Annotated Bibliography Topics For Students: Find Your Inspiration Here


An annotated bibliography is a specific part of the paper where you focus on the sources used in the text. You may have used a couple of sources. But you still need to list them to make the writing correctly organized. This guide focuses on the importance of correct sources listed in your academic paper. 

Do you consider annotated bibliography a daunting assignment? This task may be tricky since the specificity of the writing practice is quite rigid. When it comes to an annotated bibliography, you should manage accurate writing. It is a real challenge for some students to stick to the rules and cope with the requirements precisely. There should be a wide range of skills used when writing a bibliography. You need to present expertise in the presentation of the material, analytical skills, and research practice. 

But it is a rewarding assignment. When working on the paper, you will enhance your analytical skills. It will be easier for you to evaluate the importance of the data and research necessary information. Let’s get into the writing guide and figure out what annotated bibliography is all about. 

Annotated Bibliography: A Quick Guide Into the Issue

This is quite a narrow concept. What you need to know about bibliography is its scrupulous approach to details. In short, a bibliography consists of a list of sources you used in the paper. Your task as a diligent writer is to mention all the sources where you took the info for your essay, project, or presentation. 

How does it work? You will have to deal with 3 basic parts. The principle is simple and requires quite a few steps. First off, you need to look for the relevant resources for your paper. These are found on the Internet or in other media. You should also look for them in books or other theoretical studies. When you are done with the list of sources, you need to sort them in the right order, following the generally accepted style. This is the second aspect of annotated bibliography writing. The final third step is to summarize the major ideas in the paper and help the reader get the key idea of the article. 

You may wonder what an annotated bibliography may teach you. The answer is clear. When you learn how to manage your sources in the text, you prove the originality of the paper. You also learn how to format academic papers and be more disciplined about writing. 

Different styles can be used in the paper. These are MLA, APA, and Chicago. These styles are usually used in academic writing practice. And your task is to choose which form that you would like to follow. The choice of the formatting style is a crucial part of writing because your points can directly depend on the correct or incorrect formatting. How should you choose the style? You must know what style is relevant for the major, subject, or university. There’s no need to opt for the style on your own. If you turn to your professor or supervisor, you will be able to learn the details about the format of your paper. 

The Best Annotated Bibliography Topics for Students 

Writing a bibliography and formatting requires time. While correct formatting depends on the style you choose, the choice of topic is a more creative task. You should follow strict and clear rules when you format the bibliography. But when it comes to topics, you should be creative. Here’s the list of applicable topics for a well-developed annotated bibliography. 

  1. What are the proven ways to fight against bullying in school? Why is the tendency so massive among children? What can teachers do about the trend towards bullying? 
  2. How should people manage their weight issues? 
  3. What are the problematic issues that children and their parents can face? 
  4. Is there anything about the age gap when we talk about learners and teachers? Why are younger teachers usually more popular in the education environment? 
  5. Is there depression in animals? How should we deal with mental diseases in animals? Are there any medications to cure the disease or make the symptoms less intensive? 
  6. How to create a relevant environment for people with disease symptoms? 
  7. Would you like your nurse to be a good psychologist? 
  8. What is necessary about philosophy as a university major? Should students take philosophy classes? 
  9. What are the effective ways to save our nature from dangerous human activities? 
  10. How do people behave when they become wealthier? 
  11. What are the most common trends for teens these days?
  12. Do you consider beauty standards a little too severe for the modern youth? 
  13. How much homework should teens get? Do they need extra tasks to work at home? 
  14. What is the role of a teacher in the education system? 
  15. What are the best ways to cope with academic writing tasks? 
  16. How to develop more discipline?
  17. Should students have more opportunities to travel around the world? 
  18. What are the real benefits that self-education has? 
  19. How do modern studying techniques differ from those that we call traditional? 
  20. What are the best working ways to make people love education? 

Choosing the best topic for the paper is a crucial part of the whole writing process. You won’t perform great writing skills if you aren’t satisfied with the issues discussed in the paper. Or you will find it difficult to deal with the ideas. This is why the choice of the topic for the annotated bibliography is a critical building block of the general writing procedure. 

Let’s Summarize

If you know how to cite the sources, you have the academic advantage. It is necessary to list the sources correctly in your annotated bibliography. This article will help you grasp the key concept behind bibliography writing. If you want to get higher points for the academic work, you must perform a well-structured bibliography. 


Profile Essay Writing: How To Master The Assignment At Ease

A profile essay is the type of essay where you describe a particular personality, talk about the overall environment around the event and help the readers feel the real atmosphere. It is time to work on the informative task and express your writing skills. Today we are talking about writing a profile essay. What is it? The main task of the paper is to describe the object or a person. Your main focus should be a detailed description of a phenomenon, person, or any other object. 

What are the requirements for the paper? First of all, you should be detailed. There’s no place for generalization. You need to perform the character of the event or person clearly to the reader. The second objective is the factual part of the writing. You should make it interesting for the readers. But your key task is also to stick to the truth and perform the information. There are so many details to manage. 

This article will serve you as a guide. You will find useful tips to manage the assignment at ease. Here are the tips to be a step-by-step guide. Let’s start and see what issues should be done to perform a coherent and interesting paper. 

A Simple Guide to Writing a Profile Essay Like a Pro

Before you start working on the paper and express ideas to the readers, you should have an outline. This is a basic guide that will help you focus on the right tasks in your work. Here are some of the most important steps for you to achieve your writing goals. 

Work on the Topic

The choice of the topic is a challenging part of the assignment. You may get astonished by the number of ideas that can be described in the paper. If you get the topic from the professor, there’s less work to be done. But there are cases when you have to make up the ideas on your own. 

When you have to choose the theme, you should consider the relevance of the discussion. Will it be interesting to the readers? What about your interest in the topic? You should be highly engaged in the writing process to cope with the task professionally. Choose the issues that have been examined properly so that you have enough data to work with. But try not to opt for extremely popular topics. 

Get Inspired by Professional Materials

When you start working on the paper, there must be something to rely on. It is always better to have some basic knowledge as a backbone for your paper. When you get the topic, it is time to research the issue. What is the topic? Is it about a person or an event? What necessary things happened that you must note in the paper? 

To reveal the material to the readers, you must have expertise in the issues. For this reason, go ahead and check the information online. What are the interesting facts that you can insert in writing? What crucial aspects should be noted in work? By reading additional materials and examining the information online, you will learn enough to cover the essay writing. Moreover, you can get inspired by the samples. It will make the process of managing the task easier and more beneficial. 

