How to Write an Excellent Diversity Essay

When dealing with college applications, you need to perform perfectly numerous demanded essay papers, including Coalition Application and Common Application. Furthermore, various supplementary essays are requested for each college and university. These exceptional essays must be unique, but they can have a common theme like a diversity. The diversity essay is a special academic assignment, which needs to be written according to certain standards and detailed requirements. You can find diversity prompts to check in details how it must be written and formatted properly.

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Diversity Essay Definition

When you need to prepare college application essays, it is important to remember what kind of information the colleges need from an applicant. Mostly, colleges require a diverse student body who can cover information about various religions, ethnicities, interests, and backgrounds. Often, students write essays about their differences and controversial points of view. You can select a theme for your common application essay based on personal views and desires. One essay prompt states the following information: “Students often have various backgrounds, interests and diverse identities, which they want to reveal when performing a diversity essay to make it complete and clear.” Numerous essays can be used to find the main rules of a diversity statement enlightening.

Prompt #2 written by Duke University students: Future and Personal Experience

Duke University is always looking for talented and clever students who embody a wide set of human experience. Our community gets stronger with many exceptional students with diverse interests and preferences. If you want to become a part of our community, we are welcoming you to share your personal experience and background to help us to know you better. Feel free to tell about your exceptional ideas, interests, family background, sexual orientation, or cultural origin. We tend to understand our applicants better, thus make sure to share your exceptional experience to let us know you better when applying to Duke University. Colleges want you to demonstrate what you can contribute to their communities when applying to college.

Best Tips for Writing a Diversity Essay

When preparing a diversity essay, it is important to follow a few tips for writing an excellent final essay paper.

  • Think and Decide What Makes You Unique

You need to show your uniqueness when performing and submitting a diversity essay paper, thus make sure to think and decide what must be written in your essay in advance. Focus on your peculiarities and personal interests. The properly chosen main theme will let you stand apart from other applicants. There is no need to write about your hobbies. Better present your personal or work experience, and reveal the way it has influenced your life. Your personal path and individual life approach make you a unique individual. Thus, use this information in your diversity essay paper.

  • Provide A Standout Topic

When you write a diversity essay, you show your experience and perspective. Therefore, it is not only about diversity but about the particular unique experience. When you want to contribute to the diversity, you should prepare content, where to reveal in facts and figures your uniqueness. Something that sets you apart is the exact topic to write about. If you were born and raised in other socioeconomic circumstances, it would fit perfectly for a diversity essay main theme. Also, you can write about a difficult personal experience that has influenced your life approach a lot and the one that has shaped you as a person. The situations where you were bullied for can be discussed in your application essay.

  • Write Your Honest Story

There is no need to include fiction in your diversity essay since only an honest, authentic speech can be greatly appreciated by the college admission committee. In fact, within an admissions process, trying to trick college representatives is a wrong move that leads only to failure. Better make your essay really personal and full of authentic data. In the same time, this essay paper is a complex work, which requires proper formatting, essential parts presented, and practical conclusions. Therefore, never lie in your college admissions essay in order to succeed in your admission process.

  • Take Time to Brainstorm Your Ideas

You have enough time to brainstorm your ideas and personal experience to make the right choice and write your authentic individual story. When you need to present such an important essay paper, start your preparations in the early summer. Having enough time means to become well aware of every idea, brainstorm every concept, and save a time needed for a draft writing and proofreading eventually.

  • Write Your Story Using Personal Experience

It is highly recommended writing about your personal experience when completing a diversity essay. When you have some unique identity interests, personal background, and world views, it is important to focus on your peculiarities and preferences. You can show how your experience and perspectives have influenced your current point of view and a lifestyle. You can write about other people who have similar ideas and the ones you have helped to deal with their own uniqueness. College committees appreciate the college students’ role in the appreciation of students’ diversity. Most of the high school students have a lot of stories to tell about. It is important to write it properly, including the slightest details, and format the essay paper according to college school admissions requirements. Make sure to check the requirements for college applications in advance since they differ a lot, for example, art school and medical school will always provide different requirements for admission applications.

