Find Examples And Create Breathtaking Exemplification Essay Right Now

Collision with something unknown is a rather complex phenomenon that can make even the most powerful and confident person feel uncomfortable. Most often, the reason is that each of us thinks ahead of the situation that should happen, which can take on a very peculiar form filled with an abundance of frightening aspects. That’s why a collocation like exemplification essay can evoke a long and tedious process of writing an academic paper. However, you should not trust such assumptions. Just pay attention to our detailed instructions, which take into account all aspects of perfect work.
In fact, writing this kind of essay does not require any incredible skills, while the process of achieving the desired result can be described in three stages, including reading the article, choosing the topic that seems the most interesting, and, of course, writing the paper. Another step might be to preview the exemplification essay examples. So, as you can see, everything is not so difficult. Well, let’s quickly get down to business.
A Little More Information Regarding the Essence of Paper
Actually, solving the above problems requires much less time than it might seem at first glance. The per se exemplification essay has the same elements as an analytical or argumentative paper with the only peculiarity that the proving thesis statement is carried out using examples in this context. If the possible elements in a reasoned or analytical paper may be different facts, statistics, quotes, and other materials, then in exemplification essays, the main and only role belongs to examples.
Against the background of this state of affairs, writing a reasoned essay seems like an easier task in which the proof of one’s point of view is much faster. However, examples still occupy the highest position among the various options for illustrating ideas. In addition to this, creating an exemplification essay aims to develop the introduction of diverse examples of other types of academic papers.
Key Steps to Create Great Work
Writing any academic work requires a pre-prepared plan that will greatly improve the quality of the result. In general, this advice applies to any activity. Very often, students tend to complete the assignment on the last night before the exam. Avoid this and take each of the points below seriously.
Choosing a Suitable Theme
The core of successful paper writing is a good topic. For this reason, try to take it responsibly, paying attention to the presence of such aspects as:
- Relevance;
- Specificity;
- Uniqueness;
- Benefit.
These qualities are factors that can attract readers interested in finding unique and relevant materials. At the same time, you should remember that the chosen theme should not be too narrow or wide, since the first does not provide an opportunity to find suitable examples quickly, while the second one is too general.
Deep Research
Finding information related to your topic is a fundamental element of the entire workflow and can influence future examples’ quality. First of all, let’s discuss the sources to take information from. Forget about Wikipedia and blogs. The latter can be used for superficial acquaintance with the topic, but no more. Much more reliable are scholarly articles, non-fiction, reputable newspapers, educational websites, and similar sources.
Picking Examples
It is necessary to remember that the examples must have not only fascinating but also pertinent color. For instance, a paper that is central to describing a number of qualities that a good leader should have can tell about the life and work of Steve Jobs. This great man is a revolutionary in the world of information technology, which, in addition to activities in this environment, managed to distinguish himself with fantastic oratorical qualities, motivating millions of people. However, in this context, it should not be mentioned that Steve dropped out after listening to just one semester.
Composing an Outline
The presence of this point is somewhat doubtful since each of us has our ideas, in the context of which the creation of a single and comprehensive scheme is apriori impossible. However, we can advise some general aspects, including the logical arrangement of examples, careful thought of thesis statement, smooth development of events, and so on.
Another important aspect is the use of a five-paragraph structure, two of which are for the introductory and concluding sections, while the others make up the main body.
Creating the Main Body
You might be surprised that the exemplification essay process starts with a central part, but we will explain why this is so in the next paragraphs. All pieces of the main body should have elements such as transition, topic sentence, and, of course, examples. Check out the finished shard below.
Main Body Sample
Previously, lobotomy was believed to cure the most terrible diseases, while its creator António Egas Moniz even received the Nobel Prize. (topic sentence) However, soon this operation caused colossal disapproval: many contemporaries of the aforementioned doctor argued that the procedure’s outcome is personality degradation. (transition) Even the sister of President Rosemary Kennedy was subjected to lobotomy, after which she was declared incapacitated and spent most of her life in the hospital. (example)
Working With the Introductory Part
The key components of the starting point for your exemplification essay are: engaging, preparing, and evocation of interest. First of all, you should use a certain trick that can grab readers’ attention from the first seconds. Big news, impressive statistics, and similar techniques can be used to do this. After that, you can proceed to the demonstration of theoretical material regarding the chosen topic. The latter creates a kind of basis that helps the reader better navigate your ideas.
The last element is the thesis statement, which, despite the location, has an equally important role. Its function is to reflect the essay exemplification structure and the relevance of all described examples.
For instance, if your task is to reveal the phenomenon of World War I from various positions, indicate in the thesis statement such spheres as society, economy, and politics. Each of the latter will subsequently be illustrated with a specific event.
