Effective 3 Steps Exploratory Essay Guide


Writing a research text is one of the types of academic tasks, writing in which a student needs to work out a specific problem or analyze an idea or phenomenon without giving a personal touch. Let`s define how to write exploratory essay.

This work should be a detailed picture, according to which you can give an idea of the depth of researching the collected material.

First of all, the necessary aspects that can ensure success in writing the essay are:

  • Ability to express thoughts;
  • Style;
  • Language of writing.

Moreover, the stylistic requirements for your work consist not only of everything connected with the modern literary language but also of a written scientific speech that requires a presentation in the form of reasoning and evidence.

Developing tactics, the student concretizes the goal, i.e. defines the object and subject of the search, and also selects the necessary sources. Finally, all activities are divided into stages, the sequential implementation of which will help to realize the research strategy.

Exploratory Essay Format

The research text, like any other type of an essay, has the following structure:

  • Introduction. In this part, the student needs to formulate a thesis, justify the choice of topics (optional), evaluate the relevance, indicate the purpose and objectives of the work, and also characterize the literature that was used.
  • Main part. This item requires the most attention. The student should analyze the literature related to the topic. Here you need to describe why this or that source is important for studying the problem that is explored in your work. In addition, describe your own attitude to this resource, emphasizing the impact on the further development of the research.
  • Conclusion. Here you need to summarize everything that was said earlier, draw conclusions and summarize the information presented in the main part.

1. Selecting a topic and drawing up a work plan. There are a lot of good exploratory essay topics, so choosing a theme is quite a simple task. If you have a list of topics, choose the one you like the most. However, if you think that you have a really good idea for an exploratory essay while topics that are offered, you do not like it at all, discuss it with the teacher.

Remember, that even boring discipline can have something interesting. What is more, you can connect one discipline with another. For instance, a history buff while preparing an essay on jurisprudence may consider the history of the development of law. A musician who has become a student at a medical university may consider the effect of music on health. You are free to choose any topic if the teacher allows it.

The next task is to draw up a work plan. Stages of your essay are the components of research activity. They are carried out for a given predetermined period of time and end with the creation of a specific intermediate research product.

  • The first stage is usually associated with the study of the problem, literature and preliminary development of the research apparatus. Here we need to arm ourselves with the necessary knowledge and skills to create research products.
  • At the second stage students carry out collection, systematization, description, comparison, analysis and evaluation of their own material.
  • The third stage involves the synthesis of results, obtaining general conclusions, testing the summation, etc.

2. Search and study of the literature. After the thinking process is completed, the topic is selected and a detailed plan is drawn up, you can proceed to this part of the work. With the advent of the Internet, finding literature on a topic has become much easier. You don’t have to dig in a file cabinet and shovel hundreds of books for hours. It is enough to make a request in a search engine.

Alas, the network has a lot of “bullshit” (that is, absolutely useless, often false information). Definitely, you should not use regular sites, banks of abstracts and reports or other similar resources. Wikipedia needs to be handled carefully, double-checking the information. The best source is a scientific work. You can find them online, for instance, using Google Academy. If there are posted only links to the work, you will have to go to the library. Save the most valuable information to your computer and select the key points that you want to print in your own words for the uniqueness of the report. You have not to copy someone else’s work.

A study of the literature allows to understand what is already known in the framework of the chosen scientific topic, familiarize the basic terms and compare the views of different authors on the problem.

3. Essay Writing. The introduction and conclusion of this type of academic work have a small volume, leading to the research itself and summarizing it.

As for writing the main part, it can be divided into two stages.

The first part of the work, as a rule, is devoted to theoretical issues related to how the studied problem is developed in the print media. We need not only to make a review and brief analysis of the sources that are used in writing of work and note what was done on the topic by the predecessors. We should also determine our approaches and position. It is very important to understand the history of the problem’s development and show attempts to solve it by others.

This part of the work is an opportunity to enter into an interesting and extremely useful dialogue with wise like-minded people who will not only add important facts to your exploratory essay but also share ideas that will become the source of your own thoughts. And they, in turn, will help the birth of your ideas.

In general, at the stage of describing the found sources, you record the achieved, present level of knowledge in terms of “is”, “required”, “necessary”. It indicates the means by which it contributes to the disclosure of the topic and resolution of the problem.

The second part of the work may be devoted to the embodiment of the student’s exploratory essay ideas. Having described and systematized what was done by the predecessors, tell about your plans. Prove your own ideas not only with the position of different authors but also with personally found facts extracted from other sources.

Explore memorials, archival documents, experiments, museum items, heirlooms, etc. Mention the main archival funds that have become the most significant for you or museum items, rich in interesting and previously unknown information. Compare the results with the literature data. Determine their accuracy.

You can uncover exploratory essay questions by referring only to the works of others. Own research is not a mandatory part of the work. However, it will definitely give a scientific touch to the essay and significantly improve your professional skills.

What Is a Review Essay?

This academic assignment provides a critical analysis of a cinematic, literary or scientific work. Its task is to evaluate and describe the students with regard to the most important points raised by the author in his work. This type of essay is a discussion of the work, closely related to personal opinion, each aspect of which has to be supported by the evidence.

There are two necessary stages in writing this work: developing arguments on the topic of what you are analyzing and ending with a logical conclusion. A critical analysis of the essay may be related to the works and the points of view of other authors. Review essays have a classic structure:

  • Introduction;
  • Summary of the content;
  • Critical discussion;
  • Conclusion.

The structure of an essay has great importance. You should group the different details of the work into categories and separately give comments to each of them. An accurate assessment of the aspects will help you come to a logical conclusion.