Get Ready for Writing 

Now it’s time to write. There are common cases when you have the chance to interview the person who’s the subject of your writing. In this case, you should pose coherent questions and note down the answers properly. But when you either don’t have a chance or need for the interview, you should start writing. 

First off, start with the intricate introduction. You have to show the readers the significance of the topic. What is special about the issue? Now you need to move to the main part and discuss the details. This is the time to perform a detailed description. And you finish the whole paper by concluding the writing. Your key objective is to raise interest in the audience and give them the right vibe of the described situation. 

Final Words

It is an easy task to write a profile essay. You have read about the useful tips to get to the task like a pro. A grid preparation and focus on the topic will make your paper perfect. If you learn the rules, use our tips and choose a topic correctly, your paper will attract attention from the readers and impress them a lot. 

Technology Topic For Immaculate Essay Writing Experience

Technology writing is not a technical experience. You don’t need to be good at different technological aspects to manage the task. Your major point is to research the types of technologies, find the topic, and research. This article will accentuate the main attention on the specificity of technology writing and offer an extensive list of topics. 

Covering the technology essay may be tough for students. The aspect of technology is highly discussed these days. The popularity of the questions is defined by the tendencies in the world of digitalization. It has become a common task in colleges and universities. This is a great way to check a student’s knowledge and a general understanding of the topic. 

Technology: A Substantial Part of Our Life in 21st Century

What is technology? Here are 7 types of technologies. You may deal with medical technology, which is on top of the list. It is an indispensable part of the life of people all over the world. Without proper knowledge of medical technology, people wouldn’t have survived in a world full of dangers. The second type is called assisting technology. This is a critical technology that supports people unable to manage regular things on a day-to-day basis. 

The third type covers a huge number of devices. It is called entertainment technology. These are well-known phones, laptops, tablets, and other gadgets to play games and entertain. Another type of technology is highly used in the business environment. It is called productivity technology. What does it do? The objective of the technology is to facilitate different business processes with the help of gadgets. The tasks become less intricate when the use of technological novelties is performed. 

The fifth type of technology is aimed at teaching purposes. Studying without gadgets would be impossible today. The education system needs fast and responsive support from technological developments. Interactive boards, huge screens, and other devices make studying procedures more effective and easier these days. The next type is crucial for day-to-day communication between people. This is communication technology that makes online communication possible. These are various messengers, emails, fax tools, and other gadgets. 

The last type of technology from the list is architecture technology. This is something that we can’t live without. Different intricate mechanisms are used to build a house for people to live in. It is an indispensable technology type important to develop various buildings for people’s well-being. 

The Importance of Technology Use in the Modern World

People can’t live without the fruits of technological development. Different gadgets, tools, and mechanisms have become a great part of our daily life. We manage simple actions and processes with the use of technology, and it is amazing. People can develop faster, work from different parts of the world and soak the information by using portable gadgets. Crucial industries work faster due to the use of innovative tools. We can’t imagine our life with the lack of important gadgets that we are used to. 

To raise awareness in students, it is important to focus attention on this topic. It can be easily done by including essay writing tasks on the topic. It is necessary to increase knowledge about technology issues. If you have the task to write about technology, it is necessary to get the list of topics. Here’s the list of relevant topics to cover in the paper. If you have little inspiration and can’t come up with ideas, here’s your source of inspiration. 

Technology Topics: Online Helper for Students

  1. What technology will upcoming years bring to the world? 
  2. Are there any perspectives in gen engineering?
  3. How do scientists recombine DNA? Can we tolerate such scientific games? 
  4. What were the epochs of media developments? 
  5. Do we experience the shift in personal relationships with the advent of the technological revolution? 
  6. How was the technology used in biogenetics in the previous century? 
  7. How many people are addicted to the Internet? Can we live without informational flows at least for a day? 
  8. What are the good sides of fictional technological developments? 
  9. Can we reach the technological perfection depicted in fictional movies? 
  10. Can we state that the media portrays technology wrongly? 
  11. IT industry and its effect on the current economic market. 
  12. Is it harmful to work in IT? What dangers can you face when being a programmer, for example? What is the opposite side of working in IT? 
  13. What is the concept of tech wars in the 21st century? Are there any examples of tech wars? 
  14. How can technology bear the relationships between people in the company? 
  15. What is the concept of tech development in Japan?
  16. What is tech bullying? What are the signs of Internet bullying? 
  17. What technologies are thought to be the most dangerous for people? 
  18. Do we need to use computers less? What’s important to know when you work with computers all day long?
  19. How to choose a cell phone? What are the options, and what do you need your phone for? 
  20. What is the most promising industry these days? 
  21. Should technologies be accessible for everyone? What are the restrictions in terms of the use of technologies? 
  22. What is the phenomenon of robotics? Do we face a revolution in the world of robotics? Should we be afraid of new so-called human beings entering our reality? 
  23. How can people research space? What are the tools to explore more about space? Who has ever entered space? 
  24. Artificial Intelligence and the history of its development: who started the era of AI?
  25. The use of technological advances in the education system. How do students benefit from the tech perspectives? 
  26. Could we ever replace teachers with tech tools and gadgets? 
  27. What are the most common trends in the education field? 
  28. How is AI used during online classes? 
  29. Can we say that Artificial Intelligence is creative? 
  30. What is revolutionary about AI? 

These topics will help you write the paper easily. When you have a good topic, you can research the information with pleasure and come to impressive conclusions.

Tips to Write a Winning Essay on Technology

If you want to win great points and impress the readers with your knowledge of the topic, you should turn to helpful pieces of advice. Here are some of the tips to help you manage the assignment:

  • Choose the topic that you like. You may be interested in the issues, but it is also necessary to have some theoretical understanding of the topic. 
  • Choose the topical issues and formulate your topic. There are many alternatives on the web. You can adjust any of the topics from the list to your preferences. 
  • Read a lot and focus on the exact questions. Your task is to find information about the issues and focus on the topical questions. 
  • Look for relevant articles. There should be clear scientific evidence that your research relies on. 

These simple tips will give you enough support at the beginning of your writing. If you need a helpful hand in your paper writing experience, you should try these writing tips. They are great for thorough preparation. 

Final Words

You may think that writing a technology topic is a challenge for students. In reality, covering the issues is easy when you have a coherent guide. This article covers all the necessary aspects to manage a perfect essay and choose the topic easily. By reading the guide, you will get into important writing aspects and learn the best way to work on the task. There’s nothing easier when you have the plan to follow. 


