8 Proven Tips To Write A Good Analytical Essay

The essay is being actively introduced into the educational process and is becoming an increasingly fashionable learning tool. And it is not a simple coincidence. This small-volume work can tell a lot about the author, evaluate his innovative and creative potential or define analytical capabilities. For students, it is a good way to gain experience in writing works and developing different skills.
While writing this type of essay, the student has to analyze a certain problem and express his point of view, due to the specific phenomenon. For example, the object of your research may be a film or literary work, while the main idea or problem should be emphasized and described separately. Analytical writing involves dividing into several parts and providing various arguments: both taken from the book, film or the work of others, and results from your own analysis. For instance, “Epicurus was an extremely abundant writer, many of whose works exceeded anyone else’s” – can be considered as an analytical thesis.
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1. Decide what your research will be about. Often the topic of analysis essay is set by the teacher. However, in some cases, it can be very wide and require narrowing. Also, there are situations when a student can choose absolutely any topic on his own.
- If the object of your research is a literary or cinematographic work, you can share your point of view based on the behavior and character traits of one or more characters. One of the topics for literary analysis may be: «Discover the motives of Julien Sorel’s actions in Stendhal’s novel “Red and Black”.
- At the time of writing an essay about historical events, try to focus on the key points that influenced the outcome.
- If you are analyzing a scientific problem, express your position, based on the results of other studies, and correctly draw conclusions.
2. Highlight the main idea. After choosing a topic, you need to decide on the main thesis of the essay. It means that you should discover a thought in the subject in detail, and write, starting from this. Somewhere you will agree with it, and somewhere you will say that this contradicts your idea. To accomplish it, you need to understand what is an outline and break down the writing process into stages. To build a system of argumentation, you need to rely on the object of study and build a logical chain of conclusions about it.
During the argumentation, you can not only agree with the topic but also argue with it and bring your arguments. However, in this case, you will have to think more intensively and write more interesting, because it is easier to agree with the topic than to challenge it.
3. Choose the appropriate material for reliance. You can check critical analysis essay example and then prepare the main idea of your essay according to standard analytical essay structure.
Selecting facts for analysis, do not limit yourself to a review of a pair of sites on similar topics. You need reliable data, which must be taken from the source. For example, if you operate on data from research articles by famous scientists or authors, this will give solidity to all your work.
Try to find experts and interview them. This will help you to develop professional skills and better navigate the topic.
If you are writing about a specific work, add facts include the quotation. They should demonstrate that your idea is correct.
4. Define outline. During your writing, observe the analytical essay format:
- The introduction, which describes the topic, summarizes the problems and presents your argument.
- Paragraph 1, in which you state and prove your first argument.
- Paragraph 2, where you state and prove your second argument.
- Paragraph 3, that state and prove your last argument.
- The conclusion, in which you summarize your arguments.
Meanwhile, you can be guided by your own parts of an essay, which is different from the above. However, try to include at least two different points of view in your essay to prove your main argument. Each thought has to be supported by two kinds of arguments and facts.
5. Feel free to seem too smart. One mistake that many students make is that they spend too much time replacing words that seem too clever for them with simpler ones. You are not going to deceive your teacher by inserting a word for 100$ in the first sentence, and all your other arguments are too weak.
Creating a strong argument requires much less effort in terms of formulation and vocabulary, but more in terms of structure and reinforcing your thesis with the basic ideas. You can refer to the works of other authors, considering their critical analysis essays as patterns. However, you can not use copies! The use of plagiarism is dangerous and has implications.
6. Be ready to make changes. Well written work almost never comes immediately. The word “check” literally means “look again”. Many students believe that the check is to correct spelling errors and typos. Of course, it is one part of essay verification. However, it is important to know that not even the most famous writer can write the perfect text on the first try. You still have a lot of work to do. You can try:
- Moving paragraphs to achieve the best composition structure.
- Deleting entire sentences that are repeated or do not fulfill their function.
- Removing any points of view that do not support your argument.
7. Go from general to private. One of the best ways you can improve a draft during a review is to choose ideas that are too general and give them a more specific character. This can be expressed in the addition of evidence, such as quotes or arguments. It can be associated with a rethinking of the point of view and a shift in focus. It also can be connected to the search for completely new points of view and new evidence that support your thesis.
Think of each main point of view as mountains, over which you fly in a helicopter. You can stop over them or fly quickly, pointing out their features from afar and giving a brief overview. At the same time, you can put us down between them and show them at close range. Which option would be better?
8. Correct the work in the last step. One of the best ways to evaluate work and see if it passes the test is to sit down and read it aloud. Does it sound good? Circle everything you need to clarify or change the wording. When you read, go back and make the corrections that you outlined to maximize your project. Do not worry about commas and apostrophes until the project is almost ready for delivery. Leave syntax problems, spelling, and typos for later. You should worry about them only when the most important parts of your essay – thesis, basic ideas, and arguments are already polished.