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Review Essay Writing Guide

At first writing, a review often seems to be a difficult task. As a rule, the first associations are the author’s impressions of the analyzed work, which can be put into short “like” or “dislike”. Another problem is the fact that students often confuse review with story retelling.

The main difference of the review is that the student needs not only to express his attitude to the object that is studied but also to explain the reasons why his position is just that.

You can start the story by describing your own feelings, emotions, or personal reading experience, and then give a more detailed explanation.

At times, it may seem to us that the book or film was terribly boring and there is simply nothing to write about it. Meanwhile, it is worth to remember that behind each of our “interesting” or “uninteresting” exists something big and complex, which you can try to describe. For instance, if a work seems unappealing to us, this can have many different reasons. The characters can be so different from us that we simply get lost in this endless confusion of incomprehensible thoughts, actions, and events.

In other situations, the style of the author may seem boring. Reading line by line, the reader understands that he has already met similar descriptions somewhere, which have essentially typical constructions.

However, all of these, at first glance, cons can be excellent soil for your future comparative essay! After all, the meaning of the work lies precisely in the description of your assessment.

Like any type of academic texts, a review essay has its own structure:

  • Introduction (what you will talk about);
  • The main part (what you exactly liked/did not like);
  • Conclusion (watch or not watch, read or not read).

As a rule, in the introduction, you should report the name of selected work, the reasons why you chose this text or film and tell about aspects which made it necessary to write the review. There is no point in writing a huge beginning, it should have 2-3 sentences that include information about the next discussion.

All the most interesting is in the main part. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. At this stage, you tell about the characters of the book or indicate which actors are starring and which characters they play in the film. It would be nice to combine this with the events of the film or book. However, do not get carried away and retell the whole plot: do not forget that your review can be read by a person who has not seen the film or read the book. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting the offensive nickname “spoiler”. This is such an unpleasant person who spoils all the pleasure of a movie or book by retelling the plot.

Of course, you do not need to describe the whole plot, but there are some components that should be known:

  • Exposition – the beginning of the story, which represents the conflict, the actors, the scene or characters and background of the book.
  • Rising action – events before the climax, where the heroes are trying to resolve the conflict, but they do not succeed. The climax is the highest point of action voltage.
  • Falling action – events following the climax.
  • Resolution – the end of the story, which gives the solution to the problems and conflicts of the main characters.

In conclusion, you need to write about whether this movie or book is worth to be watched or read. and also summarizes why you think so.

Book Review Essay

A review is a written analysis that contains a critical assessment of a work.

The text should be clear and accessible. You do not need to abuse technical terms. Use an obvious and understandable language.

  • Support statements with many illustrations. Any statement needs a good instance. Describe the situation in the book, the behavior of the characters and other aspects. Quotes from dialogues of statutes are successful illustrative material. The reader will be able to feel the atmosphere of the book and understand your point of view.
  • Add individuality to reviews. It will much more interesting to use your own style. If you like a witty and humorous tone or deliberate seriousness and dramatization, changing yourself will be useless. Language and style should reflect your unique look and personal qualities.

Film Review Essay

If the film is interesting to the audience, it deserves the attention of critics and it does not matter at all whether this is a masterpiece or a completely mediocre work. A competent critical review essay should entertain, inform and convince readers, contain an extraordinary opinion and not reveal all the details of the plot.

  • If the film did not suit your taste, it is not a reason to write a devastating review. Tastes differ. You should let the reader judge the quality of the movie, even if you don’t like it at all.
  • Read movie reviews regularly and notice aspects that make some of them more useful than other works.

Peer Review Essay

In addition to the above, there is another type of review essay, the task of which is to evaluate research work.

Writing a review of scientific work is a complicated matter. Review – a brief analysis of the thesis, which reflects its relevance, features, advantages, disadvantages.

Conditionally, the essay writing process can be divided into the following stages:

  • The introductory part of the review is the relevance of the topic of the thesis.
  • The main part is the analysis of the individual elements of the thesis and the identification of its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Conclusion, where you should summarize everything above. The final part of the text ends with the signature of the reviewer and the seal of the organization.

Argumentative Essay


Education in college or university means getting new skills and knowledge. So writing homework is one of the numerous forms to check the students’ progress in study. Professors prefer giving you tasks in classes and as homework to estimate your knowledge to the full.

As a result of there a lot of different academic papers and essay types in particular. In this article, you will get detailed information about one type of writing called the argumentative essay. Find out its meaning, particularities, and professional tips in writing.

What is an argumentative essay?

The argumentative essay is a kind of academic paper and a genre of writing texts with own requirements and particularities. It means the comprehensive task for student: he needs to dive deep into the topic, collect and sort information, prepare thesis statements with strong arguments, and finally make a conclusion. All these actions must be done according to the exact writing style and manner.

Sometimes an argumentative essay is considered to be a final project at the end of the year and includes full research. But usually, it is a regular task for students with the requirement to make research of relevant literature or other researches which were published earlier. Besides, the task assignment may also mean a need to use empirical research methods and collect useful information. So students may hold surveys, experiments, interviews, etc.

The argumentative essay has 2 sides in the academic world. On the one hand, it helps to estimate the student’s process in the study and to give him a grade he deserves. On the other hand, such a job with paper preparation allows authors getting more interesting and useful knowledge for future tasks. As a result, the writer of the argumentative essay will discover a topic in all senses and become real experts.

So to write a good argumentative essay you need to know its important elements and characteristics. Use the following facts to prepare the best paper for any topic.