Social Work Research Topics: Interesting Ideas for Your Paper

Social work as an independent scientific discipline and direction of professional activity is actively developed and studied by many interested students in different countries. This is evidenced by a large number of centers, departments, divisions, faculties, and institutes around the world, where you can get a diploma as a social worker at both bachelor’s and master’s levels. Of course, the training of specialists in social work has its own national characteristics, but almost everywhere, there are common trends, the main among which is the separation of social work as a scientific discipline and area of ​​practical professional activity.


The main objective of the discipline is to achieve the following educational results:

  • Form students’ ideas about the theoretical foundations of social work, the main problems associated with the development of social work as a scientific discipline and practical activity, scientific models and theories of social work;
  • Expand the students’ thesaurus by mastering the basic concepts with the help of which the organization of work in the social sphere, activities within the framework of social policy, the introduction of models, and the use of methods of social work in various spheres of life are described;
  • Develop the ability to navigate in related areas of scientific knowledge to attract their achievements to the study and solution of social problems, diagnose the situation of individual clients and groups that require increased efficiency and quality of social work.


In the course of mastering the discipline, students perform a number of tasks in order to acquire new knowledge and skills. In particular, they regularly write essays, reports, term papers, theses and also complete research work on various topics.

Selection of Social Work Research Topics

The topic of research should reflect the main idea, objectives, provisions that need to be explored. One of the criteria for choosing a topic should be its relevance to current trends in social work theory and practice.

The recommended thematic is developed in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics of specialists at the request of the head and approved at a meeting of the Department of Social Work.

The topics for research are usually formulated in accordance with the directions of research thematic of the Department of Social Work, modern achievements in the relevant subject area of social work, and social policy. The topics are reviewed and updated annually. The student chooses the interesting topic from those proposed by the department and agrees on it with the supervisor.

The student can offer the research subject on condition of substantiation of expediency of its development, acquaintance with analytical reviews and articles in scientific professional editions, as well as taking into account own scientific interests, which were manifested during the writing of term papers and speeches at scientific conferences.

The title of the topic of the work should be clear, concise, and not contain ambiguous interpretation.

To choose a good topic, the student is recommended to study the literature on the problem, which is part of his research interests, in particular, to get acquainted with both domestic and foreign publications.

After the final coordination of the research topic with the supervisor, the procedure of approval of the topic in accordance with the requirements takes place.

Interesting Social Work Research Topics Divided into Categories

Social work as a scientific discipline includes various directions of study, so there are different types of social work research. In this regard, below, we will provide interesting social work research topics by dividing them into categories.

Social Medicine

Here is a list of interesting ideas for writing a paper on social medicine:

  1. Disease risk factors as potentially hazardous to health factors of a behavioral, biological, genetic, ecological, social nature, environment, and work environment that increase the likelihood of developing diseases, their progression, and unfavorable outcome;
  2. Health resource, health potential, and health balance as criteria for assessing individual health;
  3. Physical activity as one of the basic needs underlying the formation of human health;
  4. Social medicine in the structure of social and medical knowledge;
  5. Organizational and legal issues of health insurance.

Social Ecology

If you are interested in social ecology, consider some cool topics to research:

  1. Global and regional socio-ecological problems;
  2. Stages of the formation of the relationship between nature and society: hunting and gathering culture, agrarian culture, industrial society, post-industrial society;
  3. The most important characteristics of a person as a subject of socio-ecological interaction: needs, adaptability, mechanisms of adaptation;
  4. Socio-ecological views and concepts of sustainable development of leading ecological parties and movements;
  5. The problem of the formation of ecological consciousness in the younger generation.

Social Politics

The following social politics topics are relevant today:

  1. The interrelation of subjects of state social politics and regional social politics;
  2. Social politics measures to ensure social security;
  3. Normative and legislative acts in relation to persons in need of social assistance and support;
  4. History and international experience of social insurance organization;
  5. Activities of social services to implement the main directions of social politics.

History of Social Work

Here are some interesting ideas for writing a paper on the history of social work:

  1. Historical forms of social assistance;
  2. Social assistance in the Ancient World and in the Middle Ages;
  3. The main models of social work at the present stage;
  4. Social work trends in contemporary Western Europe;
  5. International social work organizations and international legal instruments in the field of social work.

Organization, Management, and Administration in Social Work

You may also like the following topics:

  1. The role and place of social services in the management of social work;
  2. Organizational and administrative methods of management in social services: essence, differences from other methods, tendencies of their transformation at the present stage of development of management thought;
  3. Control is the process of administering a social organization: concept, principles, functions;
  4. Elements of labor organization in social services: division of workers according to labor functions, labor cooperation, organization of employees’ workplaces, wage rates, labor discipline;
  5. Information systems and technologies in the management of social work.

Conflictology in Social Work

Those who are involved in the study of conflictology in social work should definitely study the following themes:

  1. Conflictology in social work as a system of special scientific knowledge;
  2. The social nature, causes, and nature of interpersonal conflicts in social work;
  3. The structure of the conflict and the main stages of its course;
  4. Conflict resolution process. Human behavior in a conflict situation;
  5. Theory and practice of predicting and preventing conflicts in social work.

Social Statistics

Consider the topics for research on social statistics:

  1. The population as an object of statistical study. Study of the population size, its composition, and distribution over the territory of the country;
  2. A statistical study of the economic activity of the population, employment, and unemployment;
  3. Methods for assessing the standard of living;
  4. Principles of calculating integral indicators of the quality of life of the population;
  5. Social protection concept and methodology of social protection statistics.

We hope that in this article, you will find those social work issues that will form the basis for your further research! If you cannot choose or have any difficulties in writing a paper on a selected topic, contact professional writers and get high-quality and quick help.


Valuable Information for Students on How to Create Thesis Statements for Research Papers

As it is known, each research paper has a thesis statement. It expresses the main idea of work, captures the scientific point of view of the author, and contains materials that have not been published before. Thanks to a well-written thesis, the author has the opportunity to create a reputation as a specialist who is able to logically and convincingly, clearly, and easily express the results of own work.

It is important to master the technique of writing a statement in a timely manner. It must meet the requirements of the genre and be perceived by readers and listeners accordingly. This makes certain demands on the logic of the thesis, its form, and style.

Writing a Thesis for a Research Paper: Tips from Professional Writers

A good thesis is a consequence of well-done research. It is unlikely that you will be able to create a good unique thesis for research work, which is written at a low level and does not meet the established requirements for content and design. Therefore, get ready for active work.