Spectacular Completion
Although this part of the text does not have a big impact on the work’s final result, you should not treat its creation too superficially. First of all, the task is to rephrase the thesis statement, giving the audience the opportunity to remember the information presented in the previous paragraphs. After that, go about reformulating each one, allowing readers to focus on the examples. The last important aspect is forming a concluding phrase, the function of which is to neutralize all possible questions.
Don’t Overdo it
Any workflow is not complete without interruption. Rest will help you to refresh thoughts and take a break from tiring intellectual work. Do your favorite activities, which can be walking with friends, reading a book, cooking, and other enjoyable options.
Final Reading and Editing
This part of paper writing is considered the most boring, but at the same time, extremely significant. Read the essay, highlight all the places you are not sure about, and carry out their replacement. After that, you need to read the text again, focusing on grammar and spelling. If you find mistakes, immediately start correcting them. Continue reading the work until all inaccuracies are eliminated.
Reader Reaction
Do not think about the reaction of others to your essay at any stage of the work. Criticism is very important and beneficial. However, it’s very significant to learn how to relate to this phenomenon correctly. Remember that we all have different views on certain things.
A Variety of Topics for Your Exemplification Essay
We emphasized above that the choice of topic is the starting point of any academic paper and, at the same time, has the greatest impact on the result. Now we invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the possible options.
- The influence of the environmental factor on the functional state of a teenager;
- Global environmental changes: ecoinformatics;
- Corruption: causes, influence, and methods of struggle;
- Pros and cons of studying online;
- Legalization of income as a way to fight the shadow economy;
- The influence of gender on the use of discourses;
- Peculiarities of drinking alcohol in adolescents;
- The socio-psychological climate of the team and personality;
- Environmental aspects of the economic security of the region;
- Social fears and their overcoming among believers and atheists;
- Optimism as one of the components of subjective well-being;
- Psychiatric hospitals as an element of the punitive system;
- Music and play in child psychotherapy;
- Does religiosity affect the political consolidation of society?
- Psychology of ethnic differences: problems of mentality, relationships, understanding;
- The relationship between the professional and communicative culture of the individual;
- The psychology of high-risk driving.
International Terrorism As a Special Form of Global Conflict
The globalization of socio-economic relations is a basic condition that reflects the strategic direction of human development and, at the same time, the main contradiction of the 21st century. It is both a powerful accelerator of positive economic changes and the root cause of threatening trends in socio-economic processes, which were transformed into a special form of global conflict – terrorism at the beginning of the third millennium. The peculiarity of the functioning of international terrorism in the modern world is that it is closely connected with other relevant for the 21st century problems (proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, crime, cultural impoverishment, destruction of the foundations of multipolar world order, unresolved internal conflicts, poverty and economic backwardness of individual regions) and is in constant contact with them.
At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, global changes in the world have led to the transformation of terrorism from a method of achieving political goals into a global problem. The recurrence of terrorist acts in the global geoeconomic space raises the issue of defining the concept and impact of terrorist activities on states’ socio-economic development; the mechanisms and methods of counter-terrorism measures need further development and improvement. The development of political contradictions and the deepening of socio-economic asymmetry in the world leave open the question of war and peace. One of the modern forms of war in international relations is terrorism, which is constantly transformed in its internal content, form, nature of manifestations under the direct or indirect influence of various contradictions and conflicts.
The scale is changing, ideology is being more clearly defined, and aggressive information and propaganda influence is intensifying. Therefore, the term ‘terrorism’ has not yet found a universal definition, which, on the one hand, testifies to its multidimensionality, ambiguity, and phenomenal. On the other, it puts obstacles in developing effective anti-terrorist measures in the world.
The precondition for the evolutionary development of terrorism in the world was the stratification of the population on economic, social, and political grounds, as well as ideological demarcation, the formation of political movements, associations of parties that professed different political views and fought for power, but such confrontations usually domestic nature.
Beginning in the 1960s and 1970’s, the internationalization of terrorism began, and it became global. However, the culmination of the development of terrorism in the world was the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. The issue of preventing and combating terrorism is considered at the global level. As a result of these terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, more than 3,000 people were killed, and about 6,000 were injured. But there is still no consensus on the damage done to the US economy. The International Monetary Fund estimates that the losses from these attacks (including the loss of property and the losses of insurance companies) are about $21 billion.
But terrorist acts cause damage and generate impetus for the development of certain sectors of the economy, such as the production of special equipment and weapons, which are used to prevent terrorist attacks and combat terrorists. Thus, it was the threat of terrorist acts that contributed to Israel’s development of unique security technologies that are currently in demand on the world market. The world alone spends up to $ 600 million to check the financial flows of terrorist organizations and their sponsors, and the number of security personnel in the world is growing rapidly.
These examples show that terrorist activity causes mostly short-term fluctuations in the economy. How this will affect the state of the world economy depends on many factors.
So, we’ve provided detailed instructions on how to write an exemplification essay along with choosing and presenting the right examples to help you get the best results. Rather, try all the tips in practice.