  • Read and Proofread Your Essay

When preparing a draft of an essay paper, you can check your main arguments and modify your ideas. The final draft of your paper must lack misunderstandings, wrong statements, lies, and very complicated concepts. Before proofreading a paper, make sure to re-read it properly a few times. The process of editing and proofreading should be aimed at delivering a unique and flawless diversity paper with authentic information revealed, and all admission committee’s requirements followed. You can ask another person to check your paper since it can be very helpful. Every graduate school student must assure the authentic nature of the presented content and represent their own ideas in a simple language. The admission committee representatives must pay a minimum of their time to get the main point of your submitted essay. This exact essay is your personal story that reveals your life experience and interests, thus make your ideas and voice matter.


A diversity essay is the top college admission essay that must reveal the applicants’ unique interests, background, and individual experience. When writing a diversity essay, it is important to show personal experience and perspectives when providing original content. The diversity within a certain community must be outlined in the paper.

The top universities in the United States use diversity essays to ensure diversity in student bodies. Many colleges require an essay when some need it as an additional application component.

When you perform a diversity essay for college or university, make sure to follow the next tips:

  • Think about what makes you really unique – check your personal experience and background to outline the way you have been developing differently within a certain social, economic environment;
  • Stay honest and authentic – avoid any lies in your essay and stay clear and honest, there is no need to include fiction in your personal story;
  • Write correctly and clearly – make sure to present flawless and unique content by using a simple language;
  • Take enough time – make sure to start your paper writing process on-time, pay enough time to brainstorm your main ideas and present your point of view properly;
  • Check and re-read a ready paper – make sure to submit an original and flawless diversity essay, thus read and re-read an essay a few times before submitting to the admission committee.

Use all the tips and instructions provided to prepare an excellent diversity essay!

Modern Yoga Essay for Students

Yoga is one of the most popular body practices in the world, which has a rich ancient history and traditions. It helps to improve one’s life significantly by increasing body flexibility and muscle strength. In fact, yoga is something bigger than a simple practice, since it remains a lifestyle for millions of people worldwide. It brings good health and a peaceful mind for those who do yoga on a daily basis. When writing research papers about yoga, it is important to outline that yoga is a practice aimed at improving health and brain activity. It also helps to avoid nervousness and bring a feeling of peace into your heart. The yoga essay is the exact paper which can motivate people to follow a healthy lifestyle and improve physical conditions at once by practicing yoga. In this essay, every writer must outline the main yoga’s benefits and explain the importance of this practice for people, especially for a young generation.

Short and Long Yoga Essay in English

Yoga main principles include a connection with nature and the body-mind balance, which can be found by means of regular yoga practices. Since people remain an essential part of the environment, becoming closer to nature is a real advantage for every person. When we can deal with a nature gaining new knowledge and possibilities once making no harm to nature, we always gain benefits and become better persons. This exceptional type of exercise allows getting control of your own mind and find a balance between body and mind eventually. This body mind and soul connection make people strong individuals, which can control their own feelings, fears, and expectations. Yoga is an ancient treatment for numerous diseases and the best possible way to stay healthy throughout an entire life. Yoga allows reducing stress and anxiety by following simple guides and instructions. Thus, it keeps a high level of a clear and peaceful mind.

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Benefits of Yoga for People

Among the numerous benefits of yoga, the following ones are the most prominent and informative:

  • Yoga allows clearing mind and reaching a more peaceful life approach;
  • It creates a connection between body and mind bringing a needed harmony;
  • Yoga reduces stress, various fears, and mental disorders;
  • It connects a person with nature.

Yoga practice includes various types of yoga, which bring exceptional benefits for yoga fans. Moreover, every person can find proper yoga exercises in order to improve his own health, gaining body and mind harmony eventually.

Yoga Essay – 250 Words

Yoga is an old practice that originated in India. Even in ancient times, people were fond of the idea to get closer to nature and understand their own mind and body better once practicing yoga. From the Sanskrit, the “yoga” word means “union” and “discipline.” People who practice yoga learn the body and mind discipline, which reveals the best ways to connect body and mind. The proper balance between mind and body and a strong connection to nature are the most prominent principles of yoga and hatha yoga.

In the same time, yoga remains a special science which teaches us how to live a healthy life and how to remain satisfied with our life decisions. Yoga classes are alternative to medical treatment, thus they can prevent numerous diseases and reduce stress and unfounded fears. It helps to regulate the functioning of the main body organs and a mind.