Consider the tips from professional writers about the organization of your research work and the specificity of writing a perfect thesis statement:

  • Take responsibility for the formulation of the theme of your work. Do not miss the opportunity to consider the issue in lectures, seminars, or practical classes. Write down those aspects of the issue that arise in your colleagues during the discussion so that you can take time to analyze them later. Consider scientific publications and check if there are already similar studies on the selected topic;
  • Think about the basic design of your paper. Avoid bringing many questions in work, it is better to present the material logically, consistently revealing the topic. Simple presentation schemes are more effective than complex ones;
  • Take the time to think about your hypothesis. The indication that differences will be found between groups is too general. According to the law of individuation, differences will always be observed. Therefore, you need to think about what they will be and specify expectations;
  • Work tirelessly. Any gaps in your knowledge will appear in the way you describe the processing of your data and present the results obtained;
  • Study the guidelines that set out the basic rules for the design of research work and strictly follow them. Today it is very important to complete the work, clearly observing the requirements for line spacing, margins, font, link design, etc. Papers that do not meet the established requirements are not accepted by teachers;
  • Direct citation in a statement is undesirable. If the citation is very important in your research, it confirms and argues for certain positions, then most likely, you cannot avoid it. Then be sure to correctly cite the borrowed passage, citing information about the author and publication in brackets after completing the quotation;
  • You will most likely be using some well-known techniques in your research. Do not forget that they should always be accompanied by a link to the author, title, and place of publication;
  • The thesis statement can partially or completely repeat the title of a paper. But the thesis cannot consist only of the title of work, and it should be broader and highlight the main idea of the research;
  • The main idea may include an answer to one of the following questions: what was studied? (determination of the main problem, characteristic of its novelty and level of relevance, identification of the theoretical and practical value of the research); how was the research conducted? (the research methodology is described, the characteristics of the sampling and the methods used are given); what conclusions can be drawn? (the main conclusions are provided, and the results that have been obtained are described);
  • The main idea of ​​your work (that is, the thesis statement) should not repeat one of the fragments of the completed work. The idea should not be written from some fragment but follow from the research as a whole. Use other words and phrases (but not that are already used in a particular section of your paper) to formulate your thesis. At the same time, try to maintain logical connections.

Role and Importance of the Thesis Statement for Research Work

You, perhaps, have already understood that the thesis is a visual-logical combination of scientific material with a common idea. It has the character of a short affirmative opinion or conclusion, the regularity of the discovered scientific facts. But what is its role? Read below about this. 

The main purpose of a statement in research work is to:

  • Acquaint readers with the general content of the study;
  • Represent the main information about your investigation to readers in an accessible and convenient form;
  • Describe the results of scientific work and make it the property of specialists interested in obtaining relevant information;
  • Set author priority;
  • Certify personal contribution as a researcher in the solution of a scientific problem;
  • Confirm the reliability of the basic results and findings of the research, its novelty, and level;
  • Settle the fact of approbation and implementation of results and conclusions of scientific work;
  • Display the main content of scientific work and the completion of a certain stage of research.

Typical Structures of the Thesis Statement

The statement has a certain normative, content-compositional structure. There are three typical structures:

  1. Statement of a problem or task;
  2. Results of the research;
  3. New methods of work.

Basic Aspects of Writing a Thesis Related to “Problem Statement”

When writing a thesis according to the structure “Statement of a problem or task”, you can provide the following blocks of information:

  • The actuality of theme;
  • Review of existing points of view on the problem or description of the situation in the scientific field;
  • Own thoughts on this topic;
  • Expected research;
  • The task or problem that is posed for further solution.

It is inadmissible to include in scientific work unsubstantiated statements such as: “In connection with the anti-people policy of N government, a situation has arisen in the country that leads to complete socio-economic decadence”. It is better to rephrase as follows: “According to V research, social tensions in our country have grown significantly as a result of economic transformations in the first stage of the transition process”.

Do not try to convince the reader of anything by appealing to moral and ethical categories. Consider an interesting example: “It’s our purpose to give the students the best we have!”. You also should not put too many exclamation marks in your statement.

Basic Aspects of Writing a Thesis Describing the “Research Results”

The following blocks of information can be presented in the thesis of this type:

  • Basic provisions or hypothesis;
  • Applied methods;
  • Sampling parameters;
  • Intermediate results (if necessary);
  • Main results;
  • Interpretation and conclusions.

You should not repeat other people’s experiments. Before publishing results, it is necessary to check whether they have been published before. This is especially necessary if you are making an obvious hypothesis. If you find similar data, then mention them in work and compare them with your own results. One of the most common mistakes is the lack of indication of the research method. That is, the author writes in a statement: “The level of knowledge and skills of students has increased, which contributed to…”. Without mentioning the research method, these words are insignificant because no one will be able to repeat these data, and it will also be difficult to understand them. After all, the essence of the results obtained by a person depends on what method he/she uses.

It is recommended to interpret the results obtained in connection with the hypotheses stated at the beginning of the text and the objectives of the study.

Basic Aspects of Writing a Thesis Representing the “New Methods of Work”

In the thesis describing the “New methods of work,” it is recommended to present:

  • Characteristic of existing methodology;
  • Characteristic of the new method;
  • Description of application results;
  • Evaluation of the advantages and limitations of the new methodology.

This can be a methodology of practical work developed by the author or a description of the results of testing the existing method in new conditions.

How to Start a Thesis?

If you have difficulty defining a thesis and you do not know how to start writing, then try to identify as clearly as possible the main problem of your research, unambiguously formulate your idea. This will allow you to formulate a good start.

Persuasive or Informative Thesis Statement?

Before formulating the statement, you need to determine what is the general aim of your work: to persuade the reader of something or provide enough informative data, based on which the reader can draw his/her own conclusion. So, you need to choose what will be the thesis: persuasive or informative.

The persuasive thesis is usually based on the following levels: the logic of evidence and the sequence of their linguistic presentation, the relevance of arguments, their specificity, and diversity.

The informative thesis well reveals the content of the whole paper, conveys important factual and theoretical information.

2 Different Styles of Thesis Statement

There are two styles of statements:

  1. Written on the content of scientific material;
  2. Written before the study.

The first style is characterized by a significant reduction in the volume of the text of scientific material with maximum preservation of its content. If the author does not have enough material, it is difficult for him/her to express thoughts briefly. There is often a situation of the second style – first of all, a thesis is written, which over time expands to the size of research work. The main difficulty of the second style is that the author has not fully formulated own idea of ​​what he/she wants to cover. Although, in scientific research – this is the norm. First comes the idea that needs to be written down.

Successful Formula for Creating a Strong Thesis Statement

No matter how much we explain how to write a strong statement, it will be ineffective if do not provide a general formula. Therefore, below we want to represent a formula that you can use as a basis for writing your thesis:

The subordinate clause referring to the opposing side claims the central idea.