The main particularities of argumentative essay:

  • Argumentative writing must establish clear thesis statements. These sentences are the most important parts of your introduction. Besides, the author should use logic methods to find out the answers for own questions. Your emotions are not the best assistant, so try to be wise.
  • The introduction needs an explanation. The author should explain the reason why this topic is important and useful for the scientific community. If it doesn’t bring anything new or useful, then the student unlikely will get a high grade for his efforts.
  • The texts require logical transitions between its sections. The structure of the argumentative essay is quite traditional: it has an introduction, body, and conclusion. Besides keeping the proper structure, you need to make smooth transitions from one part to the next section.
  • The paper must include evidence and arguments. Without strong proof in argumentative writing, you can’t expect people to believe in your words. While making an overview of previous researches collect good arguments to use them in the essay. Remember that you need to explain your topic from different points of view and discuss opposite ideas.
  • The conclusion should include extended thesis statements. You can’t just repeat your thesis or add any new information to this part. The main task is to summarize your findings and provoke a discussion among readers.
  • The paper needs to be relevant to all requirements. This is not a unique feature of argumentative essay, but a general rule for all academic papers. Check all requirements in your task assignment and make the paper relevant. Also, don’t forget to make a proofreading and final revision of the text to prevent any mistake or misprint.

The student may create his argumentative essay with 2 approaches:

  1. The first method means using the five-paragraph essay;
  2. the second one means writing a long paper.

Before starting your paper learn more about both approaches.

The five-paragraph essay

The five-paragraph essay is one of the current methods in writing an argumentative essay. It is quite common nowadays, so students in different colleges often use such an approach to create their papers. Though the five-paragraph essay has no exact format, it differs from other methods with its structure.
When you write an essay according to five-paragraph standard, you need to create these sections in the text:

  • One introduction paragraph. This is a place to attract attention and present the main problem of research;
  • Three body paragraphs. The author should use great evidence to prove his position and cover the topic;
  • One conclusion paragraph. It is a summary of the thesis statements and main findings in the text.

As a result, the author will prepare a short, but useful essay. It will definitely be relevant to all task requirements of argumentative papers.

Longer argumentative essays

Sometimes the topic can’t be exposed in a five-paragraph manner. The author may need to hold more researches, require additional time to analyze results and share relevant findings. As a result, the common approach in writing an argumentative essay wouldn’t suite the task assignment. In such a situation the essay becomes longer and includes more than just 5 sections.

This is the way we get the second method in writing an argumentative essay. The author keeps using his skills and knowledge to make extended and comprehensive research, so the paper will match the topic. That’s why the length of such paper is a variable feature.

To write an argumentative essay or another paper according to all requirements in academic writing assignment the author must pay all his attention and efforts. Try to do your best, and you will be able to reach the highest grade!

8 Proven Tips To Write A Good Analytical Essay


The essay is being actively introduced into the educational process and is becoming an increasingly fashionable learning tool. And it is not a simple coincidence. This small-volume work can tell a lot about the author, evaluate his innovative and creative potential or define analytical capabilities. For students, it is a good way to gain experience in writing works and developing different skills.

While writing this type of essay, the student has to analyze a certain problem and express his point of view, due to the specific phenomenon. For example, the object of your research may be a film or literary work, while the main idea or problem should be emphasized and described separately. Analytical writing involves dividing into several parts and providing various arguments: both taken from the book, film or the work of others, and results from your own analysis. For instance, “Epicurus was an extremely abundant writer, many of whose works exceeded anyone else’s” – can be considered as an analytical thesis.

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1. Decide what your research will be about. Often the topic of analysis essay is set by the teacher. However, in some cases, it can be very wide and require narrowing. Also, there are situations when a student can choose absolutely any topic on his own.

  • If the object of your research is a literary or cinematographic work, you can share your point of view based on the behavior and character traits of one or more characters. One of the topics for literary analysis may be: «Discover the motives of Julien Sorel’s actions in Stendhal’s novel “Red and Black”.
  • At the time of writing an essay about historical events, try to focus on the key points that influenced the outcome.
  • If you are analyzing a scientific problem, express your position, based on the results of other studies, and correctly draw conclusions.

2. Highlight the main idea. After choosing a topic, you need to decide on the main thesis of the essay. It means that you should discover a thought in the subject in detail, and write, starting from this. Somewhere you will agree with it, and somewhere you will say that this contradicts your idea. To accomplish it, you need to understand what is an outline and break down the writing process into stages. To build a system of argumentation, you need to rely on the object of study and build a logical chain of conclusions about it.

During the argumentation, you can not only agree with the topic but also argue with it and bring your arguments. However, in this case, you will have to think more intensively and write more interesting, because it is easier to agree with the topic than to challenge it.

3. Choose the appropriate material for reliance. You can check critical analysis essay example and then prepare the main idea of your essay according to standard analytical essay structure.

Selecting facts for analysis, do not limit yourself to a review of a pair of sites on similar topics. You need reliable data, which must be taken from the source. For example, if you operate on data from research articles by famous scientists or authors, this will give solidity to all your work.

Try to find experts and interview them. This will help you to develop professional skills and better navigate the topic.

If you are writing about a specific work, add facts include the quotation. They should demonstrate that your idea is correct.

4. Define outline. During your writing, observe the analytical essay format:

  • The introduction, which describes the topic, summarizes the problems and presents your argument.
  • Paragraph 1, in which you state and prove your first argument.
  • Paragraph 2, where you state and prove your second argument.
  • Paragraph 3, that state and prove your last argument.
  • The conclusion, in which you summarize your arguments.

Meanwhile, you can be guided by your own parts of an essay, which is different from the above. However, try to include at least two different points of view in your essay to prove your main argument. Each thought has to be supported by two kinds of arguments and facts.

