have to summarize the main points of the essay. Make sure to restate the thesis and sum it all up clearly.

Do you really need an outline? This is a part of your preparation process. Making sure you have an outline, and you know that there’s a scheme to follow. With a structured scheme, you will ensure natural text flow. You won’t be distracted by various factors. If you think it will take a lot of time, you’re wrong. Writing an outline can be narrowed down to simple bullet points. When you have at least some structure, you are ready to elaborate on your thoughts on paper.

Let’s get started with writing

Now it is time to work on the writing. When you’re done with all the preparatory things, you can start writing. But here are also some tips to follow for more productive and correct work.

  • Mind the language. When we are doing academic writing, it is mandatory to follow the rules of the language. Academic writing isn’t about how we speak. Proper grammar use and correct punctuation are what you have to look for. No slang words or abbreviations must be included. Make sure also to use specific subject-related vocabulary.
  • When writing, follow the pace and order that you’re comfortable with. You can start with body paragraphs and then move further to writing a thesis.
  • Try to use as little generalizations as possible. Be specific and explain everything carefully. Every argument has to be proved with real data or facts.
  • Don’t forget about the revisions. It is necessary to look through the paper several times before submitting it to the professor.

The last step: revisions

Revisions are the last thing that you have to resort to. This is what you can’t simply miss. Make sure you dedicate enough time to edit the paper in the end:

  • Pay attention not only to some grammatical aspects. You need to check if the text flows naturally. Suppose there are enough transitions between the sentences. Read the text to see if the information is delivered appropriately.
  • When you understand that the text sounds good, you need to check the language. Grammar, stylistic and punctuation aspects must be considered.
  • The last thing is the correct format. Check the requirements and adjust the text correctly.

That’s it. Now you can easily cope with the professional essay on your own.


How To Write A Process Essay: Tips And Tricks

Student life is exciting but challenging because teachers give a lot of tasks. Some of them are not difficult, and you will not need much time to complete them. But most of them remain a daunting task and can take several weeks and require a lot of energy.

One of these tasks is writing a process essay. At first glance, an essay of this type may seem unfamiliar to you, but you have met with it in real life in instructions on how to use some item or a manual for use. Process papers are often used by factories who need to describe how to use shampoo, detergent. And when you read it, it seems very tedious, long. Accordingly, the essay process also takes a lot of time.

However, such an essay is not just an instruction for a student, but something more. In the text, you need to describe the entire process of work and structure the paragraph logically correctly.

The problem most often faced by students is the choice of topic and how hard it is to perceive what you want to write. To do this, you need to spend quite a few hours looking for suitable information in books, magazines, Internet resources, and only after that create your compositions that will not be like dozens of others.

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How to easily identify what is a process essay

This essay is easy to define – it is a process that is an instruction for creating any object, phenomenon. More precisely, when you see how to make or how to cook, you immediately see that this is a process essay. With this assignment’s help, the student needs to understand how to complete creating something or improve skills in any area. The process essay is also used in cooking to prepare some dishes. So when you read cookbooks, know that they are written in the process essay style, even the birthday cake.

The essay should be well-written so that the reader can get as much information as possible from it and learn how to do some process. How to determine how well you wrote the text? It is enough just to read your document and understand whether everything is written in simple language; can anyone do it? If yes, then you succeeded.

With the help of our guidelines, you will learn how to structure your text. Professional writers claim that the writing process essay’s skills will help you further create a study where you need to describe the steps you took during the experiment.

Structure for a writing process essay

Many students wondering how to write a process essay. It may seem to be easy. Nonetheless, often students make mistakes. Thus, we provide a ste-by-step guide and begin with a structure.

  1. Introduction: consists of general information and thesis. The task of reference information is to grab the attention of the reader. The thesis’s task is to explain what process you describe, how many steps are needed, and what to do back.
  2. The main body consists of three paragraphs:
    1. The first paragraph includes one step to do some process. It needs to be written in detail.
    2. In the second paragraph, describe a few more essential steps of the professional, make sure that the transition between paragraphs is logical.
    3. The third paragraph describes the final steps of the process and advice on what to do for the best result, based on your experience.
  3. The conclusion consists of repeating the thesis: you must briefly state what you wanted to achieve with the help of this process and what result it will bring, useful or harmful.

You must remember that the reader will achieve the same good result as you during any process. Therefore, describe the actions as clearly and readily as possible so that you can imagine how to do it. Do not use too many unimportant phrases to describe anyone steps during the process, only precise actions.

What is a thesis in an essay?

You’ve written a few introductory sentences, but the entire paragraph must end with a thesis. This is an essential component of any essay; with the help of a thesis, you can tell the reader what you will do or what problem you want to solve; in other words, this is the main idea of ​​the essay. The thesis will direct the reader immediately to information about what this article is.

But there are times when you don’t need a thesis to write a process essay. For example, if your teacher asked you to write an essay for only 100-200 words, then naturally, neither the structure nor the thesis will fit there, only the process itself. Therefore, to do the job well, check with the teacher all the necessary writing, style, format, number of words, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for a writing process essay

  1. Explore who your readers are. Writing an essay is very important to know your target audience. This will simplify the writing process because when you know who you are talking to, it is easier to write and choose words to describe actions. To make it easier for you to communicate with your reader, answer a few simple questions:
    1. Do readers know what you are writing about? Do you need to do a background story about the subject you are about to describe?
    2. Does the reader need brief information or detailed instructions?
    3. What style do you need to describe the process?
  2. Use a bulleted list of tools to complete the process. So that the reader can not only understand how to do the process. It is also necessary to explain what tools can be used to cope with the task and what materials are needed. If you miss such an important point, people will not be able to use your real-life instructions.
  3. Create a plan. For you to have no problems while writing an essay, it is essential to make a plan. To do this, you need to think about what you want to write, then using a pen or a program on your phone, write a detailed plan, step by step, what to do, how to structure, and then start writing.

A plan will help you overcome your stupor while writing. Just by looking at it, you will immediately remember what you wanted to write. It would help if you did not rely only on memory, it can let you down, and then you will no longer remember what you wanted to write so importantly in the text. As soon as you apply this technique, it will be easy for you right away when writing because there is always a hint for help.

