A Selection Of Synthesis Essay Topics From Experts

In high school or college, teachers are often asked to synthesize information and correctly organize the essay’s structure. To successfully write a synthesis essay, you need to have many skills, such as creativity and organization, but the topic’s choice is also essential. Sometimes teachers provide a list of ideas themselves, which makes searching easier. However, if you were given complete freedom in choosing a topic, we suggest using our ideas, which are popular in 2021.
Tips on How to Choose the Perfect Synthesis Topics
As we have already mentioned, many teachers often designate a topic for each student themselves or give a limited list of ideas. Education does not stand still, and modern teachers give complete freedom in choosing a topic. But there is another side to this privilege. Students cannot focus on one topic without certain limitations and do not know which idea is better to choose. For this reason, the experts decided to help students who are tormented by choice and made a list of tips:
- Choose a topic that interests you. As practice shows, topics of interest to students encourage them to devote more time to research. In this way, you will be passionate about writing, and you will be able to compose an interesting article.
- Don’t choose too general a topic. You’ve probably noticed that very often, and students consider such topics as global warming, the bad effects of drugs on health, social networks and society, corruption, technology in medicine, etc. These topics are too general and no longer of interest. Keep your synthesis essay short, so choose topics related to a specific idea and not cover many other issues and stories.
- Choose a debatable theme. The best synthesis essay topic is those ideas that make the reader think about your words and perhaps even disagree with the statements. That is, you have to force the reader to discuss with you. If the topic is too simple and it’s ending is obvious, then such a topic cannot be found fault with, and it is not possible to argue.
- Choose a topic that is the subject of negotiations. We recommend choosing topics that interest not only you but also those that are not easy to research. If you had already studied the topic a hundred times before and conducted a lot of research, there is no point in considering it as you can no longer change or influence the moments. Instead, look for topics that you can change and influence the course of events.
Trendy 2021 Synthesis Essay Topics
If you don’t have time to find the perfect topic, then we present to your attention the list of the best topics for synthesis essays. We divided all topics into categories to make it easier for you to choose.
Social Media Topics
- Does Facebook help you find classmates or make new friends?
- Does Instagram make girls look better, or do some feel uncomfortable?
- Are there applications that can affect student performance?
- Does Facebook protect users’ data?
- Does YouTube advertising affect people’s behavior?
- Has social media influenced standard dating?
- Why are all girls on Instagram alike?
- How much time do students spend on the Internet, and how much time is outdoors?
- Can online communities affect society’s worldview?
- Thanks to social media, the profession of a journalist began to flourish?
Education Topics
- Do students have to manage their education?
- Why do students fail to learn with age?
- Can technology positively impact education?
- Do all students have to adhere to a dress code in educational institutions?
- Why should teachers in schools, colleges, universities carry firearms for the safety of their students?
- Why is higher education expensive? What needs to be done so that all students can get a free higher education?
- Do you agree that all football players of schools, colleges, universities should receive money for competitions?
- Is it likely that due to distance learning, students will stop attending educational institutions altogether?
- Why do racial disputes and humiliation occur in schools and colleges?
- Why do some schools have hidden passageways to the prison? How does this affect the mental state of students?
Global Warming Topics
- Why are Monarch Butterflies disappearing due to global warming?
- Is air pollution driving global warming and icebreakers?
- Has global warming reduced human life expectancy to 50 years?
- Why is agriculture suffering from global warming?
- Why are marine animals becoming extinct due to global warming?
- Is environmental research moving global warming?
- Can the entire population of the continent stop global warming?
- Has the American way of life contributed to the emergence of global warming?
- Why can only the US stop global warming?
- Can environmentalists save animals from global warming?
Technology Topics
- Why are there video games with violence? Could this affect real life?
- How has the life of society changed due to the emergence of artificial intelligence?
- Why is personal privacy threatened with the advent of drones?
- Why, with the advent of technology, have people become increasingly divided into rich and poor?
- Why are cities not equipped for modern cars that need to be charged with electricity?
- Can professional athletes influence the development of sports technology?
- With the advent of artificial intelligence, the number of jobs has decreased?
- Can artificial intelligence replace all human skills?
- Can technology affect business productivity?
- With the advent of technology, entertainment for schoolchildren has changed?
Society Topics
- With the advent of new professions, has higher education become unnecessary?
- Should the death penalty be applied to people who rape children?
- Why is voting an ineffective method of choosing a president?
- Is it worth canceling the sale of tobacco as it spoils people’s health?
- Why does the US government monitor the population and restrict people’s rights?
- Why shouldn’t students with hard temper be sent to juvenile prisons?
- Should parents make sure their children do not play violent video games?
- Can such modern professions as a marketer, content maker, designer, copywriter, video maker last long?
- Why isn’t the government supporting women as actively as men?
- What should be done with people who violate the rules of ethics in public places?
Health and Medicine Topics
- Why should pharmaceutical companies legally sell marijuana for medical purposes?
- Why should all countries stop producing sugary sodas?
- From an ethical point of view, is it okay to test perfumes on animals or not?
- Why is it necessary to ensure plastic surgery?
- Why is there no free healthcare in the USA?
- Who runs health care in the United States – the people or the government?
- Why should everyone insure their lives?
- Why is the health care system too weak in the US, and people are forced to seek help in other countries?
- Can exercise and cold water hardening improve immunity and health?
- Why are many children dying due to poverty and unable to see a doctor?
Art and Literature Topics
- In the modern world, is graffiti an art form or not?
- In terms of art, are video games in this genre?
- Thanks to music, can you develop attentiveness, concentration, perseverance?
- In everyday life, how often do we see art?
- What caused the transformation of cinematography, and what consequences did it have?
- Is what we see in the paintings true or fiction?
- Why should TV advertising and radio advertising be classified as art?
- Why do students choose to listen to a book instead of reading it?
- What do you think – will it be necessary to remove the usual libraries and switch to electronic ones?
- Are environmental issues raised in modern books, or are writers prone to fantasy stories?
Ethics and Morality Topics
- Why do strong people choose not to share their problems?
- Why do people value those who create clothes, food, and jobs for us?
- Why should people raise themselves first of all a human, and not an animal?
- To become successful, do you need to develop talent or work in an unloved job?
- Why are people in prison denied the right to vote?
- Why do people mindlessly buy things they don’t need?
- What needs to be done so that circuses stop abusing animals?
- Do you support the production of genetically engineered animals?
- If a person is rich, can he be happy, or does this require other factors?
- Why can’t people control their future and harm nature?
The Us Law and the Justice System Topics
- Should all people in the United States be punished for breaking the law or given the right to change?
- The US suffers from mass shootings in schools, what should the justice officials do to avoid this?
- Why are prisons in the US overcrowded with criminals?
- Why does the US support the legalization of prostitution?
- Can the law affect the behavior of the African American community?
- Why do the authorities have more rights than ordinary people? Is this fair?
- Why don’t people take the US Constitution seriously? What is the government’s fault in front of the population?
- Why are African American men most likely to break the law in the United States?
- Why are poor people more likely to go to jail instead of rich people? Why does bribery rule the world?
- How to stop strikes peacefully?
Immigration, the American Dream, and Culture Topics
- Can every American make his dream come true? Who can help with this?
- How does immigration affect the US economy?
- Why do illegal immigrants come to the United States if they cannot find work here and live according to the law?
- Why isn’t the US stopping immigration?
- Why is gender inequality promoted in the United States, but the government is silent?
- Should educational institutions employ different people to keep students from racial violence?
- Why doesn’t US culture accept racially diverse communities?
- Why do people suffer from a disease called color blind?
- Why do boys and girls need to study separately to keep each other safe from teenage violence?
- Why doesn’t the US fight online sites that offer intimate services?
FAQ About Synthesis Essay
What Is a Synthesis Topic?
To write a synthesis essay, you need a topic that you can speak frankly about. These topics include medicine, technology, education, law, fashion, history, ethics, morality, literature, art.
What Should a Synthesis Essay Have?
The synthesis essay, like any other academic writing, contains a specific structure. The synthesis essay must have an introduction and a thesis. In the synthesis essay’s main body, you will provide arguments for the thesis and provide examples. At the end of this essay, you can call people to take some action and influence the reader’s opinions and allow them to reflect.
What Is an Example of a Synthesis?
Teachers ask students to write a synthesis essay to help people see connections between things. For example, when you read reviews of a music or movie, you immediately synthesize it and create an opinion. Therefore, when writing an essay, you can touch on examples from your own life.
How Do You Write an Introduction for a Synthesis Essay?
In the introduction to the synthesis essay, the first thing to do is introduce the topic to the reader and explain why it is essential. It is the introduction that sets the whole tone of the essay. If you are intrigued, then leave it a secret until the conclusion, or if you laugh, then observe a positive tone to the end. In the introduction, formulate a thesis that you will prove in the central part.