5. Feel free to seem too smart. One mistake that many students make is that they spend too much time replacing words that seem too clever for them with simpler ones. You are not going to deceive your teacher by inserting a word for 100$ in the first sentence, and all your other arguments are too weak.

Creating a strong argument requires much less effort in terms of formulation and vocabulary, but more in terms of structure and reinforcing your thesis with the basic ideas. You can refer to the works of other authors, considering their critical analysis essays as patterns. However, you can not use copies! The use of plagiarism is dangerous and has implications.

6. Be ready to make changes. Well written work almost never comes immediately. The word “check” literally means “look again”. Many students believe that the check is to correct spelling errors and typos. Of course, it is one part of essay verification. However, it is important to know that not even the most famous writer can write the perfect text on the first try. You still have a lot of work to do. You can try:

  • Moving paragraphs to achieve the best composition structure.
  • Deleting entire sentences that are repeated or do not fulfill their function.
  • Removing any points of view that do not support your argument.

7. Go from general to private. One of the best ways you can improve a draft during a review is to choose ideas that are too general and give them a more specific character. This can be expressed in the addition of evidence, such as quotes or arguments. It can be associated with a rethinking of the point of view and a shift in focus. It also can be connected to the search for completely new points of view and new evidence that support your thesis.

Think of each main point of view as mountains, over which you fly in a helicopter. You can stop over them or fly quickly, pointing out their features from afar and giving a brief overview. At the same time, you can put us down between them and show them at close range. Which option would be better?

8. Correct the work in the last step. One of the best ways to evaluate work and see if it passes the test is to sit down and read it aloud. Does it sound good? Circle everything you need to clarify or change the wording. When you read, go back and make the corrections that you outlined to maximize your project. Do not worry about commas and apostrophes until the project is almost ready for delivery. Leave syntax problems, spelling, and typos for later. You should worry about them only when the most important parts of your essay – thesis, basic ideas, and arguments are already polished.

Citation Styles: APA, MLA, Chicago


When you are writing any kind of academic paper, you must use relevant sources for your texts. As a result, you need to collect and use proper citations that refer to current researches, books, articles, electronic sources, etc. To add such phrases, you need to be keen on making citations according to your primary writing style. It could be Chicago, MLA, APA, Harvard, etc. Let’s start with the definition of citation and writing style.

A citation is a form of a credit to referring to the ideas and achievements of other people. They have been working on different topics to reveal useful findings and conclusions. As a result, you can add their points of view to support own statements or thesis. Using citations helps to avoid plagiarism free issues and make your words more meaningful. To provide any statement in your text with the citation you need to add the author’s name, the title of the book or article, date and year of publication, etc. The proper form of the citation depends on the writing style you need to prepare your paper in correspondence.

Citation style means the particularities of using citation in the text and its main rules. Its purpose is to make your paper relevant to all task requirements. Usually, it is about the text type, structure, and other elements. The order of information in your reference list will differ, so pay the main attention to this particularity. It is determined the same way as the grammar and other rules to your writing.

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How to choose a citation style?

Your choice in citation style mostly depends on your task assignment. Usually, college and university professors have their own rules in academic papers according to your papers, so keep it in mind. That’s why your task assignment may contain the primary citation style or students may make a choice without assistance. But the Chicago manual will differ from Harvard and other styles, so are attentive with your writing. You need to be keen on all formats and distinguish them from the first sight.

If you want to choose the best citation style, you need to work with your task assignment and pick up the most relevant type of paper style. If you consider that your aim is Harvard style, then pick up its particularities. The same is fair for other academic-style papers. Please, consult with your professor about APA and MLA. He knows which paper format is the best for your paper. Ask him all the questions you have or hire a professional author beforehand.

In most cases, writers have got twisted with their papers and pick up the wrong way of writing. So please, read your task assignment several times and provide yourself with the full information about the paper. Be attentive to your writing style, because there are a lot of differences between them. Let’s focus on the main particularities of APA, MLA, CMOS manuscript, and other formats, that will help you to reach the best results in writing academic papers. Here is the most important information for you.

APA Format

APA format means important particularities of the organization of the content, its structure elements, reference list. You will find their rules for using both traditional and electronic sources for your academic paper. The task of APA is to help the writer make a comprehensive and precious text with relevant citations and proper reference list.

American Psychological Association has established this style for students in political science, anthropology, and so on. Nowadays it is often used in social sciences, business, and other modern disciplines.

For instance, the APA citation style will look this way in your paper: Acemoglu, D., Robinson, J.A (2001). A theory of political transitions. American Economic Review, 938-63.

MLA Format

MLA format makes real the same aims, as other writing styles. It also provides readers with a full understanding of the author’s ideas in the paper no matter its structure. This style means the traditional view of the paper and does not destruct the audience from any unimportant things. Besides, students call MLA to be the simplest writing formatting.

Modern Language Association for human sciences has created the MLA formatting for human sciences. But students keep using MLA in different disciplines, for instance, in English or foreign literature and language, cultural studies, and so on. The main particularity of this format is about secondary sources citing.

For instance, the MLA citation style will look this way in your paper: Acemoglu, D., Robinson, J.A. “A theory of political transitions.” American Economic Review (2001). 938-63. Print

Chicago Format

The Chicago Manual of style or CMOS establishes traditional rules in writing paper and reference list organization. It is also called Turabian formatting in honor to its founder Kate L. Turabian. Please note, that your education establishment may consider Chicago and Turabian to be almost identical formats, but not the same.

There are 2 main types of it:

  • the Notes-Bibliography System (NB) that means using footnotes;
  • the Author-Date system that prefers parenthetical citations within your content itself.