  1. Start the text with an introduction. Take your time, but follow the plan. Start the text not with the main description of the process but with the introduction because it is an equally important detail of the entire document. With the introduction, you can grab the reader’s attention. Explain why it is essential for the reader to know about this and why you chose this action.
  2. Create the main body. Do not rush to describe the process right away; the transition should be smooth and logical. By moving from one part to another, the reader will not only be able to see where the beginning and end are, but it will be convenient for him to read your essay.
    1. Stick to one rule. For every process, a paragraph. It is unnecessary to tulle everything together; the reader may lose interest in reading only because it is inconvenient to read. Describe each step-in detail, because they all differ from each other and lead to some result.
    2. In the central part, you must come up with life hacks for completing the process so that the reader understands that no one else has done this before you. For the same reason, you need to describe the execution processes as vividly as possible. Each reader will have a positive review of your essay, only if the information is presented in an accessible language. After all, why then draw up instruction on the process, if in the end, no one can do it.
  3. Make a conclusion. You are at the finish line, and all the hard work has been done, now it remains only to generalize the information and bring it to its logical conclusion. Briefly outline the essence of the process, how it will benefit the reader. The conclusion should be short, but several sentences in one paragraph. Do not drag it out because the reader is already impatient to get it done, and do not forget to wish you success.

Expert tips for a writing process essay

  • Coordinate everything with the teacher; if he claims that there is no need to write the introduction and conclusion, you will avoid unnecessary work. Start writing the main body right away, without getting familiar with the process.
  • If you can shorten the process of creating a product, you will only be thanked for this. For example, you need to create a resume and tell us how to do it quickly without wasting time. You can use templates in your resume, advise how to do this and what fields you need to fill out.
  • To make your story more than just empty words, refer to the statements of great people. It is also allowed to use links, not video, where you can read how to do it and see the process itself. Pictures, graphs, tables will also make your story more colorful. But when quoting, make sure you are using one single style, it could be APA, MLA, ASA, etc.
  • Listen to your opinion. Find your writing style; the reader is much more interested in reading what he has never seen before.
  • Put yourself out of the place of the reader. If you need to appreciate your text, then read it from the reader and make it easy for you to read the document. If you cannot create an objective opinion, ask someone from your friends to read the article and make comments on the text.


List of the best themes for a process essay

You are familiar with the process of writing an essay, then let’s explore the topics. Do not limit your imagination; consult with your teacher, friends, family. We also offer our list of topics:

  1. How can you lose weight with exercise?
  2. What rules to use to be successful at work?
  3. What should be done to get rid of bad habits?
  4. How to build a treehouse with the help of available tools?
  5. How to plan your vacation?
  6. How to live a healthy lifestyle?

Step By Step Instructions On How To Write An EPQ Essay

The reasons why you decided to write an EPQ essay can be different, and we know that the grade for this assignment is essential to you. Since many of you don’t know how to create such text, we created a guide with the described steps on how to write an EPQ essay successfully. Let’s get down to exploring.

Come up with an interesting EPQ essay topic

The first step to writing an EPQ successfully is generating fresh ideas. Your task before starting work is to find an interesting topic. Think about what interests you the most and resonates in your soul; write down the ideas on paper and work with them.

It is the choice of an exciting topic that is a factor in a successful EPQ, because if you choose a topic about which you do not know anything, that is, the likelihood of encountering problems. From the experience of students who take the EPQ exam, it can be seen that through an unsuccessfully chosen topic, they lose such valuable points and, as a result, cannot enter the chosen educational institution.

If you don’t have a motivational topic, then the text’s desire to work immediately disappears. You will have many tasks to work on, but you will debug EPQ for later.

Are you interested in working with text that you constantly need to refine? We think not. After all, it is more interesting to spend free time on games or more essential things.

When there is no motivation to work on a project, then you cannot do the task or do it badly. We believe that it makes no sense to take on such a task if you don’t want to give all your best for the result. After all, your task is to get a high score, not to suffer over the paper.

A high EPQ score can only be obtained if you are interested in the job. The teacher will see this immediately as soon as he reads your text.

Thanks to an exciting topic, you will have the opportunity to focus on the task and conduct research, and analyze sources. After much work is done, you can get such desirable high results.

Work for pleasure is your primary goal. It’s more interesting to work in a cheerful mood than to worry that nothing will succeed.

You will only get one chance to pick a good theme, so start looking immediately. Carefully study all the sciences you are interested in and choose the topic that you think is more promising. You cannot combine them, only one topic.

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Create a mind map for the assignment

And so you have decided on the topic, an important stage is behind, but now you have another hard work before you – to write a text of 5000 words. In this case, there is an intellectual card that is salvation for your composition.

A mind map is a large sheet of paper where you write down all the information you know. Be sure to write down important scientific discoveries and research; you will build your essay’s content on this.

This way, you will collect many ideas for the EPQ essay, and you will know what else you can think of. The map will help you search for the material you need; you will see what is still missing and what is better to remove. You immediately create a concept without writing the text yet.

An intellectual map is like a teacher who can find the missing knowledge in your head. When looking at the map, you can see that you really know the topic well or still need to work.

The EPQ essay card also helps create the structure of the text, which can be freely followed and changed. You will be able to write down all the ideas, which, as a result, will lead you to the fact that it is much easier to write an essay with her.

The map tells you if you have enough knowledge and can even help change the subject if you see little information. When creating a map, a situation may arise when nothing comes, then think about another topic and repeat the same algorithm.

If you are not sure that you have created a mental map correctly, compare it with our algorithm, and everything will fall into place. With the help of the card, you can create an EPQ essay and other subjects.

When creating a mind map, take your time, plan everything, and write down logically. The map will do you much more value than just writing in a notebook.

A map is a guide where you look for the information you need, look for information gaps, look for something new. The map is also like a checklist of the necessary things that will lead to the perfect result.

Use question for EPQ essays

It doesn’t matter which topic you choose; the most important thing is to find a question to research. Writing 5000 words just about anything is not suitable; there must be a question under study.

Students forget about this EPQ element of the essay because the whole document is built based on the question. If you forgot to include the text’s query, your essays would be rated lower than you expected.