Consider the below example: 

The integration of the school uniform can lead to a violation of the individual self-expression of students. However, the introduction of school uniforms will contribute to the formation of positive discipline and lead to a decrease in the burden on those parents who are hampered due to unnecessary costs, which as a result will be a good experience for all participant’s educational process.

Good Thesis Statement Examples

Within the framework of this review, it also seems appropriate to consider good examples of a thesis for research work.

College Education

Here are some examples of theses on college education:

  • Independent work is needed not only for a student to master the content of a particular discipline but also for the formation of his ability to take responsibility, solve problems independently, find constructive solutions and solutions to problem situations;
  • The organization of the educational process in a modern college should be based on the principles of the adequacy of scientific, cognitive, informational, and methodological support, which is the basis for independent acquisition and understanding of knowledge and expression of creative and research initiative of each;
  • The development of distance learning will continue and improve with the development of Internet technologies and the improvement of distance learning methods.

Health and Medicine

Examples of theses on health and medicine:

  • One of the most difficult problems in diagnostic, treatment, and economic relations in the structure of cardiovascular diseases is hypertension;
  • Low health of student youth, the prevalence of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, epidemic spread of HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, hepatitis, deterioration of reproductive health requires the development of a culture of student health as an important factor in preventing and overcoming such negative phenomena in society.

Social Services

Pay attention to the following examples:

  • Improving the quality of social services should be done by informing the public about social services; introducing state standards of social services; determining criteria for the activities of entities providing social services; introducing case management technology and a mechanism for monitoring and quality control of social services;
  • An important element in the formation of the market for social services should be the development of the private sector by introducing a social procurement mechanism, determining the cost of social services, and introducing the mechanism of social partnership.

So, writing a thesis for research is not such an easy assignment as it might seem at first glance. However, this article’s examples and recommendations will surely help you cope with the task successfully.


Writing Conventions For Students

Academic writing is a traditional type of competence. Nowadays, it becomes more relevant in the development of international exchanges, information processes, and academic mobility. Every modern person should understand its boundaries, characteristics, features, structure, and so on. Quite often, academic writing is perceived only within the framework of either the study of grammar, morphology, specific rules of word usage, although it is more a discipline of language culture, or limited to the study of scientific style, structure, logic, content of the scientific text. Undoubtedly, academic writing and the culture of scientific language are related but not identical disciplines. After all, an English teacher cannot replace a German teacher, although both are doctors of philosophy in the field of philology.


The basis of academic writing is metalinguistic skills, i.e., the ability to read and understand the text, analyze it, assess what is written critically, formulate individual, an authorial and specific position, and so on. Academic writing deals with theories and causes that govern everyday life processes and practices and explores alternative explanations for these events. Academic writing aims to teach you to express and justify your own ideas with a short, convincing, and conveniently organized scientific text.

What Are Writing Conventions?

As you have probably already understood, successful academic writing requires adherence to a certain style and conventions. Academic writing conventions are those general speech rules that allow the writer to create a literate, clear, consistent text and the reader – to understand it quickly and completely.

Main Types of Writing Conventions

If you want to know how to teach conventions in writing, you should understand there is a wide variety of them. But spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation conventions are considered the main ones. Their mastering enables the writer to create high-quality essays and other papers on a variety of topics.


Spelling literacy as a part of general language culture is formed as a result of studying the theory, conscious mastering of spelling rules, and conducting a system of training exercises that ensure the development of the necessary skills and abilities. Spelling skills are formed in the process of acquiring knowledge, and the mechanism of the formation of spelling skills consists in the formation of a chain of temporal connections (associations).


The most common spelling rules include the following:


  • Use of a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, in proper names;
  • Use of an apostrophe;
  • The spelling of words with prefixes;
  • Writing different parts of speech.


Grammar is a set of connections that allow you to quickly and successfully understand and assimilate new practical material. Regarding the main goals of teaching grammar in educational institutions, its task is to form students’ grammatical skills in productive and receptive types of speech activity within the grammatical minimum defined by the program.


The framework of grammar consists of three elements:


  • The order of words, on which even the meaning of a word very often depends;
  • Use of service and structural words;
  • Use of endings, suffixes, and prefixes.


In terms of syntax, the fixed order of words and the frame construction of a simple and contracted sentence attract attention.


Punctuation competence is an educational subject, as its formation takes place in language lessons (the study of punctuation material, the formation of spelling skills, their application in speech lessons, in the construction of own dialogic and monologue expressions, and their punctuation in writing).


Thus, the structure of punctuation competence can be represented as follows:


  • Knowledge of the system of punctuation marks and the rules of their use;
  • Basic punctuation skills;
  • Ability to construct and punctuate expressions correctly in oral and written form.


As it is known, the capital letter carries an informative load primarily or performs a distinguishing and stylistic function. Knowledge of the rules of capitalization allows you to use the capital letter correctly (at the beginning of the sentence, in proper names, etc.) and make good abbreviations.

Basic Writing Conventions for College Students

Of course, conventions and mechanics in writing may vary depending on the content of a paper as well as the general style used. But there are still a number of conventions that must be considered and followed by modern college students:


  • Conditionally divide the material into small parts;
  • Follow the structure: thesis-argument-conclusion;
  • Logically connect theses and arguments;
  • Concisely move to a new thought;
  • Do not forget about the insert words;
  • Carefully correct the remarks;
  • Coordinate tasks with paragraphs;
  • Quote correctly;
  • Make the right links;
  • Follow the rules of spelling and grammar;
  • Avoid repetitions;
  • Properly place punctuation marks;
  • Start writing each new sentence with a capital letter.

Writing Conventions for Different Writing Styles

Here are the basic conventions for different styles:


  • Narrative writing must have a plot, characters, and installation;
  • Expository writing should explain, give a clear characteristic;
  • Descriptive writing is a detailed description of the object of study;
  • Argumentative writing should convince the reader by giving good arguments.


Learn some examples of conventions mentioned in this article and create quality essays quickly and easily!


Compare and Contrast Essay Outline: Two Approaches to Creation

As it is known, the essay is an important component of students’ independent work, the implementation of which aims for the development of skills in working with educational and special literature, the formation of skills of analysis, systematization, expansion, and deepening theoretical knowledge of the discipline, mastering the skills to make scientific generalizations and conclusions, express proposals for solving a particular problem.

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay and What Are the Features of Its Organization?