These Chicago styles differ from each other in form. In general, the Chicago writing style suits requirements to papers in arts, history, and English. But the choice of writing format and citation style is very personal and may be different for your college and paper.

For instance, the Chicago citation style will look this way in your paper: Acemoglu, D., Robinson, J.A. 2001. “A theory of political transitions.” American Economic Review: 938-63.

So, your preferred citation style is not a simple word. It means a lot for your research paper or essay for college. Most inexperienced writers make mistakes and gain unusual negative consequences. If you know your proper writing style from the beginning, you would be able to impress readers with your paper. The only thing you need is to read carefully all the rules and use them in your text.

That’s why you should get detailed information about current citing rules to make academic works cited properly. Use the full guide for these writing formats and be a hard-working student!

What is an essay?


An essay is a classic task for all students. This academic paper is meant to describe, confirm or deny the exact thesis statement. There is no only one right answer for your conclusions, as in Math or other exact sciences. If the author can substantiate his position, then no one will argue with him.

The word ‘an essay’ came from Latin ‘exagium’ and means the presentation of the case. So, in your paper, you use logic sentences to build paragraphs and share information with other people. In most cases, essay writer tries to persuade readers in something with his paper.

Essay writing may seem simple and fast until you start this task for the first time. The author will face different types of essays, new writing styles, and other papers’ particularities. Let’s make all these facts clear for your sake.

Types of essays

Your task assignment is your best friend for that time you should prepare the paper. Usually, it contains all rules and requirements, including the type of essay. So be attentive and read it several times to make sure you haven’t missed important information. The first stage to clear up is the type of paper.

In general, there are a lot of academic essays. You will face so many essay types with own particularities, so don’t ever get confused with numerous requirements. They may be a little similar or a little different, but each paper requires an individual approach. So, start with the brief acquaintance with the main types of essays:

  • argumentative essay (you share arguments to confirm own position);
  • contrast and compare essay (you find similarities and differences in 2 subjects);
  • descriptive essay (you describe object or event);
  • analytical essay (you need to analyze in your paper);
  • exploratory essay (you describe the problem without supporting a thesis);
  • persuasive essay (you try to persuade readers in something);
  • review essay (you make the general overview of something).

You can write synoptic, narrative, argumentative, analytical, and other type of essay. Just remember to keep rules and use proper essay format (APA, MLA, or other).

Essay format

The essay format influences on its view and writing elements. Be sure, that the professor will check the relevance of your content to the proper writing style. Here are the most popular formats for college essays:

  • APA created by the American Psychological Association for students in political science, anthropology, and business;
  • MLA created by the Modern Language Association for human sciences. It means standard rules, so students like it for simple requirements;
  • Chicago/Turabian created by Kate L. Turabian, who made it for the University of Chicago. This style is usually used for humanities.

Usually, the length of a custom research paper is very custom. Sometimes your task assignment includes exact requirements to the number of pages, and sometimes it doesn’t. But you should use the rule: your essay must contain everything that needs to be shared and nothing that doesn’t need to be shared’. Also, the writing style influences the number of pages in your essay.

Essay structure

You remember that there are a lot of different essay types, so the structure of each paper will be unique. But in general paper writers need to keep the classic format:

  1. Start with an introduction. You need to present your topic and its meaning, share the main problem and thesis statements. The main aim at this stage is to encourage readers and make them exciting for further reading.
  2. Develop the topic in the body. The author has previously collected great arguments, so he starts to share them. Your arguments allow you supporting or denying facts, making the essay exciting and relevant to your topic and task assignment.
  3. Explain the results in the conclusion. Let yourself make the final findings. Remember, this part should not contain any new facts and ideas. So, keep your conclusion to be a summary and a place with the final word to your audience.

Your essay structure must include answers to potential questions. So, imagine that you are asked with questions ‘why’, ‘what’, ‘how’, etc. Such an approach will help you to describe your topic and avoid twisted narration.


So even freshmen know that a good essay requires great attention and effort. If you are new in this field, then you can rely only on luck or professional help in essay writing. But with getting more experience you will become more and more skillful. Such skills will be very precious, because you can use them in the further academic papers, for instance, for university essay, application essay, capstone project, dissertation, and so on.

Writing an essay gives students great transferable skills. Among them are the following:

  • to read a lot and make notes;
  • to think and develop own critical thinking;
  • to improve own skills in argumentation;
  • to develop conclusions.

Professors use essays to check your knowledge all the time. That’s why wise students aspire to be prepared for everything. They need to read a lot, practice with writing in APA and MLA, get new knowledge. Such an approach will give you not only great skills in writing but also self-confidence. So get prepared for your future writing processes!

Freshman: A First-Year Student

A freshman is a person in his or her first year at any education establishment. That’s why this time is full of fears and expectations, so both student and his parents can’t take their emotions under the control. But if you know what to expect from your first days in college or university and how to hold transition to high school, you would be much more prepared for all expected and unexpected events. So, the best you can do as a freshman or a parent of freshman is to know more about your first year of education.

Another name of freshman is First Year Student. It is translated as a person who has the first day as an independent student. You can see a lot of terms to describe your status, but the freshman is the most popular and easy-to-understand. So, keep it using for your parents, friends, etc.

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Freshman in international meaning is a student of 9th Grade of education. So, on average, he or she is 14-15 years old (if we talk about the first year in high school). Besides, the first year in college or university also makes you be a freshman. Such title will belong to you during the whole first year in the new education establishment.

In literally meaning the name of freshman means a person with a naive attitude to life and education. He or she is going to make the first steps in getting new skills, so it is okay to understand your reality doesn’t match your expectations. That’s why the student should be informed about his approximate challenges and benefits during this time. So, should parents do to be able to support their kids in the new stage of life?