The question for EPQ is essentially the text’s central idea that you will tell the reader about. If all 5000 words only concern the solution of a given question or a toad problem, you are definitely on target.

When there is no question, then there is nothing to answer; accordingly, it makes no sense to write such a huge number of words. Find a question that interests you, and you would like to research it, and all the necessary information on the topic can be found in books, a magazine, the Internet.

But we want to warn you, choose only the question about which you can write a lot. After all, you have as many as 5000 words, and you need to work with them. This is your limit, which must be adhered to.

But do not choose a question, the answer to which you will not fit into a limited number of words because then it will be very problematic for you in the first place. So you make it harder for yourself by making the text shorter. Removing important details can result in a bad grade.

Do a little research before choosing a question. Study it and see if the problem is difficult, there is something to write about it, is it interesting? If everything matches, then feel free to get to work.

Look for such a question to which you can give many answers, and they will be ambiguous. An item that has no results looks more winning because the reader himself can figure out how to answer it.

Subtitle your EPQ essays question

Now we are moving on to the next step – we need to create subtitles for the question. Yes, this is a boring task, but it is essential, and it can be simplified, done quickly.

Thanks to the fact that you write subtitles, you will have a picture of the whole composition. You will clearly understand what is going into your content.

Subtitles hide small topics that should be written about in the essay. To make it convenient to write 5000 words, you need to create separate parts where you describe new information so as not to repeat the same thing.

We recommend using as many subtitles as possible, as this will simplify your text. As a method for generating subtitles, you can use brainstorming or the same mind map.

This way, you have two ways to create subtitles and better use them together. From the fact that you will have many subtitles, accordingly, there is also more new information, and the reader will be interested in studying it, and you will receive high points.

Set yourself up positively for subtitling for the EPQ essay. The person who evaluates you will immediately see how you approached the task with a positive mood and will increase the scores several times.

Write subtitles only on the topic, touching on other parts, not for your text, and you will lose the whole concept. This will lead to a decrease in points because all parts should complement each other and lead to a logical conclusion.

Choosing the wrong subtitle, you run the risk of filling in the limited number of words with completely unnecessary information, which is very bad for your situation. You will find yourself in an awkward position; you will not have enough space for essential details, responsible for the choice of subtitles.

Before starting work, make sure that all subtitles are in line with the topic. Arrange them in such a way that when reading, you can build a logical picture.

When writing subtitles, everything should be calm. Put on some good music that is easy to get to work and start writing.

Subtitle and question checker for EPQ essays

We got to this stage, chose the questions, created subtitles, but you probably don’t know what to do with them next. At this point, you should have at least 16 subtitles that fit your EPQ essay. For every 16 subtitles, 300 words are added; some of them can be done less, some more.

If you count more than 16 subtitles, you will most likely have difficulty working with the text. If you create less, then you run the risk of not falling into the limited number of words, so stick to the 16 subtitle principle; this is ideal.

The creation of subtitles is essential because you can split the text into several parts, which significantly simplifies your task when writing an EPQ essay. It is 16 subtitles that ideally fit into your text, no less, and you will be convinced of this yourself when you start the text.

Make subtitles as straightforward as possible for reading. It’s hard for the examiner to read incomprehensible meanings, choose what is more comfortable, and you will get success.

If the examiner likes your writing style, then you will receive points much higher than other students. When checking, he will obligatorily make questions about your EPQ essay, so do everything to impress the strict examiner.

Arrange the subtitles so that they are more important first and then less important. The examiner has the impression that you know how to work with this type of assignment; you know how to arrange the information to interest the reader.

Alternatively, use chronological order. If using an example, then it looks like this: you tell why you chose the given question, then describe everything you know about it and how to come to a solution, conclude.

This method is the simplest and most basic. When checking your text, the examiner will see that you know about it, positively affecting the assessment. Only in this case you can get A + if you put subtitles in proper order.

Each EPQ Essays Item Has Its Word Count

We believe that 5000 words for one essay is a lot, and as our experience shows, it is challenging to create content for several such words. Therefore, to simplify the task, it is essential to divide the text into parts and select the required number of words.

Start the text with an introductory paragraph; it should be 200-300 words of the total. You do not need to make this part too large, because you have to describe the central part, so it is better to save the required amount.

We have already said that for each subtitle, the optimal number of words is 300. This number is ideal, it is convenient to work with it, and it is not so difficult to describe some part of the text for 300 words; you have probably already written texts for this number of words.

If you count it accurately, you should have 16 subtitles, which include 300 words; in the end, you get a text of 4800 words, and you have two hundred more in stock if you need to add information somewhere.

Yes, you can create text yourself with the required number of subtitles, but you must understand that the smaller the subtitle, the more words are included in each part. If you use more subtitles, then there is not enough space to describe in detail any information.

You certainly want to write subtitles not according to our optimal calculations, but the consequences are not good. We have conducted research several times and therefore derived the required amount based on this data.

If you still made a mistake in numbers, then stick to the number of subtitles from 14 to 18; this is the border. Only under this condition will you have and get high marks.

Thanks to subtitles, you simplify EPQ essay writing. After all, it is more interesting to write new information every time than to get stuck on the same one; it will take a lot of strength and energy. And to work with new data will cause your interest.

The number of words you use for subtitles will affect your attentiveness and concentrate all your efforts on creating a project. So stick to the rule, write small, short parts, and your work will be much more productive.

By setting a goal to put all the pieces together, you will come to success. That is why we have established several such words because it is difficult for students to concentrate on large texts.

Do Research for Epq Essay

An EPQ essay cannot do without research. The approach with which you complete the assignment and what information you research for the text will lead to the final assessment.

The research you see is half of the total volume of the EPQ essay. This action is a decisive factor in assessing your efforts; each reader will carefully study what you have written.

Why does research make up 50% of the entire text? Because you need to solve the issue, it is impossible to solve the issue without conducting research. The research task is to help you study as much information as possible on a subject, find new knowledge, and lead to a problem. And besides, you need to fill in 5000 words somehow.

Today there are many ways to conduct research, but students most often choose to study books and the Internet. Two ways will bring results, but of course, you need to be careful with each source of information.

For example, the Internet does not always give accurate data or definitions. The information you find about some data can be made by people who are not professionals, but only people who gave their vision of science.