The main idea of yoga practice is to learn how to control body part movements using various breathing exercises. If you can learn how to breathe properly, you can become much healthier. This is not a special physical fitness practice, it is more the advanced life practice that unites inner and outer body and mind. It helps people to take control of emotional, mental, and spiritual thoughts. Yoga is a great way to improve their own health and body shape at any age, thus kids, teenagers, adults, and old age people can practice yoga. But it also needs slow and controlled movements of the body. Often, it is better to start yoga exercises with an experienced coach. In the same time, yoga is a very beneficial training since the main yoga guides can be found on the Internet and in numerous printed materials. The special celebration dates like International Day of Yoga approved by the United Nations General Assembly bring additional attention to this exceptional practice and reveal more yoga benefits for people.

Yoga Essay – 300 Words

Yoga is the most prominent and effective method for people to connect with nature. In fact, yoga brings an exceptional opportunity to connect body and mind gaining such a needed life balance eventually. When you can unite your body and mind, you can definitely reach that peaceful and satisfied state of mind that brings life harmony. Getting control of your own emotional, physical, and spiritual health means becoming healthier and happier.

It is important to practice yoga on a daily basis in order to get the best possible benefits. It can be a great initiative to promote yoga classes in schools and colleges since it can greatly help young people to develop a healthy lifestyle and to avoid numerous possible illnesses in the future. In the modern day, yoga is the cheapest, but very effective treatment of numerous stress disorders and mental diseases. Once gaining a life balance and harmony, every person can forget about blood pressure problems, heart ailments, kidney and liver disorders, etc. Yoga sutras can help with various mental problems as well.

These days, yoga is aimed at improving people’s lives through regular practices. Daily yoga brings lots of benefits, including body immunity system improvement and body strength development. The improved body and immunity system allow preventing various diseases and reacting to different life situations more peacefully. The raja yoga karma yoga jnana yoga is a key to a peaceful mind and improved body.

It is very beneficial when you make yoga an essential part of your life and practice it on a daily basis. It is easy to schedule yoga classes and gain the biggest benefits once learning how to control your own mind and body. Yoga classes have various levels of difficulty, thus every person can learn yoga and develop own skills every day by using clear and practical tutorials.

The ancient yoga is a special science which teaches us how to live a healthy life nowadays. Yoga classes are a very effective alternative to medical treatment. It helps to regulate the functioning of the main body organs and a mind. It brings harmony between body and mind and makes us closer to nature.


When dealing with yoga essay writing, it is important to outline the importance of yoga practice for a young generation. Yoga is one of the most beneficial body practices in the world, which has a rich ancient history and traditions. It helps to improve one’s life significantly by increasing body flexibility and muscle strength. Yoga is a lifestyle for millions of people worldwide. It brings good health and a peaceful mind for those who do yoga on a daily basis. It is highly beneficial to make yoga an essential part of your life and practice it day by day. Moreover, it is easy to schedule yoga classes and gain the biggest benefits once learning how to control your mind and body by practicing impressive breathing and body stretching exercises.

When writing about yoga, make sure to outline the benefits of yoga practices, including the decrease of stress, body and mind improvement, various diseases prevention, etc. Show in facts and details that yoga is the most prominent and effective method for people who want to get closer to nature. Besides, you can also write about exceptional yoga opportunities for people worldwide like a strong connection between body and mind, which brings such a needed life balance. Be sure, when you can easily unite your body and mind, you can reach that peaceful and satisfied state of mind that brings full and unbreakable life harmony. In fact, getting control of your own emotional, physical, and spiritual health always means becoming healthier and happier in life.

Essay About Sports Importance

Sports are an essential part of our life. It teaches us how to stay strong and healthy, and tests our physical abilities. Usually, when going in for sports, we compete with other people in order to get some entertainment. In the same time, physical exercises bring a bunch of great benefits for participants. All kinds of sports can bring strong physical health, great team abilities, and strong organizational features. It concerns football, basketball, hockey, and other team sports. The physiological and physical advantages obtained within sports activities result in enriched physical stamina and improved reflexes.

Short and Long Essays on Sports Importance

When preparing an essay on sports importance in English, there are various words limits for students to be followed. Thus, you may need to write whether long or short sports essay paper. Often, teachers assign to prepare a short essay in a classroom. Essay writing is a common academic assignment, which allows improving writing skills and knowledge on an assigned topic. When you need to prepare a long essay on the importance of sports in English, it may take a lot of your time and efforts. In the same time, it is better to use simple language and clear concepts when writing an essay. It is also important to follow all the teacher’s requirements and instructions.