What to Expect from Your College Freshman’s First Year

The national definition of the YFCY study (Your First College Year) confirms that it is not easy for teenagers. They are adult enough to be independent, but can’t handle unexpected issues. As a result, college freshmen feel anxiety and even depression, so a lot of them get into the troubles. Let’s stop here and talk about the main things you need to pay attention to.

We will start with the traditional advice of college administrators. They recommend beginning with the basic preparation for this new stage of education. There are a lot of fears, which will disturb you from doing things right: worries about payment for college, being sick and missing classes, having too much homework, being unable to finish everything in time, etc. But if you use a rational approach, the process of adaptation will be faster and easier.

As a parent of freshman you should follow such advice:

  • to give your kid space. The first year in college is a time when your son or daughter must learn to be independent. So, don’t cramp their personal development;
  • to help, if you can. Try not to break your kid’s boundaries, but help with essential things, such as college payment and giving a ride;
  • to be a support team. The results of one research confirmed that parent is the main source of support for 63% of students in their period of emotional crush.

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So, as a student be ready for such things:

  • to learn quick. You’ll get into a new place with its rules and particularities. So be attentive and make notes in your textbook, use campus maps, different gadgets, and other things, which can help you to organize own time and actions;
  • to develop a positive attitude. You may have a lot of fears and worries, but don’t let them harm you. Be friendly, tidy, and nice, so you can make friends with your classmates and find a way to communicate with your professors convincingly;
  • to write a lot of essays. Such type of academic writing is one of the most popular. You will learn to write different types of papers, using the modern writing style. If you feel troubles with it, continue to exercise and use professional assistance. All first-year students will be glad to get real help in writing homework because it allows getting more self-confidence.

Listen to yourself and keep calm. The first year in college is an important stage in education, but it is also a huge part of your life. So, take all its advantages and become a successful student!

How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay: Guide for 2019

Critical thinking is a special system of judgments that are aimed at analyzing certain information and coming up with specific conclusions and interpretations. In fact, think critically is a great ability of a person to make proper conclusions once analyzing information and data. The person who is well aware of analyzing and interpretation methods, knows the importance of critical thinking. Moreover, modern students are tested to be able to think critically when they perform their graduation papers.

With such an aim, millions of students tend to develop critical thinking in order to submit excellent final papers. Critical thinking essay is one of the top academic assignments, which is aimed at revealing students’ ability to think critically. This is one of the most complex academic papers. Since, critical thinking is defining students’ obtained skills, knowledge, and an ability to think properly, this essay paper must always be prepared with increased attention.

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What Is Critical Thinking Essay?

Critical thinking is a special college discipline, which is based on certain rules of logic and cognitive activity. Once dealing with critical thinking and paper writing, it is important to find out the essence of a critical thinking essay from the very beginning. Every essay writing process requires to follow all the existed requirements and writing instructions. Moreover, a good critical essay forces a writer to think critically. Students can think in a few main ways in fact. They can simply absorb information, or they can analyze it. Often, students need to improve their critical thinking skills in order to submit an excellent essay paper.

It is good for a writer to know his strengths and weaknesses in order to improve his own thinking abilities significantly. The critical thinking essay requires impressive analytical and writing skills. Writing an essay is quite a complex task, which requires to read information, analyze it properly, check for weaknesses, distinguish main arguments, and provide conclusions. Often, writers are forced to express their own point of view in order to come up with the final conclusions.

Strong arguments’ delivery is the main idea of critical and creative writing. Tutors check the quality of the paper as much attentively as they check the arguments revealed in the essay. You must always pay attention to the arguments provided, and make proper problem-solving conclusions.

What Are the Steps to Write a Critical Essay?

When you need to write a critical thinking essay, make sure to follow the next steps:

  • Choose the proper topic to analyze. You need to select a great topic to reveal, which you can analyze easily, and offer strong arguments and supporting evidence.
  • Gather information and up-to-date data. It is important to gather and check the existed information in order to come up with strong arguments.
  • Provide a thesis statement. The thesis statement is the main idea of the entire essay paper thus it remains a central focus of the written piece.
  • Write the body paragraphs. When you have provided an introduction with the thesis outlined, make sure to reveal your arguments and evidence in the main body paragraphs.
  • Analyze information and provide evidence. You must check the gathered information, provide arguments, and supporting evidence.
  • Check different viewpoints. You need to reveal a few viewpoints and check them properly to provide conclusions.
  • Revise a written piece. It is important to check a piece of writing for a few times to see what arguments to outline and what supporting evidence to choose.
  • Provide your own viewpoint. It is the final part of the writing process, which is aimed at revealing personal thoughts and opinions supported by evidence.
  • Provide conclusions. Evaluate your findings and summarize them briefly in order to provide vital information that can help to solve the existed problem.

What Is a Critical Essay Format?

In order to submit an excellent critical thinking essay, it is important to follow the existed instructions and guidelines. Therefore, make your essay short and concise. Moreover, follow the proper critical thinking essay structure.

The structure of a critical thinking essay includes the following elements:

  • An introduction, which reveals and explains the main topic;
  • The main body parts with the main arguments and evidence revealed;
  • Conclusions with a brief summary of findings and recommendations.

Make sure to provide the methodology, reveal the main approaches used, and describe in detailed every research conducted. The critical thinking essay has a format similar to many essay papers, but it requires one important skill to be revealed. The essay needs proper information disclosure, which demonstrates the writer’s ability to think critically and come up with correct conclusions. The writer’s critical thinking abilities is the main requirement for an excellent essay paper submitted.