You will often find errors on Wikipedia pages because absolutely anyone can edit the information there, and your work can suffer from him. We suggest turning to Google Scholar as a resource for finding the information you need.

Working with books, you are less likely to come across inaccurate data, but you also need to be careful about their choice. We advise you to choose those books where it is indicated that they are approved by the commission, which means that the right specialists studied it.

It is better to study all sources of information so as not to lose the main thing. When you are done with them, at the end of your EPQ essay, indicate which books you have used or links to internet countries.

There should be many sources of information because you should use authoritative publications for each part of the essay. Be sure to indicate where you used quotes; they are necessary not only to confirm your words but also so that the examiner can make sure that this is not plagiarism.

Make Sure the Structure of the Epq Essay Carries Important Information

We have described many steps to how to write an EPQ essay and want to summarize it in the last step. You are ready to write the paper, but the last thing you need to do is study the plan and structure to not make mistakes in writing and not get confused in the information.

So to summarize, your work should consist of 16 subtitles. They should be in chronological order, but you can also do it differently if you see fit.

You should have 200 words left in case you need to add important information somewhere. Yes, this is not much, but if you use one sentence for a paragraph, you can indicate the information you forgot.

Of the total number of subtitles, seven must be filled in with an investigation of the problem. There will be a lot of studies, so there should be no less space for their description.

If you violate the proportion of subtitles, and instead of 300 words, write 400, then all the calculations will collapse. The examiner will notice that you made mistakes and exceeded the word limit; in this case, there is a chance that the necessary information will not be read and the points will be reduced.

It is essential to maintain a balance when writing a conclusion. It should be more than an introduction, all because it is necessary to summarize all of the above, and there is a lot of information there. List all those points that you consider essential and summarize what you have come to.

The Concept Of An Architecture Essay

Academic papers are important for providing help to your educational future. Particularly if you’re studying architecture, these articles determine your skills in a special theme accompanying your abilities to create and display it on the document easily.

Therefore, how to make up an exciting architecture article? What are the main points you should hold in memory when composing it?

View the following information about the basic features of a good-written architectural paper that can generate an impression on the people and assist with your educational future.

The Wide Notion of Architecture

Many people consider that architecture is a course of education and a profession way associated with sketching structures and different sceneries. However, architecture has a greatly more extensive meaning. It relates to every building that a person develops and creates to fill space.

It can involve planning business and living areas, sceneries, fresh plans, urban design, technical design, etc. Each of them possesses anthropological, mental, and past features that distinguish and display the differences among others.

That’s why, while you compose an educational article on architecture, you should be confident that you select a special direction and follow all the needed aspects by educational strategies. It will present your essay more trustworthy, and everybody will be excited during its reading.

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Let’s Begin to Write your Paper

Maybe, preparing for your essay writing is the most challenging section of all, as you can be worried as to what it is better to start.

Here, you should be studying some references on the Internet or reviewing publications about how you should start writing your paper. It is a great idea as you have already carried some action to finish your paper. And the Internet is loaded with sites that can assist you with extensive educational references, which will help you write your educational essay.

So, let’s repeat the point that architecture surely has a large meaning. Therefore, when your assignment is to make up a paper, don’t forget to compress the field of the matter. It will take your initial stage.

You can question how to deal with it. Numerous expert academic authors recommend the learners to concentrate on a theme that can be developed based on geographic place, time interval, and manner. Concentrating on these points will provide your article with the wanted informational formation.

Question yourself on the basis of your matter. Next, compress it to small themes. This can demand a short analysis. For instance, if you view an unusual particular structural building or a designer concerning your significant matter, more numerous issues can appear in your brain. It can provoke the emergence of the concluding issue where you need to discover solutions and create your study writing.

After choosing an appropriate theme, you should fully study it so that it is interesting to read your article. You can apply sources from the Internet, publications, and compilations from archives, earlier examination documents, and many other references to obtain the data that applies to your paper.

Additionally, be confident that you can obtain a sufficient quantity of data on your theme before making up the paper. Various pieces can seem encouraging and simple initially but cannot have enough valuable data to finish a research paper. Continue changing the emphasis between the issue and the examination assignment to ensure that the data obtained is suitable.

It is a good idea to add the art of the construction in your theme, considering the past meaning. Besides, you can additionally criticize different articles composed by experts on the stated theme.

Next, you collect data for necessary analysis and examine the data obtained based on observed, past and verbal features. It assists you in holding your article accurate, definite, and without mistakes.

The Outlining

When you finished the analysis, the learner should outline the formation of the paper. Unnecessary to state, the manner of the paper should be selected correctly. And if it is not defined differently, various study articles and writings that refer to architecture support an analytic manner. This is where the learners are recommended to support arguments based on the study task.

Additionally, when preparing and composing the articles, it is recommended to apply a convincing manner because it permits you to promote a matter and discuss a particular form of architecture. It assists the learners to deliver their tasks and learn the article composing technique completely.

When you select the manner of the paper, the following stage is to sketch the paper. A skilled educational author or an analysis essay assistance can support you with that. They can also help you compose the research argument of the article based on your analysis if you ask.

Next, the data obtained can be divided into sections, which create the main part of the paper. To do this, you should select the data that you believe can be included in the article and explain it in several sentences.

When you complete the outlining stage, you can begin to accomplish your architectural paper.

Composing your Paper

Outlining is the most necessary element of composing your paper. Preparing your data and making it function as maintenance to this section.

While you start accomplishing your paper, you should regard that it is required to begin with the introductory part. It should be composed in the structure of a section and should not exceed five phrases. They should be brief but exciting to the people.

Regularly, the introduction is the only element that provides a chance for the author of the paper to generate an impression on the person. Therefore, the more powerful your introduction, the larger the reaction you obtain from your readers.

Sentence re-phrasing is an extra point that you should develop to create your paper properly from the start to the conclusion. Additionally, follow the paper’s manner and the general influence you desire to perform on the person.

When you finished with the introductory part, begin to accomplishing the sections. The preparation section appears useful here because you have already collected the needed data that will be included in the main part of the paper.

To formulate powerful sections of the main part, you should begin by asserting one detail/matter from your analysis. It is the beginning of your section and should not exceed one phrase. After that, you should maintain this affirmation with appropriate data to convince the reader. Moreover, regard that these thoughts need to confirm your research argument.