If you want to determine the main characteristics of a comparison and contrast essay, you should pay attention that this is a type of paper in which some objects are compared and contrasted through the application of the analysis method; the most significant features, differences, and advantages are revealed. When preparing to write this type of essay, you should identify those views, ideas, and objects that are either quite related or opposite. This allows for good analysis in work.

Writing a compare and contrast essay outline is an important step in creating a paper. It should be clear, consistent, and understandable to readers. There are two approaches for the organization: a compare and contrast essay outline. It seems appropriate to consider each of them in detail.

Point-by-Point Pattern

The Point-by-Point method alternately gives arguments about two objects that are compared or contrasted in an essay.

A Point-by-Point scheme usually looks like this:

  • Introduction
  • Item 1 – characteristics of 1 object
  • Item 1 – characteristics of the 2 object
  • Revealing the relationship between 1 and 2 objects
  • Item 2 – characteristics of 1 object
  • Item 2 – characteristics of the 2nd object
  • Revealing the relationship between 1 and 2 objects
  • Etc.
  • Conclusion


As practice shows, it is more convenient for readers to study a compare and contrast essay compiled in accordance with the Point-by-Point method since the differences and similarities are more obvious when placed next to each other. This method is more suitable for high-volume papers.

Block Pattern

When organizing a compare and contrast essay outline in accordance with the Block method, the author must first provide all the features of 1 object and then 2. After that, a comparative analysis is carried out with the identification of similar and dissimilar features.

The Block scheme looks like this:

  • Introduction
  • Point 1 about the first object
  • Point 2 about the first object
  •  Etc.
  • Point 1 about the second object (with the identification of relation to the first object)
  • Point 2 about the second object (with the identification of relation to the first object)
  • Etc.
  • Conclusion

This method of organizing an outline is more complex than Point-by-Point, but it is also used effectively by writers.

How to Structure a Compare and Contrast Essay?

The presentation of the material is carried out in accordance with a pre-thought structure. The structure’s presence allows to reveal only those issues that relate to the topic, provide clarity and consistency of the material, the ability to prevent repetition, and organize independent work effectively.

General Structure of the Essay

Regardless of which method of the organization an outline you choose, the paper should include four main structural components:

  1. Introduction, where the relevance of the topic is substantiated, the purpose, tasks, object, and subject of research are formulated, methods are determined, the structure of research is indicated;
  2. The main part consists of paragraphs (at least two), which reveal the problem under study;
  3. Conclusions, which contain brief generalizations and suggestions that should be clearly stated and have a complete form. They must follow from the essence of the work and tasks defined by the student in the introduction;
  4. References. The bibliography indicates all publications used in the preparation of the work. Publications to which there are no references in the text of the work are not indicated in the list.

Arrangement of Compare and Contrast Essay Paragraphs

The content of the paragraphs must correspond exactly to the topic of the work. The paragraphs should demonstrate the student’s ability to concisely, logically, and argumentatively present the material, compare and contrast objects, identify similarities and dissimilarities, and draw conclusions.

How to Compare Paragraphs?

The comparison should be made in such a way as to establish as closely as possible the similarities between the objects under study. The method of comparison will be effective if the following requirements are met: only such phenomena can be compared, between which there can be a certain objective commonality; the comparison should be made on the most important, essential (for a specific task) features.

With the help of comparison, information about the object can be obtained in two ways:

  1. Direct comparison (primary information);
  2. Processing of primary data (secondary or derived information).

How to Contrast Paragraphs?

The contrast allows determining the differences between the studied objects. Considerable attention should be paid to the substantiation of the obtained results and the presentation of strong arguments.

Interesting Topics for Quality Papers

The crucial moment in the process of essay execution is the choice of the research problem and its topic. The theme of the work must be relevant, in line with the current state and prospects of science. Its relevance lies in the study of both theoretical and practical issues. The title should be as short as possible, indicating the purpose of the study and its completion. It is not desirable to use complicated pseudoscientific terminology in the title. You should avoid titles that begin with the words “Research question…”, “Research some ways…”, “Some questions…”, “Study materials…”, etc., in which the essence of the problem is not sufficiently reflected.


Regarding the shortcomings in the choice of topics, it should be noted that sometimes students are interested in broad topics and do not want to consider narrow questions. However, works that address a wide range of issues are characterized by superficiality and declarativeness, without in-depth and detailed analysis, as observed in the coverage of narrow topics.

In the framework of this article, it seems appropriate to list some interesting compare and contrast essay topics below:

  • Health as a public task and a personal need;
  • Work as an integral part of existence, its positive and negative impact on health;
  • Disease prevention as a biological and social problem;
  • Bad habits: drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, and their consequences;
  • General and special physical training, their goals and objectives;
  • The role of digestive, respiratory, and circulatory organs in human life;
  • Informatization and computerization;
  • Elements of the WWW service – Web-page, Web-site, Web-server;
  • Psychology and philosophy. Collision points;
  • Characteristics of modern main directions, theories, and concepts of general psychology;
  • Classification of methods of general psychology: methods of natural science and humanities psychology;
  • Personal and property rights and responsibilities of the spouses;
  • Guardianship and custody; adoption; patronage over children;
  • Biological diversity of spherical, rod-shaped, and pleomorphic bacteria;
  • Features of the cell wall structure of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
  • The internal structure of the Earth and characteristic of the methods of its study;
  • Features of earthquake propagation on continents;
  • Modern learning technologies: subject-oriented and personality-oriented;
  • Interactive teaching methods in high school;
  • Advantages of hypertext and electronic textbooks over traditional textbooks.

In conclusion, we should note that the text of an essay must be edited, stylistically sustained as a scientific study. The final design of the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements.


How To Write A Process Analysis Essay Properly

A process analysis essay is a specific type of essay writing. It is the main issue to be discussed in the article. The essay has its peculiar features. If you want to write the paper well, you should know these specifications. 

How to write a process analysis essay? The task is easy if you know the peculiarities of the writing strategy. In our article, we will discuss what a process analysis essay is and how to deal with the assignment. 

The task is thought to be a demanding one. But in reality, you don’t need to work that hard on the task and spend hours preparing for the writing. All you need is to work on the structure, learn the basic types of the process analysis essay and write your thoughts on the paper. Let’s start working on the paper together. 

Process Analysis Essay: What Is It?

First of all, let’s touch on a very important issue. It is the definition of the task. Not every student knows what a process analysis essay is. In short, it is an essay that explains how things work. You can describe the process or the event. Your main task is to help the reader understand the details of the particular process. 

You can write about the recipe, a phenomenon, or an event. You can describe a process and draw the attention of the readers to some peculiar steps during the process. As you can see, the idea of the essay is quite simple. The most crucial here is to be logical. If you don’t write the steps coherently, the writing would be pointless. 