When preparing an essay on sports activity importance, make sure to focus on the next steps:

  • Outline the importance of sports for young people;
  • Note the most important values of sports and popular games;
  • Write what physical strength and coordination is;
  • Show how sports can help to improve health;
  • Write about prominent sports personalities;
  • Write about the role of sports in personal and national development.

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Essay On the Importance of Sports – 100 Words Essay

Sport is one of the top activities which bring great results for people of any age. First, it helps to improve health significantly, including blood circulation and overall physical stamina. Second, it helps to make your body more flexible and responsive. Moreover, sports help to improve brain activity as well, making it the best way to avoid numerous possible aging illnesses.

Since sport is a competition, it also brings numerous possibilities and allows improving ability to build proper tactics and strategies. Thus, you can develop your organizational and decision-making skills by going in for sports. Sports and games teach you how to think and respond quickly in order to succeed in your competition.

Sport develops physical, social, and organizational skills improving people’s abilities to become a part of a team and always heading to the main goal. All these skills are beneficial in personal and professional life and must always be obtained.

Essay on the Importance of Sports – 200 Words Essay

When we look at the history and life of famous people, we can always find their life paths quite difficult and problematic. In the same time, all their wins are based on hard work, incredible patience, and numerous physical activities. Only the person who thinks and acts fast can succeed in the end. Sports are the best example of fast thoughts and on-time acting. This exact physical activity is aimed at improving people’s physical and social abilities. The continuous physical activities improve human health and brain activity greatly, bringing numerous additional benefits of sport.

Sport is the best way to be involved in physical activities. Moreover, it is great to go in for sports starting from early childhood on a regular basis. People involved in sports gain additional strength and improve health greatly. In addition, it serves as the best method to keep yourself in good shape. You can improve your health, team building, and communication skills greatly when participating in various sports competitions, including Olympic games. You can test your luck and the power of your desire to win as well. Sports improve our lives significantly and make us stronger and cleverer. Going in for sports and participating in various sports competitions are the best habits any person can have nowadays.

Essay on the Importance of Sports – 500 Words Essay


In all the times and societies, it was very beneficial for playing sports. Sports and games give needed competitive nature and a strong desire to win. Moreover, when competing with opponents, it is easier to gain proper organizational, decision-making and strategy building skills. Thus, participation in sports was always aimed at bringing numerous benefits for participants.

The Role of Sports in Personal and Nation Development

It is great when people know about all the benefits of sports. In the same time, authorities should promote sports and games among young people to keep them healthy and fit. In fact, sports allow improving people’s lives significantly, including the mentioned physical shape, blood pressure, brain activity, etc. Every nation and society must reveal the importance of sports for people to let them improve their health and life in general. With a strong love for sports, people can easily physically fit any community or society. Healthy and happy people always make proper life decisions and advise very wise solutions. Besides, sports are always developing a sense of natural competitiveness and goal-oriented personal approach.

Once dealing with sports activity, every person can improve the physiological functions of the body organs and improve the functionality of the entire organism. Sports allow keeping the body healthy and mind peaceful. It is the best therapy for numerous diseases. Sport prolongs people’s lives and makes them more active and satisfied with life in general.  If you want to reach the biggest goals in sports, it is easy to build a great professional sports career if to pay enough time and efforts. When you can control your body and make it stronger every day, you can be fully satisfied with your body and mind functioning. Sports also teach you to work in a team and obtain team goals easily taking care of every team member’s thoughts and desires. Therefore, sport should be promoted in schools and colleges for sure.

The Prominent Sports Personality Role

The nation always needs its heroes to have someone to be a guiding star for a young generation. Numerous sports personalities with their efforts and hard work show that everything is possible in this world. Also, they demonstrate the great effects of constant sports activities and team sports participation. These people give us a strong motivation to go in for sports and become better every day. Well-known athletes encourage the youth in the country and outlines for them every great advantage of sports.

As you can see, sports importance for people in the country is really impressive and impeccable. Sports provide a bunch of advantages and improve people’s lives significantly. With regular sports activity, it is easy to keep a good shape, improve physical stamina and brain activity. In addition, sports teach us how to work in a team and gain team goals easily. Sports are the foundation of a healthy and strong nation that remains a strong coalition of clever and hardworking people.


The essay on the importance of sports is aimed at showing people the strong need for sports activities for the young generation. Sports can bring a bunch of benefits for youth, including general health, together with blood circulation and overall physical stamina improvement. Sport develops and improves people’s physical, social, and organizational skills, which are beneficial in personal and professional life and must always be obtained.