If you want your paper differs from others, the tiny point is to place your fresh ideas into the paper, not simply use your analysis elements. It generates a great opinion on the author in the thoughts of the people.

The educational course in architecture presents you with a range of covering fresh ideas, comments, or discussions into the paper to draw readers’ attention and let them view the paper with more extra attention. This is one of the most necessary abilities an educational author should own.

Your architecture paper’s main body should display your skill as an author to generate collegiate important and logical content and deal with a well-structured paper. An excellent educational paper guarantees that people concentrate on the research argument entirely and consider the author’s specific analysis in the formation of thoughts.

Learners also should note that the readers regularly ask paper issues based on concerns or themes. They can as well investigate the questions which are also particular or of scientific character.


The final but important point too, how to understand composing an architecture paper; it’s not just to make a strong analysis. Prepare completely and compose your paper in an excellent style. The final section of your paper is as significant as others, as it emphasizes the feature you’re attempting to deliver. And if accomplished properly, it can stay in people’s minds for a long time.

Therefore, if you want to know how to compose an architecture paper, you must pay special consideration to write the summing-up to the paper and completely support your arguments. A great completion sums the most useful and important features you have maintained during the main part in one last section.

It also provides you with a possibility to attach your views, opinions points accompanying a powerful call so that people are strongly interested in and influenced by your paper.

A strong completion is a suitable continuation to a beginning full of suggestions, and the principal part that is definite and powerful. That’s why be confident that you complete your paper with a conclusion that’s as great as the beginning.

Find Examples And Create Breathtaking Exemplification Essay Right Now

Collision with something unknown is a rather complex phenomenon that can make even the most powerful and confident person feel uncomfortable. Most often, the reason is that each of us thinks ahead of the situation that should happen, which can take on a very peculiar form filled with an abundance of frightening aspects. That’s why a collocation like exemplification essay can evoke a long and tedious process of writing an academic paper. However, you should not trust such assumptions. Just pay attention to our detailed instructions, which take into account all aspects of perfect work.

In fact, writing this kind of essay does not require any incredible skills, while the process of achieving the desired result can be described in three stages, including reading the article, choosing the topic that seems the most interesting, and, of course, writing the paper. Another step might be to preview the exemplification essay examples. So, as you can see, everything is not so difficult. Well, let’s quickly get down to business.

A Little More Information Regarding the Essence of Paper

Actually, solving the above problems requires much less time than it might seem at first glance. The per se exemplification essay has the same elements as an analytical or argumentative paper with the only peculiarity that the proving thesis statement is carried out using examples in this context. If the possible elements in a reasoned or analytical paper may be different facts, statistics, quotes, and other materials, then in exemplification essays, the main and only role belongs to examples.

Against the background of this state of affairs, writing a reasoned essay seems like an easier task in which the proof of one’s point of view is much faster. However, examples still occupy the highest position among the various options for illustrating ideas. In addition to this, creating an exemplification essay aims to develop the introduction of diverse examples of other types of academic papers.

Key Steps to Create Great Work

Writing any academic work requires a pre-prepared plan that will greatly improve the quality of the result. In general, this advice applies to any activity. Very often, students tend to complete the assignment on the last night before the exam. Avoid this and take each of the points below seriously.

Choosing a Suitable Theme

The core of successful paper writing is a good topic. For this reason, try to take it responsibly, paying attention to the presence of such aspects as:

  • Relevance;
  • Specificity;
  • Uniqueness;
  • Benefit.

These qualities are factors that can attract readers interested in finding unique and relevant materials. At the same time, you should remember that the chosen theme should not be too narrow or wide, since the first does not provide an opportunity to find suitable examples quickly, while the second one is too general.

Deep Research

Finding information related to your topic is a fundamental element of the entire workflow and can influence future examples’ quality. First of all, let’s discuss the sources to take information from. Forget about Wikipedia and blogs. The latter can be used for superficial acquaintance with the topic, but no more. Much more reliable are scholarly articles, non-fiction, reputable newspapers, educational websites, and similar sources.

Picking Examples

It is necessary to remember that the examples must have not only fascinating but also pertinent color. For instance, a paper that is central to describing a number of qualities that a good leader should have can tell about the life and work of Steve Jobs. This great man is a revolutionary in the world of information technology, which, in addition to activities in this environment, managed to distinguish himself with fantastic oratorical qualities, motivating millions of people. However, in this context, it should not be mentioned that Steve dropped out after listening to just one semester.

Composing an Outline

The presence of this point is somewhat doubtful since each of us has our ideas, in the context of which the creation of a single and comprehensive scheme is apriori impossible. However, we can advise some general aspects, including the logical arrangement of examples, careful thought of thesis statement, smooth development of events, and so on.

Another important aspect is the use of a five-paragraph structure, two of which are for the introductory and concluding sections, while the others make up the main body.

Creating the Main Body

You might be surprised that the exemplification essay process starts with a central part, but we will explain why this is so in the next paragraphs. All pieces of the main body should have elements such as transition, topic sentence, and, of course, examples. Check out the finished shard below.

Main Body Sample

Previously, lobotomy was believed to cure the most terrible diseases, while its creator António Egas Moniz even received the Nobel Prize. (topic sentence) However, soon this operation caused colossal disapproval: many contemporaries of the aforementioned doctor argued that the procedure’s outcome is personality degradation. (transition) Even the sister of President Rosemary Kennedy was subjected to lobotomy, after which she was declared incapacitated and spent most of her life in the hospital. (example)

Working With the Introductory Part

The key components of the starting point for your exemplification essay are: engaging, preparing, and evocation of interest. First of all, you should use a certain trick that can grab readers’ attention from the first seconds. Big news, impressive statistics, and similar techniques can be used to do this. After that, you can proceed to the demonstration of theoretical material regarding the chosen topic. The latter creates a kind of basis that helps the reader better navigate your ideas.

The last element is the thesis statement, which, despite the location, has an equally important role. Its function is to reflect the essay exemplification structure and the relevance of all described examples.