You can choose from a wide range of topics. There are so many things to discuss when you are working on the process analysis essay. You can start with cleaning issues and tell in detail about the organizing things. Or you can choose a more global issue and discuss it more detailedly. The choice is yours. If you aren’t restricted to specific requirements, you can choose whatever you want. 

Why do some students think that a process analysis essay is a complicated one? The thing is that working on paper is a very detailed process. You need to consider every single aspect to render the idea fully. But everything is possible if you follow the correct structure. 

Let’s work on the structure and see how the sections of the paper should be organized. 

Process Analysis Essay Structure: How To Organize The Text

Like any other piece of writing, a process analysis essay should be well written. You can’t ignore the structural parts of the paper. There are three basic elements that you should remember about. 


The first structural element is the introduction. This is an obvious part. Students can often underestimate the significance of the introductory section. But this is the most crucial section of the text. At the very beginning, you need to show the reader the actual process. 

Your task is to represent the topic. You should be consistent with your text. Your first task is to show the topic. Make sure the audience understands it. If you fail this part, the whole paper can be written badly. 

In the introductory part, you need to focus mainly on the topic. Tell me about the process shortly. You don’t need to describe it. You will do it in the body section. Here you should simply tell a few words about the process. 

You can also mention why you decided on this process over another. What is the reason why you liked this one? What influenced you to choose this process or phenomenon? You can touch upon these questions. They aren’t necessary. But you can still add them to your introduction. 

Another thing to mention at the beginning of the text is the significance. You should convince the readers that describing the process makes sense. Write clearly why the detailed description may help the readers. This way, the writing will have more practical value. 

Preparation Part 

When you are over with the introduction, it’s time to move to the most interesting part. There are several things that you should remember:

  • First of all, you need to list everything needed for the process. What are the necessary materials? What should the readers have before they start working on the process? It is crucial information. If you miss it, the whole writing would make no sense. 
  • Then, you should draw the attention of the reader to all possible risks. If there are any dangerous aspects, you need to mention them. 
  • The final thing to mention is the section with the tips. You also need to recommend the reader’s initial tips. These are the pieces of advice that may help manage the process better and easier. You need to think about them and include them in the main body. 

These three steps are important for the text. You can’t miss them. If you want your process analysis essay to be useful, you need to work on it. 

Process Description

When you do these steps, you can start describing the process. It’s up to you how many parts you want to include. You can briefly describe the process and avoid the details. Or you can provide a well-developed description. 

The choice is yours. But remember to work on the consistency of the writing. The more logical you are, the better readers will understand the message. 

You should point out the main steps. You can also write some additional steps. But they should be organically distributed in the text. 

Useful Tips to Cope with the Process Analysis Essay

Before you start writing a paper, you need to get prepared for it. You can’t simply describe the process. You need to provide a well-organized guide. For this reason, you should be well-prepared. 

  • Choose the process. This is the first thing to do. You need to choose the topic and then find the process to write about. 
  • When you are done with the main topic, you need to research the material. You can perform a good plan only when you know everything about the process. Read about it, watch videos, or research additional literature. You should be an expert to teach others. 
  • Check the information. You need to provide only relevant data. 

These are basic tips that may help you. When you create an outline, you manage the work faster. It is necessary to work on the outline beforehand to provide a well-organized process analysis essay. 


Process analysis essay writing is fun. You can learn new things or become better at well-known processes. It is always interesting to explain things to others. If you want to help the readers understand this or that process, prepare for the writing carefully. 


Simple Guide On How To Write An Analytical Essay

What is an analytical essay? This is an academic paper that focuses on the discussion of an important historic event, a story, or a literature work. In the article, we will figure out how to manage the writing and make it more organized. Let’s start with the discussion. 

Analytical Essay: What Is It?

First of all, it is important to understand what an analytical essay is. You need to understand the specificity of the paper before you start working on it. In short, an analytical essay is a careful analysis of a work. Your task as a writer is to ensure that the readers receive a complete and well-structured overview of the work of another writer. 

The scope of works for analysis can vary. You may work on a literature article or be forced to analyze specific scientific research. There are also various philosophical works or current news. In some cases, you can be asked to analyze a journal, magazine, or article from the periodicals. 

When writing an analytical essay, you should convey the core message of the work. This is the purpose that every writer should follow. You need to help the reader understand the main thought of the work being analyzed. By overviewing the works of other authors, you can help the reader learn more about the texts, their peculiar characteristics, the arguments, and basic ideas. 

The writer needs to work on such tasks. You can’t be a good writer if you don’t practice your analytical thinking. This is why writing an analytical essay is a beneficial activity. Let’s look at the most helpful tips for the writer. 

Tips to Write an Analytical Essay

Before you write an essay, you should research the material and get prepared for writing. But what to start from? Let’s look at the list of tips and figure out how to work on the assignment. 

  • Choose the main point. First of all, you need to identify what would be the major issue of the paper. You can deal with several ideas in the text. But first of all, you need to choose the major question. This will be an anchor for the whole story. 
  • Work on the introduction. This is the first part of the paper. Here you need to reveal the topic and hook the readers. Your global task here is to interest the audience. You should work well in the opening section. If the readers don’t understand it they may refuse to read the rest of the research. This is why you should carefully structure the text and provide the information. 
  • When the introduction is almost done, you need to work on the thesis sentence. This is a closing sentence for the introductory section. You should express the topic in one sentence and hint to the readers what is to be discussed in the following paragraphs. 
  • Work on the main part of the essay. In the body paragraphs, your task is to discuss the main topic in detail. You need to analyze the ideas here. Try to be organized and structure the paper correctly. It is necessary to use a separate paragraph to discuss the idea. 
  • The paragraphs can’t be wordy. You need to develop a corresponding structure for every paragraph. It is necessary to start the discussions with the opening sentence, express the main idea, and then close the paragraph with a transitive sentence. 
  • Don’t forget about the evidence and clear examples. When analyzing the paper, you need to persuade the reader that you are an expert. To do so, you need to present real data. These could be facts or statistics. You can also refer to the original links or various source materials. This way, the reader will trust your professionalism. 
  • Write a good conclusion. This should be a well-structured conclusion. You need to look through the whole paper and then point out the main ideas described in the paper. 

These are the substantial aspects that you should consider when writing an analytical essay. If you follow them and take them seriously, you will manage the paper easily. 

Let’s Conclude

What should you remember when writing an analytical essay? First of all, you should work on the structure of the paper. It is necessary to let the reader read well-organized writing. Second of all, it is crucial to work with the resources and present only relevant information. This way, you will convince the reader that your point of view is worth reading about. If you want to become a good writer and develop your analytical skills, writing an essay of this kind will help you. 

How To Write A Precis: Easy And Clear Guidance For Students

What is a precis? This is an interesting academic writing task. It is less common than a regular essay or research paper writing. But it is still that important to learn. Precis is a summary of another work. This is a brief explanation to help you understand better what we deal with here. 

Your task is to summarize the main idea of another paper, research the arguments, and tell more about the work’s major insights. Do you panic when you see such an assignment? You shouldn’t panic at all. Your task is to research additional materials and get prepared for the task. It isn’t that difficult. All you need is a clear structure and some time for writing. That’s it. Let’s see what a precis is and how to deal with the assignment. 

Precis Writing: How to Start Working on the Paper

We have already given a brief definition of the task. The main word derives from French. When writing a precis, you should remember the major task. There’s no need to rewrite the paper. Your goal is to summarize the writing. And the finishing touch is to explain the significance of the paper to the readers. 

You need to explain the main aspects of the paper. First of all, it is necessary to tell the audience about the whole paper. There are cases when the audience knows little about the subject. And your task is to explain the essence to the readers. You need to mention the structure and provide the reader with your reaction to the paper. 

When writing a precis, you have to remember that the paper differs from regular essay writing. This is a summary, and your major task is to summarize the information. But rewriting the text isn’t necessary. You can interpret the content and use some quotes, but copying the text is a bad idea. 

You should also remember that a precis has to shed light on the value of the writing. Your task as a writer is to follow the rules of writing and correct formatting. A good structure should consist of a well-organized thesis, methods used in the paper, results, and coherent conclusions. 

A Precis Writing: Basic Requirements to the Paper

Writing a precis is easy. But you need to follow the rules of writing. We are going to point out several crucial things. This list will help you cover the precis writing perfectly.

  • Correctness should be a priority. You need to check the text and see if there are any mistakes. If you notice any misconceptions, you should amend them. It is necessary to insert correct information about the figures, statistics, and other important data. 
  • You should write clearly. You can’t ignore the natural flow of the sentences. Your task is to convey the sense of the writing. But you should also make sure that the final variant sounds good. 
  • Be objective. You can’t be exposed to your emotions and feelings. You need to provide real facts and stay away from your personal opinion. 
  • Be conscious and try to include only relevant information. 

But there are also quite crucial don’ts. These are the following things that you can’t do when writing a precis. 

  • Don’t use the same sentences as the author used in the original. 
  • You should avoid the information that would sound irrelevant. 
  • Your task is to write on behalf of the author. You can’t write a paper in the first person. 
  • Don’t use misleading data. You should always check if the data is correct. 
  • Try to write simply. 

These are the most useful tips that you can get before writing a precis. Now that you know the details let’s move on. The next step is to deal with precise writing. 

How to Manage a Precis Writing: Paper Structure

We have already mentioned that writing a paper should be a consistent process. It is necessary to work on a good structure. Writing a precis, you need to stick to a structure. Let’s look at the basic components of the paper. 


The first thing is the introduction. In the first paragraph, you need to mention the name of the original author and the title of the paper. You should also mention the date, discuss the thesis of the author and provide the reader with a personal thesis. 

In some cases, you may want to include a hook. But lots of authors say they are against such a trick at the beginning of the paper. It isn’t always appropriate to insert a hook at the beginning. A good example would be a combination of all the necessary aspects in a single paragraph. 

Body Section

The next part is to write the body sections. You need to decide on the number of paragraphs before you start writing a paper. The number of paragraphs can vary. It often depends on the ideas you want to discuss. You should take into account the arguments presented in the original work. 

Your major task is to analyze the information. You can’t simply interpret your point of view. You need to provide the reader with sound arguments and discuss them objectively. Do you want to make it more diverse and insert some original quotes? You can easily do it. However, there’s one thing to remember. The use of original quotes should be reduced. You should control them. 


This should be the last part of your writing. Here you need to conclude all the elements discussed in the paper. Your goal is to restate the basic concepts and finish your text properly. 

How to Cope with the Assignment: Necessary Tips

Working on the paper can be interesting. If you enjoy the topic and know the rules of writing, working on the assignment should be a piece of cake for you. But what if you are a beginner? What should you do to successfully manage the task? 

There are several things that you should remember. They may help you manage with the paper. Let’s discuss them in detail:

  • Stay true to the original. It will be easier for you to work on the paper if you know the original piece well. For this reason, you should read the original paper and learn it well. This way, you will better understand the specificity of the work and will be able to render the main ideas properly. 
  • Now we are to specify the basic points. You can’t miss this step. If you want to produce a structured paper, you should do it first. Look through the paper and define the main points. 
  • Look at the evidence provided by the author. You shouldn’t ignore them. They may assist you when writing a paper. 
  • Look through the original piece and see if you deal with new information. If you doubt the definition or have a vague understanding of the concept, you should check it. Your task is to learn everything about the subject of your paper. If anything is unclear for you, it would badly affect your writing. 
  • Then, you need to work on the issues that the author used. 
  • Your main task is to see how the author managed to render the main sense of the work. When you understand it, you can move further with the writing. 
  • Now we get close to the writing part. You need to read a thesis and restate it. It is one of the most crucial parts of writing. Therefore, you need to take time and be ready to work properly on the thesis. 
  • The following steps are to work on each paragraph in the original paper. You need to summarize the content and simply describe it. Don’t be too wordy. It is necessary to include only relevant data. 
  • Now you’re almost done. You need to finish the paper with a nice conclusion. When the writing part is ready, you should read the paper. Look at the original paper, make sure you managed well and finish the paper. 

These are working steps. They help beginners to manage the assignment. The steps are easy. They don’t take much time if you prepare well. It is important to work on the preparation part and then enjoy the writing activity. 

Let’s Conclude

Working on the precis may be interesting. You may enjoy discussing the ideas of another author. To be true, writing a precis has both pros and cons. On the one hand, you don’t need to write a paper from scratch. Your task is to simply summarize the work of another author. But you also need to carefully read the original work and analyze it. It is a time-consuming activity. Be ready to dedicate enough time. 

But you can make it all easier. If you follow a good outline, you will manage the paper at ease. All you need is to read the original work and use our tips. We have gathered all the necessary tips to help you manage the writing. With our pieces of advice, you will smoothly cope with a challenging assignment. Your task is to carefully look at our tips and use them. This way, the task will be such a pleasure for you.