Introduction to Critical Thinking Essay

An introduction is the main part of a critical thinking essay, which reveals and explains the main topic of the paper. The introduction includes the main thesis and a brief explanation of the following analyses and research work. It is important to use all the creative and writing skills to come up with an eye-catching and concise introduction.

Critical Thinking Essay Questions

When dealing with critical thinking essay, it is important to come up with proper essay questions. Therefore, if you can select a topic to analyze, make sure to check the following questions in order to come up with the most suitable topic.

Questions about evaluation

  • How the analyzed factors influence the main topic?
  • How can a certain decision change the outcomes?
  • What are the unusual factors and their outcomes?
  • Questions about evidence
  • What can the exact example name?
  • Why can it be a true statement?
  • What proof do you have?
  • Questions about synthesis
  • Which option is better?
  • How can the main options be compared?
  • What can you recommend?
  • How to solve a problem?

These questions can help to conduct a prior critical thinking analysis aimed at coming up with a proper topic for an essay paper. Moreover, the questions mentioned can improve analytical skills and even teach critical thinking.

Critical Thinking Essay Topics

When you need to write a good critical thinking essay, check the following list of the best essay topics below:

  • The differences between the USA and China in the social sphere.

You can describe and compare the social sphere in the USA and China, and focus on the population welfare.

  • Personal achievement: how to become better?

You can reveal this topic once providing the explanation of personal achievement and the requirements for leaders in modern society.

  • How to help students develop critical thinking?

This topic requires an explanation of critical thinking and the ways to teach people to think critically.

  • How do successful people differ from other people?

You must reveal the main secrets of success, including productive work, talent, numerous efforts, and other people’s approaches that lead to success.

  • The main ways ethics influence critical thinking

This is a very interesting topic to reveal, which shows how ethics can influence the development of critical thinking and the ways to come up with a balance.

Example of Critical Essay

  • Topic: The Scientific Reasons for a Personal Happiness

Happiness is one of the most debated concepts. Humanity has always paid much time and efforts to come up with a single explanation of personal happiness. In the same time, there are two ways to distinguish happiness’ concept. First, people see happiness as the final point of their personal road. Other see happiness as the road itself. In order to come up with the reasons for happiness, it is important to outline what is happiness and how to reach it first.

Since happiness can be materialized in various benefits for people, the scientific reasons for such a phenomenon can be quite different. Thus, we will focus on the outcomes – the positive life attitude. It will help us to check and reveal the reasons, which can include main brain chemicals as just a minor part of a complex system of reasons…


Critical thinking essay is a complex academic assignment, which requires to provide strong author arguments and supporting evidence in order to prove a certain point of view. Since critical thinking is a complex of judgments, the essay writing course requires deep and profound research thought processes. Furthermore, critical thinking essay paper needs a proper structure and format and must be written by a person who can think critically, analyze the existed information, and provide problem-solving conclusions.

How to Write an Excellent Essay about Yourself

Every future student faces a task to write an essay about yourself when applying for a place in a college or university. This is a special type of essay paper, which requires to reveal personal experience and attitude. Most students tend to write about the most memorizing events and great people met in life in this piece of writing. The high school students often try to reveal and describe in details personal achievements and expectations. No matter what the main topic of the paper is, the essay about yourself must be quite detailed, written by simple language, and interesting for a reader. It can be an intriguing or funny story, but it has to influence the reader and impress him greatly.

How to Start an Essay about Yourself?

When you deal with an admission essay, which is aimed at bringing you the desired place in a college or succeeding in job interviews, make sure to start an essay properly. The introduction is an important part, which makes the reader interested in what you are telling about in a paper. Therefore, make it eye-catching and even provocative if possible.

Use the top tips and include the following elements to make a great introduction:

  • A hook sentence that must bring the reader’s attention to the written piece;
  • A great event from an applicant’s personal life as an illustration;
  • Add your personal experience and achievement details;
  • Add the main arguments and the most impressive achievements.

You need to come up with a great topic for an essay first, thus follow the next guides:

  • Choose the most thrilling story to tell;
  • Select the main points to share with a reader;
  • Think what personal traits to reveal in the text.

Be aware that the main purpose of an admissions essay is to get the desired place in a college or university, thus reveal only your best qualities and winning personal traits.

15 Basic Tips On How to Write an Essay About Yourself

When you need to provide an excellent admission essay, use the following basic tips:

  1. Choose the best topic. Select the topic to write an essay about, where you can reveal all your achievements and winning personal traits.
  2. Follow the proper formatting style. Make sure to provide a proper paper’s format where every important element is checked:
  • Font;
  • Margins;
  • Size;
  • Borders;
  • Intervals.
  1. Manage your time properly. You need to prepare an excellent paper on time, thus check the deadline and submit an essay with no delays
  2. Reach for friends and family help. You can ask your friends and family what story to tell about and what achievement to describe in details
  3. Find an inspiration
  4. Use famous people quotations
  5. Use anecdotes or other funny stories
  6. Use hook sentences
  7. Write a paper in simple language
  8. Make sure to use relevant information
  9. Check the story’s main plot

In order to provide a dynamic story, focus on the following elements:

  • The start and the end of the story;
  • Main characters in the story;
  • Subjects and objects;
  • Important details.

Also, make sure to check the paper after completing.

  • Follow the paper’s requirements
  • Do not use complex concepts
  • Use bright and realistic details
  • Provide conclusions and recommendations

How to End an Essay About Yourself

The main purpose of the essay is to impress an admission committee with great achievements and positive personality traits. Your essay submitting at the website means you agree with the information revealed in a paper. Therefore, make sure to provide bright and truthful details. Once staying on this website, you won’t get a chance to change a submitted paper. Therefore, write it properly from the very beginning and provide a great conclusion.

Every personal essay must have an eye-catching introduction, strong main paragraphs, and a great conclusion. The conclusions must have an emotional appeal to make the admission committee interested in your application. The admission essay always has to be a great example of inspiring professional writing.

Topics for Essay About Yourself

When you need to perform a good essay, make sure to use your best writing talents to come up with high-quality writings. Since the essay about yourself differs from another type of writing like term paper or thesis, it should always have a proper structure and a great main topic.

There is a list of top 10 topics for an admission essay:

  1. Personal fears and their reasons
  2. The craziest life experience
  3. The biggest achievement in a lifetime
  4. My best friend ever
  5. The winning personal trait
  6. My name interpretation
  7. The best people to be with
  8. My life expectations
  9. Future career expectations
  10.  Dream place and the dream team
  11.  My first working experience
  12.  The art of telling stories
  13.  How to become a better person?
  14.  How to become a leader?
  15.  My sibling’s impact in my life

Example of Essay About Yourself

When writing an essay or term paper, make sure to provide a great introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusions.


Every person chooses a certain life path and personal road when becomes adult enough. Thus, everyone can distinguish clearly own main achievements in life. Often, people seek material welfare and popularity as the main life goals. Some people tend to make the world better and become a better person.

Body Paragraphs

The biggest achievement in your lifetime is the exact event or action, which makes a real sense of your life. You do know yourself how important a certain event in your life is and what actions were the most fate determining ones.


You are the master of your life and the only person who can judge your actions made. My decision to join a sports team in high school was the right one. I am a member of a Youth Olympic team, and I am glad I have chosen to be a sportsman.

Tips and Guides to Make an Essay Longer

Academic writing is both difficult and interesting activity. Moreover, when you know how to prepare an excellent and flawless piece of writing, it becomes quite a pleasant challenge. In the same time, academic writing requires strong writing and analytical skills. You should always follow the requirements and instructions provided by your tutor or college professor. Every requirement must be strictly followed. It includes a proper format, structure, fond size used, etc. The length of the written piece also matters. You should write a paper of the required size and length in order to get an excellent grade and improve your study ratings.

Tricks to Make an Essay Longer

Often, once providing all the arguments and supporting evidence, you can still lack a required number of words. There are many tricks and tips, which can help you to make your paper longer. Therefore, if you need to increase the size of the written paper, make sure to follow the next recommendations. The following guidelines will help you to improve your paper once assuring every page requirement’s succeeding.

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Words to Make an Essay Longer

If you want to increase the length of the text, you should use transitional words. These words are mostly used to outline the connection between a few parts of the sentence. Make sure to use the following words to lengthen your paper:

  • Likewise;
  • In condition;
  • According to;
  • Whereas;
  • Therefore;
  • Thus;
  • Of course;
  • Depending on;
  • However;
  • Despite;
  • Firstly/secondly;
  • As a matter of fact;
  • Because of;
  • Indeed;
  • With regards to;
  • As a result;
  • Under certain circumstances;
  • In light of;
  • Equally to;
  • In conclusion.

You can use any other transitional words or phrases to increase the number of words in your academic paper. Make sure to use the words and phrases, which can make the written text a single piece of writing.

Use Quotations

You can use various phrases and sentences related to your topic. Quotations take a lot of space and can be very informative, when you deal with a research paper, for example. This is the top way to make a paper longer and to show how other writers were paying attention to the topic revealed in your paper.

Use multiple examples

It is great to use various practical examples when writing a paper. Often, tutors require a list of proper examples to support the main arguments and your point of view. You should use as many examples as needed to prove that your point of revealed in a topic sentence is accurate.

Format your paragraphs

You can easily change the number of words in the text once formatting your paragraphs. With such an aim, you can change line spacing and font type or size. Use double spacing to make the text looks bigger. You can also choose font type and size other than the traditional times new roman 12. Still, while increasing the font, you will make the text looks bigger, but it won’t influence the number of words counted.

Use more words and phrases

You can use more words and phrases. When you use a page count algorithm, you can add as many words and phrases as needed. Just make sure every word used is related to the topic revealed. Use simple language and understandable phrases.

How to Lengthen an Essay of a Particular Type

When you need to increase the number of words in the text, make sure to check what type of essay paper you are dealing with in advance. When you prepare a 500-word essay, you can find enough words to use, but when the paper is bigger, you may need to use a few tips.

Narrative essay

This type of essay requires your personal thoughts and experience. You can use as many additional words and phrases as needed. Since you are the one to choose the topic, you also select the way to tell your story. You can add any transitional words, examples and personal explanations.

Argumentative essay

An argumentative essay requires numerous examples, their explanation and supporting evidence. You can use quotes and explanations of other writers and researchers. Moreover, pay attention to evidence, and try to demonstrate your point of view in details using any needed words and words combinations.


A review requires numerous details about the analyzed subject to be revealed. Thus, you can use various transitional words, concepts and their explanation, parts of other writer’s reviews related to your personal review, numerous quotes, etc. You can also add statistics and ratings.

Other essays

In fact, every properly written essay requires a requested number of words. Thus, make sure to write a paper according to the requirements provided. You can use various transitional words, quotes, evidence, explanations, and concepts related to your paper’s topic.


Every academic paper has its requirements, thus make sure to follow a proper paper’s format, structure, and length. In order to provide a needed paper’s length, you can use various transitional words mentioned in the article, quotations, numerous examples, and concepts related to the topic revealed in the paper.