For instance, if your task is to reveal the phenomenon of World War I from various positions, indicate in the thesis statement such spheres as society, economy, and politics. Each of the latter will subsequently be illustrated with a specific event.

Spectacular Completion

Although this part of the text does not have a big impact on the work’s final result, you should not treat its creation too superficially. First of all, the task is to rephrase the thesis statement, giving the audience the opportunity to remember the information presented in the previous paragraphs. After that, go about reformulating each one, allowing readers to focus on the examples. The last important aspect is forming a concluding phrase, the function of which is to neutralize all possible questions.

Don’t Overdo it

Any workflow is not complete without interruption. Rest will help you to refresh thoughts and take a break from tiring intellectual work. Do your favorite activities, which can be walking with friends, reading a book, cooking, and other enjoyable options.

Final Reading and Editing

This part of  paper writing is considered the most boring, but at the same time, extremely significant. Read the essay, highlight all the places you are not sure about, and carry out their replacement. After that, you need to read the text again, focusing on grammar and spelling. If you find mistakes, immediately start correcting them. Continue reading the work until all inaccuracies are eliminated.

Reader Reaction

Do not think about the reaction of others to your essay at any stage of the work. Criticism is very important and beneficial. However, it’s very significant to learn how to relate to this phenomenon correctly. Remember that we all have different views on certain things.

A Variety of Topics for Your Exemplification Essay

We emphasized above that the choice of topic is the starting point of any academic paper and, at the same time, has the greatest impact on the result. Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the possible options.

  • The influence of the environmental factor on the functional state of a teenager;
  • Global environmental changes: ecoinformatics;
  • Corruption: causes, influence, and methods of struggle;
  • Pros and cons of studying online;
  • Legalization of income as a way to fight the shadow economy;
  • The influence of gender on the use of discourses;
  • Peculiarities of drinking alcohol in adolescents;
  • The socio-psychological climate of the team and personality;
  • Environmental aspects of the economic security of the region;
  • Social fears and their overcoming among believers and atheists;
  • Optimism as one of the components of subjective well-being;
  • Psychiatric hospitals as an element of the punitive system;
  • Music and play in child psychotherapy;
  • Does religiosity affect the political consolidation of society?
  • Psychology of ethnic differences: problems of mentality, relationships, understanding;
  • The relationship between the professional and communicative culture of the individual;
  • The psychology of high-risk driving.

International Terrorism As a Special Form of Global Conflict

The globalization of socio-economic relations is a basic condition that reflects the strategic direction of human development and, at the same time, the main contradiction of the 21st century. It is both a powerful accelerator of positive economic changes and the root cause of threatening trends in socio-economic processes, which were transformed into a special form of global conflict – terrorism at the beginning of the third millennium. The peculiarity of the functioning of international terrorism in the modern world is that it is closely connected with other relevant for the 21st century problems (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, crime, cultural impoverishment, destruction of the foundations of multipolar world order, unresolved internal conflicts, poverty and economic backwardness of individual regions) and is in constant contact with them.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, global changes in the world have led to the transformation of terrorism from a method of achieving political goals into a global problem. The recurrence of terrorist acts in the global geoeconomic space raises the issue of defining the concept and impact of terrorist activities on states’ socio-economic development; the mechanisms and methods of counter-terrorism measures need further development and improvement. The development of political contradictions and the deepening of socio-economic asymmetry in the world leave open the question of war and peace. One of the modern forms of war in international relations is terrorism, which is constantly transformed in its internal content, form, nature of manifestations under the direct or indirect influence of various contradictions and conflicts.

The scale is changing, ideology is being more clearly defined, and aggressive information and propaganda influence is intensifying. Therefore, the term ‘terrorism’ has not yet found a universal definition, which, on the one hand, testifies to its multidimensionality, ambiguity, and phenomenal. On the other, it puts obstacles in developing effective anti-terrorist measures in the world.
The precondition for the evolutionary development of terrorism in the world was the stratification of the population on economic, social, and political grounds, as well as ideological demarcation, the formation of political movements, associations of parties that professed different political views and fought for power, but such confrontations usually domestic nature.

Beginning in the 1960s and 1970’s, the internationalization of terrorism began, and it became global. However, the culmination of the development of terrorism in the world was the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. The issue of preventing and combating terrorism is considered at the global level. As a result of these terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, more than 3,000 people were killed, and about 6,000 were injured. But there is still no consensus on the damage done to the US economy. The International Monetary Fund estimates that the losses from these attacks (including the loss of property and the losses of insurance companies) are about $21 billion.

But terrorist acts cause damage and generate impetus for the development of certain sectors of the economy, such as the production of special equipment and weapons, which are used to prevent terrorist attacks and combat terrorists. Thus, it was the threat of terrorist acts that contributed to Israel’s development of unique security technologies that are currently in demand on the world market. The world alone spends up to $ 600 million to check the financial flows of terrorist organizations and their sponsors, and the number of security personnel in the world is growing rapidly.
These examples show that terrorist activity causes mostly short-term fluctuations in the economy. How this will affect the state of the world economy depends on many factors.

So, we’ve provided detailed instructions on how to write an exemplification essay along with choosing and presenting the right examples to help you get the best results. Rather, try all the tips in practice.

What Is A Gun Control Essay?

Every year, the issue of gun control is of increasing concern to US residents. Mass shootings cause fear because most people consider themselves unprotected. After all, the authorities do not control the purchase of weapons.

Do you think people need weapons laws because no one adheres to them? And can everyone buy weapons to protect themselves? For this, students are allowed to express their thoughts in a gun control essay. Here they must show knowledge of how well they know the information about laws. Also, conduct research based on which it will be proved that gun ownership is good or bad.

With our guide, you will be able to write a text in a short time. We also prepared arguments, the best topics, and sources of information for writing an article.

Arguments for gun control essay

More than thirty people die every day from firearms, and this statistic is increasing every time. This is one of the arguments you can use when writing an essay on US gun control. But there are many more arguments for and against gun control, so let’s take a look at them:

Arguments for using a weapon: Arguments against using weapons:
  1. The legalization of firearms increases the ability of citizens to defend themselves.
  2. Weapons encourage people to come to the aid of other people in danger.
  3. Legalizing weapons leads to a decrease in the crime rate since potential criminals fear their lives and health.
  4. Weapons make a person calmer and more responsible.
  5. A legal pistol would allow citizens to organize street patrols and self-defense squads.
  1. Many people suffer from the legal use of weapons.
  2. The gun does not help to defend against the offender if he is too close to the victim.
  3. Guns make citizens more aggressive.
  4. It is not citizens who should fight crime, but law enforcement agencies.
  5. Because of weapons, terrorist attacks are getting worse.


With the help of arguments, have you decided the side to stay for? Great, now you know all aspects of using weapons. With their help, you can create a text that the teacher will give a high score. And with the help of the online program Grammarly you will be able to avoid grammatical, punctuation, stylistic mistakes.

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Ideas for writing a gun control essay

Do you know the topic of essay writing with which you can create an A-grade text? Not? We thought so. A catchy headline can arouse great interest in the reader. The title should express your point of view as vividly as possible. Examples of themes for gun control essay:

Topics for using weapons:

  1. A weapon is a murder that can save your life.
  2. In countries with free arms sales, the crime rate is lower.
  3. The right to arms is the right to defend.
  4. The more weapons, the more people are protected.
  5. The second edit about weapons takes place.

Topics against the use of weapons:

  1. The free carrying of weapons often provokes police officers to use weapons without motivation.
  2. Due to the fact that everyone will have weapons, fear for life increases.
  3. Mass shootings in schools, cinemas, universities with numerous victims.
  4. Who guarantees that the purchased weapon will be used for its intended purpose?
  5. You can quickly become famous with the help of murder.

Gun control: pros and cons

Every year, supporters and opponents of firearms control have come up with their pros and cons in the debate. But the question about this remained unresolved because everyone adheres to his side and did not find a compromise to solve the problem. We have prepared several, in our opinion, essential pros and cons for discussing this topic.

The main pros of gun control

  1. Based on world statistics: the US population is only 5% of the entire continent, but our country owns more than 50% of weapons worldwide.
  2. Other statistics show that people die most often from firearms. The study showed that 10% of deaths from weapons fall on one million people, but the United States does not take the first position, which is very encouraging. But South Africa is the leader in this statistic.

Main cons of gun control

  1. The right of citizens to possess and carry firearms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. It was adopted in 1789 and entered into force in 1791. In full, it sounds like this: “For the security of a free state, a well-organized militia is needed, the right of the people to keep and bear arms should not be violated. ” This amendment makes it possible to realize the people’s right to an armed uprising, enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. If gun control is in place, then this right is meaningless.
  2. If the government has introduced the right to own weapons, then there is no need to restrict it by any laws. But it would help if you understood that this amendment was made based on information from people who did not have higher education, and even more so without a legal education. But at the same time, you cannot restrict the right. All of you should know that any law can be canceled, corrected; if another law comes into force, it is more beneficial for violence. Therefore, if you look subjectively, then the pluses indicate that it is necessary to introduce tight control over the weapon, and it is still stronger.

A few steps to writing a gun control essay

Students who come across such a task will find it challenging to write essays right away without preparation. To choose the essay you want to write, you need to know the types of papers:

After choosing any of the essays listed above, you need to research the chosen topic. With these three steps, you will be able to create an impressive essay that your teacher will rate highly:

  1. It doesn’t matter if you are writing an informative article, doing research, or an essay defining what gun control is. Use the exact definition of your essay. For example, to do this, you can take a book in the library with definitions of what gun control is or find out about the meaning of using an Internet resource. Only after you have given the description, you can write what types of firearms exist. It will also be interesting for the reader to see statistics on how many people use weapons.
  2. The central part consists of exciting facts about gun control and the problem you want to convey to the reader.
    1. To get complete gun control statistics, you can use studies from different scientists or journal articles, where events are described in detail with numerical data, and not vague and generalized.
    2. If your assignment is to write a gun control essay, an interesting topic might be researching how a private individual’s gun caused innocent people to suffer. Students also chose stories about how children used adults’ weapons to make some attacks for the composition. For example, rob a store or play consequences around, which led to called to sad consequences. Another important topic was the study, where schoolchildren used weapons for violent purposes.
    3. If you are writing an essay where you need to cover the topic that gun ownership is right, you can give examples of people saving lives.
    4. All essay content depends on the purpose for which you are writing essays for or against. But it has a specific structure, where an argument is a required component. Therefore, before starting work, make a plan to clearly describe the introduction, the central part, what arguments and examples you can lead, and conclusions.
  3. And the last thing you need to do is leave a convincing conclusion. It is unnecessary to retell the essay’s whole essence; your task is to list the facts and arguments that will support your point of view (for or against). It is based on the facts that you manage to impress the reader; no one will believe you from empty words. Prove that your thesis to the text is true, and then the reader will not have doubts about your work.

As you can see, it is not difficult to create a gun control essay. But for this, you will need to record a lot of time, patience, and also analyze the sources of information based on which you can build a convincing gun control essay. We understand that not everyone can do this task, so there is an alternative. You can turn to the writing service, which will help you in writing any document. The writers will provide you with the original text with examples and accurate data without errors. We wish you the best of luck with your studies!

Time To Cope With Term Paper Writing At Ease

Being a student means you need to work with a lot of academic paper tasks. Term paper writing is one of them. It isn’t an easy assignment. It has a particular structure crucial for correct paper writing.

In a nutshell, a term paper has a set structure. You won’t find here any missing or additional elements that another document has. The paper is supposed to be written at the end of the term. It has to check the knowledge of a student and see how he or she understands the material. Like with any other task, term paper writing needs to be correctly done. If you want to get good points from a teacher or a professor, you need to do all the processes at the highest level.

Working on the material and researching the issues are only a part of the writing process. To make the right impression, you need to structure the paper correctly. It takes time if you want a great result. But it will ensure appreciation from the professor. If you don’t know what a term paper consists of, read our guide. Here we will touch upon basic structural elements and rules on how to work with them properly.

Title page

This is what you see when you open up the document. The title page is the first page of the paper. Here you need to include the topic, your name, and the name of your scientific instructor. Don’t forget to mention your department that you study in and the date. There could be different options to organize this information on a page. But in most cases, the professors require to put this info in the middle of the title page.


This should serve you as the second page of your paper. Here you need to include an appreciation note. This is essential to show your appreciation to those people who insisted on you with the paper.

Table of content

This is another mandatory page that you cannot simply miss. Here you include the name of every chapter and mention the page where the info is placed. If there are any figures or tables, provide the paper with additional pages as well.


This should be an overview of the paper. Here your task as a writer is to tell in a few words about the paper’s topic, methods, hypothesis, and findings that you’ve come up with. Make sure to write coherently. Only precise information has to be mentioned here.

Literature review

This is what you need to put next. Here the paper describes the studies used when researching the issue. You need to indicate what studies have already elaborated upon the topic. Your task is to prove the importance of the paper and how it can contribute to further studies.


What methods did you use to research the information? What procedures have been implemented during the writing process? What are the research model and the variables presented in the paper? These are the questions that you need to answer in the paper.


Here you need to present the findings. Gather all the information you’ve managed to research and define the results of the work. You need also to mention whether the initial hypothesis was correct or not.


Now you, as an experienced term paper writer, need to advise on the future researching practice. You need to tell your viewpoint concerning the subject, topic, and methods to help other students.


This is the last chapter, where you indicate all the data resources where you’ve taken the material. Mind the order of the sources. There could be specific requirements for different institutions.

Everything You Should Know About Compare And Contrast Essay

Nowadays, students have to write numerous papers constantly. One of the most wide-spread projects is a compare and contrast essay. If you are experiencing some difficulties with crafting a brilliant piece of content, then go on reading and find out the parts of a perfect paper structure, useful tips, and some ideas for your future compare and contrast essay. 

Contrast and compare essay is a type of essay aimed to estimate the likenesses and dissimilarities between two items. These items should differ from one another but still belong to one category. For instance, you can take two pictures that were painted during the Renaissance period and compare them.

The author of the compare and contrast essay should concentrate on how discussed objects interact with each other, what they have in common, and what differs one from another. As a result, the reader finds out numerous facts about the items and can analyze them. 

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Structure of compare and contrast essay

While searching the information on compare and contrast essay structure, you may come across plenty of different approaches. But it’s better to follow one of these ways:

Point-to-point format

Rather than discussing each object one after another one, you can arrange all your facts into the points. In this case, you will provide information about two items on one point, and only when the data runs out, you may go to the next point and do all the same.

Block format

According to this format, you are encouraged to discuss one object, mentioning all important facts for your content, and only then go to the discussion of another one. Each item must be placed in a separate paragraph; all dissimilarities and likenesses should be put in different sections.

Outline of compare and contrast essay

Before creating awesome content, you need to learn well all significant parts of the compare and contrast essay. The outline of this paper doesn’t differ much from similar projects and looks like this:

  1. Introduction. The first part of the essay must give the reader a general idea of what you will be talking about. You need to set up the background for the items that you are going to compare and mention the information on how they connect with each other.
  2. Main body. This is the main part of your essay, so it must include the most significant information. The author is expected to analyze subjects well, mention their likenesses and dissimilarities, and provide evidence supporting the overall analysis. It is also important to include transition words to make the content sound more solid.
  3. Conclusion.  In the final part of your compare and contrast essay, you need to back to the thesis, wrap up all your ideas, and naturally lead the readers to the conclusion. It must analyze once again all facts and grab the attention to what you have started with.

How to craft contrast and compare essay?

A good paper must be arranged properly, and all the necessary features included. Consider these points when embarking upon writing a stunning compare and contrast essay.

Choosing objects

The first thing that you should start with is selecting items for comparison. They should differ but still belong to one group. For instance, you can compare and contrast two horror books instead of taking one horror composition and compare it with a novel.

Determining dissimilarities and likenesses

After deciding on the objects, you want to discuss, you need to explicit their dissimilarities and likenesses. Think of drawing two overlapping circles for mentioning all peculiarities. Such an approach to organizing the data will help you better catch the main ideas.

Craft a thesis statement

While writing a compare and contrast essay, you need to draw the route for the readers by drafting a thesis statement from dissimilarities and likenesses. Overall, you need to decide what your paper will say to readers.

Organize a proper structure

You may choose one of the essay structures that has been discussed earlier. It must provide sense to the main argument and be in one line with the entire essay content.

Write an outline

The essay outline should be relevant to the organizational structure. As usual, it consists of an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion. Authors often include three paragraphs into the main body, but you can extend their number if you have a lot of information that you want to discuss. Choosing a block format, you need to place each subject in a separate paragraph, while point-to-point format lets you discuss all likenesses and dissimilarities in one paragraph.

Support the thesis with evidence

Some extra evidence is a great way to support the argument. You can take it from personal experience, detailed research, etc. For instance, you may contrast and compare two types of dogs basing on their observation. As a result, you will produce a powerful effect on the readers.

Include transition words

You can search for the most common transition words, use them in your contrast, and compare essays to sound stronger. For instance, you can write, however, on the other hand, conversely for contrast; and in like manner, by the same token – for comparing.

Proofread the text attentively

It is better not to hurry to check the paper just after you finish it. Wait for an hour or even several days, as in this case, and you will be able to find more punctual and other mistakes. Also, it is possible to use online tools for identifying weak points and improving them. If you have an opportunity to ask someone else to proofread your paper, just do it. Another point of view will help you easily boost the quality of the content.

Topics for compare and contrast essay

The overall success of a future essay depends on the topic that you choose. Do not take a topic where a lot or nothing can be said. It is recommended to stop your search on the theme that is interesting for you. In this case, you will be more likely to prepare the content of a high-quality. The topic may differ, going from one category to another. Look at the list of great ideas for compare and contrast essay to choose the most suitable one or to get some inspiration:

  • The difference between religion and culture
  • What is better: online education or tradition?
  • The difference between college and high school life
  • How is remote working differently from office working?
  • What are the likenesses between KFC and McDonald’s?
  • Dogs & cats: what are better friends for a person?


Crafting a unique compare and contrast essay requires expertise and patience. Often, young people do not have enough skills or time to come up with great content. If you take care of your reputation and do not want to waste time, then approaching a professional paper writing service may become a helpful option for you. Experienced writers have an incredible experience in delivering top-quality content so that you even will not have to store your mind with